113 research outputs found

    Malone muere, o el cuestionamiento de la existencia

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    La presencia de este trabajo, junto a otras aportaciones de especialistas de sobrada acreditacion se justifica tan solo -además de la benevolencia y amistad de Ios organizadores- por mi profunda admiración hacia la producción beckettiana. Peso si debiera fundarme en algo mAs que en mi estatuto de lector lo haria en un convencimiento que no creo del todo disparatado. Puesto que no es Beckett un "literato" al uso (sino todo lo contrario: yaveremos que hastacierto punto se plantea la destruccidn de la literatura), tal vez no sena improcedente ofrecer una lectura no sujeta a los criterios de aproximaciones literarias o criticas en general al uso ("histerectomias hechas con paluslre", según nos dice, con desgarrado expresionismo, Beckett en "El mundo y el pantalón", Manchas en el silencio, p. 26). Asi, utilizando como no puede ser de otro modo, el texto de Beckett para subrayar problemas que sin duda me preocupan y que espero les preocupen a los lectores, articularé mi reflexión en dos momentos. Y antes de entrar, haciendo trampas, en ese cuestionamiento de la existencia que Mulone muere a mi juicio plantea, entraré en el cuestionamiento de la crítica a que nos obliga la aventura beckettiana

    Nuevos datos de las Sierras de Orihuela y Callosa (Zona Interna Bética, Alicante, SE de España). Implicaciones en la controversia sobre el “Complejo Almágride”

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    In this paper, we present the results of the stratigraphic and structural study of the Orihuela and Callosa Mountains (Alicante province, SE Spain), belonging to the Internal Betic Zone. The terrains cropping out in this area had been assigned by previous authors to the Ballabona-Cucharón Complex, lately redefined as the Almágride Complex. New data afforded in this work lead us to propose a new stratigraphic succesions, structural division, and geodynamic evolution. We also assign both mountains ranges to the lower Alpujarride Complex, confirming that the Almágride Complex is not a singular element of the Betic Cordillera.En este trabajo presentamos los resultados del estudio estratigráfico y estructural de las sierras de Orihuela y Callosa (provincia de Alicante, SE de España), pertenecientes ambas a la Zona Interna Bética. Estas sierras fueron asignadas por autores precedentes al Complejo Ballabona-Cucharón, más tarde redefinido como Almágride. Los datos presentados en este trabajo nos llevan a proponer una nueva serie estratigráfica, división tectónica y evolución geodinámica del sector estudiado. Así mismo, asignamos las unidades reconocidas a la parte inferior del Complejo Alpujárride, confirmando que el Complejo Almágride no debe ser considerado como elemento singular de la Zona Interna Bética.This study was supported by the research projects BTE2003-01113 and CGL2006-08848, and by research groups GR00/222 y GR01-62

    Active faulting in the central Betic Cordillera (Spain): Palaeoseismological constraint of the surface-rupturing history of the Baza Fault (Central Betic Cordillera, Iberian Peninsula)

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    This paper on the Baza Fault provides the first palaeoseismic data from trenches in the central sector of the Betic Cordillera (S Spain), one of the most tectonically active areas of the Iberian Peninsula. With the palaeoseismological data we constructed time-stratigraphic OxCal models that yield probability density functions (PDFs) of individual palaeoseismic event timing. We analysed PDF overlap to quantitatively correlate the walls and site events into a single earthquake chronology. We assembled a surface-rupturing history of the Baza Fault for the last ca. 45,000 years. We postulated six alternative surface rupturing histories including 8–9 fault-wide earthquakes. We calculated fault-wide earthquake recurrence intervals using Monte Carlo. This analysis yielded a 4750–5150 yr recurrence interval. Finally, compared our results with the results from empirical relationships. Our results will provide a basis for future analyses of more of other active normal faults in this region. Moreover, our results will be essential for improving earthquake-probability assessments in Spain, where palaeoseismic data are scarce.This research was founded by the Spanish Ministry of Economics, Industry and Competitiveness (MINECO) research Projects CGL2011-30153-C02-02 and EPILATES (CGL2015-65602-R). Also by the research group VIGROB053 (University of Alicante), the research Project UJA2014/06/17 (Caja Rural de Jaén and University of Jaen) and the research contract 2015CL015 (University of Jaen)

    Geometry and kinematics of the Baza Fault (central Betic Cordillera, South Spain): insights into its seismic potential

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    The geometry and kinematics of active faults have a significant impact on their seismic potential. In this work, a structural characterization of the active Baza Fault (central Betic Cordillera, southern Spain) combining surface and subsurface data is presented. Two sectors are defined based on their surface geometry: a northern sector striking N–S to NNW–SSE with a narrow damage zone and a southern sector striking NW–SE with a wide damage zone. A kinematic analysis shows pure normal fault kinematics along most of the fault. Geometric differences between the northern and southern sectors are caused by i) a heterogeneous basement controlling the fault geometry at depth and in the cover; ii) different orientations of the Baza Fault in the basement with respect to the regional extension direction and iii) interaction with other active faults. We use this structural characterization to analyse the segmentation of the Baza Fault. According to segmentation criteria, the entire Baza Fault should be considered a single fault seismogenic segment. Consequently, the seismic potential of the fault is defined for a complete rupture. Magnitude for the Mmax event is calculated using several scale relationships, obtaining values ranging between Mw 6.6 and Mw 7.1. Recurrence times range between approximately 2,000 and 2,200 years for Mmax events and between 5,300 and 5,400 years for palaeo-events. A geodetic scenario modelled for an Mmax event of Mw 6.7 shows permanent vertical displacements of more than 0.40m and an overall WSW–ENE extension during entire ruptures of the Baza Fault.This work was funded by the research project TASCUB (RTI2018-100737-B-I00) of the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, the research group VIGROB053 (University of Alicante), the research project AICO/2019/040 of the Generalitat Valenciana (Valencia regional government), and the research group RNM-325 of the Junta de Andalucía (Andalucia regional government). Iván Medina Cascales was funded by Ph.D. contract FPU16/00202 of the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities. Research partially funded by the Programa Operativo FEDER Andalucía 2014-2020-call made by the University of Jaén 2018

    3D geometry and architecture of a normal fault zone in poorly lithified sediments: A trench study on a strand of the Baza Fault, central Betic Cordillera, south Spain

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    Successive excavation of 13 trenches of different orientations reveals the complexity of a normal fault zone in Pliocene-Pleistocene unconsolidated sediments on a strand of the Baza Fault, central Betic Cordillera, south Spain. These trenches and the excavation floor are interpreted and integrated to reconstruct the 3D geometry and internal architecture of the fault zone. The structure consists of two main fault strands: an eastern one with a few hundred metres throw and a western one with at least 15 m throw. These strands interact and gradually merge to the south, bounding a main deformation zone narrowing from ∼7 to 1 m along strike. Fault-bounded rock bodies, clay and sand smears, and clay injections define the structure. These features are highly variable in 3D. In the northern part of the outcrop, deformation is localized around the main strands, brittle in the west and more ductile to the east. As the strands and their fault zones increasingly interact, fault throw, rock deformation and maturity of the structure increase. Mechanical stratigraphy also controls the style of deformation. A realistic representation of this 4D picture of fault deformation is critical for modelling fluid flow in shallow to possibly deep, faulted sedimentary reservoirs.This research was founded by research group VIGROB053 (University of Alicante)

    Seismically-induced landslides by a low-magnitude earthquake: The Mw 4.7 Ossa De Montiel event (central Spain)

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    The Ossa de Montiel (2015/02/23, Mw 4.7) earthquake struck the central part of Spain and was felt far from the epicenter (> 300 km). Even though ground shaking was slight (Imax = V, EMS-98 scale), the earthquake triggered many small rock falls, most at distances of 20–30 km from the epicenter, greater than previously recorded in S Spain (16 km) for earthquakes of similar magnitudes. The comparative analysis of available data for this event with records from other quakes of the Betic cordillera (S and SE Spain) seems to indicate a slower pattern of ground-motion attenuation in central Spain. This could explain why slope instabilities occurred at larger distances. Instability was more frequent, and occurred at larger distances, in road cuts than in natural slopes, implying that such slope types are highly susceptible to seismically induced landslides.This work has been funded by Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, research project CGL2011-30153-C02-02, and by the research groups RNM-374 (Junta de Andalucía), TECTAC (UCM-910368) and VIGROB-184 (Universidad de Alicante). Mr. Loffredo acknowledges funding of the Università di Roma — La Sapienza (post-graduate grant) (Concorso A N.480 - Area CUN 04)

    New perspectives on the neolithization at Cueva de Nerja (Málaga-Spain): the pottery from the Vestíbulo Hall

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    This paper presents a collection of ceramic fragments recovered from the Vestíbulo Hall of Nerja Cave. The special features and the radiocarbon dating obtained on a sheep bone suggest the early arrival of groups of Neolithic settlers, whose material culture is hardly comparable to other assemblages of similar chronology. Thus, an alternative Neolithization process via North Africa is considered. Part of this ceramic assemblage has significant affinities with the ones documented for the Andalusian Culture of Caves, so it seems reasonable to link Neolithic groups like this one with the historical process leading to the development of this culture.Se presenta un conjunto de cerámicas recuperadas en la sala del Vestíbulo de la Cueva de Nerja. Sus especiales características y la datación obtenida sobre un hueso de oveja plantean una temprana llegada a la cueva de grupos de colonos neolíticos con una cultura material difícilmente comparable con la de otros conjuntos de similar cronología. Por ello se toma en consideración la posibilidad de una vía de neolitización norteafricana. Parte del conjunto cerámico presenta numerosas afinidades con el documentado en la Cultura de las Cuevas Andaluza, por lo que parece lógico ligar la colección presentada con el proceso histórico que provoca el desarrollo de esta cultura

    La falla de Tíscar: su significado en la terminación sudoeste del arco Prebético

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    10 páginas, 11 figuras, 1 tabla.[EN] The Tíscar fault, located towards the SW end of the Prebetic arc, is an important feature within the Betic External Zone which contributed to the separation of two different geologic domains. This fault affected the Mesozoic and Tertiary cover detached from the Palaeozoic basement and was developed as consequence of the blockage of the thrust sheets of the western border of the arc, because they could not advance farther over the basement situated progressively in a shallower position. Hence, this fault encouraged the continuation of the NW displacements in the western block, formed by Subbetic olistostromic masses and part of the Prebetic situated in the end of the arc. Although the Tíscar fault has been defined by one main line, there are in fact other parallel faults that form a broad fault zone. Its displacement began during the late Miocene and continued till Pliocene, within a near N-S compressive setting with a perpendicular extension.[ES] La falla de Tíscar, localizada en la terminación SO del arco Prebético, es un rasgo importante dentro de la Zona Externa Bética, donde ha contribuido a la separación de dos dominios geológicos diferentes. Esta falla afectó a la cobertera mesozoica y terciaria despegada del basamento paleozoico y se formó como consecuencia de que los cabalgamientos del borde occidental del arco quedaron bloqueados al no poder avanzar más sobre el basamento cada vez menos profundo. Entonces la falla permitió la continuación de los movimientos hacia el NO de su bloque occidental formado por materiales del Subbético, dispuesto en masas olistostrómicas, e incluso parte del propio Prebético del extremo del arco. Aunque la falla de Tíscar se ha definido por su traza principal, existen otras paralelas que en conjunto forman una amplia zona. Sus movimientos iniciados en el Mioceno superior continuaron hasta el Plioceno, en un contexto de compresión N-S y extensión perpendicular.Este estudio se ha financiado a través de los proyectos BTE2001-5230-E, CGL200401636/BTE, CGL2004-03333/ BTE, CGL2005-01520/BTE y BTE2001-5230-E y los grupos de la Junta de Andalucía RNM 163 y 217.Peer reviewe

    La Zona de Falla del Bajo Segura: cabalgamiento activo “ciego” en la Cordillera Bética oriental

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    The Bajo Segura Fault Zone, located at the NE end of the Eastern Betic Shear Zone, has been the site of some of the most intense seismic activity on the Iberian Peninsula in the historical and instrumental time periods. This structure is an active blind fault that does not show any surface rupture. It is characterised by a set of ENE-WSW trending blind thrust faults that offset the Triassic basement and cause active folding of the Upper Miocene-Quaternary sedimentary cover. The main active structures of this fault zone are two ENE-WSW striking reverse blind faults, the Torremendo and the Bajo Segura Faults, and several secondary NW-SE striking dextral faults (San Miguel de Salinas, Torrevieja and Guardamar Faults). These structures continue offshore to the east. From geological, geomorphological and geodetic data, we obtain fault slip rates between 0.2 and 0.4 mm/yr, whereas other authors have proposed higher values ranging between 0.75 and 1 mm/yr. The fault zone can generate earthquakes with maximum estimated magnitudes (Mw) from 6.6 to 7.1 and has approximate recurrence intervals between 4.500 and 21.500 years.La Zona de Falla del Bajo Segura, localizada en el extremo NE de la Zona de Cizalla de la Bética Oriental, es una de las estructuras tectónicas de la Península Ibérica con mayor actividad sísmica asociada durante el periodo histórico e instrumental. Es una zona de falla ciega, sin ruptura en superficie, caracterizada por varios pliegues que deforman las rocas sedimentarias de edad Mioceno Superior a Cuaternario. Su traza principal tiene varios segmentos aproximadamente paralelos entre sí de dirección ENE-WSW entre los que destacan la Falla del Bajo Segura y la Falla de Torremendo. Además, tiene asociadas varias fallas de transferencia dextrorsas de dirección NW-SE (San Miguel de Salinas, Torrevieja y Guardamar). Estas fallas ENE-WSW y NW-SE tienen su continuidad hacia el este, en el Mar Mediterráneo. Algunos marcadores geológicos y geomorfológicos junto con un perfil de nivelación de alta precisión, han permitido obtener tasas de desplazamiento que varían entre 0.2 y 0.4 mm/año, aunque otros autores han propuesto valores más altos de entre 0.75 y 1 mm/año. A partir de estas tasas de desplazamiento y de la cartografía de la zona de falla, se estima que la máxima magnitud Mw varía entre 6.6 y 7.1 con periodos de recurrencia aproximados entre 4.500 y 21.500 años.Financial support for this work was provided by the research projects CGL2011-30153-C02-02, FASEGEO (CGL2009-09726), EVENT (CGL 2006-12861-C02-02) and SHAKE (CGL 2011-30005-C02-02) and Acciones Complementarias EVENT-SHELF (CTM 2008-03346-E/MAR) and SPARKER (CTM 2008-03208-E/MAR)

    Principales fallas activas de las Cuencas de Granada y Guadix-Baza (Cordillera Bética)

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    The Granada and Guadix-Baza Basins, the largest Neogene-Quaternary intramontane basins of the Betic Cordillera (southern Spain), undergo active deformation with an associated moderate level of seismic activity. This deformation is controlled by a NNWSSE compressive regime and an approximate orthogonal tensional regime. The compression produced N70ºE to E-W folds of several scales, the Sierra Nevada antiform being the largest one. The tension is accommodated mainly by NW-SE active normal faults, the most notable being the Baza Fault, in the Guadix-Baza Basin, and the Granada, Sierra Elvira-Dílar and Padul-Dúrcal Faults, in the Granada Basin. In addition, other active faults with different orientations also exist, such as the Alfahuara-Botardo and the Galera faults in the Guadix-Baza Basin, and the Huenes, Obéilar-Pinos Puente and N of Sierra Tejeda Faults in the Granada Basin. Moreover, in several sectors, the presence of orthogonal normal fault sets suggests alternating trends or even radial extension. Slip rates of these active faults, based on geologic markers, vary between 0.06 and 0.5 mm/year. Estimates for the maximum expected magnitude of earthquakes caused by these faults vary between MW 6.0 and 7.0. The N of Sierra Tejeda and the Baza Faults, the largest faults in the Granada and Guadix-Baza Basins, respectively, have the greatest seismic potential. They could cause events up to a magnitude of MW 6.5-7.0, although their reference earthquakes, computed for a return period of 475 years, are on the order of MW 5.0-5.5.Las Cuencas de Granada y Guadix-Baza, las mayores cuencas intramontañosas del Neógeno y Cuaternario de la Cordillera Bética (sur de España), experimentan una deformación activa y tienen asociada una actividad sísmica moderada. La deformación está controlada por una compresión NNO-SSE y una tensión aproximadamente perpendicular. La compresión ha formado pliegues de dirección N70ºE a E-O de muy diferentes tamaños, siendo el antiforme de Sierra Nevada el mayor. La tensión se acomoda sobre todo por fallas normales NO-SE, siendo las más notables de ellas la falla de Baza, en la cuenca de Guadix-Baza, y las de Granada, Sierra Elvira-Dílar y Padul-Dúrcal, en la cuenca de Granada. Además, existen otras fallas activas con diferentes orientaciones, tales como la de Alfahuara-Botardo y la de Galera en la cuenca de Guadix-Baza y las de Huenes, Obéilar-Pinos Puente y norte de Sierra Tejeda en la cuenca de Granada. Además, en varios sectores, la presencia de juegos de fallas ortogonales sugiere cambios en el elipsoide de esfuerzos e incluso una extensión radial. Las tasas de desplazamiento de estas fallas activas, calculadas a partir de marcadores geológicos, varían entre 0,06 y 0,5 mm/año. La estimación del potencial sísmico indica que la máxima magnitud esperable de los terremotos producidos por estas fallas varía entre MW 6,0 y 7,0. La falla del N de Sierra Tejeda y la de Baza, las mayores respectivamente en las Cuencas de Granada y Guadix-Baza, tienen el mayor potencial sísmico. Podrían causar eventos con magnitudes del orden de MW 6,5-7,0, aunque sus terremotos de referencia para un periodo de retorno de 475 años son del orden de MW 5,0-5,5.This work has been financed through projects TOPO-IBERIA CONSOLIDER-INGENIO (CSD2006-00041), CGL2010-21048, CGL-2011-29920, CGL2011-30153-C02-02, P09-RNM-5388 and the Junta de Andalucía groups RNM 370, RNM148 and RNM325