118 research outputs found

    Investigating the Presentation, Trajectory, and Treatment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Children Exposed to Intimate Partner Violence

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    Childhood exposure to intimate partner violence (IPV) is serious public health issue associated with a host of negative outcomes, including posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Research on early-life violence exposure has found that it confers risk for further exposure to violence and poor mental health later in life; however, there is a lack of prospective research in this area. Further, there is little information on how treatment impacts mental health over the long-term, despite the chronic nature of IPV exposure. This dissertation has three specific aims: (1) to examine profiles of traumatic stress symptoms in children and women exposed to IPV, (2) to evaluate how mothers' and children's PTSD symptoms relate, and (3) investigate trajectories of PTSD in IPV-exposed children as well as assess if intervention has a positive impact on children's PTSD symptoms over an eight-year period. Two-hundred ten children (ages 4-12), and their mothers were interviewed as part of this study. Approximately sixty families completed an eight-year follow-up interview to an intervention trial. Results demonstrated age-related differences in profiles of PTSD symptoms, as well as significant functional impairment of symptoms. Further, mothers' and children's symptoms of PTSD were significantly related in both younger and older children, suggesting it may be important to intervene with maternal mental health to have a significant impact on child functioning. Finally, this research demonstrated that children's traumatic stress symptoms worsen over time, regardless of treatment participation, and that this was related, in part, to their continued IPV exposure. Altogether, these results suggest more support is needed for children exposed to early-life IPV to promote their health long-term functioning.PHDPsychologyUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/145868/1/mgalano_1.pd

    Effects of Releasing Capital Requirements: A DSGE Approach

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    This paper simulates a macroprudential policy of reduction in capital requirements, in line with the measures promoted by macroprudential authorities to face the effects of the recent pandemic crisis on real economy. We do that in an otherwise standard DSGE model augmented with a housing sector and a macroprudential regulator. Results show that a regulatory intervention aiming at reducing capital requirements entails a deep and prolonged recession, worsening financial and macroeconomic stability. Overall, it follows that the effects could be opposite to those desired. Two channels lead to this outcome: the financial channel of interest rates on deposits and loans, and the real estate channel of housing prices

    Effector mechanisms of cd8+ hla-dr+ t cells in breast cancer patients who respond to neoadjuvant chemotherapy

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    Cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTLs) activation is an independent predictor of response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NACT) in breast cancer (BC) patients. Here, we go deeper into the function of CD8+ HLA-DR+T cells from NACT treated HER2 negative BC patients. Flow cytometry analysis revealed that CD8+ HLA-DR+ T cell percentage was increased in NACT responder (R) compared to non-responder (NR) patients. R patients with ER-/PR- hormone receptors had the highest CD8+HLA-DR+T cell frequencies, while no differences were found when patients were classified according to cancer stage or menopause status. Interestingly, the cytotoxicity and production of anti-tumor cytokines were enhanced when CD8+ HLA-DR+ T cells from healthy donors were cultured with plasma from R, but not from NR patients. The induced anti-tumor profile of CD8+ HLA-DR+ T cells was associated with plasmatic IL-12 and IFN-γ levels, increased cytokines in R patients. IL-12 or IFN-γ neutralization decreased cytotoxic activity and TNF-α production by cultured CD8+ HLA-DR+ T cells in R plasma presence. All these data suggest that an effective response to NACT in BC patients is associated with increased IL-12 or IFN-γ levels involved in the induction of cytotoxic and pro-inflammatory mechanisms in CD8+ HLA-DR+ T cells

    Experiences Of Adolescents Seropositive For Hiv/aids: A Qualitative Study

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    Explorar os significados atribuídos pelos jovens a "viver a adolescência com o HIV" em um grupo de pacientes que adquiriu a infecção ao nascimento e os elementos implicados na adesão ao tratamento antirretroviral. Pesquisa de natureza qualitativa, com 20 sujeitos (13 a 20 anos), acompanhados em serviços especializados no tratamento da Aids pediátrica em São Paulo, Brasil. Foram feitas entrevistas semidirigidas cujo roteiro foi composto por questões sobre suas histórias pessoais, dificuldades e experiências que enfrentam diante da infecção pelo HIV/Aids. Ser "normal" e "diferente" foram questões centrais no discurso dos participantes. Entretanto, a condição de uma vida normal é garantida mediante a responsabilidade com a saúde, a ressalva de que seja mantido o segredo do diagnóstico e as preocupações com a transmissão do vírus e divulgação do HIV ao parceiro sexual. As respostas sobre o tratamento apontam que a adesão é um processo dinâmico e envolve momentos de maior ou menor interesse em relação aos cuidados com a saúde. Os adolescentes têm planos e projetos e, apesar de o HIV ser considerado um agente estressor, prevaleceram perspectivas positivas diante do futuro. Viver a adolescência com o HIV envolve dimensões delicadas, que necessitam ser reconhecidas e legitimadas pelos profissionais que acompanham a trajetória desses jovens. Trata-se de possibilitar um espaço no qual o adolescente possa refletir e encontrar apoio para as questões relacionadas à construção de sua sexualidade e cuidados com seu próprio corpo.34217117

    Quantitative experiments to explain the change of seasons

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    The science education literature shows that students have difficulty understanding what causes the seasons. Incorrect explanations are often due to a lack of knowledge about the physical mechanisms underlying this phenomenon. To address this, we present a module in which the students engage in quantitative measurements with a photovoltaic panel to explain changes to the sunray flow on Earth’s surface over the year. The activities also provide examples of energy transfers between the incoming radiation and the environment to introduce basic features of Earth’s climate. The module was evaluated with 45 secondary school students (aged 17–18) and a pre-/posttest research design. Analysis of students’ learning outcomes supports the effectiveness of the proposed activities

    Pesquisa de anticorpos anti-Rickettsia rickettsii em eqĂĽinos do Centro de Controle de Zoonoses do municĂ­pio de SĂŁo Paulo (CCZ/SP)

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    Brazilian Spotter Fever (BSF) is a tick-borne zoonosis transmitted by at least two tick species: Amblyomma cajennense and Amblyomma aureolatum. In areas where the tick vector is A. cajennense, equines are important for being considered primary hosts of this tick species. A. aureolatum, whose primary hosts include birds, some rodent species, and dogs, is incriminated as vector in the metropolitan region of São Paulo city. This work aimed to detect antibodies reactive to Rickettsia rickettsii in equines sent to the Zoonosis Control Center of São Paulo Municipality (CCZ/SP) during the period from 2003 to 2005. After blood collection, sera were obtained by centrifugation and tested by the indirect immunofluorescence assay (IFA) and animals were considered positive if sera presented titers >; 64. During three years, 363 equine sera sent to CCZ/SP, were tested by IFA, and 64 showed reactive: 6 (2003), 16 (2004) and 42 (2005). The end-point titers varied from 64 to 1.024. The results demonstrate a low percentage (17.6%) of reactive animals, when compared with literature data from BSF-endemic areas where A. cajennense is the vector, suggesting that this tick is not a main vector in the study areaA Febre Maculosa Brasileira (FMB) é uma zoonose transmitida por pelo menos duas espécies de carrapatos: Amblyomma cajennense e Amblyomma aureolatum. Os eqüinos assumem um importante papel de sentinela da FMB em áreas onde o carrapato vetor é o A. cajennense, por ser considerado hospedeiro primário dessa espécie de carrapato. O A. aureolatum, cujos hospedeiros primários são aves, alguns roedores silvestres e canídeos, é incriminado como vetor da doença na região da Grande São Paulo. Este trabalho objetivou pesquisar a presença de anticorpos contra Rickettsia rickettsii, agente da FMB, em eqüinos encaminhados ao Centro de Controle de Zoonoses do município de São Paulo (CCZ/SP) no período de 2003 a 2005. Após coleta de sangue, o soro obtido pela centrifugação foi submetido à reação de imunofluorescência indireta (RIFI) e os animais foram considerados positivos quando as amostras de soro apresentaram títulos >; 64. Durante os três anos, foram testados 363 amostras pela RIFI, sendo que 64 se mostraram reagentes: 6 (2003), 16 (2004) e 42 (2005). Os títulos finais variaram de 64 a 1.024. Os resultados obtidos demonstram uma baixa porcentagem de animais reagentes (17,6%) quando comparados com dados de literatura de áreas endêmicas para FMB onde o vetor é o A. cajennense, sugerindo não ser essa espécie responsável pela transmissão da doença na área de estud

    Phytopharmacologic preparations as predictors of plant bioactivity: A particular approach to Echinacea purpurea (L.) Moench antioxidant properties

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    Objective A large body of evidence has confirmed a multitude of health benefits of plant products and their derived formulations. Echinacea purpurea (L.) Moench is a good example, widely used due to its therapeutic properties. In the present study, the chemical composition of the different samples and antioxidant properties of E. purpurea hydroethanolic and aqueous extracts obtained from dry or fresh raw material were evaluated and compared with dietary supplements based on the same plant (tablets and syrup), to determine the most active phytopharmacologic preparation or formulation. Methods Chemical composition of the different samples was assessed through the determination of free sugars, organic acids and tocopherols. The in vitro antioxidant properties were determined using four assays: 2,2-Diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radicals scavenging activity, reducing power, inhibition of b-carotene bleaching and inhibition of lipid peroxidation by thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) assay. Total phenolics and flavonoids were also determined. Results Overall, the hydroethanolic extract of fresh plant revealed the highest activity, directly related with its higher contents in phenolic (229.22 ± 4.38 mg gallic acid equivalent [GAE]/mL), flavonoids (124.83 ± 7.47 mg GAE/mL), organic acids (8.89 ± 0.10 g/100 g), and tocopherols (4.55 ± 0.02 mg/100 g). Tablets followed by syrup revealed the worst effect, positively correlated with the lowest abundance in bioactive molecules. The weak in vitro antioxidant potential of commercial phytopharmacologic formulations could be related to their chemical composition, including the addition of excipients. Conclusion Further studies are necessary to deepen knowledge on this area, namely focusing on in vivo experiments, to establish upcoming guidelines to improve the quality and bioavailability of phytopharmacologic formulations.The authors are grateful to Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT, Portugal) for financial support to the research center CIMO (strategic project PEst-OE/AGR/UI0690/2014) and L. Barros researcher contract under “Programa Compromisso com Ciência – 2008”

    The dipolar endofullerene HF@C60

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    The cavity inside fullerenes provides a unique environment for the study of isolated atoms and molecules. We report encapsulation of hydrogen fluoride inside C60 using molecular surgery to give the endohedral fullerene HF@C60. The key synthetic step is the closure of the open fullerene cage while minimizing escape of HF. The encapsulated HF molecule moves freely inside the cage and exhibits quantization of its translational and rotational degrees of freedom, as revealed by inelastic neutron scattering and infrared spectroscopy. The rotational and vibrational constants of the encapsulated HF molecules were found to be redshifted relative to free HF. The NMR spectra display a large 1H-19F J coupling typical of an isolated species. The dipole moment of HF@C60 was estimated from the temperature-dependence of the dielectric constant at cryogenic temperatures and showed that the cage shields around 75% of the HF dipole
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