5,933 research outputs found

    Hemisphere Mixing: a Fully Data-Driven Model of QCD Multijet Backgrounds for LHC Searches

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    A novel method is proposed here to precisely model the multi-dimensional features of QCD multi-jet events in hadron collisions. The method relies on the schematization of high-pT QCD processes as 2->2 reactions made complex by sub-leading effects. The construction of libraries of hemispheres from experimental data and the definition of a suitable nearest-neighbor-based association map allow for the generation of artificial events that reproduce with surprising accuracy the kinematics of the QCD component of original data, while remaining insensitive to small signal contaminations. The method is succinctly described and its performance is tested in the case of the search for the hh->bbbb process at the LHC.Comment: 4 pages plus header, 1 figure, proceedings of EPS 2017 Venic

    Immunohistochemical Detection of Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus Antigen in Formalin-Fixed, Paraffin-Embedded Tissues with Correlation to Clinicopathologic Data

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    Immunohistochemistry (IHC) was used in this study to detect the presence of porcine reproductive and respiratory virus (PRRSV) antigen using monoclonal antibody (Mab SDOW17) in formalin-fixed, paraffin embedded tissues of lung, lymph node, heart, spleen, and kidney of pre- weaning to less than 90 day old pigs. Out of the 25 tissue samples examined from swine cases of the Philippine Animal Health Center (PAHC), Bureau of Animal Industry and College of Veterinary Medicine (CVM) Histopathology Laboratory, University of the Philippines-Los Baños (UPLB), 14 or 56% (14/25) were IHC positive for PRRSV antigen.  Among the selected tissue samples, the PRRS virus was detected the most in the lymph nodes (64%) and lungs (40%), respectively, compared to other organs such as spleen (33%), kidney (28%), and the heart (17%). Only 43% (6/14) of cases coincided with the pathogenesis and clinicopathologic lesions of PRRS which are proliferative interstitial pneumonia and lymphoid follicular hyperplasia and necrosis. PRRS positive cases in IHC were consistently found to have co-infections with viral and bacterial diseases. Since PRRSV has tropism for macrophages and destruction of these cells leads to immunosuppression, affected animals are vulnerable to secondary infections. Keywords: formalin-fixed;  immunohistochemistry;  paraffin embedded tissue;  piglets;  Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome; PRRS virus antigen; Mab SDOW17

    Insufficiently studied factors related to burnout in nursing: Results from an e-Delphi study

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    Objective: This study aimed to identify potentially important factors in explaining burnout in nursing that have been insufficiently studied or ignored. Methods: A three-round Delphi study via e-mail correspondence was conducted, with a group of 40 European experts. The e-Delphi questionnaire consisted of 52 factors identified from a literature review. Experts rated and scored the importance of factors in the occurrence of burnout and the degree of attention given by researchers to each of the variables listed, on a six-point Likert scale. We used the agreement percentage (>80%) to measure the level of consensus between experts. Furthermore, to confirm the level of consensus, we also calculated mean scores and modes. Regardless of the degree of consensus reached by the experts, we have calculated the mean of the stability of the answers for each expert (individual's qualitative stability) and the mean of the stability percentages of the experts (qualitative group stability). Results: The response rate in the three rounds was 93.02% (n = 40). Eight new factors were suggested in the first round. After modified, the e-Delphi questionnaire in the second and third rounds had 60 factors. All the factors reached the third round with a consensus level above 80% in terms of the attention that researchers gave them in their studies. Moreover, the data show a total mean qualitative group stability of 96.21%. In the third round 9 factors were classified by experts as 'studied very little', 17 as 'studied little' and 34 as 'well studied' Conclusion: Findings show that not all the factors that may influence nursing burnout have received the same attention from researchers. The panel of experts has identified factors that, although important in explaining burnout, have been poorly studied or even forgotten. Our results suggest that further study into factors such as a lack of recognition of part of the tasks that nurses perform, feminine stereotype or excessive bureaucracy is needed for a better understanding of this syndrome and improve the quality of life in nurses. © 2017 Manzano-García, Ayala.This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited

    Carbon footprint of transhumant sheep farms: accounting for natural baseline emissions in Mediterranean systems

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    Purpose: Transhumance has rarely been analyzed through LCA approaches, and there is little evidence about its emissions level when conducted under different practices (by truck or on foot) or compared to sedentary livestock systems. Moreover, mobile pastoralism is strongly linked to natural resources by its seasonal grazing patterns, thereby occupying the niche of wild herbivores. Considering natural emission baselines in these ecosystems could have relevant effects when estimating their carbon footprint. Materials and methods: Inventory data of 20 sheep farms was collected to estimate the carbon footprint (CF) of lamb meat produced. Farms were divided into three sub-groups representing typical management practices in the region: (1) sedentary (SED), (2) transhumance by truck (THT), and (3) transhumance on foot (THF). Livestock GHG emissions were modeled according to herd structure and IPCC guidelines. Off-farm emissions from external feeds and fuels were accounted based on existent LCA databases. A natural baseline of wild herbivores was established from the population of red deer reported in a hunting preserve, previously considered to be a reference for the natural carrying capacity in Mediterranean ecosystems. GHG emissions of wild herbivores were estimated through two methods based on (1) IPCC guidelines and (2) allometric regression equations. Results and discussion: Carbon footprint ranged from 16.5 up to 26.9 kgCO2-eq/kg of lamb liveweight (LW). Significant differences were identified among sedentary and transhumant farms, the latter consistently showing lower CF values (SED: 25.1 kg CO2-eq/kg LW, THT: 18.3 kg CO2-eq/kg LW, THF: 18.2 kg CO2-eq/kg LW). Sedentary farms resulted in higher GHG emissions (+ 27%) and higher CO2 and N2O, contributions derived from the consumption of additional feeds. Both methods applied to compute emissions for wild herbivores led to similar results (25.3–26.8 Mg CO2-eq/km2), comparatively lower than estimation for transhumant sheep (47.7 Mg CO2-eq/km2). When considering natural baseline emissions, the CF of transhumant lamb meat is reduced by almost 30%, reaching values quite below those reported for intensive lamb production systems in Spain. Conclusions: From our results, mobility of grazing livestock can be considered as a strategy promoting climate change mitigation. This is achieved mainly by reducing the need of external feeds, while maximizing the use of local forage resources that otherwise would be difficult to valorize. Further reductions in the CF result when considering natural baseline emissions. The application of this new GHG accounting perspective could have relevant implications when aiming at climate neutrality of grazing-based ruminant systems.Purpose: Transhumance has rarely been analyzed through LCA approaches, and there is little evidence about its emissions level when conducted under different practices (by truck or on foot) or compared to sedentary livestock systems. Moreover, mobile pastoralism is strongly linked to natural resources by its seasonal grazing patterns, thereby occupying the niche of wild herbivores. Considering natural emission baselines in these ecosystems could have relevant effects when estimating their carbon footprint. Materials and methods: Inventory data of 20 sheep farms was collected to estimate the carbon footprint (CF) of lamb meat produced. Farms were divided into three sub-groups representing typical management practices in the region: (1) sedentary (SED), (2) transhumance by truck (THT), and (3) transhumance on foot (THF). Livestock GHG emissions were modeled according to herd structure and IPCC guidelines. Off-farm emissions from external feeds and fuels were accounted based on existent LCA databases. A natural baseline of wild herbivores was established from the population of red deer reported in a hunting preserve, previously considered to be a reference for the natural carrying capacity in Mediterranean ecosystems. GHG emissions of wild herbivores were estimated through two methods based on (1) IPCC guidelines and (2) allometric regression equations. Results and discussion: Carbon footprint ranged from 16.5 up to 26.9 kgCO2-eq/kg of lamb liveweight (LW). Significant differences were identified among sedentary and transhumant farms, the latter consistently showing lower CF values (SED: 25.1 kg CO2-eq/kg LW, THT: 18.3 kg CO2-eq/kg LW, THF: 18.2 kg CO2-eq/kg LW). Sedentary farms resulted in higher GHG emissions (+ 27%) and higher CO2 and N2O, contributions derived from the consumption of additional feeds. Both methods applied to compute emissions for wild herbivores led to similar results (25.3–26.8 Mg CO2-eq/km2), comparatively lower than estimation for transhumant sheep (47.7 Mg CO2-eq/km2). When considering natural baseline emissions, the CF of transhumant lamb meat is reduced by almost 30%, reaching values quite below those reported for intensive lamb production systems in Spain. Conclusions: From our results, mobility of grazing livestock can be considered as a strategy promoting climate change mitigation. This is achieved mainly by reducing the need of external feeds, while maximizing the use of local forage resources that otherwise would be difficult to valorize. Further reductions in the CF result when considering natural baseline emissions. The application of this new GHG accounting perspective could have relevant implications when aiming at climate neutrality of grazing-based ruminant systems

    Evaluation of the program ‘understanding and learning in the classroom’

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    We present the program “understanding and learning in the classroom” centered on the improvement of reading comprehension strategies. We present also an evaluation of this program

    RAMESES II reporting standards for realist evaluations

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    Realist evaluation is increasingly used in health services and other fields of research and evaluation. No previous standards exist for reporting realist evaluations. This standard was developed as part of the RAMESES II project. The project's aim is to produce initial reporting standards for realist evaluations.We purposively recruited a maximum variety sample of an international group of experts in realist evaluation to our online Delphi panel. Panel members came from a variety of disciplines, sectors and policy fields. We prepared the briefing materials for our Delphi panel by summarising the most recent literature on realist evaluations to identify how and why rigour had been demonstrated and where gaps in expertise and rigour were evident. We also drew on our collective experience as realist evaluators, in training and supporting realist evaluations, and on the RAMESES email list to help us develop the briefing materials. Through discussion within the project team, we developed a list of issues related to quality that needed to be addressed when carrying out realist evaluations. These were then shared with the panel members and their feedback was sought. Once the panel members had provided their feedback on our briefing materials, we constructed a set of items for potential inclusion in the reporting standards and circulated these online to panel members. Panel members were asked to rank each potential item twice on a 7-point Likert scale, once for relevance and once for validity. They were also encouraged to provide free text comments.We recruited 35 panel members from 27 organisations across six countries from nine different disciplines. Within three rounds our Delphi panel was able to reach consensus on 20 items that should be included in the reporting standards for realist evaluations. The overall response rates for all items for rounds 1, 2 and 3 were 94 %, 76 % and 80 %, respectively.These reporting standards for realist evaluations have been developed by drawing on a range of sources. We hope that these standards will lead to greater consistency and rigour of reporting and make realist evaluation reports more accessible, usable and helpful to different stakeholders

    L’impacte de la cabra (Capra hircus) sobre el teix (Taxus baccata) a l’illa de Mallorca

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    [cat] El teix Taxus baccata a les Balears es troba únicament a la Serra de Tramuntana, està protegit com d’Especial Protecció i és objecte d’un Pla de Maneig executat per la Conselleria de Medi Ambient del Govern de les Illes Balears. La forta pressió de les cabres Capra hircus, incrementada els darrer decennis per l’abandonament de les finques i l’agricultura, és una amenaça que fa perillar el futur del teix. El present treball completa i revisa l’inventari de teixos naturals a la Serra i avalua el seu estat de conservació en funció del grau d’afectació per les cabres assilvestrades. Un 70% dels teixos silvestres pateixen impactes visibles provocats per les cabres. Tot i que la majoria de teixos es trobem empenyalats, la gran majoria (un 84%) pateix un grau d’afectació moderat; el 14% restant presenta una afectació greu, amb una clara amenaça per a la seva supervivència. Els teixos menys afectats són els més difícilment accessibles, i no hi ha cap opció de que puguin créixer amb normalitat a un lloc on arribin les cabres. Ara que ja no es talla ni es permeten les cremes descontrolades, el teix podria tenir unes poblacions més nombroses, tot i que les elevades temperatures estivals i la disminució de les precipitacions, com a conseqüència del canvi climàtic, podrien esdevenir un factor limitant. Avui, però, el principal factor limitant no natural que afecta les poblacions de teix a Mallorca és la pressió que exerceixen les cabres assilvestrades les quals, en molts de casos, poden arribar a provocar la mort dels exemplars.[eng] The yew Taxus baccata in the Balearic Islands is only in the Serra de Tramuntana. It is under Special Protection category and is object of a Management Plan executed by the Balearic Environmental Administration. The strong pressure of goats Capra hircus, increased over the last decades due to the abandonment of farms and agriculture, is a threat that endangers yews future. The present report completes and reviews the inventory of natural yews in the Serra and evaluates its state of conservation based on the degree of involvement by the wild goats. 70% of natural yews suffer visible impacts caused by goats. Although most yews are in cliffs, the vast majority (84%) suffers a moderate degree of threat; the remaining 14% have a serious affectation, with a clear threat to their survival. The least-affected yews are the most difficult to reach, and there is no option to grow normally on a goat's place. Now that neither the cutting of yew or the uncontrolled burning are not allowed, the yew tree could have larger populations, although the high summer temperatures and the decrease of the precipitations, as a consequence of the climate change, could become a limiting factor. Today, however, the main unnatural limiting factor affecting yew populations in Mallorca is the pressure exerted by feral goats which, in many cases, may cause the death of specimens

    Nonlinear model predictive control-based guidance law for path following of unmanned surface vehicles

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    This work proposes a nonlinear model predictive control-based guidance strategy for unmanned surface vehicles, focused on path following. The application of this strategy, in addition to overcome drawbacks of previous line-of-sight-based guidance laws, intends to enable the application of predictive strategies also to the low-level control, responsible for tracking the references provided by the guidance strategy. The stability and robustness of the proposed strategy are theoretically discussed. Furthermore, given the non-negligible computational cost of such nonlinear predictive guidance strategy, a practical nonlinear model predictive control strategy is also applied in order to reduce the computational cost to a great extent. The effectiveness and advantages of both proposed strategies over other nonlinear guidance laws are illustrated through a complete set of simulations.Comment: 21 pages, 15 figures. Postprint of the final published wor

    Caracterización preliminar de las interacciones aguas subterráneas-humedales-ser humano en Iberoamérica y en la Península Ibérica

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    El proyecto UNESCO IGCP 604 tiene como objetivo elaborar un marco conceptual sobre las interacciones aguas subterráneas–humedales-ser humano, y está motivado por el Programa de Evaluación de los Ecosistemas del Milenio de Naciones Unidas. Como resultados preliminares se ha elaborado información de catorce humedales en nueve países. Sus características morfológicas, hidrológicas, químicas, etc. son muy variables. Solamente los servicios de abastecimiento de agua y de regulación hídrica parecen estar ampliamente extendidos, con una tendencia dominante a mantenerse estables o a empeorar. Todos los servicios culturales son frecuentes y muestran una tendencia mayoritaria a mejorar. Entre los factores que inducen cambios en los servicios, los de impacto más extendido son: extracción de agua, cambios en el uso de suelo, contaminación y cambio climático y global. Presentan impactos variables, pero la tendencia general es a mantenerse estables o a aumentar.This paper presents the preliminary results of The UNESCO project IGCP 604, whose objec-tive is to elaborate a conceptual framework on groundwater-wetland-human beings interactions, and is moti-vated by the UNESCO Millennium Ecosystems Assessment Programme. Data from fourteen wetlands in nine countries have been elaborated. Their morphological, hydrological, chemical, etc. characteristics are highly variable. Only the water supply and water regulation services seem to be widely extended, and their general evolution trend is to be stable or to worsen. All the cultural services seem to be widely extended, and the dominant trend is to improve. The factors that most widely induce changes in wetland services are water ex-traction, biological exploitation, changes in land use, pollution, and climate and global change. They cause variable impacts, which tend to be stable or to increase

    Quantum transport in quantum networks and photosynthetic complexes at the steady state

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    Recently, several works have analysed the efficiency of photosynthetic complexes in a transient scenario and how that efficiency is affected by environmental noise. Here, following a quantum master equation approach, we study the energy and excitation transport in fully connected networks both in general and in the particular case of the Fenna-Matthew-Olson complex. The analysis is carried out for the steady state of the system where the excitation energy is constantly "flowing" through the system. Steady state transport scenarios are particularly relevant if the evolution of the quantum system is not conditioned on the arrival of individual excitations. By adding dephasing to the system, we analyse the possibility of noise-enhancement of the quantum transport.Comment: 10 pages, single column, 6 figures. Accepted for publication in Plos On