220 research outputs found

    Band gap tuning and orbital mediated electron–phonon coupling in HoFe1−xCrxO3 (0 ≤ x ≤ 1)

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    We report on the evidenced orbital mediated electron–phonon coupling and band gap tuning in HoFe1−xCrxO3 (0 ≤ x ≤ 1) compounds. From the room temperature Raman scattering, it is apparent that the electron-phonon coupling is sensitive to the presence of both the Fe and Cr at the B-site. Essentially, an Ag like local oxygen breathing mode is activated due to the charge transfer between Fe3+ and Cr3+ at around 670 cm−1, this observation is explained on the basis of Franck-Condon mechanism. Optical absorption studies infer that there exists a direct band gap in the HoFe1−xCrxO3 (0 ≤ x ≤ 1) compounds. Decrease in band gap until x = 0.5 is ascribed to the broadening of the oxygen p-orbitals as a result of the induced spin disorder due to Fe3+ and Cr3+ at B-site. In contrast, the increase in band gap above x = 0.5 is explained on the basis of the reduction in the available unoccupied d-orbitals of Fe3+ at the conduction band. We believe that above results would be helpful for the development of the optoelectronic devices based on the ortho-ferrites

    Utjecaj brzine doze pulsnoga zračenja na nastanak mikronukleusa u limfocitima periferne ljudske krvi

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    The micronucleus assay in human peripheral blood lymphocytes is a sensitive indicator of radiation damage and could serve as a biological dosimeter in evaluating suspected overexposure to ionising radiation. Micronucleus (MN) frequency as a measure of chromosomal damage has also extensively been employed to quantify the effects of radiation dose rate on biological systems. Here we studied the effects of 8 MeV pulsed electron beam emitted by Microtron electron accelerator on MN induction at dose rates between 35 Gy min-1 and 352.5 Gy min-1. These dose rates were achieved by varying the pulse repetition rate (PRR). Fricke dosimeter was employed to measure the absorbed dose at different PRR and to ensure uniform dose distribution of the electron beam. To study the dose rate effect, blood samples were irradiated to an absorbed dose of (4.7±0.2) Gy at different rates and cytogenetic damage was quantifi ed using the micronucleus assay. The obtained MN frequency showed no dose rate dependence within the studied dose rate range. Our earlier dose effect study using 8 MeV electrons revealed that the response of MN was linear-quadratic. Therefore, in the event of an accident, dose estimation can be made using linear-quadratic dose response parameters, without adding dose rate as a correction factor.Mikronukleus-test pokazao se osjetljivim pokazateljem oštećenja u limfocitima periferne ljudske krvi te se primjenjuje kao biološki dozimetar posumnja li se na prekomjerno izlaganje ionizirajućem zračenju. Mikronukleusi kao mjera oštećenja kromosoma često se rabe za procjenu učinaka zračenja u biološkim sustavima. Ovdje je istraženo djelovanje pulsnoga elektronskoga snopa od 8 MeV, dobivenog s pomoću elektronskoga akceleratora marke Microtron, na nastanak mikronukleusa u rasponu brzina doza od 35 Gy min-1 do 352.5 Gy min-1. Brzine doza mijenjale su se mijenjajući brzinu ponavljanja pulsa (tzv. pulse repetition rate, krat. PRR). Za mjerenje apsorbirane doze pri različitim PRR-ovima rabio se Frickeov dozimetar. Dozimetrijska su mjerenja također poslužila za ujednačavanje doze elektronskoga snopa. Za istraživanje utjecaja brzine doze, uzorci krvi ozračeni tako da apsorbiraju dozu od (4.7±0.2) Gy pri različitim brzinama doze, a zatim se s pomoću mikronukleus-testa utvrdilo citogenetsko oštećenje. Pokus s pulsnim snopovima energije 8 MeV upućuje na neovisnost broja mikronukleusa o brzinama doze u rasponu ispitanome u ovom istraživanju. Naše ranije istraživanje utjecaja doze pulsnoga elektronskoga zračenja energije 8 MeV upozorilo je na linearni do kvadratni odgovor izmjerenih parametara. Stoga se akcidentalna doza može procijeniti s pomoću linearnih do kvadratnih parametara odgovora na dozu, bez potrebe za korekcijom s pomoću brzine doze

    Effect of Ionic Strength on Porphyrin Drugs Interaction with Quadruplex DNA Formed by the Promoter Region of C-myc and Bcl2 Oncogenes

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    C-myc and Bcl2 are well characterized oncogenes that are capable of forming G-quadruplex structures. Promoter regions of C-myc and Bcl2 forming G-quadruplex structures are chemically synthesized and G-quadruplex structure is formed in presence of 100 mM potassium ion. Three different porphyrin drugs, namely TMPyP2, TMPyP3, and TMPyP4 are allowed to interact with quadruplex DNA complex and the site and nature of interaction are studied. Drug interactions with quadruplex DNA were carried out in different potassium ionic strengths using fluorescence spectroscopy. It is found that fluorescence hypochromicity decreases with an increase in ionic strength in the case of TMPyP4, TMPyP3, and TMPyP2. Fluorescence titration studies and Job plots indicate that four molecules of TMPyP4, two molecules of TMPyP3 and TMPyP2 are interacting with one molecule of quadruplex DNA


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    Objective: The purpose of the present study was to develop an oral push-pull osmotic drug delivery system for the drug Nateglinide which is a bio pharmaceutics classification system (BCS) class II drug. Methods: The tablets were prepared by the wet granulation method using ingredients microcrystalline cellulose (Adsorbent), potassium chloride (Osmotic agent), poly ethylene glycol (4000 and 6000) (Hydrophilic polymer, Plasticizer), starch (Disintegrant), and aerosil. The granules were compacted by double compression method and were coated with eudragit by dipping method. Different batches were prepared to study the effect of the various ingredients and their effect on the release of the drug from the system by varying the concentrations of the ingredients in each batch. Dissolution was assessed using USP dissolution apparatus 2 in phosphate buffer pH 6.8 for 12 h. Results: Certain key findings observed includes a decrease in micro crystalline cellulose content reduced the release of the drug due to the reduction of the hydrophilic content in the tablet which complements the uptake of water from the surroundings, and increase in the ethylene glycol leads to decrease in the release which resulted due to excess swelling and increase in the osmotic agent concentration lead to satisfactory release of the drug and followed zero-order release. Conclusion: To conclude, the push-pull osmotic tablet of Nateglinide was able to deliver the drug in a controlled pattern for a prolonged period of time. This type of formulation can be used in conditions like hyperglycemia where the patient compliance can improve by reducing the dosing frequency and the plasma drug levels can be maintained, the total drug load is also reduced so that the dose related side-effects are also reduced. Keywords: Controlled release, Push-pull osmotic pump, Nateglinid

    Thermodynamic Computing

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    The hardware and software foundations laid in the first half of the 20th Century enabled the computing technologies that have transformed the world, but these foundations are now under siege. The current computing paradigm, which is the foundation of much of the current standards of living that we now enjoy, faces fundamental limitations that are evident from several perspectives. In terms of hardware, devices have become so small that we are struggling to eliminate the effects of thermodynamic fluctuations, which are unavoidable at the nanometer scale. In terms of software, our ability to imagine and program effective computational abstractions and implementations are clearly challenged in complex domains. In terms of systems, currently five percent of the power generated in the US is used to run computing systems - this astonishing figure is neither ecologically sustainable nor economically scalable. Economically, the cost of building next-generation semiconductor fabrication plants has soared past $10 billion. All of these difficulties - device scaling, software complexity, adaptability, energy consumption, and fabrication economics - indicate that the current computing paradigm has matured and that continued improvements along this path will be limited. If technological progress is to continue and corresponding social and economic benefits are to continue to accrue, computing must become much more capable, energy efficient, and affordable. We propose that progress in computing can continue under a united, physically grounded, computational paradigm centered on thermodynamics. Herein we propose a research agenda to extend these thermodynamic foundations into complex, non-equilibrium, self-organizing systems and apply them holistically to future computing systems that will harness nature's innate computational capacity. We call this type of computing "Thermodynamic Computing" or TC.Comment: A Computing Community Consortium (CCC) workshop report, 36 page

    Global burden of chronic respiratory diseases and risk factors, 1990–2019: an update from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019

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    Background: Updated data on chronic respiratory diseases (CRDs) are vital in their prevention, control, and treatment in the path to achieving the third UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), a one-third reduction in premature mortality from non-communicable diseases by 2030. We provided global, regional, and national estimates of the burden of CRDs and their attributable risks from 1990 to 2019. Methods: Using data from the Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study (GBD) 2019, we estimated mortality, years lived with disability, years of life lost, disability-adjusted life years (DALYs), prevalence, and incidence of CRDs, i.e. chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), asthma, pneumoconiosis, interstitial lung disease and pulmonary sarcoidosis, and other CRDs, from 1990 to 2019 by sex, age, region, and Socio-demographic Index (SDI) in 204 countries and territories. Deaths and DALYs from CRDs attributable to each risk factor were estimated according to relative risks, risk exposure, and the theoretical minimum risk exposure level input. Findings: In 2019, CRDs were the third leading cause of death responsible for 4.0 million deaths (95% uncertainty interval 3.6–4.3) with a prevalence of 454.6 million cases (417.4–499.1) globally. While the total deaths and prevalence of CRDs have increased by 28.5% and 39.8%, the age-standardised rates have dropped by 41.7% and 16.9% from 1990 to 2019, respectively. COPD, with 212.3 million (200.4–225.1) prevalent cases, was the primary cause of deaths from CRDs, accounting for 3.3 million (2.9–3.6) deaths. With 262.4 million (224.1–309.5) prevalent cases, asthma had the highest prevalence among CRDs. The age-standardised rates of all burden measures of COPD, asthma, and pneumoconiosis have reduced globally from 1990 to 2019. Nevertheless, the age-standardised rates of incidence and prevalence of interstitial lung disease and pulmonary sarcoidosis have increased throughout this period. Low- and low-middle SDI countries had the highest age-standardised death and DALYs rates while the high SDI quintile had the highest prevalence rate of CRDs. The highest deaths and DALYs from CRDs were attributed to smoking globally, followed by air pollution and occupational risks. Non-optimal temperature and high body-mass index were additional risk factors for COPD and asthma, respectively. Interpretation: Albeit the age-standardised prevalence, death, and DALYs rates of CRDs have decreased, they still cause a substantial burden and deaths worldwide. The high death and DALYs rates in low and low-middle SDI countries highlights the urgent need for improved preventive, diagnostic, and therapeutic measures. Global strategies for tobacco control, enhancing air quality, reducing occupational hazards, and fostering clean cooking fuels are crucial steps in reducing the burden of CRDs, especially in low- and lower-middle income countries

    Spatial, temporal, and demographic patterns in prevalence of chewing tobacco use in 204 countries and territories, 1990-2019 : a systematic analysis from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019

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    Interpretation Chewing tobacco remains a substantial public health problem in several regions of the world, and predominantly in south Asia. We found little change in the prevalence of chewing tobacco use between 1990 and 2019, and that control efforts have had much larger effects on the prevalence of smoking tobacco use than on chewing tobacco use in some countries. Mitigating the health effects of chewing tobacco requires stronger regulations and policies that specifically target use of chewing tobacco, especially in countries with high prevalence. Findings In 2019, 273 center dot 9 million (95% uncertainty interval 258 center dot 5 to 290 center dot 9) people aged 15 years and older used chewing tobacco, and the global age-standardised prevalence of chewing tobacco use was 4 center dot 72% (4 center dot 46 to 5 center dot 01). 228 center dot 2 million (213 center dot 6 to 244 center dot 7; 83 center dot 29% [82 center dot 15 to 84 center dot 42]) chewing tobacco users lived in the south Asia region. Prevalence among young people aged 15-19 years was over 10% in seven locations in 2019. Although global agestandardised prevalence of smoking tobacco use decreased significantly between 1990 and 2019 (annualised rate of change: -1 center dot 21% [-1 center dot 26 to -1 center dot 16]), similar progress was not observed for chewing tobacco (0 center dot 46% [0 center dot 13 to 0 center dot 79]). Among the 12 highest prevalence countries (Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, India, Madagascar, Marshall Islands, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Palau, Sri Lanka, and Yemen), only Yemen had a significant decrease in the prevalence of chewing tobacco use, which was among males between 1990 and 2019 (-0 center dot 94% [-1 center dot 72 to -0 center dot 14]), compared with nine of 12 countries that had significant decreases in the prevalence of smoking tobacco. Among females, none of these 12 countries had significant decreases in prevalence of chewing tobacco use, whereas seven of 12 countries had a significant decrease in the prevalence of tobacco smoking use for the period. Summary Background Chewing tobacco and other types of smokeless tobacco use have had less attention from the global health community than smoked tobacco use. However, the practice is popular in many parts of the world and has been linked to several adverse health outcomes. Understanding trends in prevalence with age, over time, and by location and sex is important for policy setting and in relation to monitoring and assessing commitment to the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control. Methods We estimated prevalence of chewing tobacco use as part of the Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study 2019 using a modelling strategy that used information on multiple types of smokeless tobacco products. We generated a time series of prevalence of chewing tobacco use among individuals aged 15 years and older from 1990 to 2019 in 204 countries and territories, including age-sex specific estimates. We also compared these trends to those of smoked tobacco over the same time period. Findings In 2019, 273 & middot;9 million (95% uncertainty interval 258 & middot;5 to 290 & middot;9) people aged 15 years and older used chewing tobacco, and the global age-standardised prevalence of chewing tobacco use was 4 & middot;72% (4 & middot;46 to 5 & middot;01). 228 & middot;2 million (213 & middot;6 to 244 & middot;7; 83 & middot;29% [82 & middot;15 to 84 & middot;42]) chewing tobacco users lived in the south Asia region. Prevalence among young people aged 15-19 years was over 10% in seven locations in 2019. Although global age standardised prevalence of smoking tobacco use decreased significantly between 1990 and 2019 (annualised rate of change: -1 & middot;21% [-1 & middot;26 to -1 & middot;16]), similar progress was not observed for chewing tobacco (0 & middot;46% [0 & middot;13 to 0 & middot;79]). Among the 12 highest prevalence countries (Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, India, Madagascar, Marshall Islands, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Palau, Sri Lanka, and Yemen), only Yemen had a significant decrease in the prevalence of chewing tobacco use, which was among males between 1990 and 2019 (-0 & middot;94% [-1 & middot;72 to -0 & middot;14]), compared with nine of 12 countries that had significant decreases in the prevalence of smoking tobacco. Among females, none of these 12 countries had significant decreases in prevalence of chewing tobacco use, whereas seven of 12 countries had a significant decrease in the prevalence of tobacco smoking use for the period. Interpretation Chewing tobacco remains a substantial public health problem in several regions of the world, and predominantly in south Asia. We found little change in the prevalence of chewing tobacco use between 1990 and 2019, and that control efforts have had much larger effects on the prevalence of smoking tobacco use than on chewing tobacco use in some countries. Mitigating the health effects of chewing tobacco requires stronger regulations and policies that specifically target use of chewing tobacco, especially in countries with high prevalence. Copyright (c) 2021 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an Open Access article under the CC BY 4.0 license.Peer reviewe