73 research outputs found
Enfoque algebraico a la función de onda de Gordon-Volkov
"En esta tesis se explican varios conceptos teóricos necesarios para el entendimiento de los estados de Volkov no relativistas. Por ejemplo, se desarrollan conceptos matemáticos como grupos, notaciones tensoriales, invariancia, etc. Además, se plantean las teorías físicas necesarias para el entendimiento del tema, como son las teorías electrodinámicas necesarias, culminando con una revisión de los puntos de interés de la ecuación de Klein-Gordon y la ecuación de Dirac, sobre la cual provienen las soluciones de Volkov, pero puntualizan do la función de Gordon Volkov no relativista"
Evaluación de las líneas de acción del plan decenal de educación ambiental de Risaralda en el Municipio de Apía
El análisis de las líneas de acción del Plan Decenal de Educación Ambiental PDEAR, en el municipio Apía Risaralda, permitió conocer el trasfondo de la realidad social entretejida en problemáticas ambientales, donde la oportuna aplicación de políticas públicas de educación ambiental, a través de las líneas de acción de plan decenal de educación ambiental, transforman el desarrollo ambiental desde la perspectiva humana. La metodología de investigación cualitativa, da claridad al escenario actual de la Educación Ambiental del municipio,reconociendo la aplicación de planes, programas y proyectos, y la validez de la política pública de Educación Ambiental Desde la perspectiva del Administrador Ambiental, el presente trabajo reconoce la finalidad en la formación para la gestión ambiental al construir herramientas evaluativas de educación ambiental, que permiten revisar el progreso ambiental del territorio a partir de la pedagogía educativa de los actores sociales vistos como el eje fundamental del desarrollo
H-P2PSIP: Interconnection of P2PSIP domains for Global Multimedia Services based on a Hierarchical DHT Overlay Network
The IETF P2PSIP WG is currently standardising a protocol for distributed mul-
timedia services combining the media session functionality of SIP and the decentralised distribution and localisation of resources in peer-to-peer networks. The current P2PSIP scenarios only consider the infrastructure for the connectivity inside a single domain. This paper proposes an extension of the current work to a hierarchical multi-domain scenario: a two level hierarchical peer-to-peer overlay architecture
for the interconnection of different P2PSIP domains. The purpose is the creation of a global decentralised multimedia services in enterprises, ISPs or community networks. We present a study of the Routing Performance and Routing State in the particular case of a two-level Distributed Hash Table Hierarchy that uses Kademlia. The study is supported by an analytical model and its validation by a peer-to-peer simulator.En prens
Desarrollo de semiconductores con estructuras tipo perovskitas para purificar el agua mediante oxidaciones avanzadas
En este trabajo se llevó a cabo la preparación a través del método sol-gel y la reacción en estado sólido de óxidos semiconductores pertenecientes a las familias del tipo perovskita simple, ABO3 y doble laminar, A2M2O7, como el NaTaO3, NaTaO3:A (A = La, Sm), y Sr2M2O7 (M = Ta, Nb), respectivamente. Éstos fueron probados en la reacción de degradación fotocatalítica de azul de metileno, cristal violeta y rojo alizarín S. En particular, la perovskita simple, NaTaO3:Sm, mostró la mejor eficiencia para la degradación de azul de metileno (t1/2 = 65 min), mientras que la perovskita doble laminar, Sr2Ta2O7, fue eficiente para degradar tanto el cristal violeta (t1/2 = 5 min), como el rojo alizarín S (t1/2 = 25 min). Para el caso del cristal violeta la eficiencia fue incluso mayor a la mostrada por la titania P25 Degussa. La eficiencia fotocatalítica mostrada por los óxidos tipo perovskita simple la hemos relacionado a la formación de su estructura cristalina y a los valores de área superficial específica, además del efecto favorable del dopante. Mientras que en el caso de los óxidos tipo perovskita laminar, la eficiencia se debió a la presencia de la fase cristalina y al pH del medio de reacción. Además, debido a que todos estos óxidos mostraron valores de Eg alrededor de 4.0 eV, su activida
Comparaciones entre cuatro métodos de estimación de biomasa en praderas de festuca alta
In grazing experiments, forage mass is a necessary measurement for estimating other grassland attributes such as growth, utilization, and decomposition. The predicament is that forage biomass cannot be measured in large scale grazing trials, it can only be estimated through some sampling technique.En los experimentos de pastoreo, la masa de forraje es una medida necesaria para calcular otros atributos de la pradera, como son su crecimiento, utilización, y descomposición. El problema es que esa biomasa no se puede medir en estudios a gran escala, sólo se puede estimar usando algún método de muestreo
Liquid−Liquid Equilibria for 2‑Phenylethan-1-ol + Alkane Systems
The liquid–liquid equilibrium (LLE) curves for 2-phenylethan-1-ol (2-phenylethanol, 2PhEtOH) + octane, + decane, + dodecane, + tetradecane or + 2,2,4-trimethylpentane have been determined by a method of turbidimetry using a laser scattering technique. Experimental results reveal that the systems are characterized by an upper critical solution temperature (UCST), which increases linearly with the number of C atoms of the n-alkane. In addition, the LLE curves have a rather horizontal top and become skewed to higher mole fractions of the n-alkane, when its size increases. For a given n-alkane, UCST decreases as follows: phenol > phenylmethanol > 2-PhEtOH, indicating that dipolar interactions decrease in the same sequence. This has been ascribed to a weakening in the same order of the proximity effects between the phenyl and OH groups of the aromatic alkanols. DISQUAC interaction parameters for OH/aliphatic and OH/aromatic contacts in the investigated systems are reported. Phenol, or phenylmethanol or 2-PhEtOH, + n-alkane mixtures only differ by the first dispersive Gibbs energy interaction parameter for the (OH/aliphatic) contactJunta de Castilla y León, under Project BU034U16 F
Liquid-liquid equilibria for the systems 2-ethoxy-benzenamine + CH3(CH2) CH3 (n = 6,8,10,12) and 4-ethoxy-benzenamine + CH3(CH2) CH3 (n = 5,6)
Liquid-liquid equilibria (LLE) phase diagrams have been determined for the systems: 2-ethoxy-benzenamine + octane, or +decane, or +dodecane, or +tetradecane and for 4-ethoxy-benzenamine + heptane, or +octane. The experimental method used is based on the observation, by mean of a laser scattering technique, of the turbidity produced on cooling when a second phase takes place. All the mixtures show an upper critical solution temperature, which increases with the alkane size. Dipolar interactions between like molecules become stronger in the sequence: 2-ethoxy-benzenamine < aniline < 4-ethoxy-benzenamine. Data available in the literature suggest that this relative variation is also valid for alkane mixtures containing other substituted anilines or phenols, characterized by having a second polar group. The dependence of the UCST values with the molecular structure of the polar aromatic compound involved is shortly discussed in terms of intramolecular and steric effects
Adsorption of azo-dye Orange II from aqueous solutions using a metal-organic framework material: Iron- benzenetricarboxylate
A Metal-Organic Framework (MOF), iron-benzenetricarboxylate (Fe(BTC)), has been studied for the adsorptive removal of azo-dye Orange II from aqueous solutions, where the effect of various parameters was tested and isotherm and kinetic models were suggested. The adsorption capacities of Fe(BTC) were much higher than those of an activated carbon. The experimental data can be best described by the Langmuir isotherm model (R2 > 0.997) and revealed the ability of Fe(BTC) to adsorb 435 mg of Orange II per gram of adsorbent at the optimal conditions. The kinetics of Orange II adsorption followed a pseudo-second-order kinetic model, indicating the coexistence of physisorption and chemisorption, with intra-particle diffusion being the rate controlling step. The thermodynamic study revealed that the adsorption of Orange II was feasible, spontaneous and exothermic process (-25.53 kJ·mol-1). The high recovery of the dye showed that Fe(BTC) can be employed as an effective and reusable adsorbent for the removal of Orange II from aqueous solutions and showed the economic interest of this adsorbent material for environmental purposes. © 2014 by the authors.The authors thank Autonomous Metropolitan University for its financial support to the project “Synthesis, modification and application of porous solid materials to sorption phenomena and catalysis”. Elizabeth Rojas-Garcia and Ricardo López-Medina thank CONACYT for their repatriation program fellowships. We acknowledge support by the CSIC Open Access Publication Initiative through its Unit of Information Resources for Research (URICI)Peer Reviewe
Thermodynamics of amide + ketone mixtures. 2. Volumetric, speed of sound and refractive index data for N,N-dimethylacetamide + 2-alkanone systems at several temperatures. Application of Flory's model to tertiary amide + n-alkanone systems
Data on density, ρ, speed of sound, c, and refractive index, nD, have been reported at (293–303.15) K for the N,N-dimethylacetamide (DMA) + CH3CO(CH2)u − 1CH3 (u = 1, 2, 3) systems, and at 298.15 K for the mixture with u = 5. These data have been used to compute excess molar volumes, VmE, excess adiabatic compressibilities, κSE, and excess speeds of sound cE. Negative VmE values indicate the existence of structural effects and interactions between unlike molecules. From molar excess enthalpies, HmE, available in the literature for N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF), or N-methylpyrrolidone (NMP) + n-alkanone systems, it is shown: (i) amide-ketone interactions are stronger in DMF systems than in those with NMP; (ii) they become weaker when u increases in mixtures with a given amide. Structural effects largely contribute toHmE and are more relevant in mixtures containing NMP. The application of the Flory's model reveals that the random mixing hypothesis is valid in large extent for DMF solutions, while NMP systems are characterized by rather strong orientational effects. From values of molar refraction and of the product PintVm (where Pint is the internal pressure and Vm the molar volume), it is concluded that dispersive interactions increase with u, or when DMF is replaced by DMA in mixtures with a fixed ketone.Junta de Castilla y León, under Project BU034U1
Thermodynamics of mixtures with strongly negative deviations from Raoult's law. XV. Permittivities and refractive indices for 1-alkanol + n-hexylamine systems at (293.15–303.15) K. Application of the Kirkwood-Fröhlich model
Relative permittivities at 1 MHz, , and refractive indices at the sodium D-line, , are reported at 0.1 MPa and at (293.15–303.15) K for the binary systems 1-alkanol + n-hexylamine (HxA). Also, their corresponding excess functions are calculated and correlated. Positive values of the excess permittivities, , are encountered for the methanol system, whereas the remaining mixtures show negative values. This reveals that interactions between unlike molecules contribute positively to . This contribution is dominant for the methanol mixture, while those arising from the breaking of interactions between like molecules are prevalent for the remaining mixtures. At (volume fraction) = 0.5, changes in the order: methanol > 1-propanol > 1-butanol > 1-pentanol < 1-heptanol. Similar variation with the chain length of the 1-alkanol is observed for mixtures such as 1-alkanol + heptane, or + cyclohexylamine, and can be explained in terms of the lower and weaker self-association of longer 1-alkanols. The effect of the replacement of HxA by cyclohexylamine, or by aniline, is also shown. Calculations on molar refractions indicate that dispersive interactions in the systems under study increase with the length of the 1-alkanol. The mixtures are studied by means of the application of the Kirkwood-Fröhlich model, and the Kirkwood correlation factors, including the corresponding excess values, are reported.Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte for the grants FPU14/04104 and FPU15/05456 respectively. The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support received from the Consejería de Educación y Cultura of Junta de Castilla y León, under Project BU034U16
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