47 research outputs found


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    A principios de 1900, el político, abogado y banquero chileno, Augusto Matte Pérez, finalizaba su labor diplomática en Francia y retornaba a Chile, trayendo consigo más de un centenar de objetos personales que se encontraban en su residencia en París. Entre estos bienes, destaca una importante colección de arte compuesta principalmente por pinturas, esculturas, dibujos y fotografías de artistas europeos y chilenos, incluyendo algunas de las obras de su hija, la reconocida escultora Rebeca Matte Bello.El siguiente artículo busca indagar en la doble figura político-cultural de Matte y en su rol como mecenas y protector de importantes artistas nacionales de este período. Para ello, este texto analiza su colección y los procesos detrás de la selección de las obras, permitiendo aproximarnos a las prácticas del coleccionismo y al consumo artístico de la elite chilena de fines del siglo XIX

    Representing Shakespeare\u27s Brave New World : Latin American Appropriations of The Tempest .

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    Representing Shakespeare\u27s Brave New World is a descriptive analysis of Latin American appropriations of William Shakespeare\u27s The Tempest. The first part explores the written appropriations by Jose Enrique Rodo, Roberto Fernandez Retamar, Edward Kamau Brathwaite, Aime Cesaire and George Lamming. The second part analyzes four major dramatic appropriations of The Tempest: a 1989 production by the Chilean company El Conventillo, a 1994 adaptation by the Chilean company La Bordada, a 1991 version by the Venezuelan company Rajatabla and a 1992 production by the Mexican company Por Amor Al Arte. Representing Shakespeare\u27s Brave New World also explores the connection between these Latin American appropriations of The Tempest and the culture and literature of Latin America. Specific consideration is given to these appropriations\u27 treatment of the Latin American third view of the world (historically symbolized first by Ariel and then by Caliban), magical realism, the trickster hero, and the carnivalization / cannibalization of Shakespeare\u27s text. Finally, Representing Shakespeare\u27s Brave New World argues that some Latin American appropriations not only respond to the colonialist subtext of The Tempest, but read the play as the comedy of Latin America with Caliban as its chief comedian, thus restoring the play\u27s celebratory mode

    Readings for difference: an introduction to Argentine queer literary critic

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    La crítica literaria –como discurso racional y práctica autónoma- es un producto del mundo moderno que se valida institucionalmente a partir de la normativización de sus operaciones críticas. Más aún, esas operaciones críticas o modos de leer se transforman en el canon crítico circulante y se arrogan la facultad de dirigir no solo qué leer sino también cómo leerlo. En sintonía con estos razonamientos, nos interesa esbozar una genealogía de la crítica literaria queer en nuestro país, pensar sus alcances y el momento histórico en el que esos textos se inscriben, se visibilizan y se legitiman dentro del canon crítico literario argentino.Literary criticism -as rational discourse and autonomous practice- is a product of the modern world that is institutionally validated by the standardization of its critique. Moreover, these critique or modes of reading become the critical canon circulating and assume the capacity to direct not only what to read but also how to read it. In line with these arguments we are interested in outlining a genealogy of queer literary criticism in our country, thinking about its scope and the historical moment in which these texts are inscribed, visualized and legitimized within the Argentine literary critical canon.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    Realismo en la pintura de Pedro Lira. Los canteros (ca. 1878) y su recepción crítica.

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    Los canteros (ca. 1878) de Pedro Lira (1845-1912) es la obra de mayor formato que se conoce del artista y, paradójicamente, una de las pinturas menos comentadas y difundidas en las publicaciones de historia del arte nacional. En parte, esto se debe a que la pintura estuvo guardada por más de tres décadas en los depósitos del Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes en Santiago, institución a la cual pertenece desde 1889. El presente artículo revisa las condiciones de creación de esta obra y profundiza en las circunstancias que llevaron a su falta de visibilidad y atención, a diferencia de la positiva recepción que esta obtuvo en Francia. Asimismo, se abordan algunas características del realismo que están presentes en la obra y se propone su temática como un rasgo de gran importancia y continuidad a lo largo de la producción pictórica del artista, la cual se desmarca de la mirada convencional que su pintura ha ocupado hasta hoy en el imaginario nacional chileno

    Oy Science Fiction: On Genre, Criticism, and Alien Love: An Interview with Marleen S. Barr

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    Marleen S. Barr is a pioneer of feminist science fiction criticism and a leader in the fight against the ghettoizing influences of genre-labeling in literary criticism. While the noteworthy Feminist Fabulation: Space/Postmodern Fiction (University of Iowa Press, 1992) has been praised as Barr\u27s seminal work in feminist science fiction criticism and theory, it is in Genre Fission: A New Discourse Practice for Cultural Studies (U of Iowa P, 2000) where she takes on literary critics\u27 discriminatory practices against genre fiction in general and fantasy and science fiction in particular. Currently teaching at Fordham University in New York City, Barr has mentored a whole new generation of feminism and science fiction scholars through such editorial endeavors as the collection Future Females, The Next Generation: New Voices and Velocities in Feminist Science Fiction Criticism (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2000), Envisioning the Future: Science Fiction and the Next Millennium (Middletown, CT: Wesleyan UP, 2003), and, of course, her triumphal co-editing (with the redoubtable Carl Freedman) of the Science Fiction special issue of PMLA entitled Science Fiction and Literary Studies: The Next Millennium (11.3 [May 2004]). Being a woman who always follows her opinions with action, Barr also has published a genre-bending novel, Oy Pioneer! (University of Wisconsin Press, 2003), which joyfully erases the boundary between the fantastic and the real in its search for truth. Marleen S. Barr is a most outspoken scholar on the ability of SF to foster real change in society, and in her struggle against textism, she does not pull her punches. Her introduction to the first Science Fiction special issue of PMLA, entitled, Textism—An Emancipation Proclamation, exemplifies her fervent honesty: I am going to stick my neck out and just say it: Sven Birkert\u27s now infamous review of Margaret Atwood\u27s Oryx and Crake is a discriminatory diatribe symptomatic of a pathological, knee-jerk science fiction aversion that automatically denigrates all examples of the genre. Birkert\u27s utterances are fighting words, exemplifying what Neil Easterbrook calls the antipathy for sf that provokes genre wars. Genre wars are revolutionary wars in which liberty, equality, and fraternity (and sisterhood) confront spurious elitism in determining literary value. (429) Barr\u27s understanding of Westfall and Slusser\u27s definition of textism (from Science Fiction, Canonization, Marginalization, and the Academy, Westport: Greenwood, 2002) as a discriminatory evaluation system in which all literature relegated to a so-called subliterary genre, regardless of its individual merits, is automatically defined as inferior, separate, and unequal (429-30) harkens back to the separate but equal arguments of pre-Brown vs. Board of Education racism. Separate is never equal, and separation is itself a political act of power production fueled by fear. As she notes in PMLA (and, remember, this is the journal that the very literary critics Barr names read), To be a literary critic who is afraid of starships (not to mention phasers, warp drives, photon torpedoes, and other starship accoutrements) is to be a literary critic who is antifiction. An antifiction literary critic is as absurd as a Jewish pope (432). Write on! But hers is not the righteous indignation of a Gayatri Spivak; no, Marleen S. Barr has the knowing Socratic glint within her eyes that lets you know that she knows that the world could be a better place if we\u27d all just admit our role in keeping it the way it is. It was on a beautiful bright day in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida that we first spoke with Barr about her new novel, her current critical work, talking horses, alien husbands, and plastic-covered furniture. That conversation conducted during the International Association for the Fantastic in the Arts Conference serves as the basis for this interview

    “My Books Will Be Read By Millions of People!”: The LaGuardia Community College Octavia E. Butler Project on Wikipedia.”

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    [This book chapter (“My Books Will Be Read By Millions of People!”: The LaGuardia Community College Octavia E. Butler Wikipedia Project.”) originally appeared in Approaches to Teaching the Works of Octavia Butler, edited by Tarshia Stanley, published by the Modern Language Association of America. Pages 45-51. ISBN: 9781603294157] In this essay, we examine the innovative community college classroom project that resulted in the first installment of Wikipedia Project Octavia E. Butler: the crafting of thorough, rigorously researched, well-written Wikipedia entries for Butler’s works by teams of undergraduate students. The first part of the essay focuses on our design of a student-centered system which would guide our students in becoming experts in a Butler novel while satisfying the goals a traditional composition and research class—to collect, analyze, and use sources as well as to develop ideas by drafting, revising, citing and documenting sources, critiquing, and editing final drafts. Our discussion addresses how community-based learning enabled our students to gain the necessary background to become authorities on different aspects of Butler’s work, detailing the stages of our teamwork and the advantages of being supported by a librarian who provides integrated and ongoing information and digital literacy instruction. The second part of the essay talks about the benefits of this type of assignment for the teaching and scholarship of Butler. For us, perhaps the most important outcome was that each student participating in the project demonstrated both a broad and a deep understanding and appreciation of Butler’s bestselling novel. Another significant benefit of this type of project is the product it generates and what this product means for the dissemination of knowledge on Butler’s work and the scholarship surrounding it. This increase in visibility may be especially important for Butler scholarship, which ordinarily is only accessible to a minute, privileged part of the world, as most resources are either contained in book chapters or in the paywalled databases of academia

    The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the affective filter of EFL learners in an online classroom

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    Introducción: la integración de la tecnología en la enseñanza del lenguaje, especialmente en el contexto de la pandemia COVID-19, desencadenó un proceso de búsqueda de diferentes estrategias pedagógicas. Debido a este cambio drástico en la educación, más la rapidez con la que se dispone de recursos tecnológicos, ha hecho que la tecnología se sitúe en la herramienta más importante en la enseñanza.  Por lo tanto, el docente debe considerar en la planificación de una clase, herramientas digitales y metodologías dinámicas para agilizar y motivar a los estudiantes y de esta manera, reducir su filtro afectivo. Objetivo: esta investigación tiene como objetivo determinar la efectividad de Kahoot en la reducción del impacto del filtro afectivo de los estudiantes de inglés como lengua extranjera. Métodos: este estudio desarrolló una investigación aplicada con enfoque mixto y alcance descriptivo, con diseño cuasi -experimental. Participaron activamente 42 estudiantes. Para la recolección de datos, se utilizaron dos herramientas principales de recolección de datos, a saber, una encuesta para buscar información sobre el impacto del filtro afectivo de los estudiantes durante las clases virtuales y una prueba previa y posterior basada en la comprensión lectora para verificar el desempeño de los estudiantes en inglés. Conclusiones: los estudiantes están enfrentando experiencias negativas en su aprendizaje del inglés porque su filtro afectivo es alto. Además, luego de la fase de intervención con el uso de Kahoot, los estudiantes mejoraron su desempeño en inglés en la habilidad de comprensión lectora. Por lo tanto, se recomienda continuar buscando recursos digitales motivantes para un mejor desenvolvimiento de los estudiantes.Introduction: the integration of technology in language teaching, especially in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic caused the search for different pedagogical strategies. Due to this drastic change in education along with the rapid access to online resources have placed technology as the most important tool in teaching. Therefore, when planning a class, the teacher must consider digital tools and dynamic methodologies to streamline and motivate students to reduce their affective filter. Objective: the current research aims to determine the effectiveness of Kahoot in the reduction of the impact of the EFL students’ affective filter.  Methods: this study developed applied research with a mixed method approach and descriptive scope, with a quasi-experimental design. 42 students actively participated. For the data gathering, two main tools of data collection were used, namely a survey to look for information about the impact of students’ affective filter during the virtual classes and a pre and post-test based on reading comprehension to check the students’ English performance. Conclusions: the students are facing negative experiences in their learning of English because their affective filter is high. Besides, after the intervention phase with the use of Kahoot, the students improved their English performance in the reading comprehension skill. Therefore, it is suggested to continue sampling innovative technological resources to enhance students’ performance

    Meditation and the teaching-learning process. An educational experience with deaf children

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    Recepción: 29 de julio de 2016 | Revisión: 6 de septiembre de 2016 | Aceptado: 17 octubre de 2016Correspondencia: Octavio Poblete Christie. Universidad de Playa Ancha (Chile)Email: [email protected] ID: 0000-0003-2551-0878En este trabajo se expone una experiencia cuyo objetivo fue implementar, dentro de la rutina escolar, la práctica de meditación por parte de estudiantes y profesores, efectuando también, una primera aproximación evaluativa. La experiencia fue implementada en un colegio para niñas y niños sordos ubicado en la comuna de Santiago, Chile. Participaron 41 estudiantes de nivel básico y 11 profesores. Se trabajó con toda la comunidad educativa transitando por distintas etapas, desde un proceso de sensibilización hasta la ejecución definitiva y evaluación. Se utilizó respiración espontánea como base de la técnica meditativa. A un año de práctica con tres sesiones semanales se realizó una evaluación. A nivel cualitativo, los actores mostraron una apreciación positiva de la experiencia en distintos aspectos. Además, se diseñó y aplicó una escala Likert que midió la percepción docente del efecto de la práctica sobre el proceso enseñanza aprendizaje. Los resultados muestran una percepción favorable en todos los factores. Finalmente, se reflexiona sobre diversos aspectos de la experiencia, de la técnica y de la evaluación realizada.This article exposes an experience which aim was to implement student and teachers meditation practice within the school routine and developing as well a first assessment approach. The experience was implemented at a school for deaf children located at a commune in Santiago, Chile. Participants were 41 primary school children and 11 teachers. The work involved whole school community who went along different stages, from a process of sensitization to the final execution and its evaluation. Spontaneous breathing was used as base of the meditative technique. The evaluation was developed after one year of practice three times a week. From a qualitative perspective, participants showed a positive appreciation of the experience at different aspects. Moreover, a Likert scale was applied to measure teachers’ perceptions about the effect of the practice on the teaching-learning process. Results show a favorable perception in all the factors. Finally, authors reflect about the diverse aspects of the experience, the technique and the evaluation.Universidad de Granada. Departamento de Psicología Social. Proyecto de Innovación Docente ReiDoCre

    Inbreeding and inbreeding depression of female reproductive traits in two populations of Coho salmon selected using BLUP predictors of breeding values

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    Abstract Levels of inbreeding and inbreeding depression were studied in two populations of Coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) in Chile. The two populations, termed even year, and odd year were artificially selected by weight at harvest over four generations, using the best linear unbiased prediction (BLUP) of breeding values. Also, general linear models (GLM) were used to analyze the effects of inbreeding on reproductive traits of the females and on survival of the progeny. The selection resulted in 56 -76% of the parents of the base population not contributing with descendents in the fourth generation. The inbreeding rate was greater in the even population (DF=2.45% per generation) than the odd population (DF=1.10% per generation) as a direct consequence of the smaller number of founder individuals in the former population (Ne=61 and 106, respectively). The level of inbreeding in the last generation was 9.5% (S.D.=2. eyed stage. Given the deleterious effects of inbreeding on reproductive traits, salmon selection programs should employ methods which limit the rate of increase of this factor.

    Aspectos académicos y personales que inciden en el abandono escolar en la DGETAyCM en Guerrero, México

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    This paper presents the results of an investigation that aimed to identify the academic and personal factors that affect school dropout in the schools of the DGETAyCM subsystem, in Guerrero, Mexico. A qualitative methodology with a phenomenological-empirical design was used. To collect the data, the semi-structured interview technique was used and the analysis of the information was developed based on the principles of dialectical hermeneutics, which implied preserving the original information of the participants. Among the main results, it was found that there is no student retention strategy in the schools that allows them to continue with their studies, in addition, the official programs and those that are designed in the schools have not resolved this problem. The follow-up process for young people with problems that result in academic, personal or cultural situations that lead them to drop out of school has also been neglected. It is concluded that the factors that affect school dropout are mostly internal, therefore, they concern institutional situations.En este trabajo se presentan los resultados de una investigación que tuvo como objetivo identificar los factores académicos y personales que inciden en el abandono escolar en los planteles del subsistema DGETAyCM, en Guerrero, México. Se utilizó una metodología tipo cualitativa con diseño fenomenológico-empírico. Para recabar los datos se utilizó la técnica de entrevista semiestructurada y el análisis de la información se desarrolló con base en los principios de la hermenéutica dialéctica, lo que, implicó conservar la información original de los participantes. Entre los principales resultados, se halló que en los planteles no existe una estrategia de retención de los estudiantes que les permita continuar con sus estudios, aunado, los programas oficiales y los que son diseñados en los planteles no han resuelto esta problemática. También se ha desatendido el proceso de seguimiento de los jóvenes con problemas que derivan en situaciones académicas, personales o culturales que los orillan a abandonar la escuela. Se concluye que, los factores que inciden en el abandono escolar son en mayor cantidad internos, por lo que, conciernen a situaciones institucionales