170 research outputs found

    La ejecución de las medidas no privativas de libertad

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    Este trabajo pretende abordar el procedimiento de ejecución de las sanciones aplicadas a menores, haciendo especial referencia a las no privativas de libertad. La ejecución de cualquier sanción se inicia con una etapa preliminar en la que, tras la recepción del asunto, se abre un expediente al menor y se designa el centro y/o el técnico responsable de la ejecución de la medida. A continuación se procede a la elaboración de un programa individualizado de ejecución y, por regla general, una vez aprobado por el juez de menores, comienza la ejecución. Una vez que el menor está cumpliendo la sanción, se le debe hacer un seguimiento. Finalmente, tras el cumplimiento de la medida, se archiva el asunto y se cierra el expedient

    Minors: repeat offenders and non-repeat offenders in the juvenile justice system in Andalusia

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    En los últimos años han visto la luz varios informes sobre la reincidencia juvenil en el ámbito de distintas comunidades autónomas. Dentro del marco de un proyecto más amplio sobre seguridad ciudadana, se diseñó una investigación con la pretensión de abordar las variables legales y/o sociales que distinguen a los reincidentes de los no reincidentes en Andalucía. Con este trabajo, partiendo del marco legal constituido por la Ley Orgánica 5/2000, de 12 de enero, y sus sucesivas reformas, presentamos la reiteración delictiva de los menores obtenida a partir de una muestra de expedientes judiciales del sistema de justicia penal juvenil, así como una descripción panorámica de las variables personales, sociales y legales que nos permiten diferenciar con un análisis bivariable y de forma estadísticamente significativa, al grupo de menores reincidentes del de los no reincidentes en los tres juzgados andaluces analizados.During the last few years many reports about juvenile repeat offenders have come to light in different Autonomous Communities. Within the framework of a larger project that deals with public security, this research project was designed in order to research the legal and/or social variables that distinguish repeat offenders from non repeat offenders in Andalusia. In this work, which takes into account the legal framework provided by the Organic Law 5/2000 from 12 January and its subsequent amendments, we present the repetition of criminal behavior of minors based on a sample of court files from the juvenile criminal justice system. Moreover, a panoramic description of the personal, social and legal variables are presented that enable us to distinguish, using bivariate analysis and in a statistically significant manner, the repeat offender group of minors from the non repeat offenders in the three Andalusian courts used in this study.Programa Nacional de Investigación Científica, Desarrollo e Innovación Tecnológica de la Secretaría de Estado de Universidades e Investigación del Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (SEJ2006-07242/JURI)

    Recensiones de libros

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    RESEÑA de : Eser, Albin, Hassemer, Winfried, Burkhardt, Björn. Die Deutsche strafrechtswissenschaft Vor der jahrtausendwende : rückbesinnung und Ausblick. Munich : C.H.Beck, 2000.RESEÑA de : Gómez Rivero, María del Carmen. La responsabilidad penal del médico. Valencia : Tirant lo Blanch, 2003.RESEÑA de : Melendo Pardos, Mariano. El concepto material de culpabilidad y el principio de inexigibilidad

    Análise empírica do Modelo de Eleição Sequencial em humanos

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    The outcomes reported comparing the behavior of human and non-human animals in choice procedures are sometimes contradictory. Two different hypotheses have been stated: (i) that natural selection has favored different choice processes, or (ii) we cannot compare the performance of human and non-human animals in experimental protocols due to the differing particularitiesof the protocols used in each case. In humans, there is a clear correlation between the number of alternatives that compose the context of choice and the latency of response. Higher latencies are observed as the number of alternatives increases. This evidence has supported the hypothesis that organisms compare alternatives before making choices. Nevertheless, recent results using Sturnus vulgaris as subjects have reported different results. The Sequential Choice Model (SCM) has been  proposed to account for these data. This model does not assume a process of comparison. Even more importantly, it allows for moment-to-moment predictions in situations of choice. We developed an experimental protocol to be used with humans that reproduces the properties of situations of choice usually considered with non-human animals. The results partially support the predictions of the Sequential Choice Model, but it is not possible to discard a comparison mechanism in situations of choice faced by humans.Keywords: Choice, sequential choice model, latency,valuation, comparison process.Los resultados encontrados en situaciones de elección entre animales humanos y no humanos son en algunos casos contradictorios. Se han propuesto dos posibles explicaciones: (1) los procesos de elección son diferentes en animales humanos y no humanos o (2) los procedimientos utilizados para el estudio de la elección en unos y otros no son comparables. Particularmente, en humanos se observan mayores tiempos de respuesta a medida que se incrementa el número de alternativas que constituyen el contexto de elección. Esto ha sido interpretado como evidencia a favor de un proceso de comparación entre las alternativas presentadas. Sin embargo, estudios recientes con estorninos han encontrado resultados opuestos. Para dar razón de estos resultados se ha propuesto el Modelo de Elección Secuencial, que no asume la existencia de un proceso de comparación y permite realizar predicciones concretas en situaciones de elección momento a momento. Se diseñó una tarea equivalente a las empleadas con animales no humanos para su presentación en humanos. Los resultados apoyaron parcialmente las predicciones del Modelo de Elección Secuencial si bien no permiten descartar la existencia de un mecanismo de comparación en humanos.Os resultados encontrados em situações de eleição entre animais humanos e não humanos são em alguns casos contraditórios. Se têm proposto duas  ossíveis explicações: (i) os processos de eleição são diferentes em animais humanos e não humanos ou (ii) os procedimentos utilizados para o estudo da eleição em uns e outros não são comparáveis. Particularmente, em humanos se observam maiores tempos de resposta à medida que se incrementa o número de alternativas que constituem o contexto de eleição. Isto tem sido interpretado como evidência a favor de um processo de comparação entre as alternativas apresentadas. No entanto, estudos recentes com estorninhos têm encontrado resultados opostos. Para dar razão destes resultados se tem proposto o Modelo de Eleição Sequencial, que nãoassume a existência de um processo de comparação e permite realizar predições concretas em situações de eleição momento a momento. Desenhou-se uma tarefaequivalente às empregadas com animais não humanos para a sua apresentação em humanos. Os resultados apoiaram parcialmente as predições do Modelo deEleição Sequencial se bem que não permitem descartar a existência de um mecanismo de comparação em humanos.Palavras-chave: eleição, modelo de eleição sequencial, latência, valoração, processo de comparaçã

    Plasticizing effect of biobased epoxidized fatty acid esters on mechanical and thermal properties of poly(lactic acid)

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    Poly(lactic acid), PLA, is a polyester that can be produced from lactic acid derived from renewable resources. This polymer offers attracting uses in packaging industry due to its biodegradability and high tensile strength. However, PLA is quite brittle, which limits its applications. To overcome this drawback, PLA was plasticized with epoxy-type plasticizer derived from a fatty acid, octyl epoxy stearate (OES) at different loadings (1, 3, 5, 10, 15, and 20 phr). The addition of OES decreases the glass transition temperature and provides a remarkable increase in elongation at break and impact-absorbed energy. Plasticizer saturation occurs at relatively low concentrations of about 5 phr OES; higher concentration leads to phase separation as observed by field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM). Optimum balanced mechanical properties are obtained at relatively low concentrations of OES (5 phr), thus indicating the usefulness of this material as environmentally friendly plasticizer for PLA industrial formulations.This research was supported by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness-MINECO, Ref: MAT2014-59242-C2-1-R. Authors also thank to "Conselleria d'Educacio, Cultura i Esport"-Generalitat Valenciana, Ref: GV/2014/008 for financial support.Ferri Azor, JM.; Samper Madrigal, MD.; García Sanoguera, D.; Reig Pérez, MJ.; Fenollar Gimeno, OÁ.; Balart Gimeno, RA. (2016). Plasticizing effect of biobased epoxidized fatty acid esters on mechanical and thermal properties of poly(lactic acid). Journal of Materials Science. 51(11):5356-5366. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10853-016-9838-2S535653665111Alam J, Alam M, Raja M, Abduljaleel Z, Dass LA (2014) MWCNTs-reinforced epoxidized linseed oil plasticized polylactic acid nanocomposite and its electroactive shape memory behaviour. Int J Mol Sci 15(11):19924–19937. doi: 10.3390/ijms151119924Arrieta MP, Fortunati E, Dominici F, Lopez J, Kenny JM (2015) Bionanocomposite films based on plasticized PLA-PHB/cellulose nanocrystal blends. Carbohydr Polym 121:265–275. doi: 10.1016/j.carbpol.2014.12.056Dharmalingam S, Hayes DG, Wadsworth LC, Dunlap RN, DeBruyn JM, Lee J, Wszelaki AL (2015) Soil degradation of polylactic acid/polyhydroxyalkanoate-based nonwoven mulches. J Polym Environ 23(3):302–315. doi: 10.1007/s10924-015-0716-9Lin C-M, Lin C-H, Huang Y-T, Lou C-W, Lin J-H (2013) Mechanical and electrical properties of the polyaniline (PANI)/polylactic acid (PLA) nonwoven fabric. In: Kida K (ed), Machine design and manufacturing engineering II, Pts 1 and 2, vols 365–366. pp 1074–1077. doi: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMM.365-366.1074Serafini Immich AP, Lis Arias M, Carreras N, Luis Boemo R, Antonio Tornero J (2013) Drug delivery systems using sandwich configurations of electrospun poly(lactic acid) nanofiber membranes and ibuprofen. Mater Sci Eng C-Mater Biol Appl 33(7):4002–4008. doi: 10.1016/j.msec.2013.05.034Llorens E, Calderon S, del Valle LJ, Puiggali J (2015) Polybiguanide (PHMB) loaded in PLA scaffolds displaying high hydrophobic, biocompatibility and antibacterial properties. Mater Sci Eng C-Mater Biol Appl 50:74–84. doi: 10.1016/j.msec.2015.01.100Nainar SMM, Begum S, Ansari MNM, Hoque ME, Aini SS, Ng MH, Ruszymah BHI (2014) Effect of compatibilizers on in vitro biocompatibility of PLA-HA bioscaffold. Bioinspired Biomim Nanobiomater 3(4):208–216. doi: 10.1680/bbn.14.00014Huang R, Zhu X, Tu H, Wan A (2014) The crystallization behavior of porous poly(lactic acid) prepared by modified solvent casting/particulate leaching technique for potential use of tissue engineering scaffold. Mater Lett 136:126–129. doi: 10.1016/j.matlet.2014.08.044Yesid Gomez-Pachon E, Manuel Sanchez-Arevalo F, Sabina FJ, Maciel-Cerda A, Montiel Campos R, Batina N, Morales-Reyes I, Vera-Graziano R (2013) Characterisation and modelling of the elastic properties of poly(lactic acid) nanofibre scaffolds. J Mater Sci 48(23):8308–8319. doi: 10.1007/s10853-013-7644-7Zhang J, Yin H-M, Hsiao BS, Zhong G-J, Li Z-M (2014) Biodegradable poly(lactic acid)/hydroxyl apatite 3D porous scaffolds using high-pressure molding and salt leaching. J Mater Sci 49(4):1648–1658. doi: 10.1007/s10853-013-7848-xArmentano I, Fortunati E, Burgos N, Dominici F, Luzi F, Fiori S, Jimenez A, Yoon K, Ahn J, Kang S, Kenny JM (2015) Processing and characterization of plasticized PLA/PHB blends for biodegradable multiphase systems. Exp Polym Lett 9(7):583–596. doi: 10.3144/expresspolymlett.2015.55Patricia Arrieta M, del Mar Castro-Lopez M, Rayon E, Fernando Barral-Losada L, Manuel Lopez-Vilarino J, Lopez J, Victoria Gonzalez-Rodriguez M (2014) Plasticized poly(lactic acid)-poly(hydroxybutyrate) (PLA-PHB) blends incorporated with catechin intended for active food-packaging applications. J Agric Food Chem 62(41):10170–10180. doi: 10.1021/jf5029812He Y, Hu Z, Ren M, Ding C, Chen P, Gu Q, Wu Q (2014) Evaluation of PHBHHx and PHBV/PLA fibers used as medical sutures. J Mater Sci-Mater Med 25(2):561–571. doi: 10.1007/s10856-013-5073-4Vieira AC, Vieira JC, Ferra JM, Magalhaes FD, Guedes RM, Marques AT (2011) Mechanical study of PLA-PCL fibers during in vitro degradation. J Mech Behav Biomed Mater 4(3):451–460. doi: 10.1016/j.jmbbm.2010.12.006K-y Zhang, X-h Ran, Y-g Zhuang, Yao B, L-s Dong (2009) Blends of poly(lactic acid) with thermoplastic acetylated starch. Chem Res Chin Univ 25(5):748–753Chieng BW, Ibrahim NA, Yunus WMZW, Hussein MZ (2013) Plasticized poly(lactic acid) with low molecular weight poly(ethylene glycol): mechanical, thermal, and morphology properties. J Appl Polym Sci 130(6):4576–4580. doi: 10.1002/app.39742Yu Y, Cheng Y, Ren J, Cao E, Fu X, Guo W (2015) Plasticizing effect of poly(ethylene glycol)s with different molecular weights in poly(lactic acid)/starch blends. J Appl Polym Sci 132(16). doi: 10.1002/app.41808Nazari T, Garmabi H (2014) Polylactic acid/polyethylene glycol blend fibres prepared via melt electrospinning: effect of polyethylene glycol content. Micro Nano Lett 9(10):686–690. doi: 10.1049/mnl.2013.0735Piorkowska E, Kulinski Z, Galeski A, Masirek R (2006) Plasticization of semicrystalline poly(l-lactide) with poly(propylene glycol). Polymer 47(20):7178–7188. doi: 10.1016/j.polymer.2006.03.115Burgos N, Martino VP, Jimenez A (2013) Characterization and ageing study of poly(lactic acid) films plasticized with oligomeric lactic acid. Polym Degrad Stab 98(2):651–658. doi: 10.1016/j.polymdegradstab.2012.11.009Dobircau L, Delpouve N, Herbinet R, Domenek S, Le Pluart L, Delbreilh L, Ducruet V, Dargent E (2015) Molecular mobility and physical ageing of plasticized poly(lactide). Polym Eng Sci 55(4):858–865. doi: 10.1002/pen.23952Hassouna F, Raquez J-M, Addiego F, Toniazzo V, Dubois P, Ruch D (2012) New development on plasticized poly(lactide): chemical grafting of citrate on PLA by reactive extrusion. Eur Polymer J 48(2):404–415. doi: 10.1016/j.eurpolymj.2011.12.001Tsou C-H, Suen M-C, Yao W-H, Yeh J-T, Wu C-S, Tsou C-Y, Chiu S-H, Chen J-C, Wang RY, Lin S-M, Hung W-S, De Guzman M, Hu C-C, Lee K-R (2014) Preparation and characterization of bioplastic-based green renewable composites from tapioca with acetyl tributyl citrate as a plasticizer. Materials 7(8):5617–5632. doi: 10.3390/ma7085617Jing J, Qa Qiao, Jin Y, Ma C, Cai H, Meng Y, Cai Z, Feng D (2012) Molecular and mesoscopic dynamics simulations on the compatibility of PLA/plasticizer blends. Chin J Chem 30(1):133–138. doi: 10.1002/cjoc.201180454Ljungberg N, Wesslen B (2003) Tributyl citrate oligomers as plasticizers for poly (lactic acid): thermo-mechanical film properties and aging. 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    A Novel Approach for the Assessment of Cities through Ecosystem Integrity

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    To tackle urban heterogeneity and complexity, several indices have been proposed, commonly aiming to provide information for decision-makers. In this study, we propose a novel and customizable procedure for quantifying urban ecosystem integrity. Based on a citywide approach, we developed an easy-to-use index that contrasts physical and biological variables of urban ecosystems with a given reference system. The Urban Ecosystem Integrity Index (UEII) is the sum of the averages from the variables that make up its intensity of urbanization and biological components. We applied the UEII in a Mexican tropical city using land surface temperature, built cover, and the richness of native plants and birds. The overall ecosystem integrity of the city, having montane cloud, tropical dry, and temperate forests as reference systems, was low (−0.34 ± SD 0.32), showing that, beyond its biodiverse greenspace network, the built-up structure highly differs from the ecosystems of reference. The UEII showed to be a flexible and easy-to-calculate tool to evaluate ecosystem integrity for cities, allowing for comparisons between or among cities, as well as the sectors/regions within cities. If used properly, the index could become a useful tool for decision making and resource allocation at a city level

    Evaluación constructiva-cronométrica como herramienta para evaluar el aprendizaje en línea y presencial

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    We describe an innovative approach to evaluate learning from a cognitive vision. Functionality of a constructive-chronometric evaluation model to measure academic learning is illustrated across several domains of knowledge. This evaluation model provides a wide range of indi­cators on cognitive characteristics of knowledge acquired throughout academic learning. The studies' evidence suggests that the evaluation model proposed here is effective in the cognitive measurement of academic learning. The implementation of cognitive science assessment tools in the field of education can be very useful to broaden our understanding of the knowledge acquisition process. These and other implications for the evaluation of student learning are discussed in this paper.Se presenta una forma innovadora de aproximar la evaluación del aprendizaje desde una visión cognitiva. Para ello, se ejemplifica el uso de un modelo de medición constructiva-cronométrica del aprendizaje a través de varios dominios del conocimiento y se ilustra la forma en que este tipo de evaluación proporciona diversos indicadores de organización y estructura del esquema de conocimiento que el estudiante presenta antes y después de haber cursado una materia. La evidencia obtenida sugiere que el modelo de evaluación aquí propuesto es efectivo en la medición cognitiva del aprendizaje académico, lo que indica que la implementación de herramientas de evaluación de la ciencia cognitiva en el campo de la educación puede ser muy útil para ampliar nuestra comprensión sobre el proceso de adquisición de conocimiento. Estas y otras implicaciones para la evaluación del aprendizaje de los estudiantes se discuten en el presente trabajo

    A Novel Approach for the Assessment of Cities through Ecosystem Integrity

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    To tackle urban heterogeneity and complexity, several indices have been proposed, commonly aiming to provide information for decision-makers. In this study, we propose a novel and customizable procedure for quantifying urban ecosystem integrity. Based on a citywide approach, we developed an easy-to-use index that contrasts physical and biological variables of urban ecosystems with a given reference system. The Urban Ecosystem Integrity Index (UEII) is the sum of the averages from the variables that make up its intensity of urbanization and biological components. We applied the UEII in a Mexican tropical city using land surface temperature, built cover, and the richness of native plants and birds. The overall ecosystem integrity of the city, having montane cloud, tropical dry, and temperate forests as reference systems, was low (−0.34 ± SD 0.32), showing that, beyond its biodiverse greenspace network, the built-up structure highly differs from the ecosystems of reference. The UEII showed to be a flexible and easy-to-calculate tool to evaluate ecosystem integrity for cities, allowing for comparisons between or among cities, as well as the sectors/regions within cities. If used properly, the index could become a useful tool for decision making and resource allocation at a city level


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    ResumenEl uso de imágenes termográficas para el desarrollo de bases de datos ha sido utilizada en áreas médicas principalmente en el estudio de mastitis en mujeres, en el ámbito industrial no se han desarrollado bases de datos a pesar de que la termografía tiene mayor aplicación en este ámbito debido a bondades que brinda la tecnología de termografía infrarroja, tanto es así que otras áreas le han abierto paso a este tipo de tecnología como es el caso de seguridad y medico veterinaria, siendo en esta ultima el parte aguas del presente trabajo que tiene como objetivo el desarrollo de una base de datos de imágenes termográficas de ovinos gestantes y no gestante, brindando una herramienta para especialista del área de computación en inteligencia y visión artificial.Palabra(s) Clave: base de datos, termogramas, ovejas gestantes, ovejas no gestantes. DEVELOPMENT OF A DATABASE WITH THERMOGRAPHIC IMAGES FOR USE IN VISION ALGORITHMS AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AbstractThe use of thermographic images in order to the development of databases has been used in medical areas mainly in the study of mastitis in women, in the industrial field databases have not been developed despite the fact that thermography has more application in this field due to the benefits offered by infrared thermography technology, so much so that other areas have opened the way to this type of technology as the case of security and veterinary medicine, being in the latter the main topic of the present work that aims the development of a database of thermographic images of pregnant and non-pregnant sheeps, providing a tool for computer specialists in intelligence and artificial vision.Keywords: database, thermographic images, pregnant sheeps, non-pregnant sheeps