136 research outputs found

    La presse en langues étrangères en Andalousie: état des lieux

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    Estudio de la historia y la estructura actual del fenómeno de la prensa extranjera editada por los residentes extranjeros en Andalucía.Estudio de la historia y la estructura actual del fenómeno de la prensa extranjera editada por los residentes extranjeros en Andalucía.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    La represión de periodistas durante la guerra civil española: los casos de Eduardo León y Serralvo y de Rosendo Corripio Márquez (1936-1937)

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    Esta investigación se inserta en la línea de los estudios sobre la represión política durante la guerra civil española, y conecta con los trabajos sobre el martirilogio de periodistas, que en los años setenta emprendiera el profesor José Altabella. La presente investigación ubica su estudio en la ciudad de Málaga, y tiene como finalidad reconstruir las circunstancias que llevaron a la detención y asesinato de Eduardo León y Serralvo, director del diario conservador El Cronista, en septiembre de 1936; y al arresto y posterior ejecución de Rosendo Corripio Márquez, periodista de la Unión Mercantil y también del periódico republicano Julio, en el mes de julio de 1937. En este sentido, se pretende analizar este fenómeno en dos contextos sociopolíticos diferentes, divididos por la toma de la capital malagueña por las tropas de Franco el 8 de febrero de 1937. A través del estudio de la documentación judicial y hemerográfica se pretende ofrecer nuevas aportaciones a los estudios sobre la represión a periodistas en Andalucía.UNIVERSIDAD DE MÁLAGA. CAMPUS DE EXCELENCIA INTERNACIONAL ANDALUCÍA TEC

    Detección de necesidad en personas con discapacidad intelectual y/o del desarrollo con problemas de conducta: un estudio cualitativo.

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    A lo largo de estos años, la Planificación Centrada en la Persona (PCP) se ha encontrado con obstáculos que han impedido atender y cubrir algunas de las necesidades de las personas con discapacidad intelectual y del desarrollo con problemas de conducta tanto en el ambiente familiar, profesional y personal (PCDI/PC). Por este motivo surge el presente estudio, detectar las necesidades que tienen PCDI/PC y, a su vez, las necesidades de los profesionales y familiares que afectan en la atención a las PCDI/PC mediante grupos de discusión con profesionales, familias y PCDI/PC que forman parte de Plena Inclusión Madrid. En total han participado 82 personas que se distribuyen en profesionales (sanitarios, educativos, laborales y sociales), familias y PCDI/PC y, en total, se han detectado 81 necesidades que afectan a estos tres grupos. Como conclusión, estas necesidades descubiertas están suponiendo un obstáculo para que la metodología PCP tenga efectividad en las PCDI/PC, por lo que sería interesante que en futuros trabajos se estudien dimensiones que ayuden a cubrirlas.post-print244 K

    Transcriptomic Analysis Reveals Insights on Male Infertility in Octopus maya Under Chronic Thermal Stress

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    Octopus maya endemic to the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico, is an ectotherm organism particularly temperature-sensitive. Studies in O. maya females show that temperatures above 27°C reduce the number of eggs per spawn, fertilization rate and the viability of embryos. High temperatures also reduce the male reproductive performance and success. However, the molecular mechanisms are still unknown. The transcriptomic profiles of testes from thermally stressed (30°C) and not stressed (24°C) adult male octopuses were compared, before and after mating to understand the molecular bases involved in the low reproductive performance at high temperature. The testis paired-end cDNA libraries were sequenced using the Illumina MiSeq platform. Then, the transcriptome was assembled de novo using Trinity software. A total of 53,214,611 high-quality paired reads were used to reconstruct 85,249 transcripts and 77,661 unigenes with an N50 of 889 bp length. Later, 13,154 transcripts were annotated implementing Blastx searches in the UniProt database. Differential expression analysis revealed 1,881 transcripts with significant difference among treatments. Functional annotation and pathway mapping of differential expressed transcripts revealed significant enrichment for biological processes involved in spermatogenesis, gamete generation, germ cell development, spermatid development and differentiation, response to stress, inflammatory response and apoptosis. Remarkably, the transcripts encoding genes such as ZMYND15, KLHL10, TDRD1, TSSK2 and DNAJB13, which are linked to male infertility in other species, were differentially expressed among the treatments. The expression levels of these key genes, involved in sperm motility and spermatogenesis were validated by quantitative real-time PCR. The results suggest that the reduction in male fertility at high temperature can be related to alterations in spermatozoa development and motility

    A case of intestinal schwannoma initially suspected by transvaginal ultrasound

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    Schwannomas are peripheral nerve sheath tumors. Due to their low incidence, few cases of colorectal schwannomas have been published, which increases the diagnostic challenge. The aim of this case report is to discuss the role of transvaginal ultrasound in different areas than the gynecological disorders, when on hands of properly trained professionals that perform systematized procedures. A 56-year-old woman consulted for postmenopausal genital bleeding. During transvaginal ultrasound, a colonic solid, hypervascularized mass of 23 × 26 mm was visualized. As a result of this incidental finding, the patient underwent a sigmoidectomy, with a final diagnosis of intestinal schwannoma. Transvaginal ultrasound is today one of the most useful and accurate diagnostic tools in the assessment of gynecological disorders. However,the proximity of other pelvic structures makes it possible to evaluate the presence of nongynecological conditions. This fact should encourage gynecologists to systematize the transvaginal ultrasound procedure

    Ocular penetration of fluorometholone-loaded PEG-PLGA nanoparticles functionalized with cell-penetrating peptides

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    Aim: Development of fluorometholone-loaded PEG-PLGA nanoparticles (NPs) functionalized with cellpenetrating peptides for the treatment of ocular inflammatory disorders. Materials & methods: Synthesized polymers and peptides were used for elaboration of functionalized NPs, which were characterized physicochemically. Cytotoxicity and ability to modulate the expression of proinflammatory cytokines were evaluated in vitro using human corneal epithelial cells (HCE-2). NP uptake was assayed in both in vitro and in vivo models. Results: NPs showed physicochemical characteristics suitable for ocular administration without evidence of cytotoxicity. TAT-NPs and G2-NPs were internalized and displayed anti-inflammatory activity in both HCE-2 cells and mouse eye. Conclusion: TAT-NPs and G2-NPs could be considered a novel strategy for the treatment of ocular inflammatory diseases of the anterior and posterior segment

    Nanoencapsulated Clove Oil Applied as an Anesthetic at Slaughtering Decreases Stress, Extends the Freshness, and Lengthens Shelf Life of Cultured Fish

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    In the aquaculture industry, fish are stunned using a wide range of methods, but all of them trigger stress responses and affect the fish flesh quality. Chilled water is considered one of the most efficient methods, but even this is not a stress‐free experience for the fish. Anesthetics included in the ice slurry or in water could decrease this stress and delay the loss of flesh quality. In this work, we analyze the effect of clove oil (CO) nanoencapsulated in β‐cyclodextrins (β‐CD) (CO + β‐CD), incorporated in the stunning bath, on the stress response and the organoleptic attributes of fresh marine and freshwater fish from four economically important fish species: Atlantic salmon, European seabass, Nile tilapia, and Rainbow trout. CO + β‐CD reduces the time required to induce anesthesia, independently of water salinity, habitat or water temperature. The plasmatic glucose and cortisol levels decreased in all four species, although the concentrations of CO varied between species. Moreover, plasmatic lactate level differed between the marine and freshwater fish. The use of CO + β‐CD extended the shelf life of fish from all the species studied (by 3–7 days). In conclusion, using CO encapsulated in β‐CD for anesthetizing fish can be regarded as an improved fish‐stunning technique that reduces the anesthesia‐induction time, decreases the stress response, and extends the shelf life of fresh fish.Versión del edito

    Espacios Saludables en Bogotá: el caso de Plaza España

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    59 p.El presente informe de investigación, consiste en la exploración de un entorno urbano como La Plaza España en Bogotá con el fin de identificar el potencial de esta como un espacio saludable dentro de la ciudad. Este proyecto tiene como sustentos teóricos una apuesta por comprender la ciudad desde la psicología social y su impacto en la salud. Es una investigación de tipo mixta, exploratoria donde se emplean diferentes herramientas para la recolección de la información como lo son: cartografía social, diarios de campo y encuestas dirigidas a la población relacionada con el uso y el consumo de este espacio público en Bogotá. Para analizar se empleó el modelo comunicativo cartografía (Lizmova,2007); el resultado de las cartografías se analiza en mesa de trabajo en la modalidad de discusión de grupo con el objetivo de diseñar y elaborar las encuestas y; la información de las encuestas y diarios de campo es posteriormente analizada a través de matrices compuestas por encuestas y diarios de campo realizados, dicho análisis permitió conocer algunas características significativas que pueden determinar este entorno como un posible espacio saludable en la ciudad. La investigación permitió identificar que la muestra de usuarios tiene percepción negativa frente a las categorías de seguridad y convivencia ciudadana, cultura y recreación, salud y bienestar, medio ambiente, nivel socioeconómico, espacio público, educación y participación ciudadana; por otra parte, se identifica percepción positiva frente a la movilidad y la oportunidad laboral en la Plaza España.PregradoPsicólog

    Propuesta de un plan de mejora y plan de trazabilidad para La Panificadora Gabriel.

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    Este trabajo plantea un plan de mejora y un plan de trazabilidad a proponer para La Panificadora Gabriel, quien ha presentado una serie de no conformidades originadas de una visita de inspección realizada por el Ente de control y vigilancia, dicha visita se originó a partir de la generación de un Brote por E. Coli presente en el pastel moka entregado a una empresa manufacturera.This work proposes an improvement plan and a traceability plan to be proposed for La Panificadora Gabriel, who has presented a series of non-conformities originated from an inspection visit carried out by the Control and Surveillance Entity. This visit originated from the generation of an outbreak by E. Coli present in the moka cake delivered to a manufacturing company

    Metal-based nanoparticles as antimicrobial agents: an overview

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    Metal-based nanoparticles have been extensively investigated for a set of biomedical applications. According to the World Health Organization, in addition to their reduced size and selectivity for bacteria, metal-based nanoparticles have also proved to be effective against pathogens listed as a priority. Metal-based nanoparticles are known to have non-specific bacterial toxicity mechanisms (they do not bind to a specific receptor in the bacterial cell) which not only makes the development of resistance by bacteria difficult, but also broadens the spectrum of antibacterial activity. As a result, a large majority of metal-based nanoparticles efficacy studies performed so far have shown promising results in both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. The aim of this review has been a comprehensive discussion of the state of the art on the use of the most relevant types of metal nanoparticles employed as antimicrobial agents. A special emphasis to silver nanoparticles is given, while others (e.g., gold, zinc oxide, copper, and copper oxide nanoparticles) commonly used in antibiotherapy are also reviewed. The novelty of this review relies on the comparative discussion of the different types of metal nanoparticles, their production methods, physicochemical characterization, and pharmacokinetics together with the toxicological risk encountered with the use of different types of nanoparticles as antimicrobial agents. Their added-value in the development of alternative, more effective antibiotics against multi-resistant Gram-negative bacteria has been highlighted.M.L.G., M.E. (Miren Ettcheto), A.C., and E.S.L. belong to 2017SGR-1477. E.S.-L., A.C., M.E. (Marta Espina), and M.L.G. acknowledge the support of Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ART2018 project). E.B.S. wants to acknowledge the Portuguese Science and Technology Foundation (FCT/MCT) and European Funds (PRODER/COMPETE) for the projects M-ERA-NET-0004/2015-PAIRED and UIDB/04469/2020, co-funded by FEDER, under the partnership Agreement PT2020.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio