33 research outputs found

    Desenvolvimento de fotobiorreator automatizado e dinâmica de crescimento de microalgas

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    Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Física, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Física, 2017.Este trabalho consiste no desenvolvimento e uso de um fotobiorreator automatizado para o estudo da dinâmica de crescimento de microalgas. Com ele, os parâmetros físicos e químicos que condicionam o desenvolvimento da cultura podem ser controlados de forma precisa e autônoma a partir de um programa de controle. Como exemplo do uso do dispositivo e das metodologias desenvolvidas, foi feito um estudo detalhado da dinâmica de crescimento da microalga Nannochloropsis oceanica em função da temperatura e do padrão de iluminação. Neste estudo foram feitas medidas relacionadas à taxa de crescimento, a mudanças no espectro de absorção da cultura e de sua interação com gases de interesse.This work is based on the development and use of an automated photobioreactor for the study of microalgae growth dynamics. With it, the physical and chemical parameters that condition the development of the culture can be controlled in a precise and auto nomous way based on a control software. As an example of the use of the device and the methodologies that were developed, a detailed study of the growth dynamics of the microalgae Nannochloropsis oceanica was carried out as a function of temperature and lighting pattern. In this study, measurements concerning the growth rate, changes in the absorption spectrum of the culture and its interaction with gases of interest were made

    Dairy products consumption in Brazil is associated with socioeconomic and demographic factors: Results from the National Dietary Survey 2008-2009

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    Objective To estimate the consumption of dairy products in the Brazilian population. Methods Data from two non-consecutive food records from 34,003 individuals (aged >= 10 years) in the first Brazilian nationally representative dietary survey (2008-2009) were used to estimate the dairy products intake. Dairy products were divided into four major subgroups: cow's milk, cheese, yogurt and other dairy products. Absolute and relative frequencies of individuals in the population who reported consumption of dairy products in at least one of the two-day food record according to sex, age, geographic region and levels of per capita monthly family income were calculated. Moreover, the mean consumption of dairy products, as well as their nutritional contribution in total energy, protein, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium intake was estimated. Results It was observed that only 43.0% of the population reported consuming dairy products, being the milk subgroup the most frequently consumed (21.1%). The prevalence of consumption was higher among females, elderly, residents of the South region, and among individuals from higher per capita monthly family income. The nutritional contribution of dairy products was less than 10.0% of total energy intake and for most nutrients and the mean daily consumption are justified was 101.8g. Conclusion Therefore, in view of the low intake of dairy products by Brazilian population and the nutritional benefits associated with this food group, public health strategies to increase dairy consumption are justified.Univ Fed Sao Paulo, Dept Pediat, Programa Posgrad Pediat & Ciencias Aplicadas Pedi, R Botucatu,715,Vila Clementino, BR-04023062 Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilUniv Sao Paulo, Fac Saude Publ, Dept Nutr, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilUniv Estado Rio De Janeiro, Inst Med Social, Dept Epidemiol, Rio De Janeiro, RJ, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Departamento de Pediatria, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Pediatria e Ciências Aplicadas à Pediatria. R. Botucatu, 715, Vila Clementino, 04023-062, São Paulo, SP, BrasilWeb of Scienc

    Eating and nutritional factors associated with the habit of watching TV among private school children

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    Introdução: O hábito de assistir televisão foi associado à ocorrência de excesso de peso em crianças. Objetivo: avaliar a relação entre televisão, estado nutricional e consumo alimentar de crianças entre 6 e 10 anos de idade, de uma escola particular de Bento Gonçalves/RS. Métodos: Inicialmente aplicou-se um questionário para obtenção dos dados alimentares, demográficos e horas de televisão. Também foram obtidas as medidas de peso, estatura e circunferência da cintura para classificação do estado nutricional. Os indivíduos foram classificados em dois grupos, conforme horas em frente à televisão (< 4 horas/dia e ≥ 4 horas/dia) e comparados quanto às variáveis demográficas, alimentares e antropométricas. Resultados: Dos participantes, 78,7% foram classificados com quatro ou mais horas de televisão diárias, 42,6% com excesso de peso e 7,4% com excesso de adiposidade abdominal. Conclusão: Na comparação das categorias de horas de televisão, não se observou diferença entre os grupos e as variáveis analisadas. Porém, mesmo sem diferenças, observaram-se frequências de excesso de peso e adiposidade abdominal superiores nas crianças que assistiam à televisão ≥ 4 horas quando comparadas às crianças que assistem < 4 horas (87,5% vs. 12,5%; 100% vs. 0%; respectivamente). No presente estudo, as que assistiam a ≥ 4 horas de televisão por dia não estiveram associadas a variáveis alimentares, demográficas e antropométricas.Introduction: The habit of watching television has been associated with the occurrence of overweight in children. Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the relationship between television, nutritional status and food intake in 6-10-year children old from a private school in Bento Gonçalves, Rio Grande do Sul. Methods: Initially, a questionnaire was applied in order to obtain dietary, demographic and daily TV viewing data. Additionally, measurements of weight, height and waist circumference were obtained to determine the nutritional status. Subjects were classified into two groups according to hours of daily TV viewing (<4 hours/day and ≥ 4 hours/day) and compared in terms of demographic, dietary and anthropometric variables. Results: 78,7% of participants were classified as watching four or more hours of television daily, 42.6% as overweight and 7.4% as having excess abdominal fat. When comparing the categories of hours of TV watching, there was no difference between the groups and the variables analyzed. But even without differences, a higher frequency of overweight and an excess of abdominal adiposity were observed in children who watched television ≥ 4 hours when compared to children who watched <4 hours (87,5% vs. 12,5%; 100% vs. 0%, respectively). Conclusion: In this study, watching ≥ 4 hours of television per day was not associated with food, demographic and anthropometric variables

    Histopathological and Immunohistochemical Evaluation of Primary Muscular Peripheral T Cell Lymphoma in a Dog

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    Background: Canine lymphoma is the most common hematopoietic neoplasm in dogs and reveals divergent biological behaviors correlated to histopathological subtype, the immunophenotypic (T or B) and tumor stage. The multi-centric form is the most common presentation for canine lymphoma, followed by gastrointestinal and cutaneous forms. Miscellaneous forms of canine lymphoma (nasal, osseous, central nervous system and muscle) represent less than 1% of all cases. This report describes the clinical, macroscopic, histopathological and immunohistochemical findings detected in a dog with a primary muscular lymphoma.Case: The subject was referred to the Emergency and Critical Care Service at the Veterinary Hospital with a history of claudication in the left pelvic limb, severe dehydration, hypovolemia, vomiting and diarrhea caused by gastroenteritis associated with the use of phenylbutazone. After death, the post-mortem examination revealed ulcerative gastritis in the gastrointestinal tract (GIT). Histopathological examination of the GIT specimens, mesenteric lymph nodes, and the left popliteal lymph node revealed no neoplastic alterations. Histological examination of semitendinosus muscle revealed proliferation of cells with round or oval nucleus, an evident pleomorphic nucleolus and scanty, eosinophilic cytoplasm. There were five to six mitosis per each 400x field. These cells infiltrated through the muscle fibers. The muscle fibers displayed marked eosinophilic sarcoplasm, loss of striations and fragmentation (degeneration). Immunohistochemical staining revealed negative reaction for CD79a and positive for CD45 and CD3.Discussion: The primary muscle lymphoma it is very rare disease and patients commonly have clinical signs related with muscle location. Our description of muscular primary lymphoma affecting the semitendinosus muscle emphasize that it must be included as a differential diagnosis for dogs with unilateral lameness, inflammatory processes, and other malignancies. In this case, the patient showed an ulcerative gastroenteritis associated with the inappropriate use of phenylbutazone. The patient death was associated with a septicemia due to several ulcers in the gastrointestinal tract. We excluded any regional lymph node involvement and secondary muscular infiltration with post-mortem and histopathological examination. The gross evaluation of the left hind limb demonstrated only muscular involvement (semitendinosus muscle) without infiltration in the adjacent structures, and the histopathology revealed no alteration in the regional lymph node. The immunohistochemical evaluation showed negative staining to CD79a, a high number of positive cells to Ki67 and positive staining to CD45 and CD3. In normal lymph nodes, it was possible to note CD79 diffuse expression in germinal centers in lymphoid follicles and few positive B-lymphocytes in medullary region. Diffuse CD3 expression was found in cortex region by normal Tlymphocytes. There was no histological alterations in sublumbar and popliteal lymph nodes. This immunohistochemical and histological patterns revealed a Peripheral T Cell lymphoma with a high proliferative index. The previous report of primary muscular lymphoma showed a T cell lymphoma with a high proliferative index similar to our findings. Based on macroscopic, histopathological, and immunohistochemical findings it was concluded that the patient had a primary muscular Peripheral T Cell lymphoma

    Risk factors involved in retained placenta of dairy cows from family agriculture herds / Fatores de risco envolvidos na retenção de placenta de vacas leiteiras em rebanhos da agricultura familiar

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    Objective: The aim of this paper was to assess the risk factors in the occurrence of retained placenta in cows from family agriculture herds in four cities in southwest Paraná. Methods: A total of 607 calving’s in 25 herds were studied, considering as a diagnosis if the placenta was retained 12 hours after calving. A semi-structured questionnaire was applied to the producer in order to evaluate the risk factors involved concerning the cow, its pre-partum supplementation, its parturition, its calf, its clinical sanitary conditions and its seropositivity for reproductive diseases. Results: A total of 89 retained placenta cases were studied during a year, being the average prevalence of 16.8%. Among those cows, 50.6% had received mineral salt pre-partum, 18% had received mineral salt for lactating cows and 31.5% had not receive any supplementation. Among the calving’s observed in the cows involved, 21.3% were premature, 19.1% had dystocia and 4.5% twin births. 55.9% of the calves were male, 20.43% were large, 53.76% medium and 22.5% small in size. Among the affected cows, 44.9% presented hyperthermia, 41.6% decreased appetite, 27.0% concomitant disorders, 47.19% were seronegative for brucellosis, leptospirosis and neosporosis, 32.58% were seropositive for leptospirosis, 10.11% were seropositive for neosporosis and 4.49% were seropositive for both diseases. Conclusions: It can be concluded that under the study conditions, there were no decisive factors for the occurrence of retained placenta, reaffirming the multifactorial nature of this disease.  

    Uso da necropsia como diagnóstico em bovinos de leite da agricultura familiar

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    O Sudoeste Paranaense é uma região de produção de leite vinculada à agricultura familiar. Entretanto, a prática de necropsia como ferramenta de diagnóstico das enfermidades dos bovinos não é difundida. Esta começou a ser implantada no ano de 2012 com o Grupo PET Medicina Veterinária/Agricultura Familiar, que visa melhorar a qualidade microbiológica do leite e sanitária do rebanho, bem como a qualidade de vida dos produtores. O objetivo deste trabalho é mostrar os resultados diagnósticos a partir da necropsia na região. Dos 26 bovinos examinados, 57,69% morreram por Leucose Enzoótica Bovina, Retículo Pericardite Traumática, Peritonite, Raiva ou Intoxicação por Solanum sp. e Hovenia sp. Os produtores receberam informações sobre a profilaxia destas doenças para minimizar as perdas na atividade.</p


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    http://dx.doi.org/10.5902/2236583413208 Objetivo: Identificar as complicações pós-operatórias cardíacas e não-cardíacas e fatores de risco para doença cardiovascular nas cirurgias de correção de aneurisma de aorta. Metodologia: Estudo documental, descritivo e retrospectivo com análise quantitativa dos dados. A coleta de dados realizou-se em um hospital publico de referência no tratamento de doenças cardíacas na cidade de Fortaleza/CE. A amostra foi composta por 23 prontuários dos anos 2007 a 2009, e foram exclusos os prontuários que não continham as informações completas. Resultados: O IMC esteve dentro dos limites normais. O tabagismo esteve entre 43% dos homens e 71,4% das mulheres. A hipertensão em 93,75% dos homens e 57,1% nas mulheres. As complicações cardíacas foram 35,7% e 64,2% as não cardíacas. As complicações mais incidentes dentre as não-cardíacas são a hipotermia (21,73%) e relacionadas à incisão cirúrgica (21,73%). Conclusão: As complicações pós-operatórias que se destacaram foram as não cardíacas, principalmente a hipotermia e as relacionadas à incisão cirúrgica