417 research outputs found

    Shock-Driven Periodic Variability in a Low-Mass-Ratio Supermassive Black Hole Binary

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    We investigate the time-varying electromagnetic emission of a low-mass-ratio supermassive black hole binary (SMBHB) embedded in a circumprimary disk, with a particular interest in variability of shocks driven by the binary. We perform a 2D, locally isothermal hydrodynamics simulation of a SMBHB with mass ratio q=0.01q=0.01 and separation a=100  Rga=100\;R_g, using a physically self-consistent steady disk model. We estimate the electromagnetic variability from the system by monitoring accretion onto the secondary and using an artificial viscosity scheme to capture shocks and monitor the energy dissipated. The SMBHB produces a wide, eccentric gap in the disk, previously only observed for larger mass ratios, which we attribute to our disk model being much thinner (H/R≈0.01H/R\approx0.01 near the secondary) than is typical of previous works. The eccentric gap drives periodic accretion onto the secondary SMBH on a timescale matching the orbital period of the binary, tbin≈0.1  yrt_{\rm{bin}}\approx0.1\;\rm{yr}, implying that the variable accretion regime of the SMBHB parameter space extends to lower mass ratios than previously established. Shocks driven by the binary are periodic, with a period matching the orbital period, and the shocks are correlated with the accretion rate, with peaks in the shock luminosity lagging peaks in the accretion rate by 0.43  tbin0.43\;t_{\rm{bin}}. We propose that the correlation of these quantities represents a useful identifier of SMBHB candidates, via observations of correlated variability in X-ray and UV monitoring of AGN, rather than single-waveband periodicity alone.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures, accepted by MNRA

    Orbit-Based Dynamical Models of the Sombrero Galaxy (NGC 4594)

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    We present axisymmetric, orbit-based models to study the central black hole, stellar mass-to-light ratio, and dark matter halo of NGC 4594 (M104, the Sombrero Galaxy). For stellar kinematics, we use published high-resolution kinematics of the central region taken with the Hubble Space Telescope, newly obtained Gemini long-slit spectra of the major axis, and integral field kinematics from the SAURON instrument. At large radii, we use globular cluster kinematics to trace the mass profile and apply extra leverage to recovering the dark matter halo parameters. We find a black hole of mass M_{\bullet}=(6.6 +/- 0.4) x 10^8 M_{\odot}, and determine the stellar M/L_I=3.4 +/- 0.05 (uncertainties are the 68% confidence band marginalized over the other parameters). Our best fit dark matter halo is a cored logarithmic model with asymptotic circular speed V_c=376 +/- 12 km/s and core radius r_c= 4.7 +/- 0.6 kpc. The fraction of dark to total mass contained within the half-light radius is 0.52. Taking the bulge and disk components into account in our calculation of \sigma_e puts NGC 4594 squarely on the M-\sigma relation. We also determine that NGC 4594 lies directly on the M-L relation.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    A Distinctive Disk-Jet Coupling in the Seyfert-1 AGN NGC 4051

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    We report on the results of a simultaneous monitoring campaign employing eight Chandra X-ray (0.5-10 keV) and six VLA/EVLA (8.4 GHz) radio observations of NGC 4051 over seven months. Evidence for compact jets is observed in the 8.4 GHz radio band; This builds on mounting evidence that jet production may be prevalent even in radio-quiet Seyferts. Assuming comparatively negligible local diffuse emission in the nucleus, the results also demonstrate an inverse correlation of L_radio proportional to L_X-ray ^(-0.72+/-0.04) . Current research linking the mass of supermassive black holes and stellar-mass black holes in the "low/hard" state to X-ray luminosities and radio luminosities suggest a "fundamental plane of accretion onto black holes" that has a positive correlation of L_radio proportional to L_X-ray^(0.67+/-0.12) . Our simultaneous results differ from this relation by more than 11 sigma, indicating that a separate mode of accretion and ejection may operate in this system. A review of the literature shows that the inverse correlation seen in NGC 4051 is seen in three other black hole systems, all of which accrete at near 10% of their Eddington luminosity, perhaps suggesting a distinct mode of disk-jet coupling at high Eddington fractions. We discuss our results in the context of disk and jets in black holes and accretion across the black hole mass scale.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figure

    An Over-Massive Black Hole in the Compact Lenticular Galaxy NGC1277

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    All massive galaxies likely have supermassive black holes at their centers, and the masses of the black holes are known to correlate with properties of the host galaxy bulge component. Several explanations have been proposed for the existence of these locally-established empirical relationships; they include the non-causal, statistical process of galaxy-galaxy merging, direct feedback between the black hole and its host galaxy, or galaxy-galaxy merging and the subsequent violent relaxation and dissipation. The empirical scaling relations are thus important for distinguishing between various theoretical models of galaxy evolution, and they further form the basis for all black hole mass measurements at large distances. In particular, observations have shown that the mass of the black hole is typically 0.1% of the stellar bulge mass of the galaxy. The small galaxy NGC4486B currently has the largest published fraction of its mass in a black hole at 11%. Here we report observations of the stellar kinematics of NGC 1277, which is a compact, disky galaxy with a mass of 1.2 x 10^11 Msun. From the data, we determine that the mass of the central black hole is 1.7 x 10^10 Msun, or 59% its bulge mass. Five other compact galaxies have properties similar to NGC 1277 and therefore may also contain over-sized black holes. It is not yet known if these galaxies represent a tail of a distribution, or if disk-dominated galaxies fail to follow the normal black hole mass scaling relations.Comment: 7 pages. 6 figures. Nature. Animation at http://www.mpia.de/~bosch/blackholes.htm

    Supermassive black holes do not correlate with dark matter halos of galaxies

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    Supermassive black holes have been detected in all galaxies that contain bulge components when the galaxies observed were close enough so that the searches were feasible. Together with the observation that bigger black holes live in bigger bulges, this has led to the belief that black hole growth and bulge formation regulate each other. That is, black holes and bulges "coevolve". Therefore, reports of a similar correlation between black holes and the dark matter halos in which visible galaxies are embedded have profound implications. Dark matter is likely to be nonbaryonic, so these reports suggest that unknown, exotic physics controls black hole growth. Here we show - based in part on recent measurements of bulgeless galaxies - that there is almost no correlation between dark matter and parameters that measure black holes unless the galaxy also contains a bulge. We conclude that black holes do not correlate directly with dark matter. They do not correlate with galaxy disks, either. Therefore black holes coevolve only with bulges. This simplifies the puzzle of their coevolution by focusing attention on purely baryonic processes in the galaxy mergers that make bulges.Comment: 12 pages, 9 Postscript figures, 1 table; published in Nature (20 January 2011

    Resolving the dynamical mass of a z~1.3 QSO host galaxy using SINFONI and Laser Guide Star assisted Adaptive Optics

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    Recent studies of the tight scaling relations between the masses of supermassive black holes and their host galaxies have suggested that in the past black holes constituted a larger fraction of their host galaxies' mass. However, these arguments are limited by selection effects and difficulties in determining robust host galaxy masses at high redshifts. Here we report the first results of a new, complementary diagnostic route: we directly determine a dynamical host galaxy mass for the z=1.3 luminous quasar J090543.56+043347.3 through high-spatial-resolution (0.47", 4kpc FWHM) observations of the host galaxy gas kinematics over 30x40 kpc using ESO/VLT/SINFONI with LGS/AO. Combining our result of M_dyn = 2.05+1.68_0.74 x 10^11 M_sun (within a radius 5.25 +- 1.05 kpc) with M_BH,MgII = 9.02 \pm 1.43 x 10^8 M_sun, M_BH,Halpha = 2.83 +1.93-1.13 x 10^8 M_sun, we find that the ratio of black hole mass to host galaxy dynamical mass for J090543.56+043347.3 matches the present-day relation for M_BH vs. M_Bulge,Dyn, well within the IR scatter, deviating at most a factor of two from the mean. J090543.56+043347.3 displays clear signs of an ongoing tidal interaction and of spatially extended star formation at a rate of 50-100 M_sun/yr, above the cosmic average for a galaxy of this mass and redshift. We argue that its subsequent evolution may move J090543.56+043347.3 even closer to the z=0 relation for M_BH vs. M_Bulge,Dyn. Our results support the picture where any substantive evolution in these relations must occur prior to z~1.3. Having demonstrated the power of this modelling approach we are currently analyzing similar data on seven further objects to better constrain such evolution.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ, 14 pages, 10 Figure

    Physics of the Galactic Center Cloud G2, on its Way towards the Super-Massive Black Hole

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    The origin, structure and evolution of the small gas cloud, G2, is investigated, that is on an orbit almost straight into the Galactic central supermassive black hole (SMBH). G2 is a sensitive probe of the hot accretion zone of Sgr A*, requiring gas temperatures and densities that agree well with models of captured shock-heated stellar winds. Its mass is equal to the critical mass below which cold clumps would be destroyed quickly by evaporation. Its mass is also constrained by the fact that at apocenter its sound crossing timescale was equal to its orbital timescale. Our numerical simulations show that the observed structure and evolution of G2 can be well reproduced if it formed in pressure equilibrium with the surrounding in 1995 at a distance from the SMBH of 7.6e16 cm. If the cloud would have formed at apocenter in the 'clockwise' stellar disk as expected from its orbit, it would be torn into a very elongated spaghetti-like filament by 2011 which is not observed. This problem can be solved if G2 is the head of a larger, shell-like structure that formed at apocenter. Our numerical simulations show that this scenario explains not only G2's observed kinematical and geometrical properties but also the Br_gamma observations of a low surface brightness gas tail that trails the cloud. In 2013, while passing the SMBH G2 will break up into a string of droplets that within the next 30 years mix with the surrounding hot gas and trigger cycles of AGN activity.Comment: 22 pages, 13 figures, submitted to Ap

    The evaluation of morphology of renal pelvicalyceal system’s and infundibulopelvic anatomy of kidney’s lower pole in post-mortem series

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    Background: Urinary system stones are frequently encountered in the community. Together with technological developments, introduction of new treatment procedures such as extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy, percutaneous nephrolithotomy and retrograde intrarenal surgery has furtherly reduced morbidity, mortality and hospitalization time of patients. In order to maximize success and to reduce complications of these procedures, it is necessary to evaluate anatomy and morphological differences of kidney collector system before the procedure. This study was conducted for the purpose of determining the morphology of the kidney collector system and the negative anatomic factors of the lower pole in autopsy cases performed in our institution. Materials and methods: 82 kidney units obtained from 41 autopsy cases conducted in Faculty of Medicine Department of Forensic Medicine, Sivas Cumhuriyet University between September 2017 and September 2018 were included in the study. Percentages were found as 78% for intrarenal pelvis, 13.4% for borderline pelvis, %6.1 for extrarenal pelvis and 2.4% for pelvic nonexistence. When pelvicalyceal anatomy was evaluated, percentages were found as 32.9% for bicalyceal, 26.8% for tricalyceal, 20.7% for multicalyceal and 19.5% for unclassified calyceality. When it is evaluated according to opening of calyces into the renal pelvis based on Sampaio classification, percentages were found as 30.5% for AI, 17.1% for Type II, 28% for BI, 18.3% for BII and 6.1% for unevaluated part. Infundibular lengths of kidney’s lower pole were detected as under 3 cm in 39% and over 3 cm in 61% of all cases. Infundibulopelvic angles of kidney’s lower pole were measured as under 700 in 42.7% and over 700 in 57.3% of all cases. Results: In our study, there was no statistically significant difference between the right and left kidneys in terms of collecting system morphology and lower pole’s negative anatomical factors. Only infindibular lengths which is one of the collecting system morphology and lower pole’s negative anatomical factors were statistically shorter in females than males. There was no difference in terms of other parameters. Conclusions: In conclusion, the findings of this study are largely consistent with the results of similar studies. This reveals that renal collecting system morphology and negative anatomic factors in the lower pole collecting system in human are roughly similar. In clinical practice, pre-treatment CT and, if necessary, MR urography evaluation of the lower pole negative anatomic factors may contribute to gain preliminary information about both the clearance of stone fragments especially after SWL and RIRS procedures and perioperative complications proactively
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