605 research outputs found

    Propuestas de normas para la creación de una figura de inspección para la aplicación de medidas de igualdad en una empresa

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    La Ley Orgánica 3 /2007 para la igualdad efectiva entre hombres y mujeres, hace referencia a una Ley formalmente real, pero inexistente en la práctica. A través de esta iniciativa se propone la creación de una Ley Ordenadora de la Inspección de Igualdad en las empresas creando para ello la figura de un inspector de igualdad, como un servicio público destinado a garantizar el cumplimiento de la igualdad en el ámbito laboral. A esta novedosa figura le corresponderá ejercer la vigilancia del cumplimiento de las normas en materia de igualdad y exigir las responsabilidades pertinentes, así como el asesoramiento y, en su caso, arbitraje, mediación y conciliación en dichas materias, que ha de efectuar de conformidad con los principios del Estado social y democrático de Derecho que consagra la Constitución Española. El único fin perseguido a través de esta propuesta es alcanzar el verdadero objeto de la mencionada Ley, esto es, hacer efectivo el derecho de igualdad de trato y de oportunidades entre mujeres y hombres

    Intrathecal secretion of immunoglobulin G in cerebrospinal fluid of patients with neurological pathologies: implication of the IgG band pattern in the development of various diseases of neurological origin

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    Demyelinating inflammatory diseases are a heterogeneous group of pathologies which are associated with an acute or chronic inflammatory process in the central nervous system. Multiple sclerosis is the most common of this group of diseases and is diagnosed by clinical symptoms as well as by a positive result in the analysis of oligoclonal bands of Immunoglobulin G derived from an abnormal intrathecal secretion of IgG in the CSF. As part of its healthcare function, the Biobank carries out this paraclinical test for the diagnosis of MS in patients suspected of having this disease. The analysis is carried out on the CSF and serum of the patients. The immunological study involves the quantification of the proteins from the CSF and the serum and the qualitative analysis by isoelectric focusing and immunodetection. There are 5 basic patterns of oligoclonal bands: two positive, two negative (polyclonal and mirror pattern) and one characteristic of patients with monoclonal gammopathy. The positive patterns are directly associated with known pathologies, and the negative polyclonal pattern with the absence of MS. However, the mirror pattern (identical bands in CSF and serum as a mirror image), which is relatively frequent, is not associated with any specific pathology, although it is describing some kind of process with a systemic origin in the CNS. This is what has motivated us to carry out a more precise study on this type of pattern. We are studying a population of 462 anonymized patients. Their data is collected in an ad hoc database for the study. An extensive statistical analysis is being carried out and includes variables such as the Immunoglobulin G, M and A index, sex, age, as well as the diagnose that patients present at the time they visit the doctor, in order to link both biochemical data and demographic data as well as the diagnosis with the mirror pattern, which allows us to associate specific pathologies with this type of oligoclonal band pattern. Our objective is to associate the mirror pattern bands with one or more specific pathologies of neurological origin in order to use these results as discriminant diagnosis disease. The impact of the results of this study in the daily clinic healthcare is very important because it can provide data that support a more accurate diagnosis in those patients with non-determining clinical presentations that are difficult to diagnose only with the symptoms they have

    Biotinylated Cell-penetrating Peptides to Study Intracellular Protein-protein Interactions

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    [EN] Here we present a protocol to study intracellular protein-protein interactions that is based on the widely used biotin-avidin pull-down system. The modification presented includes the combination of this technique with cell-penetrating sequences. We propose to design cell-penetrating baits that can be incubated with living cells instead of cell lysates and therefore the interactions found will reflect those that occur within the intracellular context. Connexin43 (Cx43), a protein that forms gap junction channels and hemichannels is down-regulated in high-grade gliomas. The Cx43 region comprising amino acids 266-283 is responsible for the inhibition of the oncogenic activity of c-Src in glioma cells. Here we use TAT as the cell-penetrating sequence, biotin as the pull-down tag and the region of Cx43 comprised between amino acids 266-283 as the target to find intracellular interactions in the hard-to-transfect human glioma stem cells. One of the limitations of the proposed method is that the molecule used as bait could fail to fold properly and, consequently, the interactions found could not be associated with the effect. However, this method can be especially interesting for the interactions involved in signal transduction pathways because they are usually carried out by intrinsically disordered regions and, therefore, they do not require an ordered folding. In addition, one of the advantages of the proposed method is that the relevance of each residue on the interaction can be easily studied. This is a modular system; therefore, other cell-penetrating sequences, other tags, and other intracellular targets can be employed. Finally, the scope of this protocol is far beyond protein-protein interaction because this system can be applied to other bioactive cargoes such as RNA sequences, nanoparticles, viruses or any molecule that can be transduced with cell-penetrating sequences and fused to pull-down tags to study their intracellular mechanism of action

    Improving motor skills and psychosocial behaviors in children with autism spectrum disorder through an adapted judo program

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    [Abstract] Introduction: This study aimed to investigate the long-term effects of an adapted judo program on the motor skills and psychosocial abilities of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Methods: All participants had been diagnosed with ASD and were assessed twice, one time at the start of the intervention and again 6 months later, with the Test of Gross Motor Development (TGMD-3) and the Gilliam Autism Rating Scale-Third Edition (GARS-3). A one-way repeated measures MANOVA was carried out in order to evaluate these assessments, and a mediation analysis was done to determine the relationship between them. Results: The experimental group significantly improved (p < 0.05) from the pre-test to the post-test for several subtests of the TGMD-3 and the GARS-3. Conclusion: The study shows that participation in an adapted judo program clearly helps to improve the motor skills and psychosocial behaviors of children with ASD


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    Esta investigación analiza la habitabilidad de las viviendas en dos zonas metropolitanas de la megalópolis de México, la zona metropolitana de Pachuca y Toluca, entendida esta como el espacio geográfico que cubre la necesidad humana de residencia, con accesibilidad a servicios públicos (agua potable, energía eléctrica, drenaje, saneamiento), materiales de construcciones durables y acordes al lugar geográfico y los bienes con los que cuentan las viviendas. Se parte de un diagnóstico con datos de las viviendas referidos a servicios públicos, materiales de construcción, bienes en la vivienda, así como la legalidad y el entorno donde están ubicadas, que registran los Censos de Población y Vivienda de (INEGI), se evalúa la habitabilidad de las viviendas por medio del método de análisis jerárquico de Thomas Saaty2. Partiendo del marco de habitabilidad, se investiga el conjunto de fuerzas motrices que se refiere a la urbanización de estas dos zonas metropolitanas Pachuca y Toluca dada con el crecimiento urbano y que está estrechamente ligado con el crecimiento de la población

    The Dietary Intervention of Transgenic Low-Gliadin Wheat Bread in Patients with Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity (NCGS) Showed No Differences with Gluten Free Diet (GFD) but Provides Better Gut Microbiota Profile

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    The study evaluated the symptoms, acceptance, and digestibility of bread made from transgenic low-gliadin wheat, in comparison with gluten free bread, in Non-coeliac gluten sensitivity (NCGS) patients, considering clinical/sensory parameters and gut microbiota composition. This study was performed in two phases of seven days each, comprising a basal phase with gluten free bread and an E82 phase with low-gliadin bread. Gastrointestinal clinical symptoms were evaluated using the Gastrointestinal Symptom Rating Scale (GSRS) questionnaire, and stool samples were collected for gluten immunogenic peptides (GIP) determination and the extraction of gut microbial DNA. For the basal and E82 phases, seven and five patients, respectively, showed undetectable GIPs content. The bacterial 16S rRNA gene V1-V2 hypervariable regions were sequenced using the Illumina MiSeq platform and downstream analysis was done using a Quantitative Insights into Microbial Ecology (QIIME) pipeline. No significant differences in the GSRS questionnaires were observed between the two phases. However, we observed a significantly lower abundance of some gut genera Oscillospira, Dorea, Blautia, Bacteroides, Coprococcus, and Collinsella, and a significantly higher abundance of Roseburia and Faecalibacterium genera during the E82 phase compared with the basal phase. The consumption of low-gliadin bread E82 by NCGS subjects induced potentially positive changes in the gut microbiota composition, increasing the butyrate-producing bacteria and favoring a microbial profile that is suggested to have a key role in the maintenance or improvement of gut permeability.España, MINECO Projects AGL2013-48946-C3-1-R, AGL2013-48946-C and AGL2016-80566-

    Estudio comparativo de las líneas estratégicas para el acceso y promoción de las mujeres en los planes de igualdad en España

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    Con la incorporación de la estrategia del mainstreaming tras la celebración de la Conferencia de Pekín en 1995, se aborda por primera vez desde el ámbito internacional la necesidad de actuar sobre los factores estructurantes básicos de las relaciones de género, generando un efecto transformador en ellas mediante las políticas públicas de igualdad. Entre los criterios fundamentales de la estrategia de mainstreaming, se encuentra el de evaluar las implicaciones que pueda tener cualquier acción sobre las relaciones de género. En este sentido, vemos la necesidad de analizar las líneas estratégicas de los planes de Igualdad de las distintas Comunidades españolas con el objetivo, en un futuro, de elaborar instrumentos de seguimiento y de evaluación de impacto de género. En este estudio, nuestro objetivo es analizar mediante la categorización de las medidas llevadas a cabo en el estado español y, con ello, visibilizar los efectos que tienen sobre los roles de género las acciones dirigidas a la promoción y acceso de las mujeres a los puestos de decisión política de los Planes de Igualdad de las Comunidades Autónomas (planes estratégicos y techos de cristal). Las fuentes utilizadas han sido los Planes de Igualdad de las diecisiete Comunidades Autónomas españolas. Se han establecido categorías en base a las medidas que se derivan del Eje de Participación Social y Política del Plan Estratégico de Igualdad de Oportunidades 2008-2011

    Salud sexual de las personas con discapacidad física: educación sexual

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    People with disabilities are often excluded from the social construct of functionality and sexual satisfaction, due to the existence of certain negative sexual stereotypes that usually have more serious psychosocial effects than the disability itself. Knowledge is necessary so that the professional, parental and/or social environment does not trivialize or ignore their sexuality.General aim: To provide information on sexual education for people with physical disabilities in Catalonia.Study design: Exploratory, descriptive and cross-sectional study.Sample: 135 surveys from subjects aged over 18 years with physical disability Instrumentation: Sexual Health Survey for People with Physical Disability ESSPDF / 2016.Outcomes: The preliminary results of the sexual education section are presented. 43% of the sample rated the degree of usefulness of the sexual information received as “Very useful/useful” and 9.6% had not received any information. 63% valued the information they had as “Very good/good”.There are significant differences in relation to gender on who would have chosen to receive sexual information (p=0.034), interest to obtain more information on topics such as “receiving information about prostitution” (p=0.01), “love and relationships” (p smaller than 0.001) and the sex of the person they would like to receiveadvise (p=0.014). They showed the greatest interest in topics such as “Ways to get and receive pleasure” and “problems in sexual relationships”.Conclusions: People with physical disabilities still have deficiencies in relation to sexual information. This situation requires the revision of the existing training and intervention programs, aswell as checking the accessibility of the services. It is necessary to work from all existing sex education areas, beyond the health field, such as family, school and society. Sex education should be opened to behavioral and sentimental aspects, thus improving the sexual health intervention of people with physical disabilities.Las personas con discapacidad a menudo quedan excluidas del constructo social de funcionalidad y satisfacción sexual, debido a la existencia de ciertos estereotipos sexuales negativos que suelen tener efectos psicosociales más graves que la propia discapacidad. Son necesarios determinados conocimientos para que el entorno profesional, parental y/o social no trivialice o ignore su sexualidad.Objetivo general: Aportar información en relación a la educación sexual de las personas condiscapacidad física en Cataluña.Diseño: Estudio exploratorio, descriptivo y transversal.Muestra: 135 encuestas de sujetos mayores de 18 años con discapacidad físicaInstrumentación: Encuesta de Salud Sexual para Personas con Discapacidad Física ESSPDF/2016.Resultados: Se presentan los resultados preliminares del apartado de educación sexual. El 43% de la muestra valoran el grado de utilidad de la información sexual recibida como “Muy útil/útil” y el 9,6% no había recibido ninguna información. El 63% consideran como “Muy buena/buena” la información que ahora disponen. Existen diferencias significativas en relación al sexo sobre quién habrían elegido para recibir información sexual (p=0.034), interés para obtener más información en temas como recibir información sobre “prostitución” (p=0.01), “amor y relaciones sentimentales” (p menor que 0.001) y el las mujeres preferían ser asesoradas por una mujer (p=0.014). El mayor interés se mostró en temas como “Maneras de obtener y recibir placer” y “problemas en las relaciones sexuales”.Conclusiones: Las personas con discapacidad física todavía tienen carencias en relación a la información sexual; esta situación requiere la revisión de los programas de formación e interven ción existentes, así como comprobar la accesibilidad a los servicios. Es necesario trabajar desde todos los entornos educadores sexuales existentes, más allá del ámbito sanitario, como es la familia, la escuela y la sociedad. Se debe abrir la educación sexual a aspectos conductuales y sentimentales, mejorando así la intervención en salud sexual de las personas con discapacidad físic

    Continuity between Neuroticism and its maladaptive variant: a correlational study

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    La última versión del DSM-5 (American Psychiatric Association [APA], 2013) ha generado un importante debate en el campo de los trastornos de personalidad al proponer un modelo dimensional que se aleja de la perspectiva categorial de las ediciones previas. Este nuevo modelo, planteado conforme el Modelo de los Cinco Factores (Five Factor Model - FFM), asume que para cada dominio de la personalidad normal es posible reconocer un polo desadaptativo (Widiger, Gore, Crego, Rojas, y Oltmanns, 2016; Widiger y Mullins-Sweatt, 2009). Gran parte de los esfuerzos actuales se centran en aportar evidencias empíricas sobre la continuidad entre los rasgos de personalidad normal y desadaptativa estudiando la relación de los diferentes instrumentos normativos desarrollados para la medición de estos constructos (e.g. Griffin y Samuel, 2014; Quilty, Ayearst, Chmielewski, Pollock y Bagby, 2013; Wright y Simms, 2014; Balsis, Ruchensky y Busch, 2017). En particular ha despertado interés el espectro del dominio Neuroticismo por su utilidad en el ámbito clínico-epidemiológico al asociarse con múltiples problemas de salud y trastornos mentales (Widiger y Oltmanns, 2017). Desde la perspectiva normal, el Neuroticismo se caracteriza por la tendencia a sentir emociones negativas tales como preocupaciones, enojo, sentimientos de inseguridad, insatisfacción consigo mismo y/o con el contexto, lo cual genera conflictos en sus vínculos interpersonales (McCrae y Costa, 2010). Su variante desadaptativa, la Afectividad Negativa, se define como la vivencia de experiencias frecuentes e intensas de una amplia gama de emociones negativas. También incluye conductas de autolesión y vínculos interpersonales con marcada dependencia (APA, 2013). En este trabajo se propone como objetivo obtener evidencias empíricas locales de la continuidad existente entre las dimensiones del Neuroticismo del FFM y su variante desadaptativa la Afectividad Negativa. Se han empleado diversas estrategias metodológicas para verificar este supuesto de continuidad, como análisis factoriales (Wright y Simms, 2014) y la Teoría de Respuesta al Ítem (Balsis, Ruchensky, y Busch, 2017). Dado el carácter preliminar de este estudio aquí se plantea analizar las correlaciones entre las escalas, estrategia que ha sido seguida por numerosos autores (e.g. Griffin y Samuel, 2014; Quilty et al. 2013).The latest version of the DSM-5 (American Psychiatric Association [APA], 2013) has produced remarkable debate in the field of personality disorders by offering a dimensional model that diverge from the categorical perspective of previous editions. This new model, based on the Five Factor Model (FFM), assumes that it is posible to recognize a maladaptive pole for each domain of the normal personality (Widiger, Gore, Crego, Rojas, & Oltmanns, 2016; Widiger & Mullins-Sweatt, 2009). Much of the current effort focuses on providing empirical evidence of the continuity between normal and maladaptive personality traits by studying the relationship of the different normative instruments developed to measure these constructs (e.g. Griffin & Samuel, 2014; Quilty, Ayearst, Chmielewski, Pollock & Bagby, 2013; Wright & Simms, 2014; Balsis, Ruchensky & Busch, 2017). Specifically, the spectrum of the Neuroticism domain has aroused interest due to its usefulness in the clinical-epidemiological field when associated with multiple health problems and mental disorders (Widiger & Oltmanns, 2017). From the normal perspective, Neuroticism is characterized by the tendency to feel negative emotions such as worries, anger, feelings of insecurity, dissatisfaction with oneself and/or with the context, which generates conflicts in their interpersonal ties (McCrae & Costa, 2010). Its maladaptive variant, Negative Affectivity, is defined as the experience of frequent and intense experiences of a wide range of negative emotions. It also includes behaviors of self-injury and interpersonal bonds with marked dependence (APA, 2013). In this work it is proposed as objective to obtain local empirical evidences of the existing continuity between the dimensions of the Neuroticism of the FFM and its un-adaptive variant the Negative Affectivity. Several methodological strategies have been used to verify this assumption of continuity, such as factorial analyses (Wright & Simms, 2014) and the Item Response Theory (Balsis, Ruchensky, & Busch, 2017). Given the preliminary nature of this study, and following the strategies implemented by numerous authors, it is proposed here to analyses the correlations between the scales (e.g. Griffin & Samuel, 2014; Quilty et al. 2013).Facultad de Psicologí

    Nutritional Chemical Analysis of Taro (Colocasia esculenta Schott) Accessions from the State of Tabasco, Mexico

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    a) Objective: Determine the main nutritional properties and content of bioactive compounds of five varieties of Malanga, cultivated in the municipalities of Huimanguillo and Cunduacan, Tabasco. b) Methodology: The varieties evaluated were called: Campechana, Chiapaneca, Tabasqueña, Dulce (P1 and P2), the proximal chemical composition, non-nutritional compounds and the antioxidant activity were determined. The data obtained were analyzed by an analysis of variance and the Tukey test was applied. c) Results: These varieties presented a protein content from 1.13-3.95; lipids 0.64-2.94; ash 1.58-7.32; moisture 2.28-5.34 (%). In all cases, the starch content stood out with values of 62.7-74.7%. This compound is important in the food industry, because it has functional properties that make it viable for use in various food systems or other applications. Among the non-nutritional compounds, phytates were identified with concentrations between 0.235-0.40 g eq. sodium phytate / 100 g sample, total phenols 0.54-5.76 g eq gallic acid / 100 g sample; condensed phenols 1.20-1.51 mg catechin /100 g sample; saponins 0.37-1.02 mg eq. Diosgenin / 100 g sample; and trypsin inhibitors 0.00-0.70 UIT / 100 g sample. Finally, it was determined that the antioxidant activity presented values between 0.29-0.57 g eq. of trolox / g of flour. d) Limitations: Limitations were not presented in this work. e) Conclusions: The varieties evaluated presented non-nutritional compounds in low concentration, and adequate antioxidant activity, so the Malanga varieties from the state of Tabasco can be considered sources of starch and compounds with antioxidant activity.Objective: To determine the main nutritional properties and content of bioactive compounds of five varieties of taro, grown in the municipalities of Huimanguillo and Cunduacán, Tabasco. Methodology: The Campechana, Chiapaneca, Tabasqueña, Dulce (P1 and P2) varieties were evaluated to determine their proximal chemical composition, non-nutritional compounds, and antioxidant activity. An analysis of variance and the Tukey test were applied to the data obtained. Results: These varieties had a protein, lipid, ash, and moisture content of 1.13-3.95, 0.64-2.94, 1.58-7.32, and 2.28-5.34 %, respectively. In all cases, the starch content stood out with 62.7-74.7% values. This compound is important in the food industry because its functional properties enable its use in various food systems or other applications. Among the non-nutritional compounds, the following concentrations were identified: phytates (0.235-0.40 Eq/g sodium phytate / 100 g sample); total phenols (0.54-5.76 Eq/g gallic acid / 100 g sample); condensed phenols (1.20-1.51 Eq/mg catechin / 100 g sample); saponins (0.37-1.02 Eq/mg Diosgenin / 100 g sample); and trypsin inhibitors (0.00-0.70 UIT / 100 g sample). Finally, the antioxidant activity had 0.29-0.57 Eq/mg of trolox / g of flour values. Limitations: This work had no limitations. Conclusions: The varieties evaluated presented low concentration of non-nutritional compounds and adequate antioxidant activity; therefore, the taro varieties from the State of Tabasco can be considered sources of starch and compounds with antioxidant activity