614 research outputs found

    Genetic diversity and differentiation within and between cultivated (Vitis vinifera L. ssp. sativa) and wild (Vitis vinifera L. ssp. sylvestris) grapes

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    Genetic characterization of 502 diverse grape accessions including 342 cultivated (V. vinifera ssp. sativa) and 160 wild (V. vinifera ssp. sylvestris) grapes showed considerable genetic diversity among accessions. A total of 117 alleles were detected across eight SSR loci with the average of 14 alleles per locus. The genetic diversity of wild grapes was slightly lower than that observed in the cultivated grapes probably due to small populations and severe natural selection leading to drift and loss of alleles and heterozygosity in wild grapes. The distance cluster analysis (CA) supported the classical ecogeographic groups with moderate genetic differentiation among them. There was a greater affinity of Occidentalis grape to wild grape from the Caucasus than other groups. However, a number of low to moderate frequency alleles that are present in the cultivated grape are not represented in the wild grape.

    Host genotype and age shape the leaf and root microbiomes of a wild perennial plant

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    Bacteria living on and in leaves and roots influence many aspects of plant health, so the extent of a plant's genetic control over its microbiota is of great interest to crop breeders and evolutionary biologists. Laboratory-based studies, because they poorly simulate true environmental heterogeneity, may misestimate or totally miss the influence of certain host genes on the microbiome. Here we report a large-scale field experiment to disentangle the effects of genotype, environment, age and year of harvest on bacterial communities associated with leaves and roots of Boechera stricta (Brassicaceae), a perennial wild mustard. Host genetic control of the microbiome is evident in leaves but not roots, and varies substantially among sites. Microbiome composition also shifts as plants age. Furthermore, a large proportion of leaf bacterial groups are shared with roots, suggesting inoculation from soil. Our results demonstrate how genotype-by-environment interactions contribute to the complexity of microbiome assembly in natural environments

    Characterization of a brazilian grape germplasm collection using microsatellite markers.

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    Two hundred and twenty-one grapevine accessions from the Embrapa Semi-Árido, Juazeiro, Bahia, collection in Brazil were fingerprinted at seven SSR loci: VVS2, VVMD5, VVMDF7, VVMD27, VVMD31, VrZAG62, and VrZAG79

    A single bacterial genus maintains root growth in a complex microbiome

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    Plants grow within a complex web of species that interact with each other and with the plant1–10. These interactions are governed by a wide repertoire of chemical signals, and the resulting chemical landscape of the rhizosphere can strongly affect root health and development7–9,11–18. Here, to understand how interactions between microorganisms influence root growth in Arabidopsis, we established a model system for interactions between plants, microorganisms and the environment. We inoculated seedlings with a 185-member bacterial synthetic community, manipulated the abiotic environment and measured bacterial colonization of the plant. This enabled us to classify the synthetic community into four modules of co-occurring strains. We deconstructed the synthetic community on the basis of these modules, and identified interactions between microorganisms that determine root phenotype. These interactions primarily involve a single bacterial genus (Variovorax), which completely reverses the severe inhibition of root growth that is induced by a wide diversity of bacterial strains as well as by the entire 185-member community. We demonstrate that Variovorax manipulates plant hormone levels to balance the effects of our ecologically realistic synthetic root community on root growth. We identify an auxin-degradation operon that is conserved in all available genomes of Variovorax and is necessary and sufficient for the reversion of root growth inhibition. Therefore, metabolic signal interference shapes bacteria–plant communication networks and is essential for maintaining the stereotypic developmental programme of the root. Optimizing the feedbacks that shape chemical interaction networks in the rhizosphere provides a promising ecological strategy for developing more resilient and productive crops

    Signaling from the plasma-membrane localized plant immune receptor RPM1 requires self-association of the full-length protein

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    Pathogen recognition first occurs at the plasma membrane, where receptor-like kinases perceive pathogen-derived molecules and initiate immune responses. To abrogate this immune response, pathogens evolved effector proteins that act as virulence factors, often following delivery to the host cell. Plants evolved intracellular receptors, known as NOD-like receptors (NLRs), to detect effectors, thereby ensuring activation of effector-triggered immunity. However, despite their importance in immunity, the molecular mechanisms underlying effector recognition and subsequent immune activation by membrane-localized NLRs remain to be fully elucidated. Our analyses reveal the importance of and need for self-association and the coordinated interplay of specific domains and conserved residues for NLR activity. This could provide strategies for crop improvement, contributing to effective, environmentally friendly, and sustainable solutions for future agriculture

    Understanding and exploiting plant beneficial microbes

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    After a century of incremental research, technological advances, coupled with a need for sustainable crop yield increases, have reinvigorated the study of beneficial plant–microbe interactions with attention focused on how microbiomes alter plant phenotypes. We review recent advances in plant microbiome research, and describe potential applications for increasing crop productivity. The phylogenetic diversity of plant microbiomes is increasingly well characterized, and their functional diversity is becoming more accessible. Large culture collections are available for controlled experimentation, with more to come. Genetic resources are being brought to bear on questions of microbiome function. We expect that microbial amendments of varying complexities will expose rules governing beneficial plant–microbe interactions contributing to plant growth promotion and disease resistance, enabling more sustainable agriculture

    A species-wide inventory of NLR genes and alleles in Arabidopsis thaliana

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    Infectious disease is both a major force of selection in nature and a prime cause of yield loss in agriculture. In plants, disease resistance is often conferred by nucleotide-binding leucine-rich repeat (NLR) proteins, intracellular immune receptors that recognize pathogen proteins and their effects on the host. Consistent with extensive balancing and positive selection, NLRs are encoded by one of the most variable gene families in plants, but the true extent of intraspecific NLR diversity has been unclear. Here, we define a nearly complete species-wide pan-NLRome in Arabidopsis thaliana based on sequence enrichment and long-read sequencing. The pan-NLRome largely saturates with approximately 40 well-chosen wild strains, with half of the pan-NLRome being present in most accessions. We chart NLR architectural diversity, identify new architectures, and quantify selective forces that act on specific NLRs and NLR domains. Our study provides a blueprint for defining pan-NLRomes