50 research outputs found

    Implications of plant material origin, land use history and soil properties in the incidence of verticillium wilt in olive groves

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    8 páginas, 2 figuras, 1 tabla.The increased presence of Verticillium wilt (Verticillium dahliae Kleb.) in olive groves is often related to the use of infected propagation material and to the planting of new olive trees in contaminated soils. This study assessed the implications of plant propagation, land-use history and soil properties on disease prevalence in southern Spain, the most important olive-growing area worldwide. To this purpose, a large-scale sampling survey was carried out in this area, V. dahliae pathotypes were identified by PCR, and GIS was used to analyze soil properties and cropland-use history. Finally, multiple correspondence analysis was performed to show the statistical association between the variables taken into account. Results strongly indicated the potential risk of planting olive in valleys with irrigated cropland history, especially those that had hosted herbaceous crops, highlighted the importance of using pathogen-free certified planting material as a key component for a successful disease management, and confirmed the role played by saline, alkaline, and steep-slope soils in enhancing V. dahliae prevalence.The research was supported by Caja Rural Foundation.Peer reviewe

    Vocabulary learning with high and low imagery vividness using the mnemonic keyword method

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    La mnemotecnia de la palabra clave se encuentra con muchas limitaciones, una de ellas es su aplicación a personas mayores. A través de dos experimentos, intentamos conocer la infl uencia de la estrategia de la palabra clave, de la capacidad de control de imagen, y del momento del recuerdo de palabras altas y bajas en viveza de imagen, en el recuerdo de la traducción de palabras latinas. En el Experimento 1 se utilizaron listas cortas de palabras latinas que se presentaron, para la memorización de su signifi cado, a una muestra de personas mayores. En el Experimento 2 se utilizó una lista larga de palabras reforzadas con dibujos. Encontramos que los sujetos que utilizaron la mnemotecnia de la palabra clave recordaron el signifi cado de más palabras latinas que los sujetos que utilizaron para su aprendizaje el método de repetición, o su método habitual de aprendizaje, tanto con listas cortas como con listas largas, y tanto con palabras altas como bajas en viveza de imagenThe mnemonic keyword method has several limitations e.g., it is not effective when applied to the elderly. Two experiments were undertaken to determine the infl uence of the keyword strategy, imagery control ability, and the moment of recall of words high and low in imagery vividness on the recall of words translated from Latin. Experiment 1 used short list of Latin words that were presented to a sample of elderly people for vocabulary retention of meaning. Experiment 2 used long list of words reinforced with pictures. Subjects using the mnemonic keyword method recalled signifi cantly more Latin words than those who used the repetition learning method or their own habitual method of learning both in terms of short lists and long lists as well as with words high and low in imagery vividnessA mnemotecnia da palabra chave atópase con moitas limitacións, una delas é a súa aplicación a persoas maiores. A traveso de dous experimentos, tentamos coñecer a infl uenza da estratexia da palabra chave, da capacidade de control de imaxe, e do momento do recordo de palabras altas e baixas en viveza de imaxe, no recordo da traducción de palabras latinas. No Experimento 1 utilizáronse listas curtas de palabras latinas que se presentaron, para a memorización do seu signifi cado, a una mostra de persoas maiores. No Experimento 2 utilizouse una lista longa de palabras reforzadas con debuxos. Atopamos que os suxeitos que utilizaron a mnemotecnia da palabra chave recordaron o signifi cado de mais palabras latinas que os suxeitos que utilizaron para a súa aprendizaxe o método de repetición, ou o seu método habitual de aprendizaxe, tanto con listas curtas como con listas longas, e tanto con palabras altas como baixas en viveza de imaxeS

    Efficacy of the keyword mnemonic method in adults

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    A través de dos experimentos intentamos averiguar la efectividad de la mnemotecnia de la palabra clave en personas adultas. En el Experimento 1 miramos si el recuerdo, inmediato y al cabo de un día, es superior en el grupo que utilizó la mnemotecnia de la palabra clave o en el grupo que utilizó el método de repetición. El grupo de personas que participó en la investigación tenía una media de edad de 59,35 años y tenía que aprender la traducción de una lista de 16 palabras latinas. Encontramos que el grupo que utilizó la mnemotecnia de la palabra clave, cuando ésta fue seleccionada por compañeros de las mismas características que los participantes, tuvo un recuerdo inmediato y al cabo de un día signifi cativamente superior al grupo de repetición. En el Experimento 2 se utilizó una lista de 24 palabras latinas para que los participantes aprendiesen la traducción española mediante la mnemotecnia de la palabra clave reforzada con dibujos. También encontramos que el recuerdo inmediato y demorado del grupo de la mnemotecnia de la palabra clave fue signifi cativamente superior al recuerdo del grupo que aprendió mediante el método de repeticiónTwo experiments were used to assess the effi cacy of the keyword mnemonic method in adults. In Experiment 1, immediate and delayed recall (at a oneday interval) were assessed by comparing the results obtained by a group of adults using the keyword mnemonic method in contrast to a group using the repetition method. The mean age of the sample under study was 59.35 years. Subjects were required to learn a list of 16 words translated from Latin into Spanish. Participants who used keyword mnemonics that had been devised by other experimental participants of the same characteristics, obtained signifi cantly higher immediate and delayed recall scores than participants in the repetition method. In Experiment 2, other participants had to learn a list of 24 Latin words translated into Spanish by using the keyword mnemonic method reinforced with pictures. Immediate and delayed recall were signifi cantly greater in the keyword mnemonic method group than in the repetition method groupS

    Malestar emocional asociado a la orientación sexual en personas mayores

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    Introduction. At present, despite some advances in the legal rights of people with sexual-affective diversity, there are still related social prejudices. This fact is multiplied in the elderly, who have suffered a more homophobic education and a greater invisibility of their sexuality, so it is necessary to investigate in this population too. Method. 139 people participated, between 50 and 73 years old, with an average of 56.1 years old (SD=5.44), being 40.3% women and 59.7% men. 89.9% self-defined as heterosexual and 10.1% as non-heterosexual. All of them completed a questionnaire about the experience of their sexual orientation. Results. 50% of non-heterosexual people have felt rejectiondue to their sexual orientation, 42.9% have experienced discomfort, 28.6% suffered verbal violence and 14.3% physical violence. Thus, significant differences are observed between non-heterosexual and heterosexual people in various aspects related to their sexual orientation, being non-heterosexual those who show greater emotional distress (χ²=20.61, p smaller than .000), more doubts about their orientation (χ²=15.01; p smaller than .000), suffering more verbal violence (²=18.03; p smaller than .000) and more physical violence (χ²=18.11; p smaller than .000). Conclusions. These findings confirm that the social rejection of some sexual orientations can be a source of emotional discomfort, as well as a risk factor to be a victim of violence. In general, people with a non-heterosexual orientation would show greater emotional affectation and greater probability of suffering aggressions. In order to improve this situation, we should analyze what variables can mediate in these results to establish adequate prevention and intervention strategies throughout the life cycle.Introducción. En la actualidad, pese a haber avanzado en los derechos legales de las personas con diversidad afectivo-sexual, siguen habiendo prejuicios sociales al respecto. Este hecho se ve multiplicado en las personas mayores, que han sufrido una educación más homófoba y una mayor invisibilización de su sexualidad, por lo que se hace necesario investigar también en esta población. Método. Participaron 139 personas, de entre 50 y 73 años, con una media de 56,1 años (DT=5,44), siendo el 40,3% mujeres y el 59,7% hombres. El 89,9% se definían como heterosexuales y el 10,1% como no heterosexuales. Todos cumplimentaron un cuestionario sobre la vivencia de su orientación sexual. Resultados. El 50% de personas no heterosexuales, como consecuencia de su orientación sexual, se ha sentido rechazado, el 42,9% ha experimentado malestar, el 28,6% sufrió violencia verbal y el 14,3% violencia física. Así, se observan diferencias significativas entre las personas no heterosexuales y las heterosexuales en diversos aspectos relacionados con su orientación sexual, siendo las no heterosexuales las que muestran mayor malestar emocional (χ²=20,61; p menor que ,000), más dudas con su orientación (²=15,01; p menor que ,000), han sufrido más violencia verbal (χ²=18,03; p menor que ,000) y más violencia física (χ²=18,11; p menor que ,000. Conclusiones. Estos hallazgos confirman que el rechazo social de algunas orientaciones sexuales puede suponer una fuente de malestar emocional, así como un factor de riesgo para ser víctima de la violencia. En general, las personas con una orientación no heterosexual mostrarían mayor afectación emocional y mayor probabilidad de sufrir agresiones. Con el fin de mejorar esta situación, cabría analizar qué variables pueden mediar en estos resultados para establecer estrategias adecuadas de prevención e intervención a lo largo de todo el ciclo vital

    Eficacia del programa de educación afectivo-sexual EAS-SALUSEX para adolescentes con TEA

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    Efficacy of the eas-salusex affective-sexual education program for adolescents with asd. Adolescents with ASD are characterized by lack, in most cases, of the skills necessary to establish interactions with affective-sexual objectives. For this reason, at the request of a group of parents and teachers of a public High School, the SALUSEX team has designed and implemented a program of affective-sexual education especially aimed at satisfying their needs both in terms of knowledge and attitudes and, above all, in communication skills and interaction with their peers for affective-sexual purposes. The program was applied to the 10 teenagers (50% boys and 50% girls) between 14 and 17 years old that were part of the CyL classroom of a High School in Castellón de la Plana. The results show that their level of knowledge has improved substantially since, for example, 97.2% know the basic information in relation to body hygiene and STI prevention; they have also improved their attitudes because 87.5% responding correctly in terms of prevention of sexism and gender violence, but the most remarkable thing is their improvement in skills, having acquired 90.5% correct guidelines for behavior in couple relationships. Also noteworthy are the increasing numbers throughout the sessions in terms of motivation and satisfaction with the progress made. The need to normalize affective-sexual education in this group is concluded given the growing demand and good results obtained in this pilot studyLos/as adolescentes con TEA se caracterizan por carecer, en la mayoría de los casos, de las habilidades necesarias para establecer interacciones con fines afectivo-sexuales. Por este motivo, a demanda de un grupo de padres y profesores de un instituto público de Educación Secundaria, el equipo SALUSEX ha diseñado e implementado un programa de educación afectivo-sexual especialmente dirigido a satisfacer sus necesidades tanto en lo referido a conocimientos y actitudes como, sobre todo, en habilidades de comunicación e interacción con sus iguales con fines afectivo-sexuales. El programa fue aplicado a los 10 adolescentes (50% chicos y 50% chicas) de entre 14 y 17 años que formaban parte del aula CyL de un Instituto de Educación Secundaria de Castellón de la Plana. Los resultados muestran que su nivel de conocimientos ha mejorado sustancialmente ya que, por ejemplo, el 97,2% conocen la información básica en relación con la higiene corporal y la prevención de ITS; también han mejorado sus actitudes siendo un 87,5% quienes responden acertadamente en cuanto a la prevención del sexismo y la violencia de género, pero lo más remarcable es su mejora en cuanto a las habilidades habiendo adquirido un 90,5% unas pautas correctas de comportamiento en las relaciones de pareja. También son destacables las cifras crecientes a lo largo de las sesiones en cuanto a la motivación y satisfacción con los avances adquiridos. Se concluye la necesidad de normalizar la educación afectivo-sexual en este colectivo dada la creciente demanda y los buenos resultados obtenidos en este estudio pilot

    Selection of Tumor-Specific Cytotoxic T Lymphocytes in Acute Myeloid Leukemia Patients Through the Identification of T-Cells Capable to Establish Stable Interactions With the Leukemic Cells: “Doublet Technology”

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    The relevance of the immune system in cancer has long been studied. Autologous adoptive T cell therapies, based on the use of tumor infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs), have made great progress in recent years for the treatment of solid tumors, especially melanoma. However, further work is needed to isolate tumor-reactive T cells among patients diagnosed with hematologic malignancies. The dynamics of the interaction between T cells and antigen presenting cells (APC) dictate the quality of the immune responses. While stable joints between target cells and T lymphocytes lead to the induction of T cell activation and immune response, brief contacts contribute to the induction of immune-tolerance. Taking advantage of the strong interaction between target cell and activated T-cells, we show the feasibility to identify and isolate tumor-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) from acute myeloid leukemia (AML) patients by flow cytometry. Using this technology, CTLs bound through T cell receptor (TCR) to tumor cells can be identified in peripheral blood and bone marrow and subsequently selected and isolated by FACS-based cell sorting. These CTLs display higher percentage of effector cells and marked cytotoxic activity against AML blasts. In conclusion, we have developed a new procedure to identify and select specific cytotoxic T cells in patients diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia.Instituto de Salud Carlos III PFIS-FI12/00189Instituto de Salud Carlos III ISCIII PI14/02074Instituto de Salud Carlos III PI11/02366Instituto de Salud Carlos III PI17/02177European Union (ERDF/ESF, Investing in your future)CIBER CB16/12/0048

    Burnout in family medicine residents

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    El burnout, también conocido como desgaste profesional, es un estado de agotamiento que se presenta como resultado de exigencias agobiantes, estrés crónico o insatisfacción laboral. La residencia médica, curso de posgrado en el que se adquiere gran cantidad de conocimientos, suele implicar jornadas académicas y asistenciales extenuantes.  El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo identificar el burnout en residentes de Medicina Familiar de una unidad de la Ciudad de México y evaluar factores asociados. Se realizó una encuesta transversal a 34 médicos residentes (26 mujeres y 8 hombres), encontrando en un 65% Síndrome de Burnout. Según los grados académicos se encontró la siguiente prevalencia, primer año: 56%, segundo año: 64% y tercer año: 73%. En lo concerniente al salario el 71% reportó estar insatisfecho. Sobre la satisfacción con las actividades realizadas el 62% está conforme y el 59% reportó un ambiente laboral adecuado.  Con respecto a la prueba exacta de Fisher relacionando el síndrome de burnout, satisfacción salarial y clima laboral se obtuvieron resultados no significativos. El burnout durante la residencia médica puede tener graves repercusiones en la salud mental de los afectados y en la calidad de la atención médica que prestan. Es importante generar estrategias para prevenirlo.Burnout is a state of exhaustion that occurs as a result of overwhelming demands, chronic stress or job dissatisfaction. Medical residency, a postgraduate course in which a large amount of knowledge is acquired, usually implies long academic days and heavy healthcare burden. The objective of this study was to identify burnout in Family Medicine residents of a unit in Mexico City and to evaluate associated factors. A cross-sectional survey was carried out on 34 resident physicians (26 women and 8 men), finding Burnout Syndrome in 65%. According to academic grades, the following prevalence was found: first year: 56%, second year: 64% and third year: 73%. Regarding salary, 71% reported being dissatisfied. Regarding satisfaction with the activities carried out, 62% are satisfied and 59% reported an adequate work environment. With respect to Fisher's exact test relating burnout syndrome, salary satisfaction and work environment, non-significant results were obtained. Burnout during medical residency can have serious repercussions on the mental health of those affected and on the quality of medical care they provide. It is important to generate strategies to prevent it

    The Treatment With the SGLT2 Inhibitor Empagliflozin Modifies the Hepatic Metabolome of Male Zucker Diabetic Fatty Rats Towards a Protective Profile

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    [Abstract] The EMPA-REG OUTCOME (Empagliflozin, Cardiovascular Outcome Event Trial in patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM)) trial evidenced the potential of sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 (SGLT2) inhibitors for the treatment of patients with diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Recent evidences have shown the benefits of the SGLT2 inhibitor empagliflozin on improving liver steatosis and fibrosis in patients with T2DM. Metabolomic studies have been shown to be very useful to improve the understanding of liver pathophysiology during the development and progression of metabolic hepatic diseases, and because the effects of empagliflozin and of other SGLT2 inhibitors on the complete metabolic profile of the liver has never been analysed before, we decided to study the impact on the liver of male Zucker diabetic fatty (ZDF) rats of a treatment for 6 weeks with empagliflozin using an untargeted metabolomics approach, with the purpose to help to clarify the benefits of the use of empagliflozin at hepatic level. We found that empagliflozin is able to change the hepatic lipidome towards a protective profile, through an increase of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated glycerides, phosphatidylcholines, phosphatidylethanolamines, lysophosphatidylinositols and lysophosphatidylcholines. Empagliflozin also induces a decrease in the levels of the markers of inflammation IL-6, chemerin and chemerin receptor in the liver. Our results provide new evidences regarding the molecular pathways through which empagliflozin could exert hepatoprotector beneficial effects in T2DM.This work was supported by Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma GmbH and Co., by the National Institute of Health “Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias del Instituto de Salud Carlos III” Madrid, Spain (PI15/00681, PI17/00409, PI18/00821, PI20/00902, RETICS Programme RD16/0012/0014 and CIBER de Enfermedades Cardiovasculares (CIBERCV)); European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) and European Union framework MSCA-RISE-H2020 Programme (Project number 734899). AH-A was funded by predoctoral research grants from Xunta de Galicia and FPU Program of the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (Spain); MF-S was funded by the predoctoral research grants “Programa Científico do Centro de Investigación en Medicina Molecular e Enfermidades Crónicas (CiMUS) (Spain) and Xunta de Galicia; and AV-L was funded by the predoctoral research grant from the PFIS Program of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Spain

    Control of a hippocampal recurrent excitatory circuit by cannabinoid receptor-interacting protein Gap43

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    The type-1 cannabinoid receptor (CB1R) is widely expressed in excitatory and inhibitory nerve terminals, and by suppressing neurotransmitter release, its activation modulates neural circuits and brain function. While the interaction of CB1R with various intracellular proteins is thought to alter receptor signaling, the identity and role of these proteins are poorly understood.Using a highthroughput proteomic analysis complemented with an array of in vitro and in vivo approaches in the mouse brain, we report that the C-terminal, intracellular domain of CB1R interacts specifically with growth-associated protein of 43 kDa (GAP43). The CB1R-GAP43 interaction occurs selectively at mossy cell axon boutons, which establish excitatory synapses with dentate granule cells in the hippocampus. This interaction impairs CB1R-mediated suppression of mossy cell to granule cell transmission, thereby inhibiting cannabinoidmediated anti-convulsant activity inmice. Thus, GAP43 acts as a synapse typespecific regulatory partner of CB1R that hampers CB1R-mediated effects on hippocampal circuit function

    Experience sampling methods for the personalised prediction of mental health problems in Spanish university students: protocol for a survey-based observational study within the PROMES-U project

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    IntroductionThere is a high prevalence of mental health problems among university students. Better prediction and treatment access for this population is needed. In recent years, short-term dynamic factors, which can be assessed using experience sampling methods (ESM), have presented promising results for predicting mental health problems.Methods and analysisUndergraduate students from five public universities in Spain are recruited to participate in two web-based surveys (at baseline and at 12-month follow-up). A subgroup of baseline participants is recruited through quota sampling to participate in a 15-day ESM study. The baseline survey collects information regarding distal risk factors, while the ESM study collects short-term dynamic factors such as affect, company or environment. Risk factors will be identified at an individual and population level using logistic regressions and population attributable risk proportions, respectively. Machine learning techniques will be used to develop predictive models for mental health problems. Dynamic structural equation modelling and multilevel mixed-effects models will be considered to develop a series of explanatory models for the occurrence of mental health problems.Ethics and disseminationThe project complies with national and international regulations, including the Declaration of Helsinki and the Code of Ethics, and has been approved by the IRB Parc de Salut Mar (2020/9198/I) and corresponding IRBs of all participating universities. All respondents are given information regarding access mental health services within their university and region. Individuals with positive responses on suicide items receive a specific alert with indications for consulting with a health professional. Participants are asked to provide informed consent separately for the web-based surveys and for the ESM study. Dissemination of results will include peer-reviewed scientific articles and participation in scientific congresses, reports with recommendations for universities’ mental health policy makers, as well as a well-balanced communication strategy to the general public