444 research outputs found

    The Artworks of Boris Grigoriev (1886–1939) at Sotheby’s and Christie’s Auctions in the 1980s–2010s

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    This article discusses the introduction of artworks by a Russian émigré artist, Boris Grigoriev, to the Western art market during the 1980s–2010s, using the examples of Russian art sales at Sotheby’s and Christie’s auction houses. The history of Grigoriev’s artwork sales at the major auctions, peaks and slumps of interest in them, together with the stylistic preferences of buyers and other factors, are addressed less as market phenomena and more as a result of art historical research, expert appraisal of the artist’s practice, and, at the same time, as a basis for further investigations contributing not only to economic value, but also to a symbolic component. Keywords: Boris Grigoriev, Russian art, art market, expert appraisal, auction sales, original painting, forged artwork

    Estimation of Temperature Conductivity Coefficient Impact upon Fatigue Damage of Material

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    In the paper we consider the peculiarities of adhesive wear of cutting tools. Simulation of heat flows in the cutting zone showed that, as thermal conduction and heat conductivity of tool material grow, the heat flows from the front and back surfaces to tool holder will increase and so, the temperature of the contact areas of the tool will lower. When estimating the adhesive wear rate of cemented-carbide tool under the cutting rates corresponding to the cutting temperature of up to 900 °С, it is necessary to take the fatigue character of adhesive wear into consideration. The process of accumulation and development of fatigue damage is associated with micro- and macroplastic flowing of material, which is determined by the processes of initiation, motion, generation, and elimination of line defects - dislocations. Density of dislocations grows with increase of the loading cycles amount and increase of load amplitude. Growth of dislocations density leads to loosening of material, formation of micro- and macrocracks. The heat capacity of material grows as the loosening continues. In the given paper the authors prove theoretically that temperature conductivity coefficient which is associated with heat capacity of material, decreases as fatigue wear grows

    Guido Crepax – Valentina – The Shape of Her Time

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    The paper will focus on the analysis of Guido Crepax revolutionary comic book character Valentina that belongs to the golden age of the Italian comic-book genre fumetto. The aim is to explore whether Guido Crepax Valentina character was a "living doll" filling male fantasies of her creator or she was a woman empowered by her author struggling for many of the values of the women's culture that feminists today are trying to introduce into the mainstream. It also addresses research questions that focus on comic books and gender and empowerment at the decade of sexual liberation.Through Valentina case study the present paper is going to study an approach on the concept of woman in comics, and touch the border of female empowerment issue in contemporary world taking in consideration that her revolutionary strong and independent figure was born in a society where women have been frequently viewed as passive and represented as inferior to men and where questions of sexuality were considered taboo. Despite the fact that she angered some feminists by the way she was portrayed as an object of male gaze or a damsel in distress, there is nothing anti-feminist about Valentina. The aim here is to uncover feminist themes in the stories of Valentina and to explore what empowered her and made her a contemporary icon of style and symbol of liberated women


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    Abstract. This paper considers the problems of taxation and the dynamics of development of investmentactivities of oil companies in the Russian economy. The issues of petrochemical industry taxation, restoration of mineral reserves, evaluation of Russian oil production optimum size as well as the upward rise in petroleum product prices remain to be the most pressing and debating points. The study consists of several stages and is based on data published on the official websites of companies Gazpromneft, Lukoil, Tatneft, Rosneft, Surgutneftegaz. Within the scope of the given study the authors carried out a factorial analysis of the company "TATNEFT" investment activities. The amount of investments into petrochemical vector of the company’s development was taken in the quality of the resultant indicator. Several factors including taxation, net profit, a company’s expenses connected with product manufacture and realization, long-term obligations size and others were considered as variables. These data were reported within the period of 2004-2016Keywords: oil production, taxes, investments, innovations, education, competition, profitability, oilcompanies

    Resonance absorption of ultrasound due to rotational lattice vibrations

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    The nuclear spin-phonon interaction Hamiltonian for Van Vleck paramagnets is derived in general form with allowance for rotational vibrations of the crystal lattice. The specific form of the Hamiltonian is given for tetragonal crystal symmetry in the cases S=1/2 and S > 1/2. The coefficient of sound absorption at the electron-nuclear levels as well as the electron spin system is calculated. It is verified that the contribution of rotational lattice vibrations can in a number of cases turn out to be an order of magnitude greater than the contribution depending on the shear and compressive strain. © 1980 Plenum Publishing Corporation

    The in-process control of PVC sheath of a double core cable

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    In this work the possibility of the sheath hermiticity testing by measuring of the cable capacity per unit length variation during spark testing is considered. The research object is 2•0.75 HO3VVH2-F cable. According to the physical modelling it is proved that such defect of sheath as pinhole through the whole thickness of sheath can be registered for the test length 10 cm with test voltage frequencies 1kHz and 10kHz

    Modern Problems of Investment Cooperation Development in the Supply Chain of the World Economy

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    This paper considers the problems and dynamics of investment cooperation development in the supply chain of the world economy. The following factors have been selected foridentification of current problems in the development of investment cooperation in the supply chain of world economy: distribution of investment flows by the developed countries, developing countries, economies in transition, and by regions of the world (Europe, North America, Africa, Asia, Latin America and Caribbean, Oceania). The study consists of several stages and is based on data published on the official websites of UNCTAD, BRICS, IMF and the World Bank. The study shows that the absolute leaders in terms of the attracted foreign direct investments for the years 2015-2016 remain the United States, the United Kingdom and Hong Kong. In the total volume of foreign direct investments inflow, the absolute advantage of 64% is in the services sector, the processing sector possesses 27%, and the extraction -7%. An important trend in the development of international investment cooperation has become the conclusion of international investment transactions (IIT) and regional agreements. Most of the countries, leading in FDI inflows are at the same time the leaders in terms of the number of concluded IITs

    Russian Émigré Artists Boris Grigoriev and Grigory Musatov and 1920s-1930s Prague: Between “Russian Exoticism” and Western Modernism

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    Статья посвящена пражскому контексту творчества и чешским связям русских художников-эмигрантов Бориса Григорьева (1886-1939) и Григория Мусатова (1889-1941) в 1920-1930-е гг. Живший в Париже с 1920 г. Борис Григорьев Прагу посетил лишь один раз, но состоявшаяся в 1926 г. его персональная выставка стала одним из самых заметных художественных событий 1920-х гг. в столице Чехословакии. Для Григория Мусатова Прага, напротив, стала местом его постоянного обитания, где он смог интегрироваться в местный художественный процесс. Мастеров разных судеб связывали близость эстетики и направление творческой эволюции: своеобразный «русский экзотизм» в творчестве 1920-х гг., отмечавшийся чешскими и европейскими критиками, а также движение к интернациональным мотивам и модернистским художественным решениям в 1930-е гг

    Ethno-Aesthetic Communication in the Context of the Formation of Technological Culture of Students in the System of Continuing Education

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    The relevance of the problem presented in this study is conditioned by the fact that the multifactorial nature of qualities of technological culture of the individual requires a search for paradigms, an identification of the range of approaches aimed at developing not only technological, professional, but also cultural competences of students in multiparadigmatic viewpoint. The purpose of the article is to theoretically substantiate the polyparadigmatic approach to the formation of technological culture of students in the system of continuing education based on ethno-aesthetic values. The leading method for the research of this problem is the method of concretization, which allows us to consider the formation of motivational, cognitive, activity (practical) - technologically important personal qualities (Belentsov S. I, Fahrutdinova A. V, 2017). The structure of the polyparadigmatic approach to the formation of technological culture of students in the system of continuing education based on ethno-aesthetic values includes axiological, cultural, socio-cultural, activity-technological, ethnopedagogical, and ethno-aesthetic approaches. The polyparadigmatic approach has an integrative basis, it is based on scientific and ethnic knowledge expressed in the form of concepts, didactics of technological and higher education, ethno-aesthetic didactics, which ensure the continuity of the formation of the components of technological culture of students in the system ‘school – University – additional education’