342 research outputs found

    Erosion éolienne dans les régions arides et semi-arides africaines : processus physiques, métrologie et techniques de lutte

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    Cette étude présente une approche par modélisation pour estimer les émissions de particules terrigènes provenant de la région semi-aride sahélienne. Deux modèles spécifiques ont été combinés : l'un pour représenter le couvert herbacé saisonnier au Sahel, l'autre pour quantifier les émissions de particules terrigènes. Le Sahel (12°N–20°N, 20°W–35°E) constitue la région d'étude et les simulations ont été effectuées à une résolution spatiale de 0,25° sur une période de 4 ans (2004-2007). Le forçage pluviométrique provient d'un produit satellitaire TRMM (Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission). Les autres forçages météorologiques ont été fournis par le CEPMMT (Centre Européen pour les Prévisions Météorologiques à Moyen Terme). La rugosité aérodynamique de la surface a été estimée à partir d'une paramétrisation empirique pour représenter sa dynamique temporelle à partir des simulations du couvert végétal saisonnier. Les simulations de végétation ont été comparées à des observations satellitaires au préalable. Lorsqu'aucune végétation ne pousse, les propriétés de la surface ont été considérées constantes et déduites de mesures satellitaires. Les flux d'émission annuels simulés sont compris entre 100 et 400 Mt pour l'ensemble de la région considérée, en accord avec des travaux précédents portant sur le Sahara. Leur variabilité interannuelle est aussi en accord avec les observations satellitaires. Nous avons par ailleurs mis en évidence l'existence d’une "frange émissive saisonnièrement végétalisée" dont la superficie varie selon l'année et pour laquelle les émissions annuelles sont comprises entre 0,5 Mt et 20 Mt pour la période considérée. L'inhibition en masse de ces émissions due à la végétation saisonnière et à l'humidité superficielle du sol sur cette frange varie de 20% à 35%

    Highly asymmetric magnetic domain wall propagation due to coupling to a periodic pinning potential

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    Magneto-optical microscopy and magnetometry have been used to study 19 magnetization reversal in an ultrathin magnetically soft [Pt/Co]2 ferromagnetic film 20 coupled to an array of magnetically harder [Co/Pt]4 nanodots via a predominantly 21 dipolar interaction across a 3 nm Pt spacer. This interaction generates a spatially 22 periodic pinning potential for domain walls propagating through the continuous 23 magnetic film. When reversing the applied field with respect to the static nanodot 24 array magnetization orientation, strong asymmetries in the wall velocity and switching 25 fields are observed. Asymmetric switching fields mean that the hysteresis of the film is 26 characterized by a large bias field of dipolar origin which is linked to the wall velocity 27 asymmetry. This latter asymmetry, though large at low fields, vanishes at high fields 28 where the domains become round and compact. A field-polarity-controlled transition 29 from dendritic to compact faceted domain structures is also seen at low field and a 30 model is proposed to interpret the transition

    Bifurcations in the wake of a thick circular disk

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    Using DNS, we investigate the dynamics in the wake of a circular disk of aspect ratio χ = d/w = 3(where d is the diameter and w the thickness) embedded in a uniform flow of magnitude U0 perpendicular to its symmetry axis. As the Reynolds number Re = U0d/ν is increased, the flow is shown to experience an original series of bifurcations leading to chaos. The range Re ∈ [150, 218] is analysed in detail. In this range, five different non-axisymmetric regimes are successively encountered, including states similar to those previously identified in the flow past a sphere or an infinitely thin disk, as well as a new regime characterised by the presence of two distinct frequencies. A theoretical model based on the theory of mode interaction with symmetries, previously introduced to explain the bifurcations in the flow past a sphere or an infinitely thin disk (Fabre et al. in Phys Fluids 20:051702, 2008), is shown to explain correctly all these results. Higher values of the Reynolds number, up to 270, are also considered. Results indicate that the flow encounters at least four additional bifurcations before reaching a chaotic state

    Impact of vegetation and soil moisture seasonal dynamics on dust emissions over the Sahel

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    International audience[1] To address the challenging issue of estimating mineral dust emissions from the semi-arid Sahel, a modeling approach is developed by combining two specific models: one dedicated to the simulation of the seasonal herbaceous layer in the Sahel (STEP) and the other to the estimation of dust emissions (MB). The area of interest is the Sahelian belt (12 N-20 N, 20 W-35 E) and the simulations were performed at a 0.25 spatial resolution over a 4-year period (2004-2007). The rainfall forcing is provided by a TRMM (Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission) satellite-derived product; the other meteorological data are ECMWF products. An empirical parameterization is used to estimate the surface roughness and its temporal dynamics according to the characteristics of the simulated vegetation in terms of surface cover and height. Where no vegetation grows, the surface properties are considered as constant in time and are derived from the POLDER-1 satellite measurements. Simulations are constrained step by step by comparisons with observations. Simulated annual dust fluxes emitted from the whole area range from approximately 100 Mt to 400 Mt depending on the year, in good agreement with previous works dealing with Saharan dust emissions. For the fringe where herbaceous vegetation can affect dust emissions, the annual dust emission fluxes range between 0.5 Mt and 20 Mt depending on the year. Inhibition of dust emissions due to the seasonal dynamics of vegetation and surface soil moisture over this fringe varies between 20% and 35%. Citation: Pierre, C., G. Bergametti, B. Marticorena, E. Mougin, C. Bouet, and C. Schmechtig (2012), Impact of vegetation and soil moisture seasonal dynamics on dust emissions over the Sahel

    Mapping data elements to terminological resources for integrating biomedical data sources

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    BACKGROUND: Data integration is a crucial task in the biomedical domain and integrating data sources is one approach to integrating data. Data elements (DEs) in particular play an important role in data integration. We combine schema- and instance-based approaches to mapping DEs to terminological resources in order to facilitate data sources integration. METHODS: We extracted DEs from eleven disparate biomedical sources. We compared these DEs to concepts and/or terms in biomedical controlled vocabularies and to reference DEs. We also exploited DE values to disambiguate underspecified DEs and to identify additional mappings. RESULTS: 82.5% of the 474 DEs studied are mapped to entries of a terminological resource and 74.7% of the whole set can be associated with reference DEs. Only 6.6% of the DEs had values that could be semantically typed. CONCLUSION: Our study suggests that the integration of biomedical sources can be achieved automatically with limited precision and largely facilitated by mapping DEs to terminological resources

    Relationships between cortical myeloarchitecture and electrophysiological networks

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    The human brain relies upon the dynamic formation and dissolution of a hierarchy of functional networks to support ongoing cognition. However, how functional connectivities underlying such networks are supported by cortical microstructure remains poorly understood. Recent animal work has demonstrated that electrical activity promotes myelination. Inspired by this, we test a hypothesis that gray-matter myelin is related to electrophysiological connectivity. Using ultra-high field MRI and the principle of structural covariance, we derive a structural network showing how myelin density differs across cortical regions and how separate regions can exhibit similar myeloarchitecture. Building upon recent evidence that neural oscillations mediate connectivity, we use magnetoencephalography to elucidate networks that represent the major electrophysiological pathways of communication in the brain. Finally, we show that a significant relationship exists between our functional and structural networks; this relationship differs as a function of neural oscillatory frequency and becomes stronger when integrating oscillations over frequency bands. Our study sheds light on the way in which cortical microstructure supports functional networks. Further, it paves the way for future investigations of the gray-matter structure/function relationship and its breakdown in pathology

    Metilación de sitios CpG del virus del papiloma humano tipo 16 en el sitio de unión 1 de E2 (E2BS1), E2BS2 y el sitio de unión de Sp1 en muestras de cáncer de cuello uterino, según lo determinado por análisis de fusión de alta resolución-PCR

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    High-risk (HR) human papillomavirus (HPV)-associated carcinogenesis is driven mainly by the overexpression of E7 and E6 oncoproteins following viral DNA integration and the concomitant loss of the E2 open reading frame (ORF). However, the integration of HR-HPV DNA is not systematically observed in cervical cancers. The E2 protein acts as a transcription factor that governs viral oncogene expression. The methylation of CpGs in the E2-binding sites (E2BSs) in the viral long control region abrogates E2 binding, thus impairing the E2-mediated regulation of E7/E6 transcription. Here, high-resolution melting (HRM)–PCR was developed to quantitatively analyze the methylation statuses of E2BS1, E2BS2, and the specificity protein 1 (Sp1)-binding site in 119 HPV16-positive cervical smears. This is a rapid assay that is suitable for the analysis of cervical samples. The proportion of cancer samples with methylated E2BS1, E2BS2, and Sp1-binding site CpGs was 47%, whereas the vast majority of samples diagnosed as being within normal limits, low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (LSIL), or high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (HSIL) harbored unmethylated CpGs. Methylation levels varied widely, since some cancer samples harbored up to 60% of methylated HPV16 genomes. A pyrosequencing approach was used as a confirmation test and highlighted that quantitative measurement of methylation can be achieved by HRM-PCR. Its prognostic value deserves to be investigated alone or in association with other biomarkers. The reliability of this single-tube assay offers great opportunities for the investigation of HPV16 methylation in other HPV-related cancers, such as head and neck cancers, which are a major public health burden

    Metastable Random Field Ising model with exchange enhancement: a simple model for Exchange Bias

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    We present a simple model that allows hysteresis loops with exchange bias to be reproduced. The model is a modification of the T=0 random field Ising model driven by an external field and with synchronous local relaxation dynamics. The main novelty of the model is that a certain fraction f of the exchange constants between neighbouring spins is enhanced to a very large value J_E. The model allows the dependence of the exchange bias and other properties of the hysteresis loops to be analyzed as a function of the parameters of the model: the fraction f of enhanced bonds, the amount of the enhancement J_E and the amount of disorder which is controlled by the width sigma of the Gaussian distribution of the random fields.Comment: 8 pages, 11 figure