8 research outputs found

    Physiological conditions influencing regenerative potential of stem cells

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    Stem cells are being used in the treatment of cardivovascular diseases. Here, we review the physiologic and pathologic conditions that impact the regenerative potential of stem cells in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases which include the influence of donor age and the presence of metabolic syndromes. We will also discuss strategies such as pretreatment of the recipient tissue or autologous or allogeneic stem cells by growth factors or drugs and by providing a synthetic scaffold and genetic modifications that impact the regenerative potential of stem cells. Finally, we will evaluate the current state of treatment of acute or chronic cardiovascular diseases with allogeneic stem cells

    Characterization of the Pall Celeris system as a point-of-care device for therapeutic angiogenesis

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    Abstract Background aims The Pall Celeris system is a filtration-based point-of-care device designed to obtain a high concentrate of peripheral blood total nucleated cells (PB-TNCs). We have characterized the Pall Celeris–derived TNCs for their in vitro and in vivo angiogenic potency. Methods PB-TNCs isolated from healthy donors were characterized through the use of flow cytometry and functional assays, aiming to assess migratory capacity, ability to form capillary-like structures, endothelial trans-differentiation and paracrine factor secretion. In a hind limb ischemia mouse model, we evaluated perfusion immediately and 7 days after surgery, along with capillary, arteriole and regenerative fiber density and local bio-distribution. Results Human PB-TNCs isolated by use of the Pall Celeris filtration system were shown to secrete a panel of angiogenic factors and migrate in response to vascular endothelial growth factor and stromal-derived factor-1 stimuli. Moreover, after injection in a mouse model of hind limb ischemia, PB-TNCs induced neovascularization by increasing capillary, arteriole and regenerative fiber numbers, with human cells detected in murine tissue up to 7 days after ischemia. Conclusions The Pall Celeris system may represent a novel, effective and reliable point-of-care device to obtain a PB-derived cell product with adequate potency for therapeutic angiogenesis

    Generation of induced pluripotent stem cells from a Becker muscular dystrophy patient carrying a deletion of exons 45-55 of the dystrophin gene (CCMi002BMD-A-9 ∆45-55)

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    Abstract Becker muscular dystrophy (BMD) is a dystrophinopathy caused by mutations in the dystrophin gene on chromosome Xp21. BMD mutations result in truncated semi-functional dystrophin isoforms. Consequently, less severe clinical symptoms become apparent later in life compared to Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Dermal fibroblasts from a BMD patient were electroporated with episomal plasmids containing reprogramming factors to create the induced pluripotent stem cell line: CCMi002BMD-A-9 that showed pluripotent markers, were karyotypically normal and capable of trilineage differentiation. MLPA analyses performed on DNA extracted from CCMi002BMD-A-9 showed an in-frame deletion of exons 45 to 55 (CCMi002BMD-A-9 Δ45-55)

    Derivation of the Duchenne muscular dystrophy patient-derived induced pluripotent stem cell line lacking DMD exons 49 and 50 (CCMi001DMD-A-3, ∆ 49, ∆ 50)

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    Abstract Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is caused by abnormalities in the dystrophin gene and is clinically characterised by childhood muscle degeneration and cardiomyopathy. We produced an induced pluripotent stem cell line from a DMD patient's dermal fibroblasts by electroporation with episomal vectors containing: hL-MYC, hLIN28, hSOX2, hKLF4, hOCT3/4. The resultant DMD iPSC line (CCMi001DMD-A-3) displayed iPSC morphology, expressed pluripotency markers, possessed trilineage differentiation potential and was karyotypically normal. MLPA analyses performed on DNA extracted from CCMi001DMD-A-3 showed a deletion of exons 49 and 50 (CCMi001DMD-A-3, ∆ 49, ∆ 50)

    Full GMP-Compliant Validation of Bone Marrow-Derived Human CD133+ Cells as Advanced Therapy Medicinal Product for Refractory Ischemic Cardiomyopathy

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    According to the European Medicine Agency (EMA) regulatory frameworks, Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products (ATMP) represent a new category of drugs in which the active ingredient consists of cells, genes, or tissues. ATMP-CD133 has been widely investigated in controlled clinical trials for cardiovascular diseases, making CD133+ cells one of the most well characterized cell-derived drugs in this field. To ensure high quality and safety standards for clinical use, the manufacturing process must be accomplished in certified facilities following standard operative procedures (SOPs). In the present work, we report the fully compliant GMP-grade production of ATMP-CD133 which aims to address the treatment of chronic refractory ischemic heart failure. Starting from bone marrow (BM), ATMP-CD133 manufacturing output yielded a median of 6.66 × 106 of CD133+ cells (range 2.85 × 106–30.84 × 106), with a viability ranged between 96,03% and 99,97% (median 99,87%) and a median purity of CD133+ cells of 90,60% (range 81,40%–96,20%). Based on these results we defined our final release criteria for ATMP-CD133: purity ≥ 70%, viability ≥ 80%, cellularity between 1 and 12 × 106 cells, sterile, and endotoxin-free. The abovementioned criteria are currently applied in our Phase I clinical trial (RECARDIO Trial)