106 research outputs found

    Displasia epifisaria hemimélica: Revisión de la literatura a propósito de un caso

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    La displasia epifisiaria hemimélica es una alteración infrecuente del crecimiento osteocartilaginoso a nivel de la mitad de una o varias epífisis, localizada generalmente en una extremidad inferior, existiendo diferentes formas clínicas. La edad de presentación suele ser precoz, apareciendo una tumoración indolora, idéntica a un osteocondroma, que debe ser extirpada para evitar complicaciones tales como dismetrías, angulaciones y artrosis secundaria. La recidiva es frecuente, por lo que es importante planificar la intervención y realizar una adecuada técnica quirúrgica.Dysplasia epiphysealis hemimelica is an uncommon alteration of bone and cartilage growth, located at the middle of one or more epiphysis, which usually affects the lower extremity in a variable fashion. It begins at a very early age, as a painless mass, just like an osteochondroma, and must be removed to avoid complications as leg length discrepancy, angular deformity and secondary osteoarthritis. It often recurs, and so is important to plan the most appropriate surgery for each case

    Highly infectious diseases in the Mediterranean Sea area: Inventory of isolation capabilities and recommendations for appropriate isolation.

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    Epidemics such as viral haemorrhagic fevers, severe acute respiratory syndrome, Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus or yet unknown ones have few chances of disappearing. Globalization, worldwide travel, climate change, social conflicts and wars, among others, are likely to favor the emergence of epidemics. Preparedness of hospitals to prevent the spread of these outbreaks is among the prioritized political programmes of many countries. The EuroNHID network has in the past drawn a map of features and equipment of hospitals across Europe to take care of highly contagious patients. We update the data regarding isolation capabilities and recommendations, with an emphasis on Mediterranean countries

    Evidence for diversifying selection of genetic regions of encoding putative collagen-like host-adhesive fibers in Pasteuria penetrans

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    © FEMS 2018. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted reuse, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.Pasteuria spp. belong to a group of genetically diverse endospore-forming bacteria (phylum: Firmicutes) that are known to parasitize plant-parasitic nematodes and water fleas (Daphnia spp.). Collagen-like fibres form the nap on the surface of endospores and the genes encoding these sequences have been hypothesised to be involved in the adhesion of the endospores of Pasteuria spp. to their hosts. We report a group of 17 unique collagen-like genes putatively encoded by Pasteuria penetrans (strain: Res148) that formed five different phylogenetic clusters and suggest that collagen-like proteins are an important source of genetic diversity in animal pathogenic Firmicutes including Pasteuria. Additionally, and unexpectedly, we identified a putative collagen-like sequence which had a very different sequence structure to the other collagen-like proteins but was similar to the protein sequences in Megaviruses that are involved in host-parasite interactions. We, therefore, suggest that these diverse endospore surface proteins in Pasteuria are involved in biological functions, such as cellular adhesion; however, they are not of monophyletic origin and were possibly obtained de novo by mutation or possibly through selection acting upon several historic horizontal gene transfer events.Peer reviewedFinal Published versio

    Functional proteomics outlines the complexity of breast cancer molecular subtypes

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    Breast cancer is a heterogeneous disease comprising a variety of entities with various genetic backgrounds. Estrogen receptor-positive, human epidermal growth factor receptor 2-negative tumors typically have a favorable outcome; however, some patients eventually relapse, which suggests some heterogeneity within this category. In the present study, we used proteomics and miRNA profiling techniques to characterize a set of 102 either estrogen receptor-positive (ER+)/progesterone receptorpositive (PR+) or triple-negative formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded breast tumors. Protein expressionbased probabilistic graphical models and flux balance analyses revealed that some ER+/PR+ samples had a protein expression profile similar to that of triple-negative samples and had a clinical outcome similar to those with triple-negative disease. This probabilistic graphical model-based classification had prognostic value in patients with luminal A breast cancer. This prognostic information was independent of that provided by standard genomic tests for breast cancer, such as MammaPrint, OncoType Dx and the 8-gene Score

    The genetic interaction network of CCW12, a Saccharomyces cerevisiae gene required for cell wall integrity during budding and formation of mating projections

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Mannoproteins construct the outer cover of the fungal cell wall. The covalently linked cell wall protein Ccw12p is an abundant mannoprotein. It is considered as crucial structural cell wall component since in baker's yeast the lack of <it>CCW12 </it>results in severe cell wall damage and reduced mating efficiency.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In order to explore the function of <it>CCW12</it>, we performed a Synthetic Genetic Analysis (SGA) and identified genes that are essential in the absence of <it>CCW12</it>. The resulting interaction network identified 21 genes involved in cell wall integrity, chitin synthesis, cell polarity, vesicular transport and endocytosis. Among those are <it>PFD1</it>, <it>WHI3</it>, <it>SRN2</it>, <it>PAC10</it>, <it>FEN1 </it>and <it>YDR417C</it>, which have not been related to cell wall integrity before. We correlated our results with genetic interaction networks of genes involved in glucan and chitin synthesis. A core of genes essential to maintain cell integrity in response to cell wall stress was identified. In addition, we performed a large-scale transcriptional analysis and compared the transcriptional changes observed in mutant <it>ccw12</it>Δ with transcriptomes from studies investigating responses to constitutive or acute cell wall damage. We identified a set of genes that are highly induced in the majority of the mutants/conditions and are directly related to the cell wall integrity pathway and cell wall compensatory responses. Among those are <it>BCK1</it>, <it>CHS3</it>, <it>EDE1</it>, <it>PFD1</it>, <it>SLT2 </it>and <it>SLA1 </it>that were also identified in the SGA. In contrast, a specific feature of mutant <it>ccw12</it>Δ is the transcriptional repression of genes involved in mating. Physiological experiments substantiate this finding. Further, we demonstrate that Ccw12p is present at the cell periphery and highly concentrated at the presumptive budding site, around the bud, at the septum and at the tip of the mating projection.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The combination of high throughput screenings, phenotypic analyses and localization studies provides new insight into the function of Ccw12p. A compensatory response, culminating in cell wall remodelling and transport/recycling pathways is required to buffer the loss of <it>CCW12</it>. Moreover, the enrichment of Ccw12p in bud, septum and mating projection is consistent with a role of Ccw12p in preserving cell wall integrity at sites of active growth.</p> <p>The microarray data produced in this analysis have been submitted to NCBI GEO database and GSE22649 record was assigned.</p

    Involvement of the exomer complex in the polarized transport of Ena1 required for Saccharomyces cerevisiae survival against toxic cations

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    [EN] Exomer is an adaptor complex required for the direct transport of a selected number of cargoes from the trans-Golgi network (TGN) to the plasma membrane in Saccharomyces cerevisiae However, exomer mutants are highly sensitive to increased concentrations of alkali metal cations, a situation that remains unexplained by the lack of transport of any known cargoes. Here we identify several HAL genes that act as multicopy suppressors of this sensitivity and are connected to the reduced function of the sodium ATPase Ena1. Furthermore, we find that Ena1 is dependent on exomer function. Even though Ena1 can reach the plasma membrane independently of exomer, polarized delivery of Ena1 to the bud requires functional exomer. Moreover, exomer is required for full induction of Ena1 expression after cationic stress by facilitating the plasma membrane recruitment of the molecular machinery involved in Rim101 processing and activation of the RIM101 pathway in response to stress. Both the defective localization and the reduced levels of Ena1 contribute to the sensitivity of exomer mutants to alkali metal cations. Our work thus expands the spectrum of exomer-dependent proteins and provides a link to a more general role of exomer in TGN organization.We acknowledge Emma Keck for English language revision. We also thank members of the Translucent group, J. Arino, J. Ramos, and L. Yenush, for many useful discussions throughout this work and especially L. Yenush for her generous gift of strains and reagents. The help of O. Vincent was essential for developing the work involving RIM101. We also thank R. Valle for her technical assistance at the CR Laboratory. M. Trautwein is acknowledged for data acquisition and discussions during the early stages of the project. C.A. is supported by a USAL predoctoral fellowship. Work at the Spang laboratory was supported by the University of Basel and the Swiss National Science Foundation (31003A-141207 and 310030B-163480). C.R. was supported by grant SA073U14 from the Regional Government of Castilla y Leon and by grant BFU2013-48582-C2-1-P from the CICYT/FEDER Spanish program. J.M.M. acknowledges the financial support from Universitat Politecnica de Valencia project PAID-06-10-1496.Anton, C.; Zanolari, B.; Arcones, I.; Wang, C.; Mulet, JM.; Spang, A.; Roncero, C. (2017). Involvement of the exomer complex in the polarized transport of Ena1 required for Saccharomyces cerevisiae survival against toxic cations. Molecular Biology of the Cell. 28(25):3672-3685. https://doi.org/10.1091/mbc.E17-09-0549S367236852825Ariño, J., Ramos, J., & Sychrová, H. (2010). Alkali Metal Cation Transport and Homeostasis in Yeasts. Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews, 74(1), 95-120. doi:10.1128/mmbr.00042-09Bard, F., & Malhotra, V. (2006). The Formation of TGN-to-Plasma-Membrane Transport Carriers. Annual Review of Cell and Developmental Biology, 22(1), 439-455. doi:10.1146/annurev.cellbio.21.012704.133126Barfield, R. 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    Highly infectious diseases in the Mediterranean Sea area : inventory of isolation capabilities and recommendations for appropriate isolation

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    Epidemics such as viral haemorrhagic fevers, severe acute respiratory syndrome, Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus or yet unknown ones have few chances of disappearing. Globalization, worldwide travel, climate change, social conflicts and wars, among others, are likely to favor the emergence of epidemics. Preparedness of hospitals to prevent the spread of these outbreaks is among the prioritized political programmes of many countries. The EuroNHID network has in the past drawn a map of features and equipment of hospitals across Europe to take care of highly contagious patients. We update the data regarding isolation capabilities and recommendations, with an emphasis on Mediterranean countries.peer-reviewe