535 research outputs found

    The effect of the return of serve on the server pair’s movement parameters and rally outcome in padel using cluster analysis

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    Purpose: The pressure exerted on racket sports players by the service has been well documented. Whilst the return of serve has been suggested through qualitative interviews as being of similar importance there is a dearth of quantitative data to support this contention. This study analyzed time, speed, and distance parameters related to the outcome of the return of serve (ROS) in Padel, a sport similar to tennis but played on a court bounded by walls and played in doubles format only. Methods: Matches (n = 18) at two tournaments, sanctioned by the Valencian Federation, in 2012 were recorded and processed using Tracker software. ROS shot type (flat or lob), ball location, players’ positions on court and movement parameters between the ROS and the third shot of the server were captured 25 times per second. Results: Both lob and flat ROS produced six main clusters, as well as a small proportion of shots deemed outliers. The clusters differentiated shots played by two different level players (National and Regional), whether the ROS was played following a first or second serve, whether the serving pair adopted a conventional or Australian formation and whether the rally ended in a short number of shots (seven or less) or not. Conclusion: It was suggested that the aim of the ROS in Padel was to prevent the serving pair winning the rally quickly, since the advantage of the serve diminished after around 6 to 8 shots. This was best achieved by good depth on lobs, regardless of the direction, and pace on low shots, predominately aimed toward the server. This approach should be further modified to include the time between serve and ROS and consideration could be given to classifying attacking and defending positions

    Is there a pre-Cretaceous source rock in the Colombia Putumayo Basin? Clues from a study of crude oils by conventional and high resolution geochemical methods

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    A geochemical characterization of sixteen crude oil samples from the Putumayo Basin, southern Colombia, was carried out. This basin is located to the north of Ecuador’s Oriente Basin, one of the most prolific hydrocarbon basins in South America. Regardless of the fact that these two basins seem to share the same geological evolution, the volume of hydrocarbon reserves found in the Oriente Basin is five times greater than in the Putumayo Basin. This represents an exploratory opportunity to the extent that a better understanding of the petroleum system processes in the Putumayo Basin can be achieved. Newly available geochemical technology shows evidence that these crude oils originated from Late Cretaceous source rocks. The novel application of an age-related biomarker, the C25- highly branched isoprenoid, has constrained the age of the principal source of all these oils as Late Cretaceous or younger. Advanced geochemical technologies, such as compound specific isotope analyses of biomarkers (CSIA-B) and diamondoids (CSIA-D), and quantitative extended diamondoid analysis (QEDA), have confirmed, repeatedly, that the oil samples are all related to the same source with minor facies variations. The integration of these results with geological data suggests the presence of a very efficient petroleum system, characterized by an alternating sequence of soçurce and reservoir rocks. Thermal maturity of the oils from biomarker and diamondoid parameters ranges from well before the peak of hydrocarbon expulsion to the beginning of the late hydrocarbon generation phase. The aerial distribution of these maturity parameters suggests the existence of two, or possibly three, pods of active source rocks, located to the southwest and to the east of the basin, and possibly to the north. This would modify the classic hydrocarbon migration model for the Putumayo Basin, increasing the hydrocarbon potential of the basin. Given the low level of thermal maturity documented in the Cretaceous sequence that has been drilled, the possibility to evaluate the presence of a very reactive kerogen with hydrocarbon expulsion thresholds at lower temperatures is proposed

    Is there a pre-Cretaceous source rock in the Colombia Putumayo Basin? : clues from a study of crude oils by conventional and high resolution geochemical methods

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    A geochemical characterization of sixteen crude oil samples from the Putumayo Basin, southern Colombia, was carried out. This basin is located to the north of Ecuador's Oriente Basin, one of the most prolific hydrocarbon basins in South America. Regardless of the fact that these two basins seem to share the same geological evolution, the volume of hydrocarbon reserves found in the Oriente Basin is five times greater than in the Putumayo Basin. This represents an exploratory opportunity to the extent that a better understanding of the petroleum system processes in the Putumayo Basin can be achieved. Newly available geochemical technology shows evidence that these crude oils originated from Late Cretaceous source rocks. The novel application of an age-related biomarker, the C25-highly branched isoprenoid, has constrained the age of the principal source of all these oils as Late Cretaceous or younger. Advanced geochemical technologies, such as compound specific isotope analyses of biomarkers (CSIA-B) and diamondoids (CSIA-D), and quantitative extended diamondoid analysis (QEDA), have confirmed, repeatedly, that the oil samples are all related to the same source with minor facies variations. The integration of these results with geological data suggests the presence of a very efficient petroleum system, characterized by an alternating sequence of soçurce and reservoir rocks. Thermal maturity of the oils from biomarker and diamondoid parameters ranges from well before the peak of hydrocarbon expulsion to the beginning of the late hydrocarbon generation phase. The aerial distribution of these maturity parameters suggests the existence of two, or possibly three, pods of active source rocks, located to the southwest and to the east of the basin, and possibly to the north. This would modify the classic hydrocarbon migration model for the Putumayo Basin, increasing the hydrocarbon potential of the basin. Given the low level of thermal maturity documented in the Cretaceous sequence that has been drilled, the possibility to evaluate the presence of a very reactive kerogen with hydrocarbon expulsion thresholds at lower temperatures is proposed

    Short communication: Effects of the addition of a marigold extract to diets fed to channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) on growth parameters

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    The expansion of aquaculture in the last 10 years has made it an important source of protein worldwide. However, increased production, and the culture intensification it carries, results in higher risk of infectious disease due to poor water quality and high stocking densities. ... Marigold (Tagetes erecta L.) is a plant native to Mexico whose flowers accumulate carotenoids. Natural carotenoids extracted from marigold have been used in aquaculture to help in the survival of fish juvenile stages by strengthening their immunological system, thus reducing mortality rates. The effect of carotenoids in fish health may exert a positive effect on fish growth indices; however, these effects on growth parameters have not been studied in channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus), which is the most cultured fish species in north-eastern Mexico, and one of the most cultured on the southern United States. Consequently, the aim of this study was to investigate if there were significant differences in growth among channel catfish juveniles when fed diets containing various carotenoid doses from a natural source

    Short communication: Effects of the addition of a marigold extract to diets fed to channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) on growth parameters

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    The expansion of aquaculture in the last 10 years has made it an important source of protein worldwide. However, increased production, and the culture intensification it carries, results in higher risk of infectious disease due to poor water quality and high stocking densities. ... Marigold (Tagetes erecta L.) is a plant native to Mexico whose flowers accumulate carotenoids. Natural carotenoids extracted from marigold have been used in aquaculture to help in the survival of fish juvenile stages by strengthening their immunological system, thus reducing mortality rates. The effect of carotenoids in fish health may exert a positive effect on fish growth indices; however, these effects on growth parameters have not been studied in channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus), which is the most cultured fish species in north-eastern Mexico, and one of the most cultured on the southern United States. Consequently, the aim of this study was to investigate if there were significant differences in growth among channel catfish juveniles when fed diets containing various carotenoid doses from a natural source

    Una especie nueva de avispa gallícola para México: Andricus sphaericus Pujade-Villar n. sp. (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae: Cynipini)

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    Se describe una nueva especie de cinípido gallícola de México, Andricus sphaericus Pujade-Villar n. sp., solo conocida por su forma sexual. Induce agallas en las hojas de Quercus rugosa Née. Representa la segunda colecta de una generación sexual del género Andricus para México. Se proporcionan datos referidos a la diagnosis, distribución y biología de esta nueva especie

    Desenlaces clínicos de los pacientes con diabetes e hiperglucemia de estrés que presentaron infección por SARS-CoV-2

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    Introduction. Diabetes and stress hyperglycemia (SH) have been related with poorer clinical outcomes in patients infected by SARS-CoV-2 and at risk for severe disease.Objective. To evaluate clinical outcomes in three groups of patients (with diabetes, without diabetes and stress hyperglycemia [SH]) with SARS-CoV-2 infection.Materials and methods. A retrospective cohort study was conducted in Cali-Colombia. Patients aged ≥18 years with a diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 infection managed in the emergency room, hospitalization or intensive care unit (ICU) between March 2020 and December 2021 were included. Immunocompromised patients and pregnant women were excluded. Patients were classified in three groups: without diabetes, with diabetes and SH. A comparison between the groups was performed. Results. A total of 945 patients were included (59.6% without diabetes, 27% with diabetes and 13.4% with SH). Fifty-five-point three percent required ICU management, with a higher need in patients with SH (89.8%) and diabetes (67.1%), with no difference between these groups (p=0.249). A higher chance of death was seen in SH vs. without diabetes (adjOR= 8.12, 95% CI 5.12-12.88, p<0.01). Frequency of acute respiratory distress syndrome, need for invasive mechanical ventilation, use of vasopressors and inotropes, the need for de novo renal replacement therapy and mortality was higher in patients with metabolic alterations (diabetes and SH). Conclusions. Diabetes and SH are associated to worse clinical outcomes and mortality in patients with COVID-19. These patients should be identified early and considered as high risk at moment of COVID-19 diagnosis that allow to mitigate adverse outcomes.Introducción. La diabetes y la hiperglucemia de estrés (HE) se han relacionado con peores desenlaces clínicos en pacientes infectados por SARS-CoV-2 y con riesgo de enfermedad grave. Objetivo. Evaluar los resultados clínicos en tres grupos de pacientes (con diabetes, sin diabetes e hiperglucemia de estrés [SH]) con infección por SARS-CoV-2.Materiales y métodos. Se realizó un estudio de cohorte retrospectivo en Cali-Colombia. Se incluyeron pacientes ≥18 años con diagnóstico de infección por SARS-CoV-2 atendidos en urgencias, hospitalización o unidad de cuidados intensivos (UCI) entre marzo de 2020 y diciembre de 2021. Se excluyeron pacientes inmunocomprometidos y mujeres embarazadas. Los pacientes fueron clasificados en tres grupos: sin diabetes, con diabetes e HE. Se realizó una comparación entre los grupos.Resultados. Se incluyeron un total de 945 pacientes (59,6% sin diabetes, 27% con diabetes y 13,4% con HE). El 55,3% requirió manejo en UCI, con mayor necesidad en pacientes con HE (89,8%) y diabetes (67,1%), sin diferencia entre estos grupos (p=0,249). Se observó una mayor probabilidad de muerte en HE vs. sin diabetes (adjOR= 8,12, 95% IC 5,12-12,88, p<0,01). La frecuencia de síndrome de distrés respiratorio agudo, necesidad de ventilación mecánica invasiva, uso de vasopresores e inotrópicos, necesidad de terapia de reemplazo renal de novo y la mortalidad fue mayor en pacientes con alteraciones metabólicas (diabetes e HE).Conclusiones. La diabetes y la HE se asociaron a peores resultados clínicos y mortalidad en pacientes con COVID-19. Estos pacientes deben ser identificados tempranamente y considerados de alto riesgo al momento del diagnóstico de COVID-19 que permitan mitigar los desenlaces adversos

    Evaluación de la Calidad Ambiental en el Area Metropolitana de Monterrey, N.L., México

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    La calidad y detrimento ambiental de los habitantes del Area Metropolitana de Monterrey (incluyesiete municipios) fue valorada. Esta estimación fue basada en la generación de un procesoaxiológico y conocimiento de la relación entre indicadores ambientales (sociodemográficos, salud,impacto ambiental, apertura social) y el proceso metodológico comprendido el método de valoresresiduales y un coeficiente de especialización funcional. Nuestros resultados indican queúnicamente el municipio de San Pedro Garza García tiene un índice de calidad ambientalaltamente significativo (0.7433). Mientras las municipalidades de General Escobedo (0.7599) yApodaca (0.7403), fueron las únicas dos áreas con índices de detrimento ambiental altamentesignificativos.AbstractThe quality and deterioration of the enviroment of inhabitants of the Urban Area of Monterrey (include seven municipalities) was assed. This estimation was based on the generation of anaxiological process and knowledge of the realtionship between enviromental indicators(sociodemographic, health, enviormental impact and social features) and the methodologicalprocess comprising residual values and the coeficients of especialization. Our results indicated thatonly the municipality of San Pedro Garza García had high significant index of enviromental quality(0.7433), while the municipalities of General Escobedo (0.7599) and Apodaca (0.7403) where theonly two areas with high significant deterioration indices.Palabras clave: calidad ambiental; indicadores ambientales; métodos, Monterrey; México,enviroment quality, enviroment indicators, methods