159 research outputs found

    Territoire(s) culturel(s)

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    Cet article se propose d’aborder la FASP universitaire de l’écrivain David Lodge et de souligner comment le Campus Novel traduit la notion de « fiction Ă  substrat professionnel », bien qu’il constitue un sous-genre spĂ©cifique. De par sa nature hybride, cette fiction, Ă  la fois populaire et culturellement ambitieuse, offre aux lecteurs non seulement la possibilitĂ© de dĂ©couvrir un milieu spĂ©cialisĂ© mais Ă©galement les clĂ©s permettant d’accĂ©der Ă  divers territoires culturels, qu’ils soient littĂ©raires, didactiques, gĂ©ographiques, rĂ©els et/ou fictionnels.Though often considered a somewhat marginal sub-genre of the FASP, this paper seeks to demonstrate the essential FASP characteristics of the campus novel through an analysis of David Lodge’s novels. This naturally hybrid form of fiction – both popular and culturally ambitious – enables readers to discover a specialised environment and its various cultural territories, whether literary, didactic, geographical, real and/or imaginary

    Toward Whole-Brain Minimally-Invasive Vascular Imaging

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    Imaging the brain vasculature can be critical for cerebral perfusion monitoring in the context of neurocritical care. Although ultrasensitive Doppler (UD) can provide good sensitivity to cerebral blood volume (CBV) in a large field of view, it remains difficult to perform through the skull. In this work, we investigate how a minimally invasive burr hole, performed for intracranial pressure (ICP) monitoring, could be used to map the entire brain vascular tree. We explored the use of a small motorized phased array probe with a non-implantable preclinical prototype in pigs. The scan duration (18 min) and coverage (62 ±\pm 12 % of the brain) obtained allowed global CBV variations detection (relative in brain Dopplerdecrease =-3[-4-+16]% \& Dopplerincrease. = +1[-3-+15]%, n = 6 \& 5) and stroke detection (relative in core Dopplerstroke. =-25%, n = 1). This technology could one day be miniaturized to be implanted for brain perfusion monitoring in neurocritical care


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    Este trabalho tem por finalidade fazer umabreve anĂĄlise sobre o projeto de PPP prisional doEstado de Minas Gerais. A parceria pĂșblico-privada(PPP) Ă© uma das mais novas formas de contratoadministrativo, tendo sido regulada somente emdezembro de 2004. Considerada um avanço na gestĂŁoadministrativa por alguns, para outros Ă© uma porta abertapara o desperdĂ­cio de dinheiro pĂșblico. Se a PPP por sisĂł jĂĄ causa polĂȘmica, mais ainda causarĂĄ com o projetodo Estado de Minas Gerais, que pretende fazer parceriacom a iniciativa privada para construção e administraçãode complexo penitenciĂĄrio na regiĂŁo metropolitana deBelo Horizonte

    Understanding the role of the perivascular space in cerebral small vessel disease

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    Small vessel diseases are a group of disorders that result from pathological alteration of the small blood vessels in the brain, including the small arteries, capillaries and veins. Of the 35-36 million people that are estimated to suffer from dementia worldwide, up to 65% have an SVD component. Furthermore, SVD causes 20-25% of strokes, worsens outcome after stroke and is a leading cause of disability, cognitive impairment and poor mobility. Yet the underlying cause(s) of SVD are not fully understood.Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has confirmed enlarged perivascular spaces (PVS) as a hallmark feature of SVD. In healthy tissue, these spaces are proposed to form part of a complex brain fluid drainage system which supports interstitial fluid exchange and may also facilitate clearance of waste products from the brain. The pathophysiological signature of PVS, and what this infers about their function and interaction with cerebral microcirculation, plus subsequent downstream effects on lesion development in the brain has not been established. Here we discuss the potential of enlarged PVS to be a unique biomarker for SVD and related brain disorders with a vascular component. We propose that widening of PVS suggests presence of peri-vascular cell debris and other waste products that forms part of a vicious cycle involving impaired cerebrovascular reactivity (CVR), blood-brain barrier (BBB) dysfunction, perivascular inflammation and ultimately impaired clearance of waste proteins from the interstitial fluid (ISF) space, leading to accumulation of toxins, hypoxia and tissue damage.Here, we outline current knowledge, questions and hypotheses regarding understanding the brain fluid dynamics underpinning dementia and stroke through the common denominator of SVD

    L' Escalade, son origine et ses conséquences

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    par J. Gabere

    “Deafinitely Lodgean. . .”

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    The author and critic David Lodge agreed to answer a few questions on Deaf Sentence (2008), his fourteenth novel. Art and entertainment are still salient features of the novelist’s writing; yet, in this novel, he also presents the reader with a very moving and largely autobiographical literary narrative alluding to deafness and death—as well as a deeply human Timor mortis. . 
