291 research outputs found

    Copper Complexes in the Promotion of Aldol Addition to Pyridine-2-carboxaldehyde: Synthesis of Homo- and Heteroleptic Complexes and Stereoselective Double Aldol Addition

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    Producción CientíficaCuCl2·2H2O and Cu(ClO4)2·6H2O are able to promote aldol addition of pyridine-2-carboxaldehyde (pyca) with acetone, acetophenone, or cyclohexenone under neutral and mild conditions. The general and simple one-pot procedure for the aldol addition to Cu(II) complexes accesses novel Cu complexes with a large variety of different structural motifs, from which the aldol-addition ligand can be liberated by treatment with NH3. Neutral heteroleptic complexes in which the ligand acts as bidentate, or homoleptic cationic complexes in which the ligand acts as tridentate can be obtained depending on the copper salt used. The key step in these reactions is the coordination of pyca to copper, which increases the electrophilic character of the aldehyde, with Cu(ClO4)2 leading to a higher degree of activation than CuCl2, as predicted by DFT calculations. A regio- and stereoselective double aldol addition of pyca in the reaction of Cu(ClO4)2·6H2O with acetone leads to the formation of a dimer copper complex in which the novel double aldol addition product acts as a pentadentate ligand. A possible mechanism is discussed. The work is supported by extensive crystallographic studies.2019-12-312019-12-31Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (Project CTQ 2013-41067-P

    Effectiveness of an occupational therapy home programme in Spain for people affected by stroke

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    [Abstract] The main aim of this paper is to assess the effects of an occupational therapy home programme in Spain on 23 people who had had stroke (mean age 61.17 years). The programme was made up of a set of activities and techniques of physical, cognitive, social and functional nature aimed at preventing, maintaining and/or rehabilitating the abilities affected of people who had had stroke. A multiple-baseline intrasubject design and replication with a treatment withdrawal period to check whether the effects of the programme remained was applied. The results show a significant statistical improvement, concerning not only the participants' cognitive skills through Loewenstein Occupational Therapy Cognitive Assessment Battery - Second Edition but also their functional independence as assessed by the Barthel Index. Despite the low number of participants, being one of the limitations of our study, the results support the need to carry out research about the effectiveness of rehabilitation treatments in the home with the goal to plan how public healthcare systems should tackle them and how to improve those already being used

    Soft Skills and STEM Education: Vision of the European University EURECA-PRO

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    [EN] Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) disciplines play an increasingly important role in the current socio-economic context. Higher education systems are working to equip students with the appropriate skills and competencies to cope with current demands and, in particular, to join a labour market strongly informed by STEM disciplines. Many such skills are non-disciplinary and are known as transversal or soft skills. Soft skills, including interpersonal and socio-emotional skills, are highly sought after in the labour market. These skills not only reflect personal abilities but also draw on concepts, such as social responsibility, creativity, ethics, and emotional intelligence. The European University on Responsible Consumption and Production (EURECA-PRO) seeks to foster soft skills development in our activities and curriculaSIPublicación en abierto financiada por el Consorcio de Bibliotecas Universitarias de Castilla y León (BUCLE), con cargo al Programa Operativo 2014ES16RFOP009 FEDER 2014-2020 DE CASTILLA Y LEÓN, Actuación:20007-CL - Apoyo Consorcio BUCL

    Qualidade na administração de medicamentos inotrópicos em profissionais de enfermagem de um hospital de Tabasco, México

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    The aim was to evaluate the quality in the administration of inotropic medications in the nursing staff of a high specialty hospital in Tabasco, Mexico. It is an observational, cross-sectional, analytical study. A sample was obtained for the convenience of 80 nursing professionals. To assess the knowledge, the quality and safety questionnaire of the administration of inotropic medications from Ipanaque and Pérez was used. Compliance with quality standards was evaluated with the official drug administration card of the National System of Health Quality Indicators in Mexico. For data analysis, descriptive and analytical statistics were used, SPSS Version 22.0 was used. The level of quality in the administration of inotropics in the hospital evaluated was insufficient in 73.8% (59). The nurses in the intensive care service were the best evaluated in 66% with an X2 of 20,622 and a statistically significant value of p = .002. Unlike nurses in the emergency department who reached the lowest level of quality in 27.1% of them. Conclusions: the level of quality and safety in the administration of inotropics was insufficient. Constant supervision and training is suggested at the critical points found to avoid adverse events and ensure patient safety.El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la calidad en la administración de medicamentos inotrópicos por parte del personal de enfermería de un hospital de alta especialidad en Tabasco, México. Es un estudio observacional, transversal, analítico. Se obtuvo una muestra por conveniencia de 80 profesionales de enfermería. Para evaluar el conocimiento se utilizó el cuestionario de calidad y seguridad de la administración de medicamentos inotrópicos de Ipanaque y Pérez. El cumplimiento de los estándares de calidad, se evaluó con la cédula oficial de administración de medicamentos del Sistema Nacional de Indicadores de Calidad en Salud en México. Para el análisis de los datos, se empleó estadística descriptiva y analítica, además, se utilizó el SPSS Versión 22.0. El nivel de calidad en la administración de inotrópicos en el hospital evaluado fue insuficiente en un 73.8% (59).  Las enfermeras del servicio de cuidados intensivos fueron las mejor evaluadas en el 66% con una X2 de 20.622 y un valor de p=.002, el cual es estadísticamente significativo. A diferencia de las enfermeras del área de urgencias que alcanzaron el nivel más bajo de calidad en el 27.1% de ellas. Se concluye que el nivel de calidad y seguridad en la administración de inotrópicos fue insuficiente. Por lo tanto, se sugiere supervisión y capacitación constante en los puntos críticos encontrados para evitar eventos adversos y garantizar la seguridad del paciente.   Objetivo: Avaliar a qualidade na administração de medicamentos inotrópicos na equipe de enfermagem de um hospital de alta especialidade em Tabasco, México. Estudo observacional, transversal, analítico. Uma amostra a conveniência foi obtida de 80 profissionais de enfermagem. Para avaliar o conhecimento, foi utilizado o questionário de qualidade e segurança da administração de medicamentos inotrópicos de Ipanaque e Pérez. A conformidade com os padrões de qualidade foi avaliada com o cartão oficial de administração de medicamentos do Sistema Nacional de Indicadores de Qualidade em Saúde no México. Para análise dos dados, utilizou-se estatística descritiva e analítica, SPSS Versão 22.0. O nível de qualidade na administração de inotrópicos no hospital avaliado foi insuficiente em 73,8% (59). Os enfermeiros do serviço de terapia intensiva foram os melhores avaliados em 66% com um X2 de 20.622 e um valor estatisticamente significante de p = 0,002. Diferentemente dos enfermeiros do pronto-socorro, que atingiram o nível mais baixo de qualidade em 27,1% deles. Conclusões: o nível de qualidade e segurança na administração de inotrópicos foi insuficiente. Supervisão e treinamento constantes são sugeridos nos pontos críticos encontrados para evitar eventos adversos e garantir a segurança do paciente

    Clubes de lectura: estrategia pedagógica para la generación de una cultura lectora

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    Este artículo reflexivo presenta los avances de la investigación que se ha desarrollado durante año y medio en el cual se da cuenta del diseño e implementación de un modelo de lectura comprensiva para estudiantes de grado quinto de las sedes rurales del Colegio Trinidad Camacho Pinzón del municipio de Barbosa. En este sentido, se presentará inicialmente a la comunidad académica y científica algunas causas que permitieron reflexionar en torno al proceso de enseñanza del nivel inferencial de textos narrativos e informativos. En un segundo momento, se plantea una reflexión pedagógica donde el eje central es la tesis de Solé (1992), quien propone que se debe promover una cultura lectora en los escolares; a través de la creación de experiencias que generen la necesidad de leer, llevando al educando a encontrarse con el libro, ya sea buscando una información o solo como un simple acto de amor. A manera de conclusión y de acuerdo con las reflexiones referidas en el proyecto, es interesante resaltar la importancia e incidencia que tiene el docente en el alcance óptimo de procesos de cognición de sus estudiantes, ya que cuenta en el aula con la autonomía para crear y utilizar variedad de recursos físicos y digitales que fomenten el desarrollo de la competencia lectora

    The enhancement of intensive basic english students’ listening skill, group 3, of the Licenciatura en Idioma Inglés, Opción Enseñanza through the use of the bottom-up and top-down approaches using movie clips and radio station audios at the Western Multidisciplinary Campus of the University of El Salvador semester i-2019

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    In this research study, researchers aimed to enhance IBE students´, group 3, listening skill through the use of bottom-up and top-down approaches using movie clips and radio station audios at the Western Multidisciplinary Campus of the University of El Salvador, semester I-2019 since the listening skill is the first skill students need to develop while learning a new language. So, researchers approached the field of study in order to identify and describe the problematic situation

    Development of cutaneous toxicities during selective anti-BRAF therapies: preventive role of combination with MEK inhibitors

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    Activated BRAF mutations affecting the mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPK) pathway are present in 50% of metastatic melanomas. Targeted therapies have been developed to block such mutations (1, 2). There is a risk of other components of the MAPK signalling pathway, such as MEK, being reactivated after the use of BRAF inhibitors (3-5). Given the evidence of drug resistance and side-effects of BRAF inhibitors, combined treatments with BRAF and MEK inhibitors are being tested in clinical trials for metastatic melanoma. Trametinib is one of these MEK inhibitors. Skin toxicities from BRAF inhibitors, such as photosensitivity, palmoplantar keratoderma (PPK) and keratosis pilaris (KP), have been reported (4, 6-11). Also, non-melanoma skin cancers (NMSC) are considered one of the most significant sideeffects (3, 11). We report here the profile of skin toxicities from vemurafenib, dabrafenib alone, or dabrafenib and trametinib combined treatment