646 research outputs found

    POBREZA NO BRASIL E NA METRÓPOLE DO RIO DE JANEIRO: velhos problemas, novos dilemas

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    O presente artigo tem o objetivo de analisar quantitativamente a trajetória da pobreza no Brasil e na metrópole do Rio de Janeiro, considerando o período de 1976 a 2015, tendo em vista as mudanças estruturais ocorridas na economia e na sociedade brasileira e as particularidades do contexto metropolitano. A linha de pobreza utilizada foi definida segundo o dobro do nível de renda suficiente para a aquisição de uma cesta de alimentos necessária para garantir a reprodução cotidiana do indivíduo. Pudemos observar que a taxa de pobreza variou de acordo com a conjuntura econômica com diferenças de níveis e de intensidade entre a metrópole e o país. Atualmente, as pessoas em situação de pobreza, ao contrário de décadas atrás, em geral, estão mais jovens/adultas, possuem níveis de instrução mais elevados e exercem ocupações que representam posições sociais mais destacadas na estrutura social, o que pode ter implicações importantes nas mudanças de expectativas de superação dessa condição, em especial no contexto metropolitano. POVERTY IN BRAZIL AND THE RIO DE JANEIRO METROPOLIS: old problems, new dilemmasWe aim to analyze the trajectory of poverty in Brazil and the metropolis of Rio de Janeiro, from 1976 to 2015, considering the structural changes in the Brazilian economy and society and the metropolitan context’s particularities. The poverty line used was defined by double the level of income sufficient for the acquisition of food necessary to guarantee the individual’s social reproduction. We could observe that the poverty rate varied according to the economic situation, with differences in levels and intensity between the metropolis and the country. Currently, unlike decades ago, people living in poverty are generally younger, have higher levels of education, and work in occupations that represent more prominent social positions in the social structure, which may have important implications in the changes in expectations of overcoming this condition, especially in the metropolitan context.Keywords: Poverty. Metropolis of Rio de Janeiro. Brazil. Economic Development. Economic Structure. LA PAUVRETÉ AU BRÉSIL ET LA MÉTROPOLE DE RIO DE JANEIRO: vieux problèmes, nouveaux dilemmesNotre objectif est d’analyser la trajectoire de la pauvreté au Brésil et dans La métropole de Rio de Janeiro, de 1976 à 2015, enprenanten compte lês changements structurels de l’économie et de La société brésilienne ainsi que dês particularités Du contexte métropolitain. Le seuil de pauvreté utilisé a été defini comme celui correspondant le double du niveau de revenu suffisant pour l’acquisition d’um panier alimentaire de base, nécessaire pour garantir la reproduction cotidiene de l’individu. Nous avons pu constater que le taux de pauvreté variait en fonction de la conjoncture économique, avec des différences de niveaux et d’intensité entre la métropole et le pays. À la différence des décennies précédentes, les personnes vivant aujourd’hui dans la pauvreté sont généralement plus jeunes, ont un niveau de formation plus élevé et occupent des professions qui représentent des positions sociales plus importantes dans la structure sociale, ce qui peut avoir des conséquences importantes dans la façon de surmonter cette condition, en particulier dans le contexte métropolitain.Motsclés: Pauvreté. Métropole de Rio de Janeiro. Brésil. Développementéconomique. Structureéconomique

    Refractive changes following surgery for correction of esotropia

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    Purpose: To evaluate changes in refraction and corneal curvature following surgery for correction of acquired esotropia. Methods: 42 eyes of 21 patients with acquired moderate angle esotropia without any other form of strabismus were prospectively enrolled and submitted to a complete ophthalmological examination followed by recess/resect procedure in a single eye. Data from the fellow eye were selected as control. Ophthalmological assessment was carried out preoperatively, 1 month after surgery and 6 months after surgery, where astigmatism was compared using vector analysis and the polar value concept. Results: The eyes submitted to surgery revealed a significant (p<0.05) decrease in spherical equivalent, from 3.28 ± 1.98 diopters to 3.05 ± 1.95 diopters. Refraction data disclosed a significant increase in the 90° component of net astigmatism, from 0.458 ± 0.594 diopters to 1.002 ± 0.718 diopters, which was also observed in keratometric readings:1.083 ± 0.560 diopters to 1.690 ± 0.591 diopters. Surgically induced astigmatism, assessed using refraction data was 0.63 ± 0.27 diopters at an average axis of 92.30 ± 14.91 degrees, and 0.71 ± 0.27 diopters at an average axis of 94.45 ± 15.69 degrees as obtained by keratometric readings. This is visually demonstrated by the corneal topography difference map. Conclusions: There is a statistically significant and clinically relevant increase in with-the-rule astigmatism in esotropic patients submitted to monocular recess/resect surgery. This change is stable at a 6 month follow-up and is associated with a decrease in mean spherical equivalent.Objetivo: Estudar o comportamento da refração e da curvatura corneana em pacientes com esotropia essencial submetidos à cirurgia monocular para correção do estrabismo. Métodos: Estudo prospectivo em que 42 olhos de 21 pacientes com esotropia essencial de ângulo moderado, sem quaisquer outros estrabismos associados, foram selecionados e submetidos ao exame oftalmológico completo e à cirurgia monocular. O olho contralateral serviu como grupo controle. Foram feitas avaliações de pré-operatório, pós-operatório de 1 mês e pós-operatório de 6 meses. O astigmatismo pré-operatório foi confrontado com os astigmatismos pós-operatórios por análise vetorial e cálculo do valor polar. Resultados: Obtivemos, nos olhos operados, redução significante (p<0,05) na médio do equivalente esférico, de 3,28 ±1,98 dioptrias para 3,05 ± 1,95 dioptrias. Na refração houve um aumento significante da média do componente a 90° do astigmatismo, de 0,458 ± 0,594 dioptrias para 1,002 ± 0,718 dioptrias, também observado na ceratometria: 1,083 ± 0,560 dioptrias para 1,690 ± 0,591 dioptrias. A média do astigmatismo induzido pela cirurgia, na refração, foi de 0,63 ± 0,27 dioptrias a um eixo médio de 92,30 ± 14,91 graus e de 0,71 ± 0,27 dioptrias a um eixo médio de 94,45 ± 15,69 graus na ceratometria, evidenciáveis graficamente pelo mapa diferencial da topografia corneana. Conclusões: Observa-se aumento estatisticamente significante e clinicamente relevante do astigmatismo a-favor-da-regra em pacientes esotrópicos submetidos ao retrocesso/ressecção monocular. Essa mudança é estável ao longo do tempo e é acompanhada de diminuição significante do equivalente esférico.Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo Hospital das Clínicas Departamento de OftalmologiaSanta Casa de São Paulo Departamento de OftalmologiaUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de Medicina Departamento de OftalmologiaUNIFESP, EPM, Depto. de OftalmologiaSciEL

    Assessing sediment yield and streamflow with SWAT model in a small sub-basin of the Cantareira System

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    Hydro-sedimentological models might be useful tools for investigating the effectiveness of soil and water conservation practices. However, evaluating the usefulness of such models requires that predictions are tested against observational data and that uncertainty from model parameterization is addressed. Here we aimed to evaluate the capacity of the SWAT model to simulate monthly streamflow and sediment load in the Posses creek catchment (12 km2), Southeast Brazil. The SUFI-2 algorithm from SWAT-CUP was applied for calibration, testing, uncertainty, and sensitivity analysis. The model was calibrated and initially tested using discharge and sediment load data, which were measured at the catchment outlet. Additionally, we used soil loss measurements from erosion plots within the catchment as independent data for model evaluation. Average monthly streamflow simulations obtained satisfactory results, with Nash-Sutcliffe coefficient (NSE) values of 0.75 and 0.51 for the calibration and testing periods, respectively. Sediment load simulations also displayed satisfactory results for calibration (NSE = 0.65) and testing (NSE = 0.52). However, the comparison with independent plot data revealed that SWAT severely overestimated hillslope erosion rates and compensated it with high sediment channel deposition. Moreover, the model was not sensitive to the parameters used for calculating hillslope sediment yields. Therefore, it should be used with caution for evaluating the interactions between land use, soil erosion, and sediment delivery. We found that the commonly used outlet-based approach for model calibration and testing can lead to internal misrepresentations, and models can reproduce the right answer for the wrong reasons

    Botulism in Cattle Associated with Osteophagy in the State of Acre, Brazil

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    Background:Botulism is a non-febrile intoxication resulting from the ingestion of Clostridium botulinum neurotoxins manifested by partial or complete flaccid paralysis of the musculature of locomotion, swallowing and respiration. The objective of this study was to report the first case of botulinum intoxication associated with osteopathy in the state of Acre, as well as to alert breeders and veterinarians to the incidence of this disease in cattle farming.Case: The present report is an outbreak of botulism in the municipality of Acrelândia, in the state of Acre, which resulted in the death of 16 Nelore beef cattle in approximately 30 days. The affected animals were females in reproductive phase maintained under extensive breeding system. The main clinical signs presented were weakness in the pelvic limbs, prostration, recumbency and death in less than 48 hours. Only one animal, with similar symptomatology, was found alive and submitted to emergency therapeutic measures, but without success. During the necropsy of this bovine, no significant changes were found, only related to the decubitus and agony time, except for fragments of long bones visualized in the reticulum. Samples of bone particles, ruminal contents, reticulum, rumen and intestine fragments were collected for the detection of botulinum toxins by the mouse bioassay method, as well as brain and brain stem for differential diagnosis of rabies and bovine spongiform encephalopathy by direct immunofluorescence and immunohistochemistry, respectively. The samples were sent to the Laboratory of General Bacteriology of the Biological Institute, São Paulo, Brazil, and all the analyzes presented negative results.Discussion: One of the main risk factors for the occurrence of botulinum toxin is the presence of carcasses in the pastures, added to the deficiency of phosphorus and other minerals. The cattle develop the habit of gnawing bones and tissues from dead animals in the field. With this exercise, animals can ingest pre-formed toxins in corpses, as decomposing remains offer an anaerobic environment conducive to spore development and toxin production. Bovine females, in breeding, present greater nutritional need than adult males and younger animals. This is because the reproductive phase increases the demands of minerals, vitamins and organic compounds that participate in the female's reproductive physiological process. In this case, the inadequate supply of minerals may stimulate the osteopagic practice of cadaveric remains in the pastures, making the bovids susceptible to botulism. Diagnosis is established by means of clinical signs, epidemiological characteristics and absence of specific anatomopathological findings. Confirmation is given by the isolation of the toxin in the body of the diseased animal. However, the lack of detection of this does not rule out the possibility of occurrence of the disease, in view of the rapid passage of the neurotoxin through the hematogenous route and through the tissues before reaching the neuromuscular junctions. In suspect cases, it is important to perform a differential diagnosis for other diseases that demonstrate clinical symptoms of neurological or acute neuromuscular character. The description of this outbreak, besides exposing the first notification of botulism in the state of Acre, shows the epidemiological relationship between the main risk factors and the occurrence of the disease in the Brazilian herds

    Electrophoretic Protein Patterns And Numerical Analysis Of Candida Albicans From The Oral Cavities Of Healthy Children.

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    The aim of this research was to evaluate the protein polymorphism degree among seventy-five C. albicans strains from healthy children oral cavities of five socioeconomic categories from eight schools (private and public) in Piracicaba city, São Paulo State, in order to identify C. albicans subspecies and their similarities in infantile population groups and to establish their possible dissemination route. Cell cultures were grown in YEPD medium, collected by centrifugation, and washed with cold saline solution. The whole-cell proteins were extracted by cell disruption, using glass beads and submitted to SDS-PAGE technique. After electrophoresis, the protein bands were stained with Coomassie-blue and analyzed by statistics package NTSYS-pc version 1.70 software. Similarity matrix and dendrogram were generated by using the Dice similarity coefficient and UPGMA algorithm, respectively, which made it possible to evaluate the similarity or intra-specific polymorphism degrees, based on whole-cell protein fingerprinting of C. albicans oral isolates. A total of 13 major phenons (clusters) were analyzed, according to their homogeneous (socioeconomic category and/or same school) and heterogeneous (distinct socioeconomic categories and/or schools) characteristics. Regarding to the social epidemiological aspect, the cluster composition showed higher similarities (0.788 < SD < or = 1.0) among C. albicans strains isolated from healthy children independent of their socioeconomic bases (high, medium, or low). Isolates of high similarity were not found in oral cavities from healthy children of social stratum A and D, B and D, or C and E. This may be explained by an absence of a dissemination route among these children. Geographically, some healthy children among identical and different schools (private and public) also are carriers of similar strains but such similarity was not found among other isolates from children from certain schools. These data may reflect a restricted dissemination route of these microorganisms in some groups of healthy scholars, which may be dependent of either socioeconomic categories or geographic site of each child. In contrast to the higher similarity, the lower similarity or higher polymorphism degree (0.499 < or = SD < 0.788) of protein profiles was shown in 23 (30.6%) C. albicans oral isolates. Considering the social epidemiological aspect, 42.1%, 41.7%, 26.6%, 23.5%, and 16.7% were isolates from children concerning to socioeconomic categories A, D, C, B, and E, respectively, and geographically, 63.6%, 50%, 33.3%, 33.3%, 30%, 25%, and 14.3% were isolates from children from schools LAE (Liceu Colégio Albert Einstein), MA (E.E.P.S.G. Prof. Elias de Melo Ayres), CS (E.E.P.G. Prof. Carlos Sodero), AV (Alphaville), HF (E.E.P.S.G. Honorato Faustino), FMC (E.E.P.G. Prof. Francisco Mariano da Costa), and MEP (E.E.P.S.G. Prof. Manasses Ephraim Pereira), respectively. Such results suggest a higher protein polymorphism degree among some strains isolated from healthy children independent of their socioeconomic strata or geographic sites. Complementary studies, involving healthy students and their families, teachers, servants, hygiene and nutritional habits must be done in order to establish the sources of such colonization patterns in population groups of healthy children. The whole-cell protein profile obtained by SDS-PAGE associated with computer-assisted numerical analysis may provide additional criteria for the taxonomic and epidemiological studies of C. albicans.45249-5

    Padrões eletroforéticos de proteínas e análise numérica de Candida albicans isoladas da cavidade oral de crianças saudáveis

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    O objetivo da presente pesquisa foi avaliar os graus de polimorfismos protéicos entre setenta e cinco linhagens de C. albicans isoladas da cavidade oral de crianças saudáveis provenientes de cinco categorias socioeconômicas e oito escolas (particulares e públicas) do município de Piracicaba, Estado de São Paulo, a fim de identificar subespécies de C. albicans e suas similaridades em grupos de populações infantis e estabelecer suas possíveis rotas de disseminação. Culturas celulares foram desenvolvidas em meio YEPD, coletadas por centrifugação e lavadas com solução salina gelada. As proteínas celulares totais foram extraídas por rompimento celular usando pérolas de vidro e submetidas à técnica de SDS-PAGE. Após a eletroforese, as bandas de proteínas foram coradas com Coomassie-blue e analisadas pelo conjunto de programas estatísticos NTSYS-pc versão 1.70. Matriz de similaridade e dendrograma foram gerados, pela aplicação do coeficiente de similaridade de Dice e do algoritmo UPGMA, respectivamente, os quais permitiram avaliar os graus de polimorfismo ou similaridade intra-específico, baseados nos padrões eletroforéticos de proteínas totais de isolados orais de C. albicans. Um total de 13 principais fenons (grupos) foi analisado de acordo com suas características homogêneas (categoria socioeconômica e/ou escola idênticas) e heterogêneas (categorias socioeconômicas e/ou escolas diferentes). Com relação ao aspecto epidemiológico socioeconômico, as composições dos grupos mostraram alta similaridade (0.788 < S D < 1.0) entre algumas linhagens de C. albicans isoladas de crianças saudáveis independentemente de suas camadas socioeconômicas (alta, média e baixa). Isolados de alta similaridade não foram encontrados nas cavidades orais de crianças saudáveis pertencentes às camadas sociais A e D, B e C, ou C e E. Isto pode ser explicado pela ausência de uma rota de disseminação entre estas crianças. Geograficamente, algumas crianças saudáveis entre escolas idênticas e diferentes (particulares e públicas) também são portadoras de linhagens semelhantes, mas tal similaridade não foi encontrada entre outros de determinadas escolas. Esses dados podem refletir uma rota de disseminação restrita destes microrganismos em alguns grupos de escolares saudáveis, a qual pode ser dependente da categoria socioeconômica ou local geográfico de cada criança. Em contraste à alta similaridade, a baixa similaridade ou alto grau de polimorfismo (0.499 < S D < 0.788) dos perfis protéicos foi demonstrado em 23 (30,6%) isolados orais de C. albicans. Considerando o aspecto epidemiológico social, 42,1%, 41,7%, 26,6%, 23,5% e 16,7% foram isolados de crianças provenientes das categorias socioeconômicas A, D, C, B e E, respectivamente, e geograficamente, 63,6%, 50%, 33,3%, 33,3%, 30%, 25% e 14,3% foram isolados de crianças provenientes das escolas LAE, MA, CS, AV, HF, FMC e MEP, respectivamente. Tais resultados sugerem um maior grau de polimorfismo entre algumas linhagens isoladas de crianças saudáveis independentemente de suas camadas sociais ou locais geográficos. Estudos complementares envolvendo escolares saudáveis e seus familiares, professores, serventes, hábitos nutricionais e de higiene deverão ser realizados a fim de estabelecer as fontes de tais padrões de colonização em grupos de populações de crianças saudáveis. Os perfis de proteínas totais obtidos por SDS-PAGE associados com análise numérica computadorizada podem proporcionar critérios adicionais para os estudos epidemiológicos e taxonômicos de C. albicans.The aim of this research was to evaluate the protein polymorphism degree among seventy-five C. albicans strains from healthy children oral cavities of five socioeconomic categories from eight schools (private and public) in Piracicaba city, São Paulo State, in order to identify C. albicans subspecies and their similarities in infantile population groups and to establish their possible dissemination route. Cell cultures were grown in YEPD medium, collected by centrifugation, and washed with cold saline solution. The whole-cell proteins were extracted by cell disruption, using glass beads and submitted to SDS-PAGE technique. After electrophoresis, the protein bands were stained with Coomassie-blue and analyzed by statistics package NTSYS-pc version 1.70 software. Similarity matrix and dendrogram were generated by using the Dice similarity coefficient and UPGMA algorithm, respectively, which made it possible to evaluate the similarity or intra-specific polymorphism degrees, based on whole-cell protein fingerprinting of C. albicans oral isolates. A total of 13 major phenons (clusters) were analyzed, according to their homogeneous (socioeconomic category and/or same school) and heterogeneous (distinct socioeconomic categories and/or schools) characteristics. Regarding to the social epidemiological aspect, the cluster composition showed higher similarities (0.788 < S D < 1.0) among C. albicans strains isolated from healthy children independent of their socioeconomic bases (high, medium, or low). Isolates of high similarity were not found in oral cavities from healthy children of social stratum A and D, B and D, or C and E. This may be explained by an absence of a dissemination route among these children. Geographically, some healthy children among identical and different schools (private and public) also are carriers of similar strains but such similarity was not found among other isolates from children from certain schools. These data may reflect a restricted dissemination route of these microorganisms in some groups of healthy scholars, which may be dependent of either socioeconomic categories or geographic site of each child. In contrast to the higher similarity, the lower similarity or higher polymorphism degree (0.499 < S D < 0.788) of protein profiles was shown in 23 (30.6%) C. albicans oral isolates. Considering the social epidemiological aspect, 42.1%, 41.7%, 26.6%, 23.5%, and 16.7% were isolates from children concerning to socioeconomic categories A, D, C, B, and E, respectively, and geographically, 63.6%, 50%, 33.3%, 33.3%, 30%, 25%, and 14.3% were isolates from children from schools LAE (Liceu Colégio Albert Einstein), MA (E.E.P.S.G. "Prof. Elias de Melo Ayres"), CS (E.E.P.G. "Prof. Carlos Sodero"), AV (Alphaville), HF (E.E.P.S.G. "Honorato Faustino), FMC (E.E.P.G. "Prof. Francisco Mariano da Costa"), and MEP (E.E.P.S.G. "Prof. Manasses Ephraim Pereira), respectively. Such results suggest a higher protein polymorphism degree among some strains isolated from healthy children independent of their socioeconomic strata or geographic sites. Complementary studies, involving healthy students and their families, teachers, servants, hygiene and nutritional habits must be done in order to establish the sources of such colonization patterns in population groups of healthy children. The whole-cell protein profile obtained by SDS-PAGE associated with computer-assisted numerical analysis may provide additional criteria for the taxonomic and epidemiological studies of C. albicans

    Citologia de impressão na avaliação de tumores da superfície ocular: artigo de revisão

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    Impression cytology (IC) has been widely used as a method for evaluating the ocular surface and superficial cells layers in the diagnosis and follow-up after treatment of several ocular surface tumors of both epithelial and melanocytic origin. Information regarding this can be found in the English-language literature since 1992. Using either cellulose acetate or Biopore membranes for specimen collection, a high correlation has been found between IC and tissue histology. Compared with exfoliative cytology with spatula, IC is less traumatic to the patient's eye, provides a precise location of the area being studied, and allows accurate observation of the cells the way they exist in vivo. the additional advantage of IC is the preservation of limbal stem cells responsible for continuous corneal epithelium renewal; these can be affected after incisional or excisional biopsy at the corneoscleral limbus, which is the most frequent site of appearance of tumors in the stratified epithelium. Treatment for ocular surface squamous neoplasia has historically included surgery, but nonsurgical interventions have also been adopted. Hence, in certain cases, ophthalmologists may prefer interventions less invasive than surgical biopsy such as of impression cytology for both initial diagnosis and therapeutic monitoring of treatment for ocular surface lesions. Nevertheless, it should be considered that IC may be less helpful if the results conflict with the clinical picture or if the clinical diagnosis is uncertain and results are negative. in such cases, surgical biopsy is required for accurate diagnosis. the purpose of this review is to examine the published literature on the utilization of IC for the diagnosis and management of ocular surface tumors and to discuss the requirement for further investigation on the subject.Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Ophthalmol & Visual Sci, São Paulo, SP, BrazilClin Olhos Dr Moacir Cunha, São Paulo, SP, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Pathol, São Paulo, SP, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Ophthalmol & Visual Sci, São Paulo, SP, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Pathol, São Paulo, SP, BrazilWeb of Scienc

    Dynamics of the seasonal airborne propagation of Staphylococcus aureus in academic dental clinics

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    Objective:&nbsp; Staphylococcus aureus strains can be disseminated during dental treatments and occasionally lead to the contamination and infection of patients and dentists, which is an important public health problem. The dynamics of the airborne propagation and the genetic diversity of S. aureus isolated in an academic dental clinic environment were investigated using isoenzyme typing. Material and Methods: The isoenzymes of 44 previously reported isolates were obtained from fresh cultures and extracted using glass beads. Nine isoenzymes were investigated using multilocus enzyme electrophoresis (MLEE). The genetic diversity and relationship among the strains (electrophoretic type – ET) were determined using statistics previously described by Nei25 (1972) and the SAHN grouping method (UPGMA algorithm). Results: Clonal pattern analyses indicated a high level of genetic polymorphism occurring among the 33 ETs, which were grouped into five taxa. Each taxon presented one or more clusters that were moderately related and that contained two or more identical/highly related isolates, revealing seasonal airborne propagation in these dental clinic environments. Conclusions: These data suggest the occurrence of active microevolutionary processes in S. aureus as well as the possibility of environmental propagation during a 14-month time span. Such findings are important to show that multiuser academic dental clinics can retain certain strains that are spreadable to different niches