1,805 research outputs found

    Inequality and Procedural Justice in Social Dilemmas

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    This study investigates the influence of resource inequality and the fairness of the allocation procedure of unequal resources on cooperative behavior in social dilemmas. We propose a simple formal behavioral model that incorporates conflicting selfish and social motivations. This model allows us to predict how inequality influences cooperative behavior. Allocation of resources is manipulated by three treatments that vary in terms of procedural justice: allocating resources randomly, based on merit, and based on ascription. As predicted, procedural justice influences cooperation significantly. Moreover, gender is found to be an important factor interacting with the association between procedural justice and cooperative behavior.

    Fostering Emotional, Social, Physical And Educational Wellbeing In Rural India: The Methods Of A Multi-Arm Randomized Controlled Trial Of Girls First

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    Background: There are 600 million girls in low and middle income countries (LMICs), many of whom are at great risk for poor health and education. There is thus great need for programs that can effectively improve wellbeing for these girls. Although many interventions have been developed to address these issues, most focus on health and education without integrating attention to social and emotional factors. This omission is unfortunate, as nascent evidence indicates that these factors are closely related to health and education. This paper describes the methods of a 4-arm randomized controlled trial among 3,560 adolescent girls in rural Bihar, India that tested whether adding an intervention targeting social-emotional issues (based on a “resilience framework”) to an adolescent health intervention would improve emotional, social, physical, and educational wellbeing to a greater extent than its components and a control group. Study arms were: (1) Girls First, a combination of the Girls First Resilience Curriculum (RC) and the Girls First Health Curriculum (HC); (2) Girls First Resilience Curriculum (RC) alone; (3) Girls First Health Curriculum (HC) alone; and (4) a school-as-usual control group (SC). Methods: Seventy-six schools were randomized (19 per condition) and 74 local women with a tenth grade education were trained and monitored to facilitate the program. Quantitative data were collected from 3,560 girls over 4 assessment points with very low rates of participant attrition. Qualitative assessments were conducted with a subset of 99 girls and 27 facilitators. Results and conclusions: In this article, we discuss guiding principles that facilitated trial implementation, including integrating diverse local and non-local sources of knowledge, focusing on flexibility of planning and implementation, prioritizing systematic measurement selection, and striking a balance between scientific rigor and real-world feasibility

    Building Psychosocial Assets And Wellbeing Among Adolescent Girls: A Randomized Controlled Trial

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    We conducted a randomized controlled trial of a 5-month resilience-based program (Girls First Resilience Curriculum or RC) among 2308 rural adolescent girls at 57 government schools in Bihar, India. Local women with at least a 10th grade education served as group facilitators. Girls receiving RC improved more (vs. controls) on emotional resilience, self-efficacy, social-emotional assets, psychological wellbeing, and social wellbeing. Effects were not detected on depression. There was a small, statistically significant negative effect on anxiety (though not likely clinically significant). Results suggest psychosocial assets and wellbeing can be improved for girls in high-poverty, rural schools through a brief school-day program. To our knowledge, this is one of the largest developing country trials of a resilience-based school-day curriculum for adolescents. (C) 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of The Foundation for Professionals in Services for Adolescents. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)

    Long-Term X-ray Monitoring of 1E 1740.7-2942 and GRS 1758-258

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    We report on long-term observations of the Galactic-bulge black hole candidates 1E 1740.7-2942 and GRS 1758-258 with the Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer. 1E 1740.7-2942 has been observed 77 times and GRS 1758-258 has been observed 82 times over the past 1000 days. The flux of each object has varied by no more than a factor of 2.5 during this period, and the indices of the energy spectra have varied by no more than 0.4. The power spectra are similar to other black-hole candidates: flat-topped noise, breaking to a power law. Each object has exhibited a brightening that lasted for several months, and we have a found a time lag between the photon power-law index and the count rate. In both sources, the spectrum is softest during the decline from the brightening. This behavior can be understood in the context of thin-disk and advection-dominated accretion flows coexisting over a wide range of radii, with the implication that both sources have low-mass companions and accrete via Roche-lobe overflow.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Pneumococcal Polysaccharide Vaccine Ameliorates Murine Lupus

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    Current guidelines encourage administering pneumococcal vaccine Prevnar-13 to patients with lupus, but whether such vaccinations affect disease severity is unclear. To address this issue, we treated 3-month-old MRL-lpr mice, that spontaneously develop a lupus-like syndrome, with Prevnar-13 or vehicle control. After 3 months, we quantified circulating anti-Pneumococcal polysaccharide capsule (PPS) antibodies and signs of disease severity, including albuminuria, renal histology and skin severity score. We also compared immunophenotypes and function of T and B cells from treated and untreated animals. Prevnar-13 elicited the formation of anti-pneumococcal IgM and IgG. Prevnar-13 treated animals showed reduced albuminuria, renal histological lesions, and milder dermatitis compared to vehicle-treated controls. Mitigated disease severity was associated with reduced and increased T follicular helper cells (TFH) and T follicular regulatory cells (TFR), respectively, in Prevnar-treated animals. T cells from Prevnar-13 vaccinated mice showed differential cytokine production after aCD3/aCD28 stimulation, with significantly decreased IL-17 and IL-4, and increased IL-10 production compared to non-vaccinated mice. In conclusion, pneumococcal vaccination elicits anti-pneumococcal antibody response and ameliorates disease severity in MRL-lpr mice, which associates with fewer TFH and increased TFR. Together, the data support use of Prevnar vaccination in individuals with SLE

    Illness representations, psychological distress and non-cardiac chest pain in patients attending an emergency department

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    Objective: Many patients who attend an emergency department (ED) with chest pain receive a diagnosis of non-cardiac chest pain (NCCP), and often suffer poor psychological outcomes and continued pain. This study assessed the role of illness representations in explaining psychological distress and continued chest pain in patients attending an ED. Methods: ED NCCP patients (N = 138) completed measures assessing illness representations, anxiety, depression and quality of life (QoL) at baseline, and chest pain at one month. Results: Illness representations explained significant amounts of the variance in anxiety (Adj. R² = .38), depression (Adj. R² = .18) and mental QoL (Adj. R² = .36). A belief in psychological causes had the strongest associations with outcomes. At one month, 28.7% of participants reported experiencing frequent pain, 13.2% infrequent pain and 58.1% no pain. Anxiety, depression and poor QoL, but not illness representations, were associated with continued chest pain. Conclusions: The findings suggest that (i) continued chest pain is related to psychological distress and poor QoL, (ii) interventions should be aimed at reducing psychological distress and improving QoL and (iii) given the associations between perceived psychological causes and psychological distress/QoL, NCCP patients in the ED might benefit from psychological therapies to manage their chest pain

    Understanding the psychosocial experiences of adults with mild-moderate hearing loss: an application of Leventhal’s self-regulatory model

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    Objective: This study explored the psychosocial experiences of adults with hearing loss using the self-regulatory model as a theoretical framework. The primary components of the model, namely cognitive representations, emotional representations, and coping responses, were examined. Design: Individual semi-structured interviews were conducted. The data were analysed using an established thematic analysis procedure. Study sample: Twenty-five adults with mild-moderate hearing loss from the UK and nine hearing healthcare professionals from the UK, USA, and Canada were recruited via maximum variation sampling. Results: Cognitive representations: Most participants described their hearing loss as having negative connotations and consequences, although they were not particularly concerned about the progression or controllability/curability of the condition. Opinions differed regarding the benefits of understanding the causes of one’s hearing loss in detail. Emotional representations: negative emotions dominated, although some experienced positive emotions or muted emotions. Coping responses: engaged coping (e.g. hearing aids, communication tactics) and disengaged coping (e.g. withdrawal from situations, withdrawal within situations): both had perceived advantages and disadvantages. Conclusions: This novel application of the self-regulatory model demonstrates that it can be used to capture the key psychosocial experiences (i.e. perceptions, emotions, and coping responses) of adults with mild-moderate hearing loss within a single, unifying framework

    Cognitive foundations of impartial punitive decision making in organizations: attribution and abstraction

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    Partial decision making about disciplinary responses to misbehavior is generally considered unfair and undermines the effectiveness of punishment. Nonetheless, organizational actors often struggle to remain impartial in situations that call for punishment. Impartiality appears specifically hard to obtain when some element of the transgression reflects badly upon the punisher themselves, for instance, when in the past the punisher has benefited from the misbehavior, even if just derivatively. In this paper, we argue that in such cases, punishers tend to defensively attribute causes of the transgression to the circumstances in order to protect their own self‐image, thus leading them to relatively lenient punishments. However, we also suggest that psychological impartiality can be obtained through cognitive abstraction. An abstract understanding (high‐level construal) of the punitive situation puts the focus squarely on the gist of the situation and makes circumstantial details less likely to be cognitively available. This hinders defensive circumstantial attribution. We show in a field study and an experiment that partiality in making decisions about punishments occurs under conditions of low‐level (i.e., concrete) construal, whereas impartiality is facilitated by high‐level (i.e., abstract) construal