2,821 research outputs found

    Desarrollo de un sistema de reconocimiento y conteo del parásito Varroa destructor en colmenas para probar efectividad de tratamientos

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    [ES] Este proyecto fue propuesto por un apicultor que conoce esta enfermedad de primera mano. Se pretende como principal objetivo desarrollar un sistema que permita realizar un conteo automatizado del parásito. Actualmente esto se realiza de forma manual, por lo que con este proyecto se quiere conseguir un sistema que principalmente acelere este proceso. Para cumplir este objetivo se ha utilizado OpenCV, una librería de procesamiento de imágenes de código abierto y muy completa, que permite el desarrollo de sistemas de reconocimiento de objetos y formas en imágenes, con la cual se ha implementado gran parte de este proyecto. Además se ha desarrollado una página web, para así hacer más sencillo y accesible a los usuarios el uso de ésta herramienta. El método utilizado para el desarrollo de este proyecto, empieza por un procesado de la imagen y posterior extracción de características de esta, seguido de un análisis de los datos extraídos, para conseguir aislar las características que definen a una varroa en una imagen y por último la aplicación de éstas para la visualización de los resultados. Como primera aproximación, este proyecto se acerca bastante a los objetivos que se plantean, pero no se ha conseguido obtener unos resultados óptimos que pudiera aplicarse a entornos reales.[CA] Este projecte va ser proposat per un apicultor que coneix esta malaltia de primera mà. Es pretén com a principal objectiu desenrotllar un sistema que permeta realitzar un conteo automatitzat del paràsit. Actualment açò es realitza de forma manual, per la qual cosa amb este projecte es vol aconseguir un sistema que principalment accelere este procés. Per a complir este objectiu s’ha utilitzat OpenCV, una llibreria de processament d’imatges de codi obert i molt completa, que permet el desenrotllament de sistemes de reconeixement d’objectes i formes en imatges, amb la qual s’ha implementat gran part d’este projecte. A més s’ha desenrotllat una pàgina web, per a així fer més senzill i accessible als usuaris l’ús d’esta ferramenta. El mètode utilitzat per al desenrotllament d’este projecte, comença per un processat de la imatge i posterior extracció de característiques d’esta, seguit d’una anàlisi de les dades extrets, per a aconseguir aïllar les característiques que definixen a una varroa en una imatge i finalment l’aplicació d’estes per a la visualització dels resultats. Com a primera aproximació, este projecte s’acosta prou als objectius que es plantegen, però no s’ha aconseguit obtindre uns resultats òptims que poguera aplicar-se a entorns reals.[EN] This project was suggested by a beekeeper that knows those illness at firsthand. The main goal develop a system that is able to carry out an automatic count of the total amount of parasitic in the area. Nowadays, it is makes manually, so this project will create a faster system, reducing the timing process. To achieve this goal we have used OpenCv, a complete open-source library of image processing. That’s allows to develop a system recognition of shape and object. Next to it, we have create a website with friendly interface making easier in order to facilitate its use. The method begins with an image processing and later extract features from this image. After that, we analice this extracted data, to achieve the isolation of the features that defines a varroa in a image and finally, we apply this characteristics to display the results. This project is very close to the set goals almost obtaining the optimum results that allows to apply to real environments.Hernández García, JL. (2020). Desarrollo de un sistema de reconocimiento y conteo del parásito Varroa destructor en colmenas para probar efectividad de tratamientos. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/149323TFG

    Liquid Biopsy as Novel Tool in Precision Medicine: Origins, Properties, Identification and Clinical Perspective of Cancer’s Biomarkers

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    Producción CientíficaIn recent years, there has been an increase in knowledge of cancer, accompanied by a technological development that gives rise to medical oncology. An instrument that allows the implementation of individualized therapeutic strategies is the liquid biopsy. Currently, it is the most innovative methodology in medical oncology. Its high potential as a tool for screening and early detection, the possibility of assessing the patient’s condition after diagnosis and relapse, as well as the effectiveness of real-time treatments in different types of cancer. Liquid biopsy is capable of overcoming the limitations of tissue biopsies. The elements that compose the liquid biopsy are circulating tumor cells, circulating tumor nucleic acids, free of cells or contained in exosomes, microvesicle and platelets. Liquid biopsy studies are performed on various biofluids extracted in a non-invasive way, and they can be performed both from the blood and in urine, saliva or cerebrospinal fluid. The development of genotyping techniques, using the elements that make up liquid biopsy, make it possible to detect mutations, intertumoral and intratumoral heterogeneity, and provide molecular information on cancer for application in medical oncology in an individualized way in different types of tumors. Therefore, liquid biopsy has the potential to change the way medical oncology could predict the course of the disease

    Signature of the transversal coherence length in high-order harmonic generation

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    It is well known that high-order harmonic generation (HHG) from extended targets differs substantially from that of isolated atoms. Phase matching during propagation plays a major role in defining the extent of the spatial regions in the target that contribute constructively to the final yield. Typically, the understanding of this process is simplified by considering phase-matching effects along the field propagation axis, defining a longitudinal coherence length. In this paper we explore the role of phase matching in the transverse direction. The definition of a transversal coherence length appears fundamental to understanding propagation of harmonics generated by focalized laser beams. We present experimental results—-supported by theory—in which transversal phase matching plays the leading role in the macroscopic HHG.We acknowledge technical support from Oscar Varela, Juan Hernández Toro, and Cruz Méndez. We acknowledge support by a Marie Curie International Outgoing Fellowship within the EU Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development, under REA Grant Agreement No. 328334. We acknowledge support from Junta de Castilla y León (Consejería de Educación and Fondo Social Europeo and Projects No. SA002B08 and No. SA116U13), Spanish MINECO (Grant No. FIS2009-09522, Consolider Program SAUUL CSD2007-00013, and Ramón y Cajal Program), and Centro de Láseres Pulsados, CLP

    Clinical perspective and translational oncology of liquid biopsy

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    Producción CientíficaThe term liquid biopsy (LB) refers to the study of circulating tumor cells, circulating tumors nucleic acids free of cells or contained in exosomes, and information about platelets associated with tumors. LB can be performed in different biofluids and allows the limitations of tissue biopsy to be overcome offering possibilities of tumor identification reflecting in real time tumor heterogeneity. In addition, LB allows screening and early detection of cancer, real-time monitoring of therapy, stratification and therapeutic intervention, a therapeutic target and resistance mechanism, and a risk of metastatic relapse. Currently, LB has been shown to be effective for its application in different types of tumors including lung, colorectal, prostate, melanoma, breast and pancreatic cancer, by the determination and identification of biomarkers that with a high probability have the potential to change the way in which medical oncology could predict the course of the disease. These biomarkers make it possible to capture the heterogeneity of the cancer, monitor its clonal evolution, indicate new treatments or retreatments and evaluate the responses to different evolutionary and/or therapeutic pressures in the cancer disease

    Anthropological and transcultural nursing in the context of education for development: a historical and epistemologic perspective in the principle of the XXI century

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    El objetivo de este trabajo consiste en clarificar históricamente el concepto de "desarrollo" y vincularlo a otro concepto, el de "educación"con la finalidad de aportar un marco idóneo para la acción educativa en enfermería, especialmente en enfermería antropológica y transcultural. Para ello se han identificado los significados de los conceptos implicados separada y conjuntamente procurando interrelacionar los factores sociales, ideológicos, económicos, políticos, científicos y metodológicos. Asimismo, una vez analizados y contextualizados los diferentes conceptos, atendiendo a su naturaleza, se ha procedido a seleccionar las técnicas y métodos idóneos para el trabajo en educación para el desarrollo y enfermería transcultural. Entre las conclusiones cabe destacar la importancia de la contextualización de todas las actividades de educación para el desarrollo, la necesidad de adoptar métodos y técnicas adecuados al contexto de la acción educativa en enfermería. Por otro lado se ha constatado que tanto la enfermería como la educación para el desarrollo comparten el carácter holístico con el que abordan su objeto-sujeto: el hombre en el proceso de satisfacción de necesidades. Los métodos y técnicas de investigación acción resultan ser los más adecuados para este tipo de trabajos debido, sobre todo a la repercusión de la actividad investigadora en la realidad investigada (no se agota el proceso científico en la producción de conocimientos). Tanto la enfermería para el desarrollo, como la enfermería comunitaria y la enfermería transcultural comparte el principio esencial y característico de tales disciplinas: el fomento de la participación en un clima de tolerancia y solidaridad. No es posible desarrollar ninguna actividad de educación para el desarrollo, enfermería comunitaria o enfermería transcultural sin la implicación previa de los individuos, las familias o las comunidades a las que vayan dirigidas.This work has the objective of clarify the development concept historically and relative it with another concept: education; and everything this process with the purpose of contributing to selection of a suitable context for educational nursing action, specially in anthropological and transcultural nursing

    25-Hydroxyvitamin D Serum Levels Linked to Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) (rs2228570, rs2282679, rs10741657) in Skeletal Muscle Aging in Institutionalized Elderly Men Not Supplemented with Vitamin D

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    Sarcopenia (Sp) is the loss of skeletal muscle mass associated with aging that results in an involution of muscle function and strength. Vitamin D deficiency is a common health problem worldwide, especially among the elderly, and hypovitaminosis D leads to musculoskeletal disorders. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact and presence of a possible linkage between Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) CYP2R1 (rs10741657), GC (rs2282679), and VDR (rs2228570), serum 25-OH/D concentrations and the link with the degree of sarcopenia in 19 institutionalized elderly men not supplemented with vitamin D. Levels of 25-OH vitamin D were quantified with a commercial enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay kit and 3 SNPs were genotyped with KASPar assays. Significant differences in 25-OH/D concentration were determined between the bi-allelic combinations of rs228679 and rs228570. We detected statistically significant weak positive correlations between the AA (rs10741657 and rs228570) and TT (rs228679) and alleles and 25-OH/D and the probability of having higher 25-OH/D concentrations was 2- to 3-fold higher. However, the GG alleles of the 3 SNPs showed that the probability of having optimal 25-0H/D concentrations decreases by 32% for rs10741657, 38% for rs228679, and 74% for rs228570, showing a strong negative correlation between the degree of sarcopenia and 25-OH/D levels. Allelic variations in CYP2R1 (rs10741657), GC (rs2282679), and VDR (rs10741657) affect vitamin D levels and decisively influence the degree of sarcopenia in institutionalized elderly people.This research has been funded by the Chair of Knowledge and Innovation “Caja Rural de Soria” University of Valladolid Campus de Soria, Soria (Spain) in the call for funding research projects with project number SO-1-2020. D.F.-L. and J.M.-A. were members of the research team

    25-hydroxyvitamin D serum levels linked to single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) (rs2228570, rs2282679, rs10741657) in skeletal muscle aging in institutionalized elderly men not supplemented with vitamin D

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    Producción CientíficaSarcopenia (Sp) is the loss of skeletal muscle mass associated with aging that results in an involution of muscle function and strength. Vitamin D deficiency is a common health problem worldwide, especially among the elderly, and hypovitaminosis D leads to musculoskeletal disorders. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact and presence of a possible linkage between Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) CYP2R1 (rs10741657), GC (rs2282679), and VDR (rs2228570), serum 25-OH/D concentrations and the link with the degree of sarcopenia in 19 institutionalized elderly men not supplemented with vitamin D. Levels of 25-OH vitamin D were quantified with a commercial enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay kit and 3 SNPs were genotyped with KASPar assays. Significant differences in 25-OH/D concentration were determined between the bi-allelic combinations of rs228679 and rs228570. We detected statistically significant weak positive correlations between the AA (rs10741657 and rs228570) and TT (rs228679) and alleles and 25-OH/D and the probability of having higher 25-OH/D concentrations was 2- to 3-fold higher. However, the GG alleles of the 3 SNPs showed that the probability of having optimal 25-0H/D concentrations decreases by 32% for rs10741657, 38% for rs228679, and 74% for rs228570, showing a strong negative correlation between the degree of sarcopenia and 25-OH/D levels. Allelic variations in CYP2R1 (rs10741657), GC (rs2282679), and VDR (rs10741657) affect vitamin D levels and decisively influence the degree of sarcopenia in institutionalized elderly people.Universidad de Valladolid, Cátedra de Conocimiento e Innovación “Caja Rural de Soria” - (project SO-1-2020

    Análisis del comportamiento visual de los porteros de balonmano ante lanzamientos realizados desde 6 y 9 metros de la portería

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    El presente estudio analiza el comportamiento visual de porteros de balonmano y deportistas con baja experiencia en percepción de móviles mediante la presentación en laboratorio de una tarea de percepción de trayectorias de pelotas. Una máquina lanza-pelotas situada frente a los sujetos y a una distancia de 6 y 9 metros de los mismos se encarga de lanzar aleatoriamente pelotas con distinta dirección y altura hacia la portería de balonmano en la cual se ubican los porteros. El objetivo de los sujetos es percibir la trayectoria de la pelota y emitir un juicio de valor sobre la zona de la portería por la cual creen que la pelota ha sobrepasado la línea de gol. Para registrar el comportamiento visual se utiliza el sistema de seguimiento de la mirada mientras que para analizar el juicio de valor se utiliza el registro de vídeo y planillas de datos

    GMM-based classifiers for the automatic detection of obstructive sleep apnea

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    The aim of automatic pathological voice detection systems is to serve as tools, to medical specialists, for a more objective, less invasive and improved diagnosis of diseases. In this respect, the gold standard for those system include the usage of a optimized representation of the spectral envelope, either based on cepstral coefficients from the mel-scaled Fourier spectral envelope (Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficients) or from an all-pole estimation (Linear Prediction Coding Cepstral Coefficients) forcharacterization, and Gaussian Mixture Models for posterior classification. However, the study of recently proposed GMM-based classifiers as well as Nuisance mitigation techniques, such as those employed in speaker recognition, has not been widely considered inpathology detection labours. The present work aims at testing whether or not the employment of such speaker recognition tools might contribute to improve system performance in pathology detection systems, specifically in the automatic detection of Obstructive Sleep Apnea. The testing procedure employs an Obstructive Sleep Apnea database, in conjunction with GMM-based classifiers looking for a better performance. The results show that an improved performance might be obtained by using such approach

    Anàlisi de la conducta visual dels porters d’handbol davant de llançaments realitzats des de 6 i 9 metres de la porteria

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    Aquest estudi analitza la conducta visual de porters d’handbol i esportistes amb baixa experiència en percepció de mòbils, mitjançant la presentació en laboratori d’una tasca de percepció de trajectòries de pilotes. Una màquina llançapilotes, situada al davant dels subjectes i a una distància de 6 i 9 metres, s’encarrega de llançar aleatòriament pilotes en diverses direccions i a diferent alçada, cap a la porteria d’handbol, on se situen els porters. L’objectiu dels subjectes és percebre la trajectòria de la pilota i emetre un judici de valor sobre la zona de la porteria per on creuen que la pilota ha sobrepassat la línia de gol. Per registrar la conducta visual s’utilitza el sistema de seguiment de la mirada, mentre que per analitzar el judici de valor s’utilitza l’enregistrament de vídeo i engraellats de dades