60 research outputs found

    Inflammatory dysregulation of monocytes in pediatric patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder

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    BACKGROUND: Although the exact etiology of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is unknown, there is growing evidence of a role for immune dysregulation in the pathophysiology of the disease, especially in the innate immune system including the microglia. To test this hypothesis, we studied inflammatory markers in monocytes from pediatric patients with OCD and from healthy controls. METHODS: We determined the percentages of total monocytes, CD16+ monocytes, and classical (CD14highCD16-), intermediate (CD14highCD16low), and non-classical (CD14lowCD16high) monocyte subsets in 102 patients with early-onset OCD and in 47 healthy controls. Moreover, proinflammatory cytokine production (GM-CSF, IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8, and TNF-α) was measured by multiplex Luminex analysis in isolated monocyte cultures, in basal conditions, after exposure to lipopolysaccharide (LPS) to stimulate immune response or after exposure to LPS and the immunosuppressant dexamethasone. RESULTS: OCD patients had significantly higher percentages of total monocytes and CD16+ monocytes than healthy controls, mainly due to an increase in the intermediate subset but also in the non-classical monocytes. Monocytes from OCD patients released higher amounts of GM-CSF, IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8, and TNF-α than healthy controls after exposure to LPS. However, there were no significant differences in basal cytokine production or the sensitivity of monocytes to dexamethasone treatment between both groups. Based on monocyte subset distribution and cytokine production after LPS stimulation, patients receiving psychoactive medications seem to have an intermediate inflammatory profile, that is, lower than non-medicated OCD individuals and higher than healthy controls. CONCLUSIONS: These results strongly support the involvement of an enhanced proinflammatory innate immune response in the etiopathogenesis of early-onset OCD

    La imagen y la narrativa como herramientas para el abordaje psicosocial en escenarios de violencia. Cúcuta Norte de Santander

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    Colombia, un país que ha sufrido el flagelo de la guerra donde las cifras de muertes, desapariciones forzadas y desplazamiento han sido el escenario en el que miles de familias han tenido que formarse, reconstruyéndose de las cenizas, haciendo uso de los pocos recursos emocionales que les quedan para continuar en la vida sin perder la esperanza de un día ser vistos, de que la verdad toque a su puerta y que el estado cumpla su papel de proteger los derechos y garantizar la restitución de sus tierras, la reconstrucción de su tejido social. Este escenario ha generado grandes emergentes psicosociales que afectan el bienestar integral, socio-emocional y físico en los individuos que han tenido que vivir los flagelos de la guerra, trayendo consigo intranquilidad y desestabilidad en todos los aspectos, generando una fractura socio-cultural y causando disolución en muchos hogares. Según el CNMH (Centro Nacional de Memoria Histórica), Entre 1998 y 2002 ocurrió el mayor número de estos hechos, con 1.620 masacres. Las masacres se han presentado en el 62 % de los municipios del país y han cobrado la vida de 24.600 personas. La violación de los derechos humanos ha llegado a un punto de no retorno en el que la malicia pasa a ser crueldad en su máxima expresión, donde no cabe la idea de humanidad, la empatía, el amor, el respeto son valores que estos grupos armados no conocen, se visten de poder de soberbia y orgullo olvidando que sus víctimas son tan humanas como ellos, que su dolor debiera ser compartido.Colombia, a country that has suffered the scourge of war where the numbers of deaths, forced disappearances and displacement have been the scenario in which thousands of families have had to form, rebuilding from the ashes, making use of the few emotional resources that they have left to continue in life without losing hope of one day being seen, that the truth knocks on their door and that the state fulfills its role of protecting rights and guaranteeing the restitution of their lands, the reconstruction of their social fabric . This scenario has generated large psychosocial emergents that affect the integral, socio-emotional and physical well-being of individuals who have had to live the scourges of war, bringing restlessness and instability in all aspects, generating a socio-cultural fracture and causing dissolution in many homes. According to the CNMH (National Center for Historical Memory), between 1998 and 2002 the greatest number of these events occurred, with 1,620 massacres. The massacres have occurred in 62% of the country's municipalities and have claimed the lives of 24,600 people. The violation of human rights has reached a point of no return in which malice becomes cruelty in its maximum expression, where the idea of humanity does not fit, empathy, love, respect are values that these armed groups they don't know, they clothe themselves with power of arrogance and pride, forgetting that their victims are as human as they are, that their pain should be shared

    Neolignanos de Krameria ramosissima (A.Gray) S. Watson con actividad contra Porphyromonas gingivalis, evaluación citotóxica y mutagénica

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    Porphyromonas gingivalis, es una de las bacterias asociadas a la enfermedad periodontal, y ha sido relacionada con lesiones coronarias, neumonía y preeclamsia. El propósito de este estudio fue evaluar el extracto metanólico de raíces de Krameria ramosissima contra P. gingivalis (ATCC 53978), determinar su actividad citotóxica en broblastos humanos (ATCC CRL-7222 Hs 274.T) y su potencial mutagénico mediante la prueba de Ames. Las concentraciones a evaluar fueron 500, 400, 300, 200, 150, 100, 75 y 50 μg/mL, siendo la concentración mínima inhibitoria de 300 μg/mL. Mediante cromatografía en columna se obtuvieron 14 fracciones, de las cuales la 7 y la 9 presentaron mayor actividad (P<0.05). Se identicaron por espectrometría de masas dos neolignanos en las fracciones 7 y 9 con pesos moleculares de 314 y 296 respectivamente. El extracto y las fracciones activas evaluadas a la concentración de 300 μg/mL fueron negativas en las pruebas de citotoxicidad y mutagenecidad

    Challenges in the development of psychological interventions and care practice in mental health

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    Aunque hemos avanzado notablemente en el desarrollo de recursos preventivos y especialmente, en la eficacia de los tratamientos psicológicos que intentan paliar los trastornos mentales, estamos aún lejos de la situación óptima. Este trabajo se centra en dos grandes cuestiones que consideramos retos y necesidades fundamentales en este ámbito: (a) la necesidad de mejorar y extender la prevención, la intervención temprana y la promoción de la salud mental y (b) la necesidad de una mayor divulgación de los tratamientos psicológicos eficaces, el desarrollo de nuevas intervenciones y la mayor comprensión de los mecanismos de acción de los tratamientos psicológicos. El objetivo es promover la discusión entre los agentes implicados y reflexionar sobre las líneas de trabajo que creemos prioritariasAlthough we have made significant progress in the development of preventive tools and especially in the efficacy of the psychological treatments, we are still far from an optimal situation. This paper focuses on two major issues which we consider fundamental challenges and urges in this area: (a) the need for improving and spreading prevention, early intervention, and the promotion of mental health and (b) the need for greater dissemination of effective psychological treatments, the development of new interventions and greater understanding of the mechanisms of action of psychological treatments. The aim is to promote discussion among all stakeholders and debate on those lines we think as priorityEste trabajo ha sido financiado por el Ministerio Español de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO), a través de la Red de Excelencia PROMOSAM financiada por el MINECO (PSI2014-56303-REDT

    Prevalence of hyponatraemia in patients over the age of 65 who have an in-hospital fall

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    Background and aim: Hyponatraemia is the most common electrolyte disorder. Some studies have found that it increases morbidity and mortality. There are new lines of research that are investigating the link between hyponatraemia and patient falls. Aim: To determine if hyponatraemia is associated with falls in elderly hospitalised patients. Methods: Design observational, analytical, case-control study. Study population: Patients older than 65 years who had fallen during their hospitalisation at Gregorio Marañón Hospital (Madrid) were considered cases. Patients who did not fall were considered to be controls, paired according to the following variables: hospital ward, age, length of hospital stay, gender and Downton fall risk index. The sample size was 206 subjects. Data collection: Socio-demographic factors, variables included in the falls record sheet, Downton fall risk index and sodium levels were studied (hyponatraemia was considered Na+&lt; 135 mmol/l). Analysis: A descriptive analysis was performed to determine the sample homogeneity. The OR was calculated, and an analytical analysis using Chi-square test and a multivariate logistic regression analysis were also performed. Results: Of 103 cases recruited, 61 were men (50.4%) and 42 were women (49.4%). Hyponatraemia was detected in 29 cases with an association with falls of P: 0.002. The adjusted OR was 3.708 (1.6-8.3), 95% CI. Risk factors for falls were identified as hyponatraemia and limb sensory deficits. Conclusions: Given that hyponatraemia could be considered a risk factor for falls, the inclusion of the determination of sodium level would be important for fall prevention strategies in the elderly.Fundamento y objetivo: La hiponatremia es el trastorno electrolítico más frecuente. Algunos estudios afirman que aumenta la morbimortalidad. Existen nuevas líneas de investigación que buscan la relación entre hiponatremia y caídas. Objetivo: Determinar si la hiponatremia es un factor relacionado con las caídas en ancianos hospitalizados. Método: Disen˜ o observacional analítico de casos y controles. Población de estudio: Se consideraron casos los pacientes mayores de 65 an˜ os que experimentaron una caída durante su ingreso en unidades de hospitalización del Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Maran˜ ón de Madrid. Los controles fueron pacientes que no wxperimentaron caída, pareados según las variables: unidad, edad, periodo de ingreso, género y Downton. El taman˜ o fue de 206 sujetos. Recogida de datos: Se estudiaron factores sociodemográficos, las variables incluidas en la ficha de registro de caídas y escala de Downton, y el sodio sérico. Se consideró hiponatremia Na+ < 135 mmol/l. Análisis: Se realizó un análisis descriptivo para valorar la homogeneidad de la muestra, un análisis analítico utilizando el test chi cuadrado, calculando la OR y un análisis multivariante con regresión logística. Resultados: De 103 casos, 61 eran hombres (50,4%) y 42 mujeres (49,4%). En 29 se detectó hiponatremia; la relación con las caídas fue p: 0,002. La OR ajustada fue de 3,708 (1,6-8,3), IC 95%. Se identificaron como factores de riesgo para las caídas: hiponatremia y déficits sensoriales en extremidade


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    ResumenEl aceite lubricante, componente vital en máquinas rotatorias, al bajar su calidad se ve afectado el ciclo de vida del motor de sobremanera, y al no lubricarse, ese ciclo de vida es nulo. El presente proyecto pretende controlar un problema frecuente en la industria de transporte; la persistente contaminación del aceite. Para el adecuado mantenimiento, ahorro de energía y capital, se deben conocer las impurezas ligadas al aceite. Adicionalmente, el conocimiento del estado del lubricante y su futuro repuesto es importante para la prevención de fallas. Este trabajo exhibe los resultados del desarrollo de un sensor capacitivo para identificar las impurezas en aceite lubricante usado en motores diésel, presentando el comportamiento eléctrico del sensor expuesto al aceite y de los agentes externos tales como agua y glicol. Los experimentos consideran la temperatura y el volumen de impurezas en un aceite en estado puro y bajo contaminantes.Palabras Claves: Capacitivo, lubricante, sensor.METHODOLOGY FOR THE CORRECTION OF GEOMETRIC DISTORTION AND 3D RECONSTRUCTION OF AN OBJECT THROUGH WAVELET 1D PROFILOMETRYAbstractA vital component of rotary machines is the lubricating oil which quality significantly impacts on their life cycle. The present project aims to control a frequent problem in the transport industry; the persistent contamination of the oil and the lack of impurities detection on the motor lubricants. For proper maintenance, energy and capital savings, the impurities linked to the oil must be known. In addition, the status of the lubricant and its future replacement is important for failure prevention. This work presents the results of the development of a capacitive sensor to identify impurities in lubricating oil used in diesel engines, presenting the electric behavior of the sensor exposed to oil and external agents such as water and glycol. The experiments consider the temperature and the volume of impurities on both pure and contaminated oils.Keywords: Capacitive, lubricant, sensor

    Stabilization of LKB1 and Akt by neddylation regulates energy metabolism in liver cancer

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    The current view of cancer progression highlights that cancer cells must undergo through a post-translational regulation and metabolic reprogramming to progress in an unfriendly environment. In here, the importance of neddylation modification in liver cancer was investigated. We found that hepatic neddylation was specifically enriched in liver cancer patients with bad prognosis. In addition, the treatment with the neddylation inhibitor MLN4924 in Phb1-KO mice, an animal model of hepatocellular carcinoma showing elevated neddylation, reverted the malignant phenotype. Tumor cell death in vivo translating into liver tumor regression was associated with augmented phosphatidylcholine synthesis by the PEMT pathway, known as a liver-specific tumor suppressor, and restored mitochondrial function and TCA cycle flux. Otherwise, in protumoral hepatocytes, neddylation inhibition resulted in metabolic reprogramming rendering a decrease in oxidative phosphorylation and concomitant tumor cell apoptosis. Moreover, Akt and LKB1, hallmarks of proliferative metabolism, were altered in liver cancer being new targets of neddylation. Importantly, we show that neddylation-induced metabolic reprogramming and apoptosis were dependent on LKB1 and Akt stabilization. Overall, our results implicate neddylation/signaling/metabolism, partly mediated by LKB1 and Akt, in the development of liver cancer, paving the way for novel therapeutic approaches targeting neddylation in hepatocellular carcinoma

    Stabilization of LKB1 and Akt by neddylation regulates energy metabolism in liver cancer

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    The current view of cancer progression highlights that cancer cells must undergo through a post-translational regulation and metabolic reprogramming to progress in an unfriendly environment. In here, the importance of neddylation modification in liver cancer was investigated. We found that hepatic neddylation was specifically enriched in liver cancer patients with bad prognosis. In addition, the treatment with the neddylation inhibitor MLN4924 in Phb1-KO mice, an animal model of hepatocellular carcinoma showing elevated neddylation, reverted the malignant phenotype. Tumor cell death in vivo translating into liver tumor regression was associated with augmented phosphatidylcholine synthesis by the PEMT pathway, known as a liver-specific tumor suppressor, and restored mitochondrial function and TCA cycle flux. Otherwise, in protumoral hepatocytes, neddylation inhibition resulted in metabolic reprogramming rendering a decrease in oxidative phosphorylation and concomitant tumor cell apoptosis. Moreover, Akt and LKB1, hallmarks of proliferative metabolism, were altered in liver cancer being new targets of neddylation. Importantly, we show that neddylation-induced metabolic reprogramming and apoptosis were dependent on LKB1 and Akt stabilization. Overall, our results implicate neddylation/signaling/metabolism, partly mediated by LKB1 and Akt, in the development of liver cancer, paving the way for novel therapeutic approaches targeting neddylation in hepatocellular carcinoma