192 research outputs found

    Macroalgal biorefinery concepts for the circular bioeconomy: A review on biotechnological developments and future perspectives

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    The imminent need for transition to a circular bioeconomy, based on the valorisation of renewable biomass feedstocks, will ameliorate global challenges induced by climate change, environmental pollution and population growth. A reduced reliance on depleting fossil fuel resources and ensured production of eco-friendly and cost-effective bioproducts and biofuels, requires the development of sustainable biorefinery processes, with many utilising macroalgae as feedstock, showing promising and viable prospects. Nonetheless, macroalgal biorefinery research is still in its infancy compared to lignocellulosic biorefineries that utilise terrestrial plants. This article presents a review on the latest scientific literature associated with the development and status of macroalgal biorefineries, and how bioproducts generated from these bioprocesses have contributed towards the bioeconomy. The fundamental need to understand how the unique biochemical composition of macroalgae fit within a biorefinery concept are explained, alongside discussion of the novel biotechnologies that have been applied. In order to comprehend the increasing significance of this exciting field, the review will also provide insight, for the first time, on the current global funding and intellectual property landscape related to macroalgae and their implementation across the entire biorefinery concept. Imperative areas for further research and development, to bridge the gap between fundamental bioscience in the laboratory and the successful application of compatible biotechnologies at a commercial scale, to boost the macroalgae industry are also covered

    Microwave pyrolysis of pecan nut shell and thermogravimetric, textural and spectroscopic characterization of carbonaceous products

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    In the present work, the pyrolysis of pecan nut shell was studied using microwave technology at different input power and exposure time. The carbonaceous products were characterized using elemental analysis, potentiometric titration, thermogravimetric analysis, N2 adsorption isotherms at −196 °C and FT-IR spectroscopy. The characteristics of microwave carbonaceous products were compared with carbons prepared by conventional heating and commercial carbons and finally, the interaction of textile dyes with the carbonaceous materials was studied. The results are indicating that it is possible to obtain carbonaceous materials with similar textural parameters in conventional and microwave systems, but for microwave heating the processing times are short (3 min). Also, the exposure time of 2 min of microwave are not enough for the complete depolymerization of the lignocellulosic matrix of the pecan nut shell and significant amount of cellulose and hemicelluloses remain in char after microwave treatment. Finally, all the carbons obtained by microwave heating are microporous materials with a high number of basic groups on their surface and the high molecular size of dyes is controlling the adsorption on these materials

    Técnica microquirúrgica de anastomosis vascular sin sutura en el trasplante experimental de órganos

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    Las anastomosis vasculares para e! trasplante de órganos en pequeños animales se realizan habitualmente por sutura manual ya sea continua o discontinua, aunque en los últimos años se ha difundido una técnica sin sutura consistente en la utilización de «cuffs». En e! presente trabajo se describe la técnica de! cuff que nuestro equipo utilizó para la realización de las anastomosis vasculares en e! trasplante experimental de órganos. El cuff consta de un tubo o cuerpo, que se prolonga por una pestaña, y su tamaño es diferente según el calibre del vaso que se pretende anastornosar. Entre las ventajas que ofrece su utilización respecto de la sutura manual, destacan su sencillo aprendizaje, bajo coste y el reducido tiempo en que se realizan las anastomosis, que siempre son estancas. Se concluye que esta técnica constituye una alternativa a las ya clásicas técnicas de sutura manual y no aumenta al porcentaje de complicaciones, permitiendo además supervivencias a largo plazo en los modelos experimentales que fueron estudiados.Vascular anastornoses in organ transplants of small anirnals are usually performed with a manual suture using interrupted or continuous stitcbes, although over the last few years a suturefree technique has been deueloped consisting of the use of cuffs. In this paper, the cuff technique which our team used to perform vascular anastomoses in experimental organ transplants, is described. The cuff is made up oi a tube or body wich has a prolongation or up, tbe size varying according to the calibre of the blood vessel to be anastomosed. The advantages of this method in cornparison with manual sutures, is the ease with which the tecbnique is learnt, its low cost, and the speed with which the anastomoses are carried out, all of which are watertight. In conclusion, this technique constitutes an alternative to the classical manual suture techniques without increasing the percentage of cornplications, and allowing long-term suruiual rates in the experimental models studied

    Dune formation on the present Mars

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    We apply a model for sand dunes to calculate formation of dunes on Mars under the present Martian atmospheric conditions. We find that different dune shapes as those imaged by Mars Global Surveyor could have been formed by the action of sand-moving winds occuring on today's Mars. Our calculations show, however, that Martian dunes could be only formed due to the higher efficiency of Martian winds in carrying grains into saltation. The model equations are solved to study saltation transport under different atmospheric conditions valid for Mars. We obtain an estimate for the wind speed and migration velocity of barchan dunes at different places on Mars. From comparison with the shape of bimodal sand dunes, we find an estimate for the timescale of the changes in Martian wind regimes.Comment: 16 pages, 12 figure

    Authentication of tequilas using pattern recognition and supervised classification

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    [Abstract] Sales of reputed, Mexican tequila grown substantially in last years and, therefore, counterfeiting is increasing steadily. Hence, methodologies intended to characterize and authenticate commercial beverages are a real need. They require a combination of analytical characterization and chemometric tools. This work reports concisely on the former and focus on the chemometric tools employed so far in connection with them. Further, a practical case study presents the classification capabilities of nine supervised classification methods to differentiate white, rested, aged and extra-aged tequilas. The largest set of certified tequilas employed so far was considered. In general, non linear methods performed best than linear ones (accuracy higher than 94% in both training and validation). The case study demonstrates that it is possible to develop fast, cheap, easy to implement and reliable analytical methodologies to authenticate and classify samples of tequilas.Xunta de Galicia; GRC2013-047Ministerio de Industria, Energía y Competitividad; FJCI-2015-2607

    Satisfacción de los internos de centros penitenciarios con el programa deportivo educativo de baloncesto desarrollado por la Fundación Real Madrid

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    El deporte y la actividad física tienen, cada vez más, un papel muy importante en la vida de los centros penitenciarios, siendo usados, normalmente, con el fin de favorecer el proceso de reinserción de los reclusos. En este sentido, los objetivos de este trabajo fueron: analizar el grado de satisfacción de los internos de los centros penitenciarios con el programa deportivo educativo de baloncesto llevado a cabo por la Fundación Real Madrid, y destacar los resultados más relevantes de la aplicación del mismo. Con este n, se administró un cuestionario a 267 reclusos de un total de 21 centros penitenciarios de España. Entre los resultados más destacados, sobresale el hecho de que, en general, los encuestados estaban muy satisfechos con el programa deportivo educativo llevado a cabo. Además, los datos hallados manifestaron que la gran mayoría de los internos consideraban que habían aprendido mucho en relación con la actividad deportiva desarrollada (baloncesto) y con los valores educativos trabajados.

    Safinamide in Clinical Practice: A Spanish Multicenter Cohort Study

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    Background: Safinamide is an approved drug for the treatment of motor fluctuations of Parkinson's Disease (PD) patients with a potential benefit on non-motor symptoms (NMS). Methods: A retrospective multicenter cohort study was conducted, in which the clinical effect of safinamide on both motor and NMS was assessed by the Clinical Global Impression of Change scale. Furthermore, we assessed the appearance of adverse events (AEs) and its effect on dyskinesia, that were also recorded in non-fluctuating PD patients and in those previously treated with rasagiline. Results: We included 213 PD patients who received safinamide in addition to their regular levodopa therapy. Thirty-five withdrew prematurely from safinamide, mainly because of AEs. Out of 178, clinical improvement on motor and NMS was found in 76.4% and 26.2%, respectively. A total of 44 reported AEs of mild intensity. We did not find a difference concerning the clinical benefit or AEs when comparing either patients who had or had not been taking Monoamine Oxidase B Inhibitor (MAOB-I) previously or between patients with and without motor complications. Conclusions: Safinamide is an effective and safe add-on to levodopa drug for PD patients. Moreover, safinamide could elicit an additional clinical improvement in PD patients previously treated with other MAOB-I and in non- fluctuating patients with suboptimal motor control

    Entwicklung und Anwendung einer dynamischen Röntgenbeugungstheorie für Multischichten, Supergitter und gebogene Kristalle

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    Die dynamische Beugungstheorie der Röntgenwellen wurde für Multischichten und gebogene Kristalle beschrieben. In der Arbeit wurde eine Minimierung der Abbildungsfehler von gebogenen Kristallen in Johann-Geometrie vorgeschlagen. Es wurden verschiedene Methoden für die Rekonstruktion der Deformationsverteilung von Kristallgittern in epitaktischen Multischichten entwickelt. Gute Übereischtimmung zwischen der experimentellen Rockingkurven und Simulationen wurde erreicht

    New insights into microwave pyrolysis of biomass: preparation of carbon-based products from pecan nutshells and their application in wastewater treatment

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    Microwave pyrolysis of pecan nutshell (Carya illinoinensis) biomass was used to produce carbon-based solid products with potential application in contaminated water treatment. A range of analytical techniques were applied to characterize the intermediate products of microwave pyrolysis in order to monitor the physio-chemical effects of the interacting energy on the biomass. The performance of the carbon-based products was tested through evaluation of lead ion removal capacity from solution. Further analyses demonstrated that ion-exchange by calcium ions on the material surface was the main mechanism involved in lead removal. Calcium compound development was directly correlated to the interaction of the electromagnetic waves with the biomass. Through monitoring the physio-chemical effects of biomass-microwave interactions during microwave pyrolysis, we have shown for the first time that the intermediate products differ from those of conventional pyrolysis. We hypothesise that selective heating leads to the (hemi)cellulosic and lignin degradation processes occurring simultaneously, whereas they are largely sequential in conventional pyrolysis. This work provides optimization parameters essential for the large scale design of microwave processes for this application as well as an understanding of how the operating parameters impact on functionality of the resulting carbon-based materials

    Dependence on plasma shape and plasma fueling for small ELM regimes in TCV and ASDEX Upgrade

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    Within the EUROfusion MST1 Work Package, a series of experiments has been conducted on AUG and TCV devices to disentangle the role of plasma fueling and plasma shape for the onset of small ELM regimes. On both devices, small ELM regimes with high confinement are achieved if and only if two conditions are fulfilled at the same time. Firstly, the plasma density at the separatrix must be large enough (ne,sep/nG ∼ 0.3), leading to a pressure profile flattening at the separatrix, which stabilizes type-I ELMs. Secondly, the magnetic configuration has to be close to a Double Null (DN), leading to a reduction of the magnetic shear in the extreme vicinity of the separatrix. As a consequence, its stabilizing effect on ballooning modes is weakened.EURATOM 63305