5,958 research outputs found

    Proton recoil polarization in exclusive (e,e'pp) reactions

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    The general formalism of nucleon recoil polarization in the (e⃗,eâ€ČN⃗N{\vec e},e'{\vec N}N) reaction is given. Numerical predictions are presented for the components of the outgoing proton polarization and of the polarization transfer coefficient in the specific case of the exclusive 16^{16}O(e⃗,eâ€Čp⃗p{\vec e},e'{\vec p}p)14^{14}C knockout reaction leading to discrete states in the residual nucleus. Reaction calculations are performed in a direct knockout framework where final-state interactions and one-body and two-body currents are included. The two-nucleon overlap integrals are obtained from a calculation of the two-proton spectral function of 16^{16}O where long-range and short-range correlations are consistently included. The comparison of results obtained in different kinematics confirms that resolution of different final states in the 16^{16}O(e⃗,eâ€Čp⃗p{\vec e},e'{\vec p}p)14^{14}C reaction may act as a filter to disentangle and separately investigate the reaction processes due to short-range correlations and two-body currents and indicates that measurements of the components of the outgoing proton polarization may offer good opportunities to study short-range correlations.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure

    Finite size scaling of meson propagators with isospin chemical potential

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    We determine the volume and mass dependence of scalar and pseudoscalar two-point functions in N_f-flavour QCD, in the presence of an isospin chemical potential and at fixed gauge-field topology. We obtain these results at second order in the \epsilon-expansion of Chiral Perturbation Theory and evaluate all relevant zero-mode group integrals analytically. The virtue of working with a non-vanishing chemical potential is that it provides the correlation functions with a dependence on both the chiral condensate, \Sigma, and the pion decay constant, F, already at leading order. Our results may therefore be useful for improving the determination of these constants from lattice QCD calculations. As a side product, we rectify an earlier calculation of the O(\epsilon^2) finite-volume correction to the decay constant appearing in the partition function. We also compute a generalised partition function which is useful for evaluating U(N_f) group integrals

    Finite-size scaling for the left-current correlator with non-degenerate quark masses

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    We study the volume dependence of the left-current correlator with non-degenerate quark masses to next-to-leading order in the chiral expansion. We consider three possible regimes: all quark masses are in the Ï”\epsilon-regime, all are in the pp-regime and a mixed-regime where the lighest quark masses satisfy mvÎŁV≀1m_v \Sigma V \leq 1 while the heavier msÎŁV≫1m_s \Sigma V \gg 1. These results can be used to match lattice QCD and the Chiral Effective Theory in a large but finite box in which the Compton wavelength of the lightest pions is of the order of the box size. We consider both the full and partially-quenched results.Comment: 27 pages, 4 figure

    NNLO Unquenched Calculation of the b Quark Mass

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    By combining the first unquenched lattice computation of the B-meson binding energy and the two-loop contribution to the lattice HQET residual mass, we determine the (\bar{{MS}}) (b)-quark mass, (\bar{m}_{b}(\bar{m}_{b})). The inclusion of the two-loop corrections is essential to extract (\bar{m}_{b}(\bar{m}_{b})) with a precision of ({\cal O}(\Lambda^{2}_{QCD}/m_{b})), which is the uncertainty due to the renormalon singularities in the perturbative series of the residual mass. Our best estimate is (\bar{m}_{b}(\bar{m}_{b}) = (4.26 \pm 0.09) {\rm GeV}), where we have combined the different errors in quadrature. A detailed discussion of the systematic errors contributing to the final number is presented. Our results have been obtained on a sample of (60) lattices of size (24^{3}\times 40) at (\beta =5.6), using the Wilson action for light quarks and the lattice HQET for the (b) quark, at two values of the sea quark masses. The quark propagators have been computed using the unquenched links generated by the T(\chi)L Collaboration.Comment: 19 pages, 1 figur

    Polar Varieties, Real Equation Solving and Data-Structures: The hypersurface case

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    In this paper we apply for the first time a new method for multivariate equation solving which was developed in \cite{gh1}, \cite{gh2}, \cite{gh3} for complex root determination to the {\em real} case. Our main result concerns the problem of finding at least one representative point for each connected component of a real compact and smooth hypersurface. The basic algorithm of \cite{gh1}, \cite{gh2}, \cite{gh3} yields a new method for symbolically solving zero-dimensional polynomial equation systems over the complex numbers. One feature of central importance of this algorithm is the use of a problem--adapted data type represented by the data structures arithmetic network and straight-line program (arithmetic circuit). The algorithm finds the complex solutions of any affine zero-dimensional equation system in non-uniform sequential time that is {\em polynomial} in the length of the input (given in straight--line program representation) and an adequately defined {\em geometric degree of the equation system}. Replacing the notion of geometric degree of the given polynomial equation system by a suitably defined {\em real (or complex) degree} of certain polar varieties associated to the input equation of the real hypersurface under consideration, we are able to find for each connected component of the hypersurface a representative point (this point will be given in a suitable encoding). The input equation is supposed to be given by a straight-line program and the (sequential time) complexity of the algorithm is polynomial in the input length and the degree of the polar varieties mentioned above.Comment: Late

    Polar Varieties and Efficient Real Elimination

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    Let S0S_0 be a smooth and compact real variety given by a reduced regular sequence of polynomials f1,...,fpf_1, ..., f_p. This paper is devoted to the algorithmic problem of finding {\em efficiently} a representative point for each connected component of S0S_0 . For this purpose we exhibit explicit polynomial equations that describe the generic polar varieties of S0S_0. This leads to a procedure which solves our algorithmic problem in time that is polynomial in the (extrinsic) description length of the input equations f1,>...,fpf_1, >..., f_p and in a suitably introduced, intrinsic geometric parameter, called the {\em degree} of the real interpretation of the given equation system f1,>...,fpf_1, >..., f_p.Comment: 32 page

    Electromagnetic and strong isospin-breaking corrections to the muon g−2g - 2 from Lattice QCD+QED

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    We present a lattice calculation of the leading-order electromagnetic and strong isospin-breaking corrections to the hadronic vacuum polarization (HVP) contribution to the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon. We employ the gauge configurations generated by the European Twisted Mass Collaboration (ETMC) with Nf=2+1+1N_f = 2+1+1 dynamical quarks at three values of the lattice spacing (a≃0.062,0.082,0.089a \simeq 0.062, 0.082, 0.089 fm) with pion masses between ≃210\simeq 210 and ≃450\simeq 450 MeV. The results are obtained adopting the RM123 approach in the quenched-QED approximation, which neglects the charges of the sea quarks. Quark disconnected diagrams are not included. After the extrapolations to the physical pion mass and to the continuum and infinite-volume limits the contributions of the light, strange and charm quarks are respectively equal to ÎŽaÎŒHVP(ud)=7.1 (2.5)⋅10−10\delta a_\mu^{\rm HVP}(ud) = 7.1 ~ (2.5) \cdot 10^{-10}, ÎŽaÎŒHVP(s)=−0.0053 (33)⋅10−10\delta a_\mu^{\rm HVP}(s) = -0.0053 ~ (33) \cdot 10^{-10} and ÎŽaÎŒHVP(c)=0.0182 (36)⋅10−10\delta a_\mu^{\rm HVP}(c) = 0.0182 ~ (36) \cdot 10^{-10}. At leading order in αem\alpha_{em} and (md−mu)/ΛQCD(m_d - m_u) / \Lambda_{QCD} we obtain ÎŽaÎŒHVP(udsc)=7.1 (2.9)⋅10−10\delta a_\mu^{\rm HVP}(udsc) = 7.1 ~ (2.9) \cdot 10^{-10}, which is currently the most accurate determination of the isospin-breaking corrections to aÎŒHVPa_\mu^{\rm HVP}.Comment: 23 pages, 7 figures, 5 tables. Version to appear in PRD. A bug in the update of the strange and charm contributions is removed and an extended discussion on the identification of the ground-state is included. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1808.00887, arXiv:1707.0301

    Theta dependence of the vacuum energy in the SU(3) gauge theory from the lattice

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    We report on a precise computation of the topological charge distribution in the SU(3) Yang--Mills theory. It is carried out on the lattice with high statistics Monte Carlo simulations by employing the definition of the topological charge suggested by Neuberger's fermions. We observe significant deviations from a Gaussian distribution. Our results disfavour the theta behaviour of the vacuum energy predicted by instanton models, while they are compatible with the expectation from the large Nc expansion.Comment: Plain latex, 4 pages, 2 figure

    Non-perturbative renormalization of lattice operators in coordinate space

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    We present the first numerical implementation of a non-perturbative renormalization method for lattice operators, based on the study of correlation functions in coordinate space at short Euclidean distance. The method is applied to compute the renormalization constants of bilinear quark operators for the non-perturbative O(a)-improved Wilson action in the quenched approximation. The matching with perturbative schemes, such as MS-bar, is computed at the next-to-leading order in continuum perturbation theory. A feasibility study of this technique with Neuberger fermions is also presented.Comment: 11 pages and 9 figures, LaTeX2

    Short-range and tensor correlations in the 16^{16}O(e,eâ€Č'pn) reaction

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    The cross sections for electron induced two-nucleon knockout reactions are evaluated for the example of the 16^{16}O(e,eâ€Č'pn)14^{14}N reaction leading to discrete states in the residual nucleus 14^{14}N. These calculations account for the effects of nucleon-nucleon correlations and include the contributions of two-body meson exchange currents as the pion seagull, pion in flight and the isobar current contribution. The effects of short-range as well as tensor correlations are calculated within the framework of the coupled cluster method employing the Argonne V14 potential as a model for a realistic nucleon-nucleon interaction. The relative importance of correlation effects as compared to the contribution of the meson exchange currents depends on the final state of the residual nucleus. The cross section leading to specific states, like e.g. the ground state of 14^{14}N, is rather sensitive to the details of the correlated wave function.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figures include
