33 research outputs found

    A novel radioresistant mechanism of galectin-1 mediated by H-Ras-dependent pathways in cervical cancer cells

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    Galectin-1 is a lectin recognized by galactoside-containing glycoproteins, and is involved in cancer progression and metastasis. The role of galectin-1 in radiosensitivity has not previously been investigated. Therefore, this study tests whether galectin-1 is involved in the radiosensitivity mediated by the H-Ras signaling pathway using cervical carcinoma cell lines. A knockdown of galectin-1 expression in HeLa cells decreased clonogenic survival following irradiation. The clonogenic survival increased in both HeLa and C33A cells with galectin-1 overexpression. The overexpression or knockdown of galectin-1 did not alter radiosensitivity, whereas H-Ras was silenced in both cell lines. Whereas K-Ras was knocked down, galectin-1 restored the radiosensitivity in HeLa cells and C33A cells. The knockdown of galectin-1 increased the high-dose radiation-induced cell death of HeLa cells transfected by constitutively active H-Ras. The knockdown of galectin-1 inhibited the radiation-induced phosphorylation of Raf-1 and ERK in HeLa cells. Overexpression of galectin-1 enhanced the phosphorylation of Raf-1 and ERK in C33A cells following irradiation. Galectin-1 decreased the DNA damage detected using comet assay and γ-H2AX in both cells following irradiation. These findings suggest that galectin-1 mediates radioresistance through the H-Ras-dependent pathway involved in DNA damage repair

    QCD and strongly coupled gauge theories : challenges and perspectives

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    We highlight the progress, current status, and open challenges of QCD-driven physics, in theory and in experiment. We discuss how the strong interaction is intimately connected to a broad sweep of physical problems, in settings ranging from astrophysics and cosmology to strongly coupled, complex systems in particle and condensed-matter physics, as well as to searches for physics beyond the Standard Model. We also discuss how success in describing the strong interaction impacts other fields, and, in turn, how such subjects can impact studies of the strong interaction. In the course of the work we offer a perspective on the many research streams which flow into and out of QCD, as well as a vision for future developments.Peer reviewe

    Change in structure between the I = 1/2 states in 181Tl and 177,179Au

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    The first accurate measurements of the α-decay branching ratio and half-life of the Iπ=1/2+ ground state in 181Tl have been made, along with the first determination of the magnetic moments and I=1/2 spin assignments of the ground states in 177,179Au. The results are discussed within the complementary systematics of the reduced α-decay widths and nuclear g factors of low-lying, Iπ=1/2+ states in the neutron-deficient lead region. The findings shed light on the unexpected hindrance of the 1/2+→1/2+, 181Tl→g177Aug α decay, which is explained by a mixing of π3s1/2 and π2d3/2 configurations in 177Aug, whilst 181Tlg remains a near-pure π3s1/2. This conclusion is inferred from the g factor of 177Aug which has an intermediate value between those of π3s1/2 and π2d3/2 states. A similar mixed configuration is proposed for the Iπ=1/2+ ground state of 179Au. This mixing may provide evidence for triaxial shapes in the ground states in these nuclei

    How a river submerges into the sea: a geological record of changing a fluvial to a marine paleoenvironment during early Holocene sea level rise

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    Coastal seas, and in particular estuarine systems, were significantly affected by Quaternary sea level changes. Furthermore, the dynamics of shelf and coastal evolution have had a strong impact on coastal landscapes inhabited by humans. The postglacial evolution of the vast North Sea shelf with its huge drainage systems, e.g. the Elbe Paleovalley and its tributary system, is an excellent research target to understand how coastal shelf environments change in response to sea level rise. In this study, we investigate infill sediments of the Paleo-Ems valley – a drowned extension of the modern Ems River and part of the Elbe Paleovalley drainage system. Radiocarbon-dated transgression sequences provide several new observations regarding the mode and rate of the river system submerging due to the Holocene transgression. Thus, the Paleo-Ems valley submerged within a short time span of~200 years since the river was not able to adjust its gradient to the rapid rising sea level. The fate of the Paleo-Ems is exemplary for the rapid change of a former fluvial landscape into a coastal landscape and finally into a submarine seascape. © 2019 The Authors. Journal of Quaternary Science Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd

    Qualidade pós-colheita da alface hidropônica em ambiente protegido sob malhas termorefletoras e negra

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    Considerando que a duração da exposição, a qualidade e intensidade de luz afetam as características de qualidade das hortaliças folhosas, conduziu-se um experimento, em ambiente protegido, com o objetivo de avaliar a qualidade pós-colheita da alface hidropônica, sob os efeitos das malhas de sombreamento, com diferentes percentagens de atenuação da radiação solar. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos casualizados, no esquema fatorial 2 x 5, com três repetições, sendo os tratamentos constituídos por quatro malhas termorefletoras (40; 50; 60 e 70% de sombreamento) e uma testemunha, com malha negra 50%. Em cada parcela, representada por um sistema hidropônico individual, foi cultivada a alface (cv. Olinda, Crespa), sendo avaliada sua qualidade por ocasião da colheita e após quatro dias de armazenamento refrigerado (7,6 ± 1ºC e 27 ± 5 % UR). Observou-se que o excesso de sombreamento, ocasionado pelas malhas termorefletoras 60 e 70% e malha negra 50%, comprometeram a aparência da alface. As plantas submetidas ao sombreamento com a malha termorefletora 40% apresentaram menor perda de massa, ao final de quatro dias de armazenamento. Os graus de sombreamento ocasionados pelas malhas termorefletoras e pela malha negra não influenciaram nos teores de ácido cítrico, sólidos solúveis, vitamina C e clorofila total da alface