66 research outputs found

    63. Raki Płaskonabłonkowe głowy i szyi u młodych dorosłych – retrospektywna wieloczynnikowa analiza oraz wstępne wyniki badań nad rolą czynnika genetycznego w ich etiopatogenezie

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    Celem pracy jest analiza cech klinicznych raków płaskonabłonkowych głowy i szyi u chorych poniżej 45 roku życia („young adult”) oraz ocena udziału czynnika genetycznego w ich etiopatogenezie. W ocenie klinicznej uwzględniono dane dotyczące: A.- pacjentów: wiek (średnia 40.9 lat), płeć (mężczyźni 85%, kobiety 15%) oraz ekspozycja na typowe czynniki ryzyka (palący papierosy −96.8%, spożywający alkohol −96.7%), B.- guza: lokalizacja (krtań 69%, jama ustna i gardło 28%), stopień zaawansowania klinicznego (głównie stadium IV −58.7%), typ histologiczny (ca planoepitheliale keratodes 71.2%, akeratodes 28.8%) i stopień zróżnicowania histologicznego (głownie G1+G2 −94.3%), C.- zastosowanego leczenia: metoda (głównie skojarzone: operacja + radioterapia −61.3%) oraz wyniki (wznowa miejscowa −15.9%, wznowa węzłowa −18.5%, przeżycia 3-letnie 46%, przeżycia 5-letnie 35%). W ocenie roli czynnika genetycznego zastosowano 3 techniki: genotypowanie, test bleomycynowy i test kometkowy. U 24 chorych oznaczono polimorfizm genów metabolizmu kancerogenów oraz genów związanych z naprawą DNA. Stwierdzono częstsze niż w grupie pacjentów starszych występowanie następujących genotypów ryzyka: GSTM1 (-) współwystępujący z NAT2 4/6A oraz NAT2 4/6A oraz allelu ryzyka: NAT2 4; allel ryzyka CYP 1A1 4 występował rzadziej niż w grupie starszych, natomiast częstość występowania genotypu ryzyka XPD 35931AA w obu grupach była zbliżona. U 5 pacjentów oznaczono poziom niestabilności chromosomowej za pomocą testu bleomycynowego – stwierdzono zbliżone wartości współczynnika b/c w grupie pacjentów młodszych i starszych przy jednocześnie wyraźnie większym odsetku uszkodzonych komórek w grupie młodych dorosłych. W obu grupach zarówno wartość współczynnika b/c jak i procent uszkodzonych komórek były wyrażnie większe niż w grupie osób zdrowych. W grupie 7 pacjentów za pomocą techniki comet assay określono uszkodzenia spontaniczne i indukowane oraz zdolności naprawy DNA – stwierdzono wysoki i zbliżony w grupie pacjentów młodych i starszych poziom uszkodzeń DNA – zarówno spontanicznych i indukowanych oraz zbliżone zdolności naprawy DNA

    Тhe effect of Cr substitution for Fe on ferroelectric and magnetic properties of PbFe0.5Nb0.5O3, PbFe0.5Sb0.5O3 and BiFeO3 multiferroics

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    Проведены диэлектрические и мессбауэровские исследования сегнетоэлектрических и магнитных фазовых переходов в твердых растворах PbFe0.5-xCrxNb0.5O3, BiFe1-xCrxO3, PbFe0.5-xCrxSb0.5O3. Во всех этих системах замещение железа хромом разрушает как сегнетоэлектрический, так и магнитный дальний порядок.PbFe0.5-xCrxNb0.5O3, BiFe1-xCrxO3, PbFe0.5-xCrxSb0.5O3 solid solutions have been carried out. In all the systems studied Cr substitution for Fe destroys both ferroelectric and magnetic long-range order.Работа выполнена при поддержке Российского Фонда Фундаментальных Исследований (грант 16-52-0072 Бел_a) и Белорусского Республиканского Фонда Фундаментальных Исследований (грант T16R-079)

    The effect of experimental low zearalenone intoxication on ovarian follicles in pre-pubertal bitches

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    Companion animals, including bitches, may be exposed to zearalenone (ZEN) toxins that are often present in feed, and ZEN intoxication may lead to ovarian dysfunction. This study involved evaluation of the degree of ZEN-induced hypo stimulation of ovary by determination of proliferative and apoptotic indices and description of the ultra-structural organization of ovarian follicles in pre-pubertal bitches subjected to experimental, long-term exposure to low-dose ZEN mycotoxicosis. The experiment involved 30 clinically healthy, immature Beagle bitches aged approximately 70 days with initial average body weight of 8 kg, randomly divided into three groups of 10 animals each: two experimental groups (EI and EII) and a control group (C). Over a period of 42 days, ZEN was administered per os to EI animals at a dose of 50 μg/kg BW, and to EII bitches at a dose of 75 μg/kg BW. Control group animals were fed placebo containing no ZEN for 42 days. Analytical samples of the mycotoxin were administered daily in gelatin capsules before morning feeding. All the bitches were subjected to ovario-hysterectomy at the end of the experiment. Proliferation index (PCNA method) and apoptotic index (TUNEL test) values were determined by immune-histological analyses. The median for apoptotic index was determined at 13.45 for group EI, 17.84 for group EII, and 8.59 for group C. The median for proliferation index was determined at 35.25 for group EII, 42.44 for group EI, and 70.60 for group C. The results of ultra-structural examinations of the ovaries revealed that experimental, ZEN-induced hyperestrogenism enhanced apoptosis and lowered the proliferative ability of follicular cells what contributed to organelle destruction in pre-pubertal bitches. The changes observed were particularly advanced in EII animals, which were administered a higher dose of ZEN

    The effects of experimental administration of low doses of zearalenone on the histology of ovaries in pre-pubertal bitches

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    The experiment involved 30 clinically healthy Beagle bitches aged approximately 70 days with an initial body weight of approximately 8 kg. The animals were randomly divided into two experimental groups (EI and EII) and a control group of 10 animals each. Group EI was administered 50 μg of body weight zearalenone/kg per os for 42 days, group EII received 75 μg of body weight zearalenone/kg per os for 42 days, and the control group was administered placebo per os for 42 days. The bitches were ovariectomized at the end of the treatment period for anatomopathological examination. At the same time, peripheral blood samples were collected for endocrinological analyses (17β-estradiol and progesterone). Administartion of zearalenone particularly higher doses, resulted in the hyperestrogenism degeneration and atrophy of ovarian cells and tissues with accompanying edema and blood extravasation, leading to increased 17β-estradiol concentrations and an insignificant decrease in progesterone levels

    The Effect of Low Monotonic Doses of Zearalenone on Selected Reproductive Tissues in Pre-Pubertal Female Dogs—A Review

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    The growing interest in toxic substances combined with advancements in biological sciences has shed a new light on the problem of mycotoxins contaminating feeds and foods. An interdisciplinary approach was developed by identifying dose-response relationships in key research concepts, including the low dose theory of estrogen-like compounds, hormesis, NOAEL dose, compensatory response and/or food tolerance, and effects of exposure to undesirable substances. The above considerations increased the researchers’ interest in risk evaluation, namely: (i) clinical symptoms associated with long-term, daily exposure to low doses of a toxic compound; and (ii) dysfunctions at cellular or tissue level that do not produce clinical symptoms. Research advancements facilitate the extrapolation of results and promote the use of novel tools for evaluating the risk of exposure, for example exposure to zearalenone in pre-pubertal female dogs. The arguments presented in this paper suggest that low doses of zearalenone in commercial feeds stimulate metabolic processes and increase weight gains. Those processes are accompanied by lower proliferation rates in the ovaries, neoangiogenesis and vasodilation in the ovaries and the uterus, changes in the steroid hormone profile, and changes in the activity of hydroxysteroid dehydrogenases. All of the above changes result from exogenous hyperestrogenizm

    Judaic themes in the works of Marc Chagall

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    Praca jest o motywach judaistycznych w twórczości Marca ChagallaWork is a Judaic themes in the works of Marc Chagal

    The effects of experimental administration of low doses of zearalenone on the histology of ovaries in pre-pubertal bitches

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    The experiment involved 30 clinically healthy Beagle bitches aged approximately 70 days with an initial body weight of approximately 8 kg. The animals were randomly divided into two experimental groups (EI and EII) and a control group of 10 animals each. Group EI was administered 50 μg of body weight zearalenone/kg per os for 42 days, group EII received 75 μg of body weight zearalenone/kg per os for 42 days, and the control group was administered placebo per os for 42 days. The bitches were ovariectomized at the end of the treatment period for anatomopathological examination. At the same time, peripheral blood samples were collected for endocrinological analyses (17β-estradiol and progesterone). Administartion of zearalenone particularly higher doses, resulted in the hyperestrogenism degeneration and atrophy of ovarian cells and tissues with accompanying edema and blood extravasation, leading to increased 17β-estradiol concentrations and an insignificant decrease in progesterone levels