370 research outputs found

    Cytotoxic Effect and Mechanisms from Some Plant-Derived Compounds in Breast Cancer

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    Breast cancer (BrC) is a major health problem in women all around the world. A growing knowledge about these alterations and their associated molecular signaling pathways offers opportunities for therapeutic strategies; chemotherapy is one of the most utilized treatments; however, because of the adverse side effects and multidrug resistance that patients may present, there has been great advancement in search of new alternatives as the use of plant-derived natural compounds. This review describes information on the progress and development of cytotoxic compounds against BrC belonging to the families of flavonoids, terpenes, and alkaloids that through in vitro and in vivo studies have demonstrated to induce cellular death mainly through apoptosis, activating the intrinsic pathway. The in vitro IC50 and the in vivo EC50 dose-response relationship can vary depending on various factors, including the choice of cell line and/or the model used. Also, the association of some of these compounds with nanoparticles or paclitaxel with antibodies has clearly shown a potential improvement in its effect. The clinical studies that are being conducted with some of them show promising results; however, it is necessary to continue with the effort to develop new and more effective drugs against different types of BrC

    Feocromocitoma bilateral: presentación de un paciente

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    Pheochromocytomas are sympathetic nervous system tumors that develop from the chromaffin cells and which are characterized by excessive production of catecholamines. In 85% of cases, they are found in the adrenal medulla and the remaining 15% are extraadrenal. The case of a young black man is reported. He had a history of severe bronchial asthma, high levels of blood pressure, refractory to treatment, and intense abdominal pain. Tumor masses similar to bilateral adrenal pheochromocytoma were shown by ultrasound and computed tomography. The Pathology Department confirmed the diagnosis of bilateral benign pheochromocytoma. The patient underwent surgery and had a successful progress.Los feocromocitomas son tumores del sistema nervioso simpático que se desarrollan a partir de las células cromafines y que se caracterizan por la producción excesiva de catecolaminas; en el 85% de los casos se localizan en la médula suprarrenal y el 15% restante son extrasuprarrenales. Se presenta el caso de un hombre joven de la raza negra con antecedentes de asma bronquial severa, cifras elevadas de tensión arterial, refractarias al tratamiento, y dolor intenso abdominal. Se demostraron por ultrasonido y tomografía axial computadorizada masas tumorales suprarrenales bilaterales compatibles con feocromocitoma; se comprobó por el Departamento de Anatomía Patológica el diagnóstico de feocromocitoma benigno bilateral. El paciente fue intervenido quirúrgicamente y evolucinó satisfactoriamente

    Effect of Oxysterol-Induced Apoptosis of Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells on Experimental Hypercholesterolemia

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    Smooth muscle cells (SMCs) undergo changes related to proliferation and apoptosis in the physiological remodeling of vessels and in diseases such as atherosclerosis and restenosis. Recent studies also have demonstrated the vascular cell proliferation and programmed cell death contribute to changes in vascular architecture in normal development and in disease. The present study was designed to investigate the apoptotic pathways induced by 25-hydroxycholesterol in SMCs cultures, using an in vivo/in vitro cell model in which SMCs were isolated and culture from chicken exposed to an atherogenic cholesterol-rich diet (SMC-Ch) and/or an antiatherogenic fish oil-rich diet (SMC-Ch-FO). Cells were exposed in vitro to 25-hydroxycholesterol to study levels of apoptosis and apoptotic proteins Bcl-2, Bcl- and Bax and the expression of bcl-2 and bcl- , genes. The quantitative real-time reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction and the Immunoblotting western blot analysis showed that 25-hydroxycholesterol produces apoptosis in SMCs, mediated by a high increase in Bax protein and Bax gene expression. These changes were more marked in SMC-Ch than in SMC-Ch-FO, indicating that dietary cholesterol produces changes in SMCs that make them more susceptible to 25-hydroxycholesterol-mediated apoptosis. Our results suggest that the replacement of a cholesterol-rich diet with a fish oil-rich diet produces some reversal of cholesterol-induced changes in the apoptotic pathways induced by 25-hydroxycholesterol in SMCs cultures, making SMCs more resistant to apoptosis.This work was supported partly by Junta de Andalucía (Group code CTS 168) and also by the research grants from Instituto de Salud Carlos III, ISCIII (Grant no. PI030829)

    Feeding in the first six months of life is associated with the probability of having bronchiolitis: a cohort study in Spain

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    Background: Breastfeeding is associated with lower incidence and severity of lower respiratory tract disease. However, little is known about the relationship between feeding type and breastfeeding duration with bronchiolitis in a child's first year. Methods: A prospective cohort study of 969 newborn babies were followed-up for 12 months to determine breastfeeding duration, feeding type, feeding trajectory, and bronchiolitis episodes at Marqués de Valdecilla University Hospital, Spain in 2018. Type of feeding was recorded by interviewing mothers at the time of hospital discharge and at 2, 4, 6, 9 and 12 months of life, in three categories: breastfeeding, mixed feeding and infant formula. Type of feeding at hospital discharge refers to feeding from birth to discharge. In any other times studied, it refers to feeding in the last 24 h. The association between the feeding type and bronchiolitis was analysed using logistic regression. Poisson regression was used to evaluate the association between feeding type and the number of bronchiolitis episodes with Kaplan-Meier estimators presenting the cumulative probability of suffering bronchiolitis. The results were adjusted for mother and child characteristics. Results: Our data shows exclusive breastfeeding and mixed breastfeeding reduce the number of episodes of bronchiolitis. Regarding feeding at 4 months, exclusive breastfeeding reduced by 41% the number of episodes of bronchiolitis (adjusted incidence Ratio (aIR) 0.59, 95% CI 0.46, 0.76) and mixed feeding by 37% (aIR 0.63, 95% CI 0.47, 0.86). Moreover, changing from exclusive breastfeeding to mixed feeding increased the incidence of bronchiolitis compared with continuing exclusive breastfeeding. An early swap to mixed breastfeeding before months 2 or 4, was associated with a reduced the number of episodes of bronchiolitis, (aIR 0.53, 95% CI 0.39, 0.73 if introduction of mixed breastfeeding before month 2, and aIR 0.61, 95% CI 0.45, 0.83 if introduction of mixed breastfeeding before month 4), when compared with infant formula alone. Conclusions: Any breastfeeding was associated with lower incidence of bronchiolitis and number of episodes of bronchiolitis in the first year of life. Consequently, promoting programmes facilitating exclusive or mixed breastfeeding would be a relevant measure in the prevention of bronchiolitis

    Severidad del Síndrome Visual Informático en trabajadores usuarios de computadores: evaluación de la asociación con Estilo de Vida Saludable y condición de Ojo Seco

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    Emerging risks at work can be caused by new information and communication technologies, such as computer use, which can generate new alterations to workers' health, such as Computer Vision Syndrome, which sociodemographic factors, lifestyle, and dry eye can determine. This work aims to evaluate the association between Computer Visual Syndrome severity with a healthy lifestyle and dry eye syndrome in computer users in a quantitative, observational, cross- sectional study with analytical intentionality in a sample of 300 workers of a public higher education institution in Colombia in 2022. The results show significant correlation levels in the total Computer Visual Syndrome severity scores with a totally healthy lifestyle and dry eye. A review points out that physical activity and stress management differ significantly in the different levels of Computer Vision Syndrome severity. Dry eye symptoms, conditions, and actions vary significantly among Computer Vision Syndrome severity levels. The findings support the proposal of an occupational health surveillance system to generate a healthy work environment, strengthening the ability of workers to acquire healthy lifestyles through health- promoting behaviors and address problems such as dry eye and Computer Vision Syndrome. This research provides an empirical contribution to the actions of the occupational safety and health management system related to the promotion of visual and eye health, as well as contributing to an operational definition of a healthy lifestyle that encourages the management of behaviors that promote the safety and health of the worker concerning the syndrome mentioned above.Los riesgos emergentes en el trabajo pueden ser provocados por las nuevas tecnologías de la información y la comunicación, como por ejemplo el uso del computador, que puede generar nuevas alteraciones a la salud de los trabajadores como lo es el Síndrome Visual Informático, el cual puede estar determinado por factores sociodemográficos, el estilo de vida, y el ojo seco. El objetivo de este trabajo es evaluar la asociación entre la severidad Síndrome Visual Informático con el estilo de vida saludable y el síndrome de ojo seco en trabajadores usuarios del computador, en un estudio cuantitativo, observacional, transversal y con intencionalidad analítica en una muestra de 300 trabajadores de una institución de educación superior pública en Colombia 2022. Los resultados evidencian niveles de correlación significativos en las puntuaciones totales de severidad del Síndrome Visual Informático con el total de estilo de vida saludable y ojo seco. Una revisión apunta que la actividad física y el manejo del estrés se diferencian significativamente en los distintos niveles de severidad del Síndrome Visual Informático. Los síntomas, condiciones y acciones del ojo seco varían significativamente entre los niveles de severidad del Síndrome Visual Informático. Los hallazgos soportan la propuesta de un sistema de vigilancia de salud en el trabajo para generar un entorno laboral saludable, fortaleciendo la capacidad de los trabajadores de adquirir estilos de vida saludables por medio de conductas promotoras de la salud y afrontar problemas tales como el ojo seco y el Síndrome Visual Informático. Esta investigación da un aporte empírico para las acciones del sistema de gestión en seguridad y salud en el trabajo relacionado con la promoción de la salud visual y ocular, además de contribuir a una definición operativa del estilo de vida saludable que incentive la gestión de conductas promotoras de la seguridad y salud del trabajador respecto al citado Síndrome

    Evaluación de un Biofermento de Preparación Local para el Abonamiento Orgánico del Tomillo (Thymus vulgaris), Romero (Rosmarinus officinalis) y Orégano (Origanum vulgare)

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    Las plantas aromáticas y medicinales actualmente tienen gran demanda en el mercado internacional y producirlas bajo un esquema orgánico les provee un valor agregado. El uso de abonos orgánicos fermentados, es una opción para la nutrición de estos cultivos. Este ensayo pretendió evaluar el crecimiento y la productividad de plantas de tomillo, romero y orégano al ser tratadas con un abono líquido preparado con insumos locales (caldo CIAO). Se realizaron análisis para conocer la composición química y microbiológica del abono y se valoró su efecto sobre plantas en condiciones de matera, bajo invernadero en Cajicá (Colombia). Se evaluaron tres concentraciones de aplicación del biofermento: 2.5, 5 y 10%. Los análisis químicos revelaron una elevada concentración de elementos menores que ocasionó toxicidad en las plantas, expresada a través de la aparición de síntomas y/o disminución del crecimiento. También se reportó una baja concentración de elementos mayores, especialmente de nitrógeno. Los análisis microbiológicos mostraron la presencia de grupos funcionales liberadores de nutrientes, la ausencia de fitopatógenos y de bacterias entéricas. Respecto a la biomasa de tallos cosechados y su longitud, en las tres especies no se encontró un efecto diferencial entre las concentraciones probadas, ni frente a lo obtenido en el tratamiento control. Se propone aplicar este biofermento de manera edáfica, a la menor concentración en la mezcla de aplicación (2.5%), sin la adición de elementos menores, con frecuencias de utilización superiores a quince días y como complemento a una fertilización orgánica de fondo rica en macroelementos, especialmente nitrógeno

    Miradas colectivas del departamento del Tolima, municipios de Honda, Armero y del departamento del Caquetá, municipio Florencia

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    El diplomado de desarrollo humano y familia se basó en la búsqueda individual de cada estudiante en realizar una investigación identificando una problemática central, cada estudiante escogió una población muestra a la cual intervino con una entrevista hecha por cada uno y aprobado por la tutora, el siguiente paso a seguir fue el segundo encuentro con los grupos muestra a emplear la herramienta de árbol de problemas con la cual se identificó los problemas centrales de cada población, sus causas y efectos. Se identificaron en el departamento del Tolima las siguientes problemáticas en la ciudad de honda se encontró violencia intrafamiliar entre 20 familias del barrio el Refugio, violencia escolar en el hogar infantil del grupo jardín menor conformado por 10 familias. Mientras que en la ciudad de Armero su problemática identificada fue embarazos en adolescentes de la institución educativa de secundaria Fe y Alegría, Jiménez de Quesada. En el departamento de Caquetá en la ciudad de Florencia se identificó la problemática de inseguridad ciudadana en el barrió sector 7 Malvinas al igual que se encontró la problemática central. Luego de la identificación de problemas se elaboraron planes de acción para cada problemática en forma individual para observar posibles métodos y alternativas de solución de problemas permitiendo visualizar a futuro el mejor plan.The diploma of human development and family was based on the individual search of each student to carry out an investigation identifying a central problem, each student chose a sample population to which he intervened with an interview made by each one and approved by the tutor, the following Next step was the second encounter with the sample groups to use the problem tree tool with which the central problems of each population, their causes and effects were identified. The following problems were identified in the department of Tolima: in the city of Honda, domestic violence was found among 20 families in the neighborhood, shelter, school violence in the children's home of the minor garden group of 10 families. While in the city of Armero its identified problematic was pregnancies in adolescents and infections of sexual transmission between Young students of the educational institutions of secondary Fe y Alegría, Jiménez de Quesada. In the department of Caqueta in the city of Florence identified the problem of insecurity in the sweep sector 7 Malvinas as the central problem was found. After the identification of problems, action plans were developed for each problem individually to observe possible methods and alternatives for solving problems, allowing the best plan to be visualized in the future

    Hamartoma mesenquimatoso de la pared torácica: presentación de un caso

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    Chest wall mesenchymal hamartoma is an extremely rare benign tumor. Approximately 80 cases have been reported in the literature. Most tumors are manifested at birth with a painless palpable mass of the chest wall, usually unilateral. Respiratory symptoms result from extrinsic compression of the pulmonary parenchyma, and the severity of the symptoms will depend on the size and location of the lesion. Imaging features are characteristic, but definitive diagnosis is histological. Herein, a case is described of a four month old infant with diagnosis of chest wall mesenchymal hamartoma, manifested at birth. Different treatment options are described, including expectations from tumor management, the possibility of spontaneous regression, and the morbidity associated with the surgical option. El hamartoma mesenquimatoso de la pared torácica es un tumor benigno extremadamente raro. Hasta el momento hay, aproximadamente, 80 casos reportados en la literatura mundial; la mayoría se manifiesta desde el nacimiento por la presencia de una masa palpable, no dolorosa, usualmente unilateral, en la pared torácica.Los síntomas respiratorios son secundarios a la compresión extrínseca sobre el parénquima pulmonar y su gravedad depende del tamaño y la localización de la lesión. Los hallazgos radiológicos son característicos pero el diagnóstico definitivo es histológico.Describimos el caso de un paciente de cuatro meses de edad, en quien se realizó diagnóstico de hamartoma mesenquimatoso de la pared torácica; el paciente presentaba las manifestaciones desde el nacimiento.Se hace énfasis en las opciones de tratamiento, considerando el manejo expectante como una alternativa válida por las características benignas de este tumor, por la considerable morbilidad posterior a grandes tratamientos quirúrgicos y por la alta probabilidad de presentar regresión espontánea

    Characterization of the plankton community composition in Málaga Bay (NW Alboran Sea) by means of integrative taxonomy.

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    The Alboran Sea is highly dynamic from a hydrographical point of view. Depending on the strength of the currents and the direction of the wind the surface coastal water masses can be either of Atlantic or Mediterranean origin. This variability affects both the phytoplankton and zooplankton components of the community inhabiting the Bay of Málaga. In addition, fish larvae distribution varies with the diel cycle, affecting zooplankton distribution in shallow waters. In order to provide a first insight into the variability of the planktonic community composition in the area during a 24 hour cycle, we applied an integrative approach combining morphological and molecular tools

    Development of SARS-CoV-2 specific IgG and IgA antibodies in serum and milk with different SARS-COV-2 vaccines in lactating women

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    Background: Our main objective was to determine the evolution of IgG and IgA antibodies directed against SARS-CoV-2 protein S in the blood of lactating women and in breast milk. Methods: A cohort of 110 uninfected and vaccinated breastfeeding women was followed-up for 6 months at the Marqués de Valdecilla University Hospital, Spain, in 2020. An additional group of 23 breastfeeding mothers who had no previously documented infection and had not been vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2 were included as a control group. The antibodies in blood and breast milk and their evolution at 6 months post-vaccination were analysed. Results: One hundred ten breastfeeding mothers were included; 70 women (63.6%) were vaccinated with two doses of BNT162b2, 20 women (18.2%) received two doses of mRNA-1273, and 20 women (18.2%) received a single dose of ChAdOx1-S. No evidence of differences between concentrations of antibodies was found according to the type of vaccine, with the exception of serum IgA antibodies, which was higher in women vaccinated with mRNA-1273: mean [95%CI]: 0.05 AU/mL [0.03,0.06] with mRNA-1273, 0.02 AU/mL [0.01,0.03] with BNT162b2 and 0.01 AU/mL [0.00,0.03] with ChAdOx1-S, ANOVA p value = 0.03. The lack of difference between vaccines was also found when anti-S1 specific IgG in serum and breast milk were measured. Conclusions: In lactating women vaccinated against COVID-19, anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies can be detected in both serum and breastmilk 6 months after receiving the second dose, although their concentrations decreased when compared with concentrations reached immediately after vaccination.Project Nextval 2021/23 is funded by Fundación Instituto de Investigación Marqués de Valdecill