365 research outputs found

    A scenario of planet erosion by coronal radiation

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    Context: According to theory, high-energy emission from the coronae of cool stars can severely erode the atmospheres of orbiting planets. No observational tests of the long term effects of erosion have yet been made. Aims: To analyze the current distribution of planetary mass with X-ray irradiation of the atmospheres in order to make an observational assessment of the effects of erosion by coronal radiation. Methods: We study a large sample of planet-hosting stars with XMM-Newton, Chandra and ROSAT; make a careful identification of X-ray counterparts; and fit their spectra to make accurately measurements of the stellar X-ray flux. Results: The distribution of the planetary masses with X-ray flux suggests that erosion has taken place: most surviving massive planets, (M_p sin i >1.5 M_J), have been exposed to lower accumulated irradiation. Heavy erosion during the initial stages of stellar evolution is followed by a phase of much weaker erosion. A line dividing these two phases could be present, showing a strong dependence on planet mass. Although a larger sample will be required to establish a well-defined erosion line, the distribution found is very suggestive. Conclusions: The distribution of planetary mass with X-ray flux is consistent with a scenario in which planet atmospheres have suffered the effects of erosion by coronal X-ray and EUV emission. The erosion line is an observational constraint to models of atmospheric erosion.Comment: A&A 511, L8 (2010). 4 pages, 3 figures, 1 online table (included). Language edited; corrected a wrong unit conversion (g/s -> M_J/Gyr); corrected values in column 12 of Table 1 (slightly underestimated in first version), and Figure 2 updated accordingl

    Lessons from the operation of the "Penning-Fluorescent" TPC and prospects

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    We have recently reported the development of a new type of high-pressure Xenon time projection chamber operated with an ultra-low diffusion mixture and that simultaneously displays Penning effect and fluorescence in the near-visible region (300 nm). The concept, dubbed `Penning-Fluorescent' TPC, allows the simultaneous reconstruction of primary charge and scintillation with high topological and calorimetric fidelity

    The discrimination capabilities of Micromegas detectors at low energy

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    The latest generation of Micromegas detectors show a good energy resolution, spatial resolution and low threshold, which make them idoneous in low energy applications. Two micromegas detectors have been built for dark matter experiments: CAST, which uses a dipole magnet to convert axion into detectable x-ray photons, and MIMAC, which aims to reconstruct the tracks of low energy nuclear recoils in a mixture of CF4 and CHF3. These readouts have been respectively built with the microbulk and bulk techniques, which show different gain, electron transmission and energy resolutions. The detectors and the operation conditions will be described in detail as well as their discrimination capabilities for low energy photons will be discussed.Comment: To be published in the proceedings of the TIPP2011 conference (Physics Procedia

    CAST microbulk micromegas in the Canfranc Underground Laboratory

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    During the last taking data campaigns of the CAST experiment, the micromegas detectors have achieved background levels of 5×106\approx 5 \times 10^{-6}keV1^{-1}cm2^{-2}s1^{-1} between 2 and 9 keV. This performance has been possible thanks to the introduction of the microbulk technology, the implementation of a shielding and the development of discrimination algorithms. It has motivated new studies towards a deeper understanding of CAST detectors background. One of the working lines includes the construction of a replica of the set-up used in CAST by micromegas detectors and its installation in the Canfranc Underground Laboratory. Thanks to the comparison between the performance of the detectors underground and at surface, shielding upgrades, etc, different contributions to the detectors background have been evaluated. In particular, an upper limit <2×107< 2 \times 10^{-7}keV1^{-1}cm2^{-2}s1^{-1} for the intrinsic background of the detector has been obtained. This work means a first evaluation of the potential of the newest micromegas technology in an underground laboratory, the most suitable environment for Rare Event Searches.Comment: 6 pages, 8 figures. To appear in the proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Technology and Instrumentation for Particle Physics (TIPP 2011

    Protein kinase C ζ interacts with a novel binding region of Gαq to act as a functional effector

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    Heterotrimeric G proteins play an essential role in the initiation of G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) signaling through specific interactions with a variety of cellular effectors. We have recently reported that GPCR activation promotes a direct interaction between Gαq and protein kinase C ζ (PKCζ), leading to the stimulation of the ERK5 pathway independent of the canonical effector PLCβ. We report herein that the activation-dependent Gαq/PKCζ complex involves the basic PB1-type II domain of PKCζ and a novel interaction module in Gαq different from the classical effector-binding site. Point mutations in this Gαq region completely abrogate ERK5 phosphorylation, indicating that Gαq/PKCζ association is required for the activation of the pathway. Indeed, PKCζ was demonstrated to directly bind ERK5 thus acting as a scaffold between Gαq and ERK5 upon GPCR activation. The inhibition of these protein complexes by G proteincoupled receptor kinase 2, a known Gαq modulator, led to a complete abrogation of ERK5 stimulation. Finally, we reveal thatGαq/ PKCζ complexes link Gαq to apoptotic cell death pathways. Our data suggest that the interaction between this novel region in Gαq and the effector PKCζ is a key event in Gαq signaling.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (SAF2011-23800, SAF2014-55511-R), Fundación Ramón Areces, The Cardiovascular Diseases Network of Ministerio Sanidad y Consumo-Instituto Carlos III (RD12/0042/0012), Comunidad de Madrid (S-2011/BMD-2332), and Instituto de Salud Carlos III (PI11/00126, PI14/00201) (to F. M. and C. R.). This work was also supported in part by the NIGMS, National Institutes of Health Grant R01-GM088242 (to G. T.), the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) (MOP-GMX-231013) (to S. M.), an EMBO Short Fellowship (to G. S. F.), and Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER, European Union)Peer Reviewe

    X-ray detection with Micromegas with background levels below 106^{-6} keV1^{-1}cm2^{-2}s1^{-1}

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    Micromegas detectors are an optimum technological choice for the detection of low energy x-rays. The low background techniques applied to these detectors yielded remarkable background reductions over the years, being the CAST experiment beneficiary of these developments. In this document we report on the latest upgrades towards further background reductions and better understanding of the detectors' response. The upgrades encompass the readout electronics, a new detector design and the implementation of a more efficient cosmic muon veto system. Background levels below 106^{-6}keV1^{-1}cm2^{-2}s1^{-1} have been obtained at sea level for the first time, demonstrating the feasibility of the expectations posed by IAXO, the next generation axion helioscope. Some results obtained with a set of measurements conducted in the x-ray beam of the CAST Detector Laboratory will be also presented and discussed

    TYC 2675-663-1: A newly discovered W UMa system in an active state

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    The recently discovered eclipsing binary system TYC 2675-663-1 is a X-ray source, and shows properties in the optical that are similar to the W UMa systems, but are somewhat unusual compared to what is seen in other contact binary systems. The goal of this work is to characterize its properties and investigate its nature by means of detailed photometric and spectroscopic observations. We have performed extensive V-band photometric measurements with the INTEGRAL satellite along with ground-based multi-band photometric observations, as well as high-resolution spectroscopic monitoring from which we have measured the radial velocities of the components. These data have been analysed to determine the stellar properties, including the absolute masses and radii. Additional low-resolution spectroscopy was obtained to investigate spectral features. From the measured eclipse timings we determine an orbital period for the binary of P=0.4223576+-0.0000009 days. The light-curve and spectroscopic analyses reveal the observations to be well represented by a model of an overcontact system composed of main-sequence F5 and G7 stars (temperature difference of nearly 1000 K), with the possible presence of a third star. Low-resolution optical spectroscopy reveals a complex H alpha emission, and other features that are not yet understood. The unusually large mass ratio of q=0.81+-0.05 places it in the rare "H" (high mass ratio) subclass of the W UMa systems, which are presumably on their way to coalescence.Comment: 12 pages in double column format. Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Estimation of the XUV radiation onto close planets and their evaporation

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    Context: The current distribution of planet mass vs. incident stellar X-ray flux supports the idea that photoevaporation of the atmosphere may take place in close-in planets. Integrated effects have to be accounted for. A proper calculation of the mass loss rate due to photoevaporation requires to estimate the total irradiation from the whole XUV range. Aims: The purpose of this paper is to extend the analysis of the photoevaporation in planetary atmospheres from the accessible X-rays to the mostly unobserved EUV range by using the coronal models of stars to calculate the EUV contribution to the stellar spectra. The mass evolution of planets can be traced assuming that thermal losses dominate the mass loss of their atmospheres. Methods: We determine coronal models for 82 stars with exoplanets that have X-ray observations available. Then a synthetic spectrum is produced for the whole XUV range (~1-912 {\AA}). The determination of the EUV stellar flux, calibrated with real EUV data, allows us to calculate the accumulated effects of the XUV irradiation on the planet atmosphere with time, as well as the mass evolution for planets with known density. Results: We calibrate for the first time a relation of the EUV luminosity with stellar age valid for late-type stars. In a sample of 109 exoplanets, few planets with masses larger than ~1.5 Mj receive high XUV flux, suggesting that intense photoevaporation takes place in a short period of time, as previously found in X-rays. The scenario is also consistent with the observed distribution of planet masses with density. The accumulated effects of photoevaporation over time indicate that HD 209458b may have lost 0.2 Mj since an age of 20 Myr. Conclusions: Coronal radiation produces rapid photoevaporation of the atmospheres of planets close to young late-type stars. More complex models are needed to explain fully the observations.Comment: Accepted by A&A. 10 pages, 8 figures, 7 Tables (2 online). Additional online material includes 7 pages, 6 figures and 6 tables, all include

    The HADES RV Programme with HARPS-N@TNG II. Data treatment and simulations

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    The distribution of exoplanets around low-mass stars is still not well understood. Such stars, however, present an excellent opportunity of reaching down to the rocky and habitable planet domains. The number of current detections used for statistical purposes is still quite modest and different surveys, using both photometry and precise radial velocities, are searching for planets around M dwarfs. Our HARPS-N red dwarf exoplanet survey is aimed at the detection of new planets around a sample of 78 selected stars, together with the subsequent characterization of their activity properties. Here we investigate the survey performance and strategy. From 2700 observed spectra, we compare the radial velocity determinations of the HARPS-N DRS pipeline and the HARPS-TERRA code, we calculate the mean activity jitter level, we evaluate the planet detection expectations, and we address the general question of how to define the strategy of spectroscopic surveys in order to be most efficient in the detection of planets. We find that the HARPS-TERRA radial velocities show less scatter and we calculate a mean activity jitter of 2.3 m/s for our sample. For a general radial velocity survey with limited observing time, the number of observations per star is key for the detection efficiency. In the case of an early M-type target sample, we conclude that approximately 50 observations per star with exposure times of 900 s and precisions of about 1 m/s maximizes the number of planet detections