2,059 research outputs found

    An overview of systematic reviews in medical education and a focused review in prescribing

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    Background: Tertiary reviews (review of reviews) in medical education tend to focus on doctors, continuing education and professional practice. This paper provides a tertiary review of all areas of medical education at all levels. An in-depth focus on prescribing is included. Methods and results: A systematic search using the keywords ‘medical education’ AND (‘systematic review’ OR ‘meta-analysis’) yielded 187 reviews. Reviews were coded by intervention, curriculum/theme, participants and outcomes, creating a systematic map. The most popular interventions and curriculum were simulation (9%) and prescribing (7%), respectively. Most reviews included multiple participant types (68%) and sought patient/health outcomes (64%). Twelve prescribing reviews included in the in-depth review found active educational strategies more effective than passive strategies. Discussion: The systematic map highlights topics and interventions, but further research should explore the cost-effectiveness of the reviews themselves. Prescribing reviews tend to focus on doctors; more research into the acquisition of prescribing skills by students/junior doctors is required

    Blade Vortex Interaction Studies. Department of Aerospace Engineering report 9803

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    This report contains a summary of the research conducted during the project entitled "Blade Vortex Interaction Studies", EPSRC grant number GR/K13547 in the Department of Aerospace Engineering, University of Glasgow. The original motivation for the study was to provide data to aid understanding of unsteady flows due to blade vortex interaction (BVI), which is a major source of acoustic and aerodynamic problems in helicopter rotor design. In particular knowledge of the effect of blade pitch upon a single vortex interacting with a blade was required. To reflect modern vane tip designs, the effect of a twin vortex system interacting with a blade was also to be studied. To perform the above investigations, a new BVI facility consisting of a rectangular blade instrumented with 72 surface mounted pressure transducers and a vortex generator were constructed which allowed tests at various fixed blade incidences. To provide a simulation of the vane tip vortex system a twin vortex generator was designed and constructed. The resulting data set is unique in its scope and quality, and provides a solid base for further research in this area. A preliminary analysis of the data was presented at an American Helicopter Society specialists' meeting (Masson et al. (1997)), and a journal paper is currently under review (Masson et al (1998)). The data are currently being subjected to a thorough analysis and a number of publications are in preparation

    Poly(n-butyl Methacrylate) with Primary Amine End Groups for Supporting Cell Adhesion and Proliferation of Renal Epithelial Cells

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    Polymer coatings that support epithelial cell culture have been developed. Ozonolysis and subsequent work up of poly(butyl methacrylate-co-butadiene) copolymers is used to form oligomers with carboxylic acid end groups, which are then further reacted with diamines to provide poly(butyl methacrylate)s with primary amine end groups. The polymers are cast as films and used as cell culture substrates for human dermal fibroblasts and human renal epithelial cells. Fibroblast and epithelial cells adhere and proliferate on acid functional materials but on amine functional films epithelial cells show greater viability than fibroblasts

    D-Branes on K3-Fibrations

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    B-type D-branes are constructed on two different K3-fibrations over IP_1 using boundary conformal field theory at the rational Gepner points of these models. The microscopic CFT charges are compared with the Ramond charges of D-branes wrapped on holomorphic cycles of the corresponding Calabi-Yau manifold. We study in particular D4-branes and bundles localized on the K3 fibers, and find from CFT that each irreducible component of a bundle on K3 gains one modulus upon fibration over IP_1. This is in agreement with expectations and so provides a further test of the boundary CFT.Comment: 16p, harvmac, tables.tex; typos corrected, refs added, discussion about moduli spaces improve

    Anomalies in orbifold field theories

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    We study the constraints on models with extra dimensions arising from local anomaly cancellation. We consider a five-dimensional field theory with a U(1) gauge field and a charged fermion, compactified on the orbifold S^1/(Z_2 x Z_2'). We show that, even if the orbifold projections remove both fermionic zero modes, there are gauge anomalies localized at the fixed points. Anomalies naively cancel after integration over the fifth dimension, but gauge invariance is broken, spoiling the consistency of the theory. We discuss the implications for realistic supersymmetric models with a single Higgs hypermultiplet in the bulk, and possible cancellation mechanisms in non-minimal models.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures, LaTex; v2: final version to be published in Phys. Lett.

    Association of FCGR3A and FCGR3B haplotypes with rheumatoid arthritis and primary Sjögren's syndrome [POSTER PRESENTATION]

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    Background Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune disease that is thought to arise from a complex interaction between multiple genetic factors and environmental triggers. We have previously demonstrated an association between a Fc gamma receptor (FcÎłR) haplotype and RA in a cross-sectional cohort of RA patients. We have sought to confirm this association in an inception cohort of RA patients and matched controls. We also extended our study to investigate a second autoanti-body associated rheumatic disease, primary Sjögren's syndrome (PSS). Methods The FCGR3A-158F/V and FCGR3B-NA1/NA2 functional polymorphisms were examined for association in an inception cohort of RA patients (n = 448), and a well-characterised PSS cohort (n = 83) from the United Kingdom. Pairwise disequilibrium coefficients (D') were calculated in 267 Blood Service healthy controls. The EHPlus program was used to estimate haplotype frequencies for patients and controls and to determine whether significant linkage disequilibrium was present. A likelihood ratio test is performed to test for differences between the haplotype frequencies in cases and controls. A permutation procedure implemented in this program enabled 1000 permutations to be performed on all haplotype associations to assess significance. Results There was significant linkage disequilibrium between FCGR3A and FCGR3B (D' = -0.445, P = 0.001). There was no significant difference in the FCGR3A or FCGR3B allele or genotype frequencies in the RA or PSS patients compared with controls. However, there was a significant difference in the FCGR3A-FCGR3B haplotype distributions with increased homozygosity for the FCGR3A-FCGR3B 158V-NA2 haplotype in both our inception RA cohort (odds ratio = 2.15, 95% confidence interval = 1.1–4.2 P = 0.027) and PSS (odds ratio = 2.83, 95% confidence interval = 1.0–8.2, P = 0.047) compared with controls. The reference group for these analyses comprised individuals who did not possess a copy of the FCGR3A-FCGR3B 158V-NA2 haplotype. Conclusions We have confirmed our original findings of association between the FCGR3A-FCGR3B 158V-NA2 haplotype and RA in a new inception cohort of RA patients. This suggests that there may be an RA-susceptibility gene at this locus. The significant increased frequency of an identical haplotype in PSS suggests the FcÎłR genetic locus may contribute to the pathogenesis of diverse autoantibody-mediated rheumatic diseases

    Fermi surface instabilities at finite Temperature

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    We present a new method to detect Fermi surface instabilities for interacting systems at finite temperature. We first apply it to a list of cases studied previously, recovering already known results in a very economic way, and obtaining most of the information on the phase diagram analytically. As an example, in the continuum limit we obtain the critical temperature as an implicit function of the magnetic field and the chemical potential Tc(Ό,h)T_c(\mu,h). By applying the method to a model proposed to describe reentrant behavior in Sr3Ru2O7Sr_3Ru_2O_7, we reproduce the phase diagram obtained experimentally and show the presence of a non-Fermi Liquid region at temperatures above the nematic phase.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figure

    Abelian Flavour Symmetries in Supersymmetric Models

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    We propose a theory of flavour based on abelian horizontal gauge symmetries and modular invariances. We construct explicit supergravity models where the scale of the horizontal U(1)U(1) symmetry breaking is fixed by the Green-Schwarz mechanism for anomaly cancellation. The supersymmetric spectrum is obtained in terms of the U(1)U(1) charges which are determined by the Yukawa matrices.Comment: 30 pages, LaTeX, no figure

    Male frequent attenders of general practice and their help seeking preferences

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    Background: Low rates of health service usage by men are commonly linked to masculine values and traditional male gender roles. However, not all men conform to these stereotypical notions of masculinity, with some men choosing to attend health services on a frequent basis, for a variety of different reasons. This study draws upon the accounts of male frequent attenders of the General Practitioner's (GP) surgery, examining their help-seeking preferences and their reasons for choosing services within general practice over other sources of support. Methods: The study extends thematic analysis of interview data from the Self Care in Primary Care study (SCinPC), a large scale multi-method evaluation study of a self care programme delivered to frequent attenders of general practice. Data were collected from 34 semi-structured interviews conducted with men prior to their exposure to the intervention. Results: The ages of interviewed men ranged from 16 to 72 years, and 91% of the sample (n= 31) stated that they had a current health condition. The thematic analysis exposed diverse perspectives within male help-seeking preferences and the decision-making behind men's choice of services. The study also draws attention to the large variation in men's knowledge of available health services, particularly alternatives to general practice. Furthermore, the data revealed some men's lack of confidence in existing alternatives to general practice. Conclusions: The study highlights the complex nature of male help-seeking preferences, and provides evidence that there should be no 'one size fits all' approach to male service provision. It also provides impetus for conducting further studies into this under researched area of interest. © 2011 WPMH GmbH

    Quaternionic and Octonionic Spinors. A Classification

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    Quaternionic and octonionic realizations of Clifford algebras and spinors are classified and explicitly constructed in terms of recursive formulas. The most general free dynamics in arbitrary signature space-times for both quaternionic and octonionic spinors is presented. In the octonionic case we further provide a systematic list of results and tables expressing, e.g., the relations of the octonionic Clifford algebras with the G2G_2 cosets over the Lorentz algebras, the identities satisfied by the higher-rank antisymmetric octonionic tensors and so on. Applications of these results range from the classification of octonionic generalized supersymmetries, the construction of octonionic superstrings, as well as the investigations concerning the recently discovered octonionic MM-superalgebra and its superconformal extension.Comment: 24 pages, LaTe
