1,889 research outputs found

    Programa de prácticas de zootecnia de ovinos

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    El discente identificará las diferentes razas ovinas, de acuerdo a su clasificación por tipo, sistema de apareamiento, conformación, función zootécnica y origen geográfico, para su uso en el rebaño nacional Reconocerá las razas más utilizadas en los diferentes sistemas de producción y su importancia. Conocerá e identificará los parámetros productivos de las razas ovinas presentes en México y su importancia en la economía del país

    Energy Costs and Productivity in Chilean Manufacturing Industry

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    This paper evaluates the impact of recent cost shocks (i.e. energy price) on the productivity of Chilean manufacturing plants. Using information for the period 1992-2005, we quantify and analyze whether this effect has been heterogeneous across plants, according to their energy intensity and size. Results show a moderation in productivity since the year 2000 that is common for most of the manufacturing sectors. Moreover, the evidence suggests that this moderation has been larger in more energy-intensive industrial sectors. The econometrical estimations reveal a negative statistical relationship between productivity and energy costs (or the cost of energy): estimated elasticities suggest that a 10% increase in the energy price is associated to a reduction of productivity around 1% in the short-run and 2% in the long run. This effect tends to be larger for larger plants. For plants in the upper 90 percentile of size, the estimated reduction in productivity is larger and corresponds to 1.7% and 4.6%,respectively.

    Estudio de la relación entre la Radiación Ultravioleta-B ambiental y diagnósticos de cáncer de piel entre 1990 y 2010, así como los principales factores de riesgo de exposición actual a dicho agente en agricultores de las zonas altas de Cartago.

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    Proyecto de Graduación (Bachillerato en Ingeniería en Seguridad Laboral e Higiene Ambiental) Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica. Escuela de Seguridad Laboral e Higiene Ambiental, 2014.La radiación ultravioleta (RUV) ha incrementado por los cambios medioambientales de los últimos siglos; sobre todo al fenómeno de cambio climático el cual incluye el proceso de efecto invernadero. La RUV-B es la RUV biológicamente más perjudicial para la piel (cáncer de piel) y ojos (cataratas), produce quemaduras solares y otros efectos biológicos como; envejecimiento prematuro y supresión del sistema inmunológico. En Costa Rica el cáncer de piel es una de las enfermedades que ha ido tomando avance sobre la salud de los costarricenses. El presente estudio pretende describir de forma general la relación entre la RUV-B ambiental y los diagnósticos de cáncer de piel entre 1990 y 2010, así como los principales factores de riesgo de exposición actual a dicho agente en agricultores de las zonas altas de Cartago. Para ello se realizó un estudio descriptivo que incluyó una correlación entre diagnósticos de cáncer de piel y la RUV-B, datos suministrados por instituciones gubernamentales. Se realizaron entrevistas y observaciones de los factores ocupacionales de riesgo por exposición a los rayos del sol en agricultores de Pacayas, Tierra Blanca y Llano Grande. Como principales resultados se demostró que los diagnósticos de cáncer de piel aumentan mientras que la RUV-B presenta comportamientos heterogéneos, además se mostró que no se correlacionan a través de los años; así mismo se encontró que la población agrícola actual se caracteriza por tener noción de los efectos de RUV, más no utilizan mecanismos eficientes para protegerse contra el sol, además, presentan tiempos prolongados de exposición que aumentan el riesgo de desarrollar cáncer de piel. Por lo tanto, el estudio muestra valores de RUV poco constantes (sin tendencia homogénea y constante a crecer o decrecer), y diagnósticos de cáncer de piel mayores en la segunda década; no se encontró correlación positiva entre estas dos variables. Por otra parte, los valores de RUV encontrados son elevados en comparación con estudios similares y que las condiciones actuales de exposición a RUV aumentan el riesgo de desarrollar cáncer de piel por la exposición acumulada a RUV-B y las malas prácticas de protección.Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica. Escuela de Seguridad Laboral e Higiene Ambiental

    El Management como práctica: una aproximación a la naturaleza del trabajo directivo

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    En el presente trabajo se realiza una reflexión sobre la naturaleza del trabajo directivo –management–, a la luz de los tres modos posibles de conocimiento: la teoría, la práctica y la técnica. Puntualmente, se analiza el trabajo de tres autores: Henry Mintzberg, Ikujiro Nonaka y Alasdair MacIntyre, con el fin de mostrar cómo la evolución del estudio teórico de esta disciplina ha ido evidenciando su carácter eminentemente práctico. Mintzberg aporta una excelente introducción al fenómeno, ya que combina muy bien la observación práctica con la reflexión sobre lo que hacen los realmente directivos. Nonaka, por su parte, resalta el dinamismo de la empresa: su capacidad de innovar, de crear y compartir conocimiento. Finalmente, MacIntyre reivindica la perspectiva aristotélica en el estudio de la vida organizacional, con su revitalización de la noción de práctica. Se concluye resaltando que concebir el trabajo directivo como una práctica abre paso a una teoría normativa de la acción y su influencia en las organizaciones.This article reflects on the nature of managerial work, which historically has been approached as a theory, a practice, or a technique. The work of three authors, Henry Mintzberg, Ikujiro Nonaka and Alasdair MacIntyre, is analyzed in order to show how the evolution of this discipline’s theoretical study demonstrates its eminently practical nature. Mintzberg provides an excellent introduction to the phenomenon, perceptively combining practical observation with reflection on what managers actually do. Nonaka, on the other hand, highlights the dynamism of the business firm and its ability to innovate, create and share knowledge. Finally, MacIntyre revives the Aristotelian perspective in the study of organizational life, revitalizing the idea of practice. We conclude by emphasizing that conceiving of managerial work as a practice implies the acceptance of a normative theory of organizations

    Object Tracking from Unstabilized Platforms by Particle Filtering with Embedded Camera Ego Motion

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    Visual tracking with moving cameras is a challenging task. The global motion induced by the moving camera moves the target object outside the expected search area, according to the object dynamics. The typical approach is to use a registration algorithm to compensate the camera motion. However, in situations involving several moving objects, and backgrounds highly affected by the aperture problem, image registration quality may be very low, decreasing dramatically the performance of the tracking. In this work, a novel approach is proposed to successfully tackle the tracking with moving cameras in complex situations, which involve several independent moving objects. The key idea is to compute several hypotheses for the camera motion, instead of estimating deterministically only one. These hypotheses are combined with the object dynamics in a Particle Filter framework to predict the most probable object locations. Then, each hypothetical object location is evaluated by the measurement model using a spatiogram, which is a region descriptor based on color and spatial distributions. Experimental results show that the proposed strategy allows to accurately track an object in complex situations affected by strong ego motion

    Robust automatic target tracking based on a Bayesian ego-motion compensation framework for airborne FLIR imagery

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    Automatic target tracking in airborne FLIR imagery is currently a challenge due to the camera ego-motion. This phenomenon distorts the spatio-temporal correlation of the video sequence, which dramatically reduces the tracking performance. Several works address this problem using ego-motion compensation strategies. They use a deterministic approach to compensate the camera motion assuming a specific model of geometric transformation. However, in real sequences a specific geometric transformation can not accurately describe the camera ego-motion for the whole sequence, and as consequence of this, the performance of the tracking stage can significantly decrease, even completely fail. The optimum transformation for each pair of consecutive frames depends on the relative depth of the elements that compose the scene, and their degree of texturization. In this work, a novel Particle Filter framework is proposed to efficiently manage several hypothesis of geometric transformations: Euclidean, affine, and projective. Each type of transformation is used to compute candidate locations of the object in the current frame. Then, each candidate is evaluated by the measurement model of the Particle Filter using the appearance information. This approach is able to adapt to different camera ego-motion conditions, and thus to satisfactorily perform the tracking. The proposed strategy has been tested on the AMCOM FLIR dataset, showing a high efficiency in the tracking of different types of targets in real working conditions

    Automatic Feature-Based Stabilization of Video with Intentional Motion through a Particle Filter

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    Video sequences acquired by a camera mounted on a hand held device or a mobile platform are affected by unwanted shakes and jitters. In this situation, the performance of video applications, such us motion segmentation and tracking, might dramatically be decreased. Several digital video stabilization approaches have been proposed to overcome this problem. However, they are mainly based on motion estimation techniques that are prone to errors, and thus affecting the stabilization performance. On the other hand, these techniques can only obtain a successfully stabilization if the intentional camera motion is smooth, since they incorrectly filter abrupt changes in the intentional motion. In this paper a novel video stabilization technique that overcomes the aforementioned problems is presented. The motion is estimated by means of a sophisticated feature-based technique that is robust to errors, which could bias the estimation. The unwanted camera motion is filtered, while the intentional motion is successfully preserved thanks to a Particle Filter framework that is able to deal with abrupt changes in the intentional motion. The obtained results confirm the effectiveness of the proposed algorith

    Aerial moving target detection based on motion vector field analysis

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    An efficient automatic detection strategy for aerial moving targets in airborne forward-looking infrared (FLIR) imagery is presented in this paper. Airborne cameras induce a global motion over all objects in the image, that invalidates motion-based segmentation techniques for static cameras. To overcome this drawback, previous works compensate the camera ego-motion. However, this approach is too much dependent on the quality of the ego-motion compensation, tending towards an over-detection. In this work, the proposed strategy estimates a robust motion vector field, free of erroneous vectors. Motion vectors are classified into different independent moving objects, corresponding to background objects and aerial targets. The aerial targets are directly segmented using their associated motion vectors. This detection strategy has a low computational cost, since no compensation process or motion-based technique needs to be applied. Excellent results have been obtained over real FLIR sequences

    Regioselective synthesis of elusive 4,9-Dihydro-1H-Carbazoles by gold-catalyzed cycloisomerization of 3-Allenylmethylindoles

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    A general and efficient synthesis of 4,9-dihydro- 1H-carbazoles from 3-allenylmethylindoles is reported. The process, catalyzed by a cationic gold(I) complex, involves a formal C2−H bond activation of the indole unit by reaction with the allene. The nature of the substituents at the allylic and terminal positions of the allene moiety has a crucial effect on the regioselectivity of the cyclization, which is also influenced by the catalyst and the solvent employed. Moreover, some evidence of the contribution of different reaction routes is provided, which led us to propose a plausible multipathway mechanism consistent with all of the results described.MICINN and FEDER (CTQ2010-15358 and CTQ2009-09949/BQU) for financial support. E.A. thanks MEC for an FPU predoctoral fellowship. P.G.-G. and M.A.F.-R. thank MICINN for "Juan de la Cierva" and "Ramon y Cajal" contractsThis document is the Accepted Manuscript version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in Journal of organic chemistry, copyright © American Chemical Society after peer review and technical editing by the publisher

    Edu-Escape Rooms

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    [EN] Escape Rooms are cooperative games in which players must find clues, solve puzzles, and perform a variety of tasks within a limited time. The goal is usually to escape or leave a room, place, or environment. When the Escape Rooms have a pedagogical purpose, they are usually called Edu-Escape Rooms and can be related to gamification and Game-Based Learning. The potential for student engagement and motivation is one of the main advantages of Edu-Escape Rooms.S