6,120 research outputs found

    Cross-Border Investment, Conflict of Laws, and the Privatization of Securities Law

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    The rapid acceleration of transnational investing is occurring in an environment in which emerging markets, and foreign interest in these markets, are exploding. The issues involved with cross-border investment, conflict of laws and the privatization of securities law are examined

    General quasi-non-spreading linear three-dimensional wave-packets

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    We introduce a general approach for generation of sets of three-dimensional quasi-non-spreading wavepackets propagating in linear media, also referred to as linear light bullets. The spectrum of rigorously non-spreading wavepackets in media with anomalous group velocity dispersion is localized on the surface of a sphere, thus drastically restricting the possible wavepacket shapes. However, broadening slightly the spectrum affords the generation of a large variety of quasi-non-spreading distributions featuring complex topologies and shapes in space and time that are of interest in different areas, such as biophysics or nanosurgery. Here we discuss the method and show several illustrative examples of its potential.Comment: 3 pages, 4 figures, to appear in Optics Letter

    Is juvenile anchovy a feeding resource for the demersal community in the Bay of Biscay? On the availability of pelagic prey to demersal predators

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    The role that juvenile anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) play as a food resource for the demersal community in the southern Bay of Biscay is assessed using 21 years of anchovy abundance data and demersal predator diets. During the study period, a total of 26 fish and elasmobranch species preyed on anchovy either frequently or occasionally. Predators with a crustacean-based diet targeted the smaller anchovy individuals. The size range of anchovy juveniles (centred at 7.5–8.9 cm) was comparable to that of the largest nektonic–benthic crustaceans, but generally smaller than other demersal and pelagic fish prey. Hake (Merluccius merluccius) and megrim (Lepidorhombus whiffiagonis) were the predators that consumed the highest number of anchovy, one of the main prey items driving the variability of their diets. Anchovy consumption conformed only partially to the abundance of anchovy in the southern Bay of Biscay, suggesting that factors other than abundance might condition its availability to demersal predators. Prey size could be one of them, as the size of the anchovy preyed on proved to be significantly smaller than the individuals collected with bottom trawls. However, other factors, such as the vertical position of the shoals of anchovy juveniles, could also constrain anchovy availability to demersal predators

    Production performance, nutrient digestibility, and milk composition of dairy ewes supplemented with crushed sunflower seeds and sunflower seed silage in corn silage-based diets

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    This study determined production performance, nutrient digestibility, and milk composition of dairy ewes supplemented with crushed sunflower seeds (Helianthus annuus) and sunflower seed silage in corn silage-based diets. Six ewes were grouped in a double 3 × 3 Latin square design with three periods of 21 days. All treatments were based on ad libitum corn silage. Control diet was based on alfalfa hay (333 g/kg DM), sorghum grain (253 g/kg DM), triticale grain (200 g/kg DM), soybean meal (167 g /kg DM), and vitamin and mineral premix (47 g/kg DM). Sunflower seeds (SF) and sunflower seed silage (SFS) treatments consisted of alfalfa hay (333 g/kg DM), sorghum grain (267 g/kg DM), triticale grain (100 g/kg DM), soybean meal (167 g /kg DM), SF or SFS (87 g/kg DM) and vitamin and mineral premix (47 g/kg DM). Compared to control, SF and SFS increased intake and digestibility of fiber components, such as neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and acid detergent fiber (ADF). Body weight, nitrogen balance, milk yield, milk fat yield, milk protein yield, lactose yield and milk urea N were similar between treatments. Overall, results demonstrated that crushed sunflower seeds and ensiled seeds do not change significantly productive parameters of dairy sheep

    Improving graph-based detection of singular events for photochemical smog agents

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    Recently, a set of graph-based tools have been introduced for the identification of singular events of O3, NO2 and temperature time series, as well as description of their dynamics. These are based on the use of the Visibility Graphs (VG). In this work, an improvement of the original approach is proposed, being called Upside-Down Visibility Graph (UDVG). It adds the possibility of investigating the singular lowest episodes, instead of the highest. Results confirm the applicability of the new method for describing the multifractal nature of the underlying O3, NO2, and temperature. Asymmetries in the NO2 degree distribution are observed, possibly due to the interaction with different chemicals. Furthermore, a comparison of VG and UDVG has been performed and the outcomes show that they describe opposite subsets of the time series (low and high values) as expected. The combination of the results from the two networks is proposed and evaluated, with the aim of obtaining all the information at once. It turns out to be a more complete tool for singularity detection in photochemical time series, which could be a valuable asset for future research.Comment: 35 pages, 7 figure

    Acoustic identification of Mexican bats based on taxonomic and ecological constraints on call design

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    1. Monitoring global biodiversity is critical for understanding responses to anthropogenic change, but biodiversity monitoring is often biased away from tropical, megadiverse areas that are experiencing more rapid environmental change. Acoustic surveys are increasingly used to monitor biodiversity change, especially for bats as they are important indicator species and most use sound to detect, localise and classify objects. However, using bat acoustic surveys for monitoring poses several challenges, particularly in mega-diverse regions. Many species lack reference recordings, some species have high call similarity or differ in call detectability, and quantitative classification tools, such as machine learning algorithms, have rarely been applied to data from these areas. 2. Here, we collate a reference call library for bat species that occur in a megadiverse country, Mexico. We use 4,685 search-phase calls from 1,378 individual sequences of 59 bat species to create automatic species identification tools generated by machine learning algorithms (Random Forest). We evaluate the improvement in species-level classification rates gained by using hierarchical classifications, reflecting either taxonomic or ecological constraints (guilds) on call design, and examine how classification rate accuracy changes at different hierarchical levels (family, genus, and guild). 3. Species-level classification of calls had a mean accuracy of 66% and the use of hierarchies improved mean species-level classification accuracy by up to 6% (species within families 72%, species within genera 71.2% and species within guilds 69.1%). Classification accuracy to family, genus and guild-level was 91.7%, 77.8% and 82.5%, respectively. 4. The bioacoustic identification tools we have developed are accurate for rapid biodiversity assessments in a megadiverse region and can also be used effectively to classify species at broader taxonomic or ecological levels. This flexibility increases their usefulness when there are incomplete species reference recordings and also offers the opportunity to characterise and track changes in bat community structure. Our results show that bat bioacoustic surveys in megadiverse countries have more potential than previously thought to monitor biodiversity changes and can be used to direct further developments of bioacoustic monitoring programs in Mexico

    The biology and behavior of the longhorned beetle, Dectes texanus on sunflower and soybean

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    The biology and behavior of the longhorned beetle Dectes texanus LeConte (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) was studied on two host plants that suffer economic losses from this pest; sunflower, Helianthus annuus, and soybean, Glycines max. Reciprocal crosses of D. texanus collected from the two plants all produced viable progeny, indicating that conspecific insects attack both crops. Pupae from soybean stalks weighed about 40% less than those from sunflower, and adults fed on soybean lived a mean of 23 days, compared to a mean of 53 days (males) and 76 days (females) for those fed sunflower. A female's larval host plant had no effect on her tendency to ovipuncture plants of either type in a greenhouse trial. A field-tested population collected exclusively from sunflower contained three types of females in similar proportions: those that laid eggs only on sunflower, those that laid only on soybean, and those that laid equally on both host plants. Females in field trials fed more on the plant they had fed on in the laboratory, but soybean-fed females fed more on soybean than did sunflower-fed females. Females fed soybean also made more ovipunctures on soybean plants in field trials than sunflower-fed females, but their responses to sunflower plants were similar. Females displayed higher total ovipositional activity when they encountered sunflower first in the field, and lower total activity when they encountered soybean first. Feeding scores were significantly correlated with ovipunctures and eggs on both plant types. We conclude that sunflower is the preferred host plant, although females will accept soybean when it is the only available food. The results suggest that D. texanus is still in the initial stages of a host range expansion with female host selection behavior demonstrating both genetic influences and phenotypic flexibility. Sunflower represents a nutritionally superior, ancestral host plant and relatively high fitness costs are still associated with utilization of the novel host plant, soybean, costs that may be offset by benefits such as reduced intraspecific competition. These potential benefits and their consequent implications for D. texanus host range evolution are hypothesized and discussed
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