44 research outputs found

    Conferencia del Excmo. Sr. D. Javier Gómez de la Serna pronunciada en la sesión pública de 19 de enero de 1916

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    Tema: Derecho municipalCopia Digital : Real Academia de Jurisprudencia y Legislación, 2011Precede al tít.: Real Academia de Jurisprudencia y Legislació

    Lack of replication of interactions between polymorphisms in rheumatoid arthritis susceptibility: case–control study

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    [Abstract] INTRODUCTION: Approximately 100 loci have been definitively associated with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) susceptibility. However, they explain only a fraction of RA heritability. Interactions between polymorphisms could explain part of the remaining heritability. Multiple interactions have been reported, but only the shared epitope (SE) × protein tyrosine phosphatase nonreceptor type 22 (PTPN22) interaction has been replicated convincingly. Two recent studies deserve attention because of their quality, including their replication in a second sample collection. In one of them, researchers identified interactions between PTPN22 and seven single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). The other showed interactions between the SE and the null genotype of glutathione S-transferase Mu 1 (GSTM1) in the anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide-positive (anti-CCP+) patients. In the present study, we aimed to replicate association with RA susceptibility of interactions described in these two high-quality studies. METHODS: A total of 1,744 patients with RA and 1,650 healthy controls of Spanish ancestry were studied. Polymorphisms were genotyped by single-base extension. SE genotypes of 736 patients were available from previous studies. Interaction analysis was done using multiple methods, including those originally reported and the most powerful methods described. RESULTS: Genotypes of one of the SNPs (rs4695888) failed quality control tests. The call rate for the other eight polymorphisms was 99.9%. The frequencies of the polymorphisms were similar in RA patients and controls, except for PTPN22 SNP. None of the interactions between PTPN22 SNPs and the six SNPs that met quality control tests was replicated as a significant interaction term--the originally reported finding--or with any of the other methods. Nor was the interaction between GSTM1 and the SE replicated as a departure from additivity in anti-CCP+ patients or with any of the other methods. CONCLUSIONS: None of the interactions tested were replicated in spite of sufficient power and assessment with different assays. These negative results indicate that whether interactions are significant contributors to RA susceptibility remains unknown and that strict standards need to be applied to claim that an interaction exists.Instituto de Salud Carlos III; 11/01048Instituto de Salud Carlos III; 12/01909Instituto de Salud Carlos III; RD12/0009/000

    Genomic mutation profile in progressive chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients prior to first-line chemoimmunotherapy with FCR and rituximab maintenance (REM)

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    Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL) is the most prevalent leukemia in Western countries and is notable for its variable clinical course. This variability is partly reflected by the mutational status of IGHV genes. Many CLL samples have been studied in recent years by next-generation sequencing. These studies have identified recurrent somatic mutations in NOTCH1, SF3B1, ATM, TP53, BIRC3 and others genes that play roles in cell cycle, DNA repair, RNA metabolism and splicing. In this study, we have taken a deep-targeted massive sequencing approach to analyze the impact of mutations in the most frequently mutated genes in patients with CLL enrolled in the REM (rituximab en mantenimiento) clinical trial. The mutational status of our patients with CLL, except for the TP53 gene, does not seem to affect the good results obtained with maintenance therapy with rituximab after front-line FCR treatment

    Cortical thinning over two years after first-episode psychosis depends on age of onset

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    First-episode psychosis (FEP) patients show structural brain abnormalities at the first episode. Whether the cortical changes that follow a FEP are progressive and whether age at onset modulates these changes remains unclear. This is a multicenter MRI study in a deeply phenotyped sample of 74 FEP patients with a wide age range at onset (15–35 years) and 64 neurotypical healthy controls (HC). All participants underwent two MRI scans with a 2-year follow-up interval. We computed the longitudinal percentage of change (PC) for cortical thickness (CT), surface area (CSA) and volume (CV) for frontal, temporal, parietal and occipital lobes. We used general linear models to assess group differences in PC as a function of age at FEP. We conducted post-hoc analyses for metrics where PC differed as a function of age at onset. We found a significant age-by-diagnosis interaction effect for PC of temporal lobe CT (d = 0.54; p = 002). In a post-hoc-analysis, adolescent-onset (≤19 y) FEP showed more severe longitudinal cortical thinning in the temporal lobe than adolescent HC. We did not find this difference in adult-onset FEP compared to adult HC. Our study suggests that, in individuals with psychosis, CT changes that follow the FEP are dependent on the age at first episode, with those with an earlier onset showing more pronounced cortical thinning in the temporal lobe

    Rheumatoid arthritis response to treatment across IgG1 allotype - anti-TNF incompatibility: a case-only study.

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    INTRODUCTION: We have hypothesized that incompatibility between the G1m genotype of the patient and the G1m1 and G1m17 allotypes carried by infliximab (INX) and adalimumab (ADM) could decrease the efficacy of these anti-tumor necrosis factor (anti-TNF) antibodies in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis (RA). METHODS: The G1m genotypes were analyzed in three collections of patients with RA totaling 1037 subjects. The first, used for discovery, comprised 215 Spanish patients. The second and third were successively used for replication. They included 429 British and Greek patients and 393 Spanish and British patients, respectively. Two outcomes were considered: change in the Disease Activity Score in 28 joint (ΔDAS28) and the European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR) response criteria. RESULTS: An association between less response to INX and incompatibility of the G1m1,17 allotype was found in the discovery collection at 6 months of treatment (P = 0.03). This association was confirmed in the replications (P = 0.02 and 0.08, respectively) leading to a global association (P = 0.001) that involved a mean difference in ΔDAS28 of 0.4 units between compatible and incompatible patients (2.3 ± 1.5 in compatible patients vs. 1.9 ± 1.5 in incompatible patients) and an increase in responders and decrease in non-responders according to the EULAR criteria (P = 0.03). A similar association was suggested for patients treated with ADM in the discovery collection, but it was not supported by replication. CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that G1m1,17 allotypes are associated with response to INX and could aid improved therapeutic targeting in RA

    Ecos de la academia: Revista de la Facultad de Educación, Ciencia y Tecnología - FECYT Nro 4

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    Ecos de la academia, Revista de la Facultad de Educación Ciencia y Tecnología es una publicación científica de la Universidad Técnica del Norte, con revisión por pares a doble ciego que publica artículos en idioma español, quichua, portugués e inglés. Se edita con una frecuencia semestral con dos números por año.En ella se divulgan trabajos originales e inéditos generados por los investigadores, docentes y estudiantes de la FECYT, y contribuciones de profesionales de instituciones docentes e investigativas dentro y fuera del país, con calidad, originalidad y relevancia en las áreas de ciencias sociales y tecnología aplicada.Los orígenes de la fotografía en la segunda ciudad de Cataluña: Reus, 1839-1903. Hábitos de consumo y uso de medios digitales en los estudiantes de la Universidad Técnica del Norte. Gastronomía, historia y cultura afrodescendiente de las comunidades Chota y Salinas en Imbabura, Ecuador. Los organizadores gráficos: elementos y procedimientos básicos para su diseño. Análisis del desempeño profesional del graduado de la carrera de Licenciatura en Inglés de la Universidad Técnica del Norte. Uso del software Aleks como complemento en la asignatura de Fundamentos de Matemáticas del curso de nivelación EPN-SENECYT. La educación de postgrado y la enseñanza de Redes Neuronales Artificiales como herramienta versátil para egresados. Home is an uneasty place: Afroperipheralism anda diasporic sensibilities in Wayde Compton’s “The Instrumental”. Respuesta de la carrera de Educación Básica a las necesidades sociales en la Zona 1 del Ecuador. Programa SaludArte: Salud, Alimentación y Movimiento entran a las escuelas para mejorar la calidad educativa. Tendencias de consumo turístico de los Millennials en la ciudad de Ibarra. Los Grupos de Investigación como estrategias para desarrollo de la investigación científica en las instituciones de educación superior ecuatorianas. Paradigmas y modelos pedagógicos de los postulados científicos en el espacio de aula en la Universidad Técnica de Ambato. Predicting academic performance in traditional environments at higher-education institutions using data mining: A review. El Proyecto de Investigación “Muros que hablan. Un recorrido por los graffitis de Imbabura”. Construcción de la marca ciudad. Normas de presentación de artículos científicos en la revista Ecos de la Academia

    Copernicus Ocean State Report, issue 6

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    The 6th issue of the Copernicus OSR incorporates a large range of topics for the blue, white and green ocean for all European regional seas, and the global ocean over 1993–2020 with a special focus on 2020