2,466 research outputs found

    Monitoring of an aquatic environment in aquaculture using a MEWMA chart

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    Systematic reproduction and distribution, duplication of any material in this paper for a fee or for commercial purposes, or modifications of the content of this paper are prohibited.[EN] Monitoring an aquatic environment in aquaculture is usually carried out by controlling its physicochemical and biological parameters. The global state of the process is evaluated though the individual conditions shown in each parameter. However, the correlation structure in the data, caused by interdependence between these parameters, provides relevant information which must be controlled. Thus, the complex structure of the data requires a multivariate control method to explore both the individual and interactive effects of the environmental parameters. To achieve this goal, this paper presents a statistical method based on a Multivariate Exponentially Moving Average (MEWMA) chart to monitor the multivariate structure of an aquatic environment in aquaculture, especially in a crop of tilapia in Mozambique. The results show that the adjusted MEWMA chart is more consistent when controlling the conformity and stability of environmental parameters. Therefore, it can be considered an efficient statistical method to monitor an aquatic environment in aquaculture.Mulema, SA.; Carrión García, A. (2019). Monitoring of an aquatic environment in aquaculture using a MEWMA chart. Aquaculture. 504:275-280. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aquaculture.2019.01.019S27528050

    A Meiotic Checkpoint Alters Repair Partner Bias to Permit Inter-sister Repair of Persistent DSBs

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    Accurate meiotic chromosome segregation critically depends on the formation of inter-homolog crossovers initiated by double-strand breaks (DSBs). Inaccuracies in this process can drive aneuploidy and developmental defects, but how meiotic cells are protected from unscheduled DNA breaks remains unexplored. Here we define a checkpoint response to persistent meiotic DSBs in C. elegans that phosphorylates the synaptonemal complex (SC) to switch repair partner from the homolog to the sister chromatid. A key target of this response is the core SC component SYP-1, which is phosphorylated in response to ionizing radiation (IR) or unrepaired meiotic DSBs. Failure to phosphorylate (syp-16A) or dephosphorylate (syp-16D) SYP-1 in response to DNA damage results in chromosome non-dysjunction, hyper-sensitivity to IR-induced DSBs, and synthetic lethality with loss of brc-1BRCA1. Since BRC-1 is required for inter-sister repair, these observations reveal that checkpoint-dependent SYP-1 phosphorylation safeguards the germline against persistent meiotic DSBs by channelling repair to the sister chromatid.Cancer Research UK FC0010048UK Medical Research Council FC0010048Wellcome Trust FC0010048Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad BFU2016-75058-PEuropean Research Council ERC2014 AdG669898 TARLOO

    Towards Agent-Based Simulation Support for Training Teachers

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    he quality of teacher training is crucial as it influences the academic performance of students. The last decades have witnessed a steep increase in the use of information applications for improving the training of teachers. In this line of work, the current approach proposes to use agent-based simulation for supporting the training of teachers. The current work focuses on the capability of teachers in designing appropriate teaching strategies with the corresponding schedules of learning activities. In particular, the current approach uses FTS-SOCI (an agent-based Framework for simulating Teaching Strategies with evolutions of Sociograms) for simulating the social repercussions of certain teaching strategies. Teachers can pursue obtaining groups with high cohesion, which is normally related with a high academic performance. This article illustrates the current approach with the training of a computer science teacher for the programming subject

    Revisión de algoritmos, métodos y técnicas para la detección de UAVs y UAS en aplicaciones de audio, radiofrecuencia y video

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    Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), also known as drones, have had an exponential evolution in recent times due in large part to the development of technologies that enhance the development of these devices. This has resulted in increasingly affordable and better-equipped artifacts, which implies their application in new fields such as agriculture, transport, monitoring, and aerial photography. However, drones have also been used in terrorist acts, privacy violations, and espionage, in addition to involuntary accidents in high-risk zones such as airports. In response to these events, multiple technologies have been introduced to control and monitor the airspace in order to ensure protection in risk areas. This paper is a review of the state of the art of the techniques, methods, and algorithms used in video, radiofrequency, and audio-based applications to detect UAVs and Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS). This study can serve as a starting point to develop future drone detection systems with the most convenient technologies that meet certain requirements of optimal scalability, portability, reliability, and availability.Los vehículos aéreos no tripulados, conocidos también como drones, han tenido una evolución exponencial en los últimos tiempos, debido en gran parte al desarrollo de las tecnologías que potencian su desarrollo, lo cual ha desencadenado en artefactos cada vez más asequibles y con mejores prestaciones, lo que implica el desarrollo de nuevas aplicaciones como agricultura, transporte, monitoreo, fotografía aérea, entre otras. No obstante, los drones se han utilizado también en actos terroristas, violaciones a la privacidad y espionaje, además de haber producido accidentes involuntarios en zonas de alto riesgo de operación como aeropuertos. En respuesta a dichos eventos, aparecen tecnologías que permiten controlar y monitorear el espacio aéreo, con el fin de garantizar la protección en zonas de riesgo. En este artículo se realiza un estudio del estado del arte de la técnicas, métodos y algoritmos basados en video, en análisis de sonido y en radio frecuencia, para tener un punto de partida que permita el desarrollo en el futuro de un sistema de detección de drones, con las tecnologías más propicias, según los requerimientos que puedan ser planteados con las características de escalabilidad, portabilidad, confiabilidad y disponibilidad óptimas

    ABS-SOCI: An Agent-Based Simulator of Student Sociograms

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    Sociograms can represent the social relations between students. Some kinds of sociograms are more suitable than others for achieving a high academic performance of students. However, for now, at the beginning of an educative period, it is not possible to know for sure how the sociogram of a group of students will be or evolve during a semester or an academic year. In this context, the current approach presents an Agent-Based Simulator (ABS) that predicts the sociogram of a group of students taking into consideration their psychological profiles, by evolving an initial sociogram through time. This simulator is referred to as ABS-SOCI (ABS for SOCIograms). For instance, this can be useful for organizing class groups for some subjects of engineering grades, anticipating additional learning assistance or testing some teaching strategies. As experimentation, ABS-SOCI has been executed 100 times for each one of four real scenarios. The results show that ABS-SOCI produces sociograms similar to the real ones considering certain sociometrics. This similarity has been corroborated by statistical binomial tests that check whether there are significant differences between the simulations and the real cases. This experimentation also includes cross-validation and an analysis of sensitivity. ABS-SOCI is free and open-source to (1) ensure the reproducibility of the experiments; (2) to allow practitioners to run simulations; and (3) to allow developers to adapt the simulator for different environments

    An agent-based simulator applied to teaching-learning process to predict sociometric indices in higher education

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    Most novice teachers and even some experienced teachers can lack appropriate tools for designing teaching strategies that ensure the quality of education. The ability of working in teams is crucial in educating professionals. The literature proves that social relations influence the performance of teams. For instance, the team cohesion is directly related with its performance. In the current work, we have developed an agent-based tool for assisting teachers in simulating their teaching strategies to estimate their influence on the group sociometrics like cohesion, coherence of reciprocal relations, dissociation and density of relations. The experiments with nine scenarios in disciplines of computer science, electronic, psychology, business, tourism and renewal energies with 239 students and six teachers including experienced and novice ones show that its underlying agent-based framework can adapt to different disciplines obtaining similar outcomes to the real ones. We learned that the tool was especially reliable in predicting the density of relations and the cohesion, being the latter one probably the most relevant due to its known relation with academic performance. In addition, we also learned that it was difficult to assess the prediction quality of the dissociation in higher education, due to the usual low amounts or absence of reciprocal rejections in the students' groups in this educational stage. The presented agent-based tool is publicly distributed as open source for facilitating other researchers in following this research line

    Real-Time and Low-Cost Sensing Technique Based on Photonic Bandgap Structures

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    This paper was published in OPTICS LETTERS and is made available as an electronic reprint with the permission of OSA. The paper can be found at the following URL on the OSA website: http://dx.doi.org/10.1364/OL.36.002707. Systematic or multiple reproduction or distribution to multiple locations via electronic or other means is prohibited and is subject to penalties under law[EN] A technique for the development of low-cost and high-sensitivity photonic biosensing devices is proposed and experimentally demonstrated. In this technique, a photonic bandgap structure is used as transducer, but its readout is performed by simply using a broadband source, an optical filter, and a power meter, without the need of obtaining the transmission spectrum of the structure; thus, a really low-cost system and real-time results are achieved. Experimental results show that it is possible to detect very low refractive index variations, achieving a detection limit below 2 x 10(-6) refractive index units using this low-cost measuring technique. (C) 2011 Optical Society of America[This work was funded by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion (MICINN) under contracts TEC2008-06333, JCI-009-5805, and TEC2008-05490. Support by the Universidad Politecnica de Valencia through program PAID-06-09 and the Conselleria d'Educacio through program GV-2010-031 is acknowledged.García Castelló, J.; Toccafondo, V.; Pérez Millán, P.; Sánchez Losilla, N.; Cruz, JL.; Andres, MV.; García-Rupérez, J. (2011). Real-Time and Low-Cost Sensing Technique Based on Photonic Bandgap Structures. Optics Letters. 36(14):2707-2709. https://doi.org/10.1364/OL.36.002707S270727093614Fan, X., White, I. M., Shopova, S. I., Zhu, H., Suter, J. D., & Sun, Y. (2008). Sensitive optical biosensors for unlabeled targets: A review. Analytica Chimica Acta, 620(1-2), 8-26. doi:10.1016/j.aca.2008.05.022Homola, J., Yee, S. S., & Gauglitz, G. (1999). Surface plasmon resonance sensors: review. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 54(1-2), 3-15. doi:10.1016/s0925-4005(98)00321-9Kersey, A. D., Davis, M. A., Patrick, H. J., LeBlanc, M., Koo, K. P., Askins, C. G., … Friebele, E. J. (1997). Fiber grating sensors. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 15(8), 1442-1463. doi:10.1109/50.618377De Vos, K., Bartolozzi, I., Schacht, E., Bienstman, P., & Baets, R. (2007). Silicon-on-Insulator microring resonator for sensitive and label-free biosensing. Optics Express, 15(12), 7610. doi:10.1364/oe.15.007610Iqbal, M., Gleeson, M. A., Spaugh, B., Tybor, F., Gunn, W. G., Hochberg, M., … Gunn, L. C. (2010). Label-Free Biosensor Arrays Based on Silicon Ring Resonators and High-Speed Optical Scanning Instrumentation. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 16(3), 654-661. doi:10.1109/jstqe.2009.2032510Xu, D.-X., Vachon, M., Densmore, A., Ma, R., Delâge, A., Janz, S., … Schmid, J. H. (2010). Label-free biosensor array based on silicon-on-insulator ring resonators addressed using a WDM approach. Optics Letters, 35(16), 2771. doi:10.1364/ol.35.002771Skivesen, N., Têtu, A., Kristensen, M., Kjems, J., Frandsen, L. H., & Borel, P. I. (2007). Photonic-crystal waveguide biosensor. Optics Express, 15(6), 3169. doi:10.1364/oe.15.003169Lee, M. R., & Fauchet, P. M. (2007). Nanoscale microcavity sensor for single particle detection. Optics Letters, 32(22), 3284. doi:10.1364/ol.32.003284García-Rupérez, J., Toccafondo, V., Bañuls, M. J., Castelló, J. G., Griol, A., Peransi-Llopis, S., & Maquieira, Á. (2010). Label-free antibody detection using band edge fringes in SOI planar photonic crystal waveguides in the slow-light regime. Optics Express, 18(23), 24276. doi:10.1364/oe.18.024276Toccafondo, V., García-Rupérez, J., Bañuls, M. J., Griol, A., Castelló, J. G., Peransi-Llopis, S., & Maquieira, A. (2010). Single-strand DNA detection using a planar photonic-crystal-waveguide-based sensor. Optics Letters, 35(21), 3673. doi:10.1364/ol.35.003673Luff, B. J., Wilson, R., Schiffrin, D. J., Harris, R. D., & Wilkinson, J. S. (1996). Integrated-optical directional coupler biosensor. Optics Letters, 21(8), 618. doi:10.1364/ol.21.000618Sepúlveda, B., Río, J. S. del, Moreno, M., Blanco, F. J., Mayora, K., Domínguez, C., & Lechuga, L. M. (2006). Optical biosensor microsystems based on the integration of highly sensitive Mach–Zehnder interferometer devices. Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics, 8(7), S561-S566. doi:10.1088/1464-4258/8/7/s41Densmore, A., Vachon, M., Xu, D.-X., Janz, S., Ma, R., Li, Y.-H., … Schmid, J. H. (2009). Silicon photonic wire biosensor array for multiplexed real-time and label-free molecular detection. Optics Letters, 34(23), 3598. doi:10.1364/ol.34.003598Povinelli, M. L., Johnson, S. G., & Joannopoulos, J. D. (2005). Slow-light, band-edge waveguides for tunable time delays. Optics Express, 13(18), 7145. doi:10.1364/opex.13.007145Garcia, J., Sanchis, P., Martinez, A., & Marti, J. (2008). 1D periodic structures for slow-wave induced non-linearity enhancement. Optics Express, 16(5), 3146. doi:10.1364/oe.16.003146Pérez-Millán, P., Torres-Peiró, S., Cruz, J. L., & Andrés, M. V. (2008). Fabrication of chirped fiber Bragg gratings by simple combination of stretching movements. Optical Fiber Technology, 14(1), 49-53. doi:10.1016/j.yofte.2007.07.00

    Current status of the torus palatinus and torus mandibularis

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    While there is a hereditary component to tori, this does not explain all cases. Tori tend to appear more frequently during middle age of life; the torus palatinus is more commonly observed in females, but this is not the case with the torus mandibularis. Certain ethnic groups are more prone to one torus or the other. The torus is mainly removed due to prostodontic reasons, as it may also be used as biomaterial, not only in periodontology, but also in implantology. The aim of this study was a review of the literature from the past twenty years

    Beyond genomic selection: the animal model strikes back (one generation)!

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    Genome inheritance is by segments of DNA rather than by independent loci. We introduce the ancestral regression (AR) as a recursive system of simultaneous equations, with grandparental path coefficients as novel parameters. The information given by the pedigree in the AR is complementary with that provided by a dense set of genomic markers, such that the resulting linear function of grandparental BV is uncorrelated to the average of parental BV in the absence of inbreeding. AR is then connected to segmental inheritance by a causal multivariate Gaussian density for BV. The resulting covariance structure (Σ) is Markovian, meaning that conditional on the BV of parents and grandparents, the BV of the animal is independent of everything else. Thus, an algorithm is presented to invert the resulting covariance structure, with a computing effort that is linear in the number of animals as in the case of the inverse additive relationship matrix.Instituto de Genética Veterinari

    Development and Testing of a Real-Time LoRawan Sniffer Based on GNU-Radio

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    En este documento se muestran las vulnerabilidades presentes en una red de sensores inalámbricas implementada sobre una red de área amplia de largo alcance (LoRaWAN por sus siglas en inglés) LoRaWAN y se identifican los posibles ataques que se podrían realizar a la red usando sniffing y/o replay. Los ataques a la red se realizaron implementando un analizador de protocolos (Sniffer) para capturar los paquetes. El Sniffer se implementó utilizando el hardware RTL2832U y se visualizó en Wireshark, a través de GNU-Radio. Las pruebas mostraron que se pueden amenazar la disponibilidad y confidencialidad de los datos a través de ataques de replay con verificación en el LoRa server utilizando hardware HackRF One y GNU-Radio. Aunque la especificación LoRaWAN tiene contadores para evitar ataques de replay, bajo condiciones adecuadas se lograría vulnerar la red llegando a realizar la denegación del servicio del nodo en el servidor.This paper shows the vulnerabilities present in a wireless sensor network implemented over a long-range wide area network (LoRaWAN) LoRaWAN, and identifies possible attacks that could be made to the network using sniffing and/or replay. Attacks on the network were performed by implementing a protocol analyzer (Sniffer) to capture packets. The Sniffer was implemented using the RTL2832U hardware and visualized in Wireshark, through GNU-Radio. Tests showed that data availability and confidentiality could be threatened through replay attacks with LoRa server verification using HackRF One and GNU-Radio hardware. Although the LoRaWAN specification has, frame counters to avoid replay attacks, under given the right conditions, this measure could be violated even deny service to the node on the server