135 research outputs found

    Fish remains from the Casa do Governador – a Roman fish processing factory in Lusitania

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    FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologi

    Restos de preparados de peixe em ânfora Dressel 14.

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    Desde 1975 que o Museu de Arqueologia e Etnografia do Distrito de Setúbal (MAEDS) realiza investigação arqueológica na área urbana desta cidade, cujos resultados têm vindo a comprovar que a Setúbal romana (Caetobriga) seria um porto próspero e uma povoação fabril especializada na produção de salga e molhos de peixe exportados para mercados longínquos do Império Romano (Tavares da Silva, Soares & Wrench, 2010; Tavares da Silva et al., 2010). Estudou-se uma amostra de restos de preparado de peixe contidos em uma ânfora Dressel 14 proveniente da Rua Anónio Joaquim Granjo, 19 (RAJG.19), Sondagem C, Camada 5B, que se teria formado na 2.ª metade do século I d.C.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Comparação morfológica e sedimentar de duas praias com diferente exposição às ondas (Praia da Galé e Praia de Olhos de Água)

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    As praias encastradas são sistemas semifechados, sendo por essa razão áreas de estudo interessantes. Neste trabalho estudou‐se duas praias com diferentes exposições face à ondulação dominante, Praia da Galé e Praia dos Olhos de Água. Como objetivo principal, pretendeu-se compreender as condicionantes morfológicas da área de estudo, através da análise granulométrica, topográfica e a sua relação com a agitação marítima. As associações granulométricas características de cada praia, estão relacionadas com fatores locais como o pendor, exposição face à onda incidente.PTDC/CTEGIX/111230/2009 (EROS), financiado pela Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT

    Wave transformation on shore platform and adjacent sandy beach - Southern Portugal

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    The knowledge on coastal processes is not only of basic and practical importance (for instance in engineering applications) but also of socio-economic relevance. Crenulated coasts are complex geomorphic environments where both erosive (into headlands) and depositional processes (in embayed beaches) occur simultaneously. Waves represent an important morphogenic factor and the most important source of energy to coastal zones. However, field data reporting the interaction between waves and rocky coastal features is still scarce, leading to a poor understanding on rates and drivers of surf attenuation at rocky shores. Waves abrasion and erosion on shore platforms depend on the platform properties, morphology of the adjacent continental shelf, and water depth upon the platform surface, which is controlled by tides, available sediment and wave climate (e.g.,Stephenson and Kirk, 2000; Marshall and Stephenson, 2011). Shore platforms extending in the intertidal zone at the rocky cliffs’ toe are natural morphological barriers to wave propagation and energy attenuation (Ogawa et al., 2011). Over short time scales the beaches in a crenulated coast are modified mainly by waves causing setup and set down in the surf zone leading to a very complex pattern and circulation modified by the interaction between the currents induced by waves and the incident waves. The mechanisms involved in morphological modifications in those environments are still not well understood (Silva et al., 2010). This work aims to compare the waves behavior both on a shore platform and adjacent pocket beach in response to exactly the same offshore wave conditions.This work was supported by a grant SFRH/BD/64497/2009, and is a contribution for the research project PTDC/CTEGIX/111230/2009 both supported by Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT)

    How to solve environmental problems: propositions from children of the 6th grade

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    5th World Environmental Education Congress: Earth, our common home. Montreal, Canadá, May 10 to 14 2009.This study considers a standardized Portuguese literacy test (PASE LÍNGUA PORTUGUESA) that all children in the Azorean Archipelago (Portugal) complete once they finish sixth grade. The 2007 test included a composition focused on their perspectives on the environment, global warming and other major problems and potential solutions

    Comunicação numa editora universitária: relatório de estágio em edição na Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra

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    O presente relatório, resultado do estágio curricular realizado entre 18 de fevereiro e 21 de junho de 2019 no âmbito do Mestrado em Estudos Editoriais, pretende descrever as atividades concretizadas na Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra (IUC). Na primeira parte, será retratada brevemente a história primordial e contemporânea da IUC na sua identidade como “fénix editorial”. Na segunda parte, serão descritas as tarefas desenvolvidas na IUC durante os quatro meses, tais como revisão e normalização textual, pedido de ISBN e de CIP, pedido de orçamento a gráficas, elaboração de contratos de edição e carregamento de obras na plataforma UC Digitalis com ativação de DOI. A terceira parte procura explorar uma oportunidade de maior investimento por parte da editora – a comunicação digital – apoiando-se numa base teórica para demonstrar a mais-valia que o marketing digital poderá trazer a uma editora universitária. Através da análise do marketing-mix da IUC, particularmente a evolução das ações de comunicação implementadas nos últimos dez anos (2009-2019), e da observação de estratégias utilizadas por outras editoras universitárias, apresentam-se, por fim, uma série de sugestões passíveis de ser implementadas, as quais, na minha opinião, auxiliariam e fortaleceriam a estratégia de comunicação digital da IUC.The present report is the result of the curricular internship held between February 18 and June 21, 2019 within the Master in Editorial Studies of the University of Aveiro. Its aim is to describe the activities carried out at Coimbra University Press (CUP). In the first part, the early and contemporary history of CUP will be briefly presented, focusing on its identity as an “editorial phoenix”. The second part will describe the tasks developed at CUP during these four months, such as proofreading, requesting ISBNs and CIPs for books, submitting quotation requests to printing companies, drafting publishing contracts, and uploading some works of CUP’s catalog to the online platform UC Digitalis along with DOI activations. The third part seeks to explore an opportunity for greater investment by this publishing house – digital communication – relying on a theoretical framework to demonstrate the added value that digital marketing can bring to a university press. Through the analysis of CUP’s marketing mix, particularly the evolution of its communication strategies in the last ten years (2009–2019), and the observation of tactics used by other university presses, the report ends with a series of practical and feasible suggestions which, in my opinion, could aid and strengthen CUP's digital communication strategy.Mestrado em Estudos Editoriai

    Educação para a cidadania: atividades no projeto EduPARK com alunos do 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico

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    O presente Relatório de Estágio pretende estabelecer uma descrição reflexiva do percurso da minha Prática Pedagógica Supervisionada, tendo como objetivos identificar os contributos do guião educativo desenvolvido para ser explorado no Parque da Cidade, no âmbito do Projeto EduPARK, na promoção de valores de Cidadania, nomeadamente o respeito pelo outro, a solidariedade, empatia, tolerância e não discriminação, bem como compreender como o ambiente natural do parque contribuiu para o desenvolvimento de atitudes de preservação da natureza. É de salientar que é a educação que prepara os indivíduos para a sua jornada enquanto cidadãos, formando-os e tornando-os indivíduos responsáveis, conhecendo os seus direitos e deveres. Neste contexto, surgiu uma grande questão de investigação, à qual se pretende dar resposta ao longo do estudo: “De que forma as atividades desenvolvidas no Parque Infante D. Pedro, no contexto do projeto EduPARK, promoveram o desenvolvimento de valores no âmbito da Educação para a Cidadania?”. O trabalho segue uma abordagem qualitativa, de estudo de caso, tendo sido realizada uma recolha e análise de dados através de notas de observação/campo, listas de verificação, entrevistas e produções das crianças, aliadas a fotografias. Deste modo, pode concluir-se, com o trabalho realizado, que os recursos da comunidade, nomeadamente o Parque da Cidade, são uma mais valia no desenvolvimento de aprendizagens, sendo que através deles o grupo em estudo mostrou um desenvolvimento considerável nas suas ações diárias, mostrando-se cidadãos mais responsáveis, autónomos e capazes de tomar decisões conscientes sobre a problemática ambientalThe current Internship Report intends to establish a reflective description of the course of my Supervised Pedagogical Practice, with the objectives of identifying the contributions of the educational guide developed to be explored in the City Park, in the scope of the EduPARK project, promoting Citizenship values, namely respect for the other, solidarity, empathy, tolerance and non-discrimination, as well as to understand how the natural environment of the park contributed to the development of attitudes of preservation of nature. It should be noted that it is education that prepares individuals for their journey as citizens, training them and making them responsible individuals, knowing their rights and duties. In this context, a great research question has arisen, which it is intended to answer throughout the study: "How did the activities carried out in Infante D. Pedro Park, in the context of the EduPARK project, promote the development of values within the scope of Education for Citizenship? " The work follows a qualitative approach, as a case study, with data collection and analysis through observation/field notes, checklists, interviews and children's productions, combined with photographs. Thus, it is possible to conclude, from the carried-out work, that community resources, as the City Park, are an asset in the development of learning, and through them the group under study showed a relevant development in their daily actions, being themselves more responsible, autonomous and able to make conscious decisions about environmental problemsMestrado em Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino no 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básic

    La ictiofauna del Holoceno Inicial y Medio de Portugal: Implicaciones tafonómicas, ecológicas y culturales

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    Tesis doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias, Departamento de Biología. Fecha de lectura: 29-06-2015El presente estudio proporciona nuevos datos sobre la ictiofauna de inicio-mediados del Holoceno en Portugal. Los resultados obtenidos con el análisis de 5082 restos de peces recuperados en ocho yacimientos arqueológicos, son comparados con otros obtenidos por otros autores. El análisis ictioarqueológico explora la representación relativa de los diferentes tipos de peces en los yacimientos, los elementos esqueléticos representados, los tamaños individuales, restos tecnológicos presumiblemente asociados a la pesca, y otros elementos que permitan identificar la estacionalidad y los métodos de obtención del recurso que son los peces. A este efecto también son abordadas cuestiones tafonómicas y metodológicas, relacionados con la preservación y la recuperación del material. El análisis tafonómico sugiere que la gran mayoría de los taxones representados han sido capturados para consumo humano. Los taxones identificados revelan la explotación de una importante diversidad de recursos marinos-estuarinos. Estos sugieren condiciones ecológicas comparables a lo largo de la secuencia temporal analizada, y utilización de métodos de pesca semejantes en las regiones estudiadas. Las diferencias existentes lo son respecto a las frecuencias relativas de los taxones/grupos de taxones más abundantes, hecho que puede relacionarse con eventuales diferencias en la fauna local y/o época de captura Desde un punto de vista metodológico este trabajo proporciona un método para reconstituir las tallas de corvina (Argyrosomus regius) a partir de sus vértebras y otolitos. El método implica el cálculo de ecuaciones de regresión a partir de las medidas tomadas de 36 equeletos y 113 otólitos (sagitta) de corvina, y permite pronosticar simultáneamente el tamaño individual y el número mínimo de individuos (NMI) a partir de los elementos recuperados en yacimientos arqueológicos. Los resultados muestran que el tamaño individual de la especie puede ser calculado con precisión (r2 range: 0.921-0.992). Las ecuaciones obtenidas han sido utilizadas para analizar la variación de tamaños y NMI de corvina en los yacimientos analizados. Los resultados obtenidos en esta obra pueden ser comparados con futuros resultados alcanzados (i.e. isotopos estables y esqueletocronología) a partir del análisis de materiales recuperados en contextos arqueológicos de la Península IbéricaThis study provides new data concerning fish remains from the Portuguese early-mid Holocene. It includes the examination of 5082 fish bones from eight archaeological sites in Portugal, and their comparison to another three samples previously analyzed in literature. Looking at the fish bone record, this study scrutinizes the relative representation of the different types of fish at various sites, the skeletal elements present, the sizes of the fish, and any associated technological remains in order to identify the seasonality and methods of procurement for this resource. Taphonomical and methodological issues related to preservation and recovery are also addressed. Taphonomical analysis suggests that most taxa were caught for human use/consumption. The identified taxa disclose an important diversity of marine-estuarine resources. The list suggests comparable ecological conditions along the temporal sequence analyzed, abundance of the dominant taxa, and use of similar fishing methods in the regions studied. Some existing differences concern the relative frequencies of taxa / groups most abundant taxa, possibly related to variances in local wildlife and / or time of capture. From a methodological standpoint, this study presents a method for predicting meagre (Argyrosomus regius) body size from otoliths and vertebrae recovered from archaeological sites. The method involves regression equations calculated from a reference collection of 36 meagre skeletons and 113 meagre otoliths (sagitta) and allows the simultaneous estimation of original body size and minimum number of individuals (MNI) from archaeological bone structures. The results show that the original body size of meagre can be accurately predicted from many bone measurements (r2 range: 0.921-0.992). These regressions are used in the assessment of size variation and MNI of meagre from the sites analyzed. The data generated provide a solid base for comparison and interpretation of future results (e.g. isotope, sclerochonology) from contemporary sites in Iberi

    Animal remains from Neolithic Lameiras, Sintra: the earliest domesticated sheep, goat, cattle and pigs in Portugal and some notes on their evolution

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    The fauna of Neolithic Lameiras includes abundant sheep. Many could be securely identified by applying criteria described by the late Joachim Boessneck as well as metrical methods. Sheep bones from Early Neolithic contexts, several dated directly via 14C, pinpoint the arrival here, 5450 cal BC, of this exotic animal three thousand years after its domestication 5000 km to the east. Thus sheep were transported at a rate of 1,6 km per year – considerably faster than suggested by the ‘wave of advance’ theory. It therefore seems probable that part of the journey was undertaken by ship. Most of the mammal remains identified at Lameiras belonged to domesticated forms and besides sheep and some goat, they include cattle and pig. Zooarchaeologically there is little difference between Early and Late Neolithic. However the Neolithic spectrum of species contrasts with that from a small assemblage in the underlying Mousterian level as well as other pre-Neolithic assemblages in Portugal. It is possible that in southern Portugal the adoption of animal husbandry was sudden. Measurements of the remains of Canis, Bos, Ovis, Capra and Sus compared with an increasingly large corpus of data from the South-Western part of the Iberian Peninsula indicate several occasions when these animals underwent size changes. Bos, Capra and Canis were considerably larger in the Pleistocene – a size difference now documented in other regions. Besides a Pleistocene-Holocene reduction in size, they underwent a further diminution associated with their domestication. It is possible that aurochs and wild boar recovered some of their former size after the Neolithic, perhaps due to a relaxation of hunting pressure after the Mesolithic. Domestic sheep, goats and cattle increased in size in more recent times perhaps reflecting Moslem and Christian improvements.La fauna neolítica de Lameiras incluye numerosas ovejas. Muchas pudieron ser identificadas al aplicar los criterios descritos por el fallecido J. Boessneck y por métodos métricos. Los huesos de oveja de los contextos del Neolítico temprano, algunos datados a través del C14, apuntan a la llegada de esta especie hacia el 5.450 cal. D.C. 3.000 años después de su domesticación a 5.000 km de distancia hacia el Oriente. De este modo, las ovejas fueron transportadas a un ritmo de 1,6 km al año lo cual es considerablemente más rápido que lo sugerido por la llamada teoría de la “ola de avance”. Por ello, parece probable que parte de este viaje se haya llevado a cabo en barco. La mayoría de los restos de mamíferos identificados en Lameiras representan formas domésticas que además de la oveja y alguna cabra incorporan vacuno y porcino. Desde un punto de vista zooarqueológico existe poca diferencia entre el Neolítico temprano y tardío. Sin embargo, el espectro de especies neolíticas contrasta con el de una pequeña muestra en el nivel musteriense que subyace a estos depósitos así como a otras muestras preneoliticas en Portugal. Es posible que en el sur de Portugal la adopción de la práctica ganadera haya sido rápida. Los valores de los restos de Canis, Bos, Ovis, Capra y Sus apuntan a varios momentos en los cuales los animales sufrieron cambios de tamaño, datos que encajan con el corpus osteométrico que se viene recopilando para el sector sudoccidental de la Península Ibérica. Bos, Capra y Canis eran considerablemente más grandes en el Pleistoceno, una diferencia de talla ahora documentada en otras regiones. Además de la reducción de tamaño durante la transición Pleistoceno-Holoceno estas especies sufrieron otra adicional asociada con su proceso de domesticación. Es posible que tanto uros como jabalíes recuperasen parte de sus antiguas tallas al concluir el Neolítico. Quizás ello se deba a una relajación en la presión de caza operada tras el Mesolítico. Las ovejas, cabras y vacas domésticas aumentaron de tamaño en épocas más recientes reflejando posiblemente mejoras en las prácticas pecuarias de musulmanes y cristianos.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Your horse is a donkey! Identifying domesticated equids from Western Iberia using collagen fingerprinting

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    Skeletal remains of two equid species, Equus caballus (horse) and Equus asinus (donkey), have been found in archaeological contexts throughout Iberia since the Palaeolithic and Chalcolithic periods, respectively. These two species play different economic and cultural roles, and therefore it is important to be able to distinguish between the two species to better understand their relative importance in the past human societies. The most reliable morphological features for distinguishing between the two domesticated equids are based on cranial measure-ments and tooth enamel folds, leading to only a small percentage of archaeological remains that can be identified to species. Ancient DNA (aDNA) analysis can be used to reliably distinguish the two equids, but it can be cost prohibitive to apply to large assemblages, and aDNA preservation of non-cranial elements is often low. Collagen peptide mass fingerprinting by matrix-assisted laser desorption time-of-flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometry, also known as zooarchaeology by mass spectrometry (ZooMS), is a minimally destructive and cost-effective alternative to aDNA analysis for taxonomic determination. However, current ZooMS markers lack resolution below the genus level Equus. In this paper, we report a novel ZooMS peptide marker that reliably distinguishes between horses and donkeys using the enzyme chymotrypsin. We apply this peptide marker to taxonomically identify bones from the Iberian Peninsula ranging from the Iron Age to the Late Modern Period. The peptide biomarker has the potential to facilitate the collection of morphological data for zooarchaeological studies of equids in Iberia and throughout Eurasia and Africa.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio