1,630 research outputs found

    On the Influence of Shade in Improving Thermal Comfort in Courtyards

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    This study analyzes the thermal performance of courtyards in traditional buildings in the city center of Córdoba (South of Spain), one of them displaying a shading component, to determine the influence of this precise element. The courtyards have been monitored simultaneously during a summer period when temperatures during the day reached over 45 °C. The obtained data was contrasted, and we confirmed that the shading element provided an improvement of the thermal performance of the courtyard which doubled the thermal leap between outdoor and inside the courtyard temperatures when the shading element was installed, in comparison to the courtyard without shade. Therefore, the tempering effect of courtyards can be significantly improved by means of using these simple elements

    Haematuria on the spanish registry of glomerulonephritis

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    Recent studies suggest a pathogenic role for glomerular haematuria among renal function. However, there is no data on the prevalence of haematuria from a large renal biopsy registry. We analysed the prevalence of gross (GH) and microscopic (mH) haematuria in 19,895 patients that underwent native renal biopsies from the Spanish Registry of Glomerulonephritis. Haematuria's overall incidence was 63% (GH 8.6% and mH 55.1%), being more frequent in males (64.7% vs. 62.4%). GH was more prevalent in patients <18 years (21.3% vs. 7.7%). The commonest clinical presentation associated with GH was acute kidney injury (31.5%) and IgA Nephropathy (IgAN) (33.6%) was the most frequent histological finding. GH patients showed a significantly (p < 0.05) lower eGFR and proteinuria levels as compared with patients with mH and without haematuria. Moreover, mH was more prevalent in adults (56.3%). Nephrotic syndrome was the commonest clinical presentation in mH patients (32.2%) and IgAN (18.5%) the most frequent histological finding. In conclusion, haematuria, is a frequent urinalysis finding in patients underwent native renal biopsy. The most frequent histological finding in both GH and mH is IgAN. Whereas, GH is more frequent in young males with acute kidney injury, mH is commoner among adults with nephrotic syndrome.This work has been supported by grants from FIS (Programa Miguel Servet: CP10/00479, PI13/00802 and PI14/00883), Fundación Renal Iñigo Alvarez de Toledo and Spanish Society of Nephrology to JA

    Perfectionism Profiles and Anger Responses: The Relevant Role of Self-Esteem in Athletes of Professional Quarries

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    Perfectionism is a multidimensional personality trait characterized by effort and rigidity in setting high personal standards, accompanied by an excessive tendency toward critical assessments, which plays an important role in cognitive, behavioral, and emotional functioning. During adolescence, personality is built on a fundamental pillar—self-esteem—which plays an important role in sports practice when it comes to achieving the best possible performance. Anger has an emotional component that, interpreted in an unadaptive way, interferes with sports performance. The aim of this study is to assess differences according to self-esteem and perfectionism indicators and anger expression and management in young athletes. The sample included 229 male athletes to the quarries of professional sports with ages between 13 and 17 years. They were administered the Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale, the State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory for Children and Adolescents, the Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale, and a socio-demographic questionnaire. Predictive analysis showed that low personal standards and high levels of organization (indicators of adaptive perfectionism) acted as predictors of state anger, while those showing high personal standards predicted high anger management in athletes with high self-esteem. High personal standards predicted lower indicators of trait anger in athletes with low self-esteem. The results revealed the influence of high self-esteem as a protective factor in the predictive relationship among anger traits and personal standards. The study describes the relationship of these variables in the belongings of young male footballers (under high sport pressure), showing the need to take care of the athletes’ self-esteem in sport environments through prevention programs that include psychological and social resources training systems

    Relevancia de la técnica de inmovilización de brazos en las variables cinéticas en el test de salto con contramovimiento

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    The countermovement jump test (CMJ) has become one of the most widely used methods for assessing the power of the lower body. When carrying it out correctly, the action of the upper extremities must be maximally isolated, so that strength production comes exclusively from the lower body. In the specific bibliography, several ways to limit the arm action have been proposed, and having the hands on the hips is the most common. The question arises as to whether the use of one technique or another could influence the performance of the jump, which would question the possibility of comparing different studies’ results. In the present study, 19 participants performed four different techniques of the CMJ: free arms motion, holding forearms behind the back, hands on the hips, and holding a plastic stick on the shoulders. Commonly measured kinetic variables of the jump have been analysed and compared in order to determine whether the arm position is a factor that influences the test results. As expected, significant differences were found between the techniques using the help of the arms and the other techniques (p < 0.05). However, there were no significant differences between the three arm immobilization techniques. This leads to the conclusion that the arm position is not decisive, making it possible to compare the results obtained from the different published studiesEl test de salto vertical con contramovimiento (CMJ) se ha venido conformando como uno de los métodos de evaluación de la potencia del tren inferior más utilizado. A la hora de ejecutarlo de forma correcta, se debe aislar al máximo la acción de las extremidades superiores, con el fin de que la producción de fuerza provenga exclusivamente del tren inferior. En la bibliografía específica se han propuesto diversas formas de limitar la acción de los brazos, siendo la más frecuente con las manos en la cintura. Cabe preguntarse si el uso de una técnica u otra podría influir en el rendimiento del salto, lo que no permitiría comparar entre diferentes estudios. Participó una muestra de 19 sujetos que realizó cuatro técnicas diferentes de colocación de los brazos en CMJ: con acción de brazos libre; agarre de antebrazos por detrás de la espalda; manos en la cintura; y agarre de una pica de plástico sobre los hombros. Se analizaron y compararon las principales variables cinemáticas en el salto con el fin de determinar si la posición de los brazos es un factor que condiciona los resultados de los test. Como cabía esperar, se aprecian diferencias significativas con ayuda de brazos respecto a las otras técnicas (p < 0.05). Sin embargo, no se aprecian diferencias significativas entre las tres técnicas de inmovilización de brazos planteadas. Esto lleva a concluir que no es determinante la posición de brazos utilizada, por lo que es posible comparar los resultados obtenidos en los distintos estudios publicadosActividad Física y Deport

    Simplified calculations of slenderness limit in U.L.S. Of instability: interaction diagrams according to the instruction EHE-08

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    La introducción de la norma EHE-08 ha llevado consigo varios cambios, tanto conceptuales como paramétricos, en diferentes aspectos de su articulado. Este artículo busca ofrecer una ayuda al proyectista de hormigón, facilitándole los cálculos previos a la comprobación del Estado Límite de Inestabilidad. Se realiza una introducción al significado del límite inferior de esbeltez (incluyendo las propuestas de la ACI-318, el EC-2 y MC-90), para inmediatamente ofrecer una herramienta de aplicación directa que permita su obtención en el caso de la vigente Instrucción de hormigón estructural. Por otra parte, se expone también la formulación para comprobar secciones de soportes armadosRecent EHE-08 code has introduced many changes, both conceptual and parametric, in different aspects of its requirements. This paper seeks to offer support to the concrete designer, enabling pre-test calculations of the instability limit state. Beginning with an introduction to the meaning of the lower limit of slenderness (including ACI-318, EC-2 and MC-90 proposals), to immediately provide an application tool that allows obtaining direct in the case of the current Instruction of Structural Concrete. Moreover, it is also exposed the formulation to test reinforced column sections

    Efecto de la orientación de los rodillos en la resistencia mecánica de estructuras 3D porosas de SiC fabricadas mediante impresión de filamento

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    [EN] The present work explores the strength enhancement via minor modifications of the pat-tern design in pure light SiC woodpile structures created by filament printing. In particular,the effect of the filament stacking angle on both the compression resistance and the elasticmodulus of these structures are evaluated. Different patterns were designed while main-taining the bulk structure density, therefore the differences in the mechanical data (strengthand elastic modulus) are not attributable to density variations. All of these materials werepartially sintered at intermediate temperature for additional porosity enhancement. More-over, SiC specimens made by full filament overlapping were produced to serve as referencemassive material. Remarkably, the massive SiC printed material displays ordered sphericalporosity and a closed-pore foam appearance, thus revealing a novel route for producingthese type of porosity. Results evidence that the structure robustness can be tuned throughslight design modification, which thus offers the possibility of further structure lighteningwithout reducing the target strength.[ES] El presente trabajo explora la mejora de la resistencia mecánica de estructuras ligeras for-madas por apilamiento de rodillos de SiC puro, procesadas por impresión directa de tinta, através de modificaciones menores del patrón de dise ̃no. En particular, se evalúa el efecto del ángulo de apilamiento de los filamentos sobre la resistencia a la compresión y el móduloelástico de estas estructuras. Los diferentes patrones fueron dise ̃nados manteniendo sim-ilares densidades aparentes de las estructuras, por lo tanto, las diferencias observadas enlos resultados mecánicos (resistencia y módulo elástico) no son atribuibles a variaciones dedensidad. Todas las estructuras se sinterizaron parcialmente para mantener una elevadaporosidad. Además, se produjeron muestras de SiC macizas creadas por la superposiciónde filamentos utilizadas como material masivo de referencia. Curiosamente, este materialmuestra una porosidad esférica y ordenada, y presenta la apariencia típica de esponjas conporosidad cerrada, mostrando en consecuencia una ruta alternativa para la fabricación deeste tipo de materiales celulares. Dado que la robustez de estructuras 3D se puede maximizara través de una ligera modificación del dise ̃no, esto permitiría alternativamente aligerar aúnmás las estructuras sin perjudicar su resistencia.This work was supported by projects MAT2015-67437-R and RTI2018-095052-B-I00 financed by the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades MCIU (previously MINECO),Spain/FEDER (UE). J.J. Moyano acknowledges the financialsupport of MCIU/FEDER through the FPI contract ref: BES-2016-077759Peer reviewe

    Physical and sporting activities that college students require

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    Resumen basado en el de la publicaciónSe analizan las características de la demanda de actividades físicas y deportivas de tiempo libre del alumnado universitario almeriense. Para ello se ha seleccionado una muestra de 1.843 sujetos, a los que se les administró un cuestionario para evaluar las actividades en modalidad, periodo temporal, tipo de oferta y finalidad de las mismas. Durante la semana destacan las actividades físicas para el mantenimiento y la mejora de la salud, mientras que en fines de semana son los deportes individuales y colectivos los más practicados, sin perseguir un carácter competitivo. Las actividades en el medio natural están adquiriendo cada vez un papel más relevante durante los periodos vacacionales. Finalmente, la mayoría del alumnado prefiere realizar la práctica físico-deportiva por cuenta propia, de forma libre y autoorganizada.AndalucíaES

    Mapping the potential distribution of frozen ground in Tucarroya (Monte Perdido Massif, the Pyrenees)

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    Producción CientíficaEste trabajo describe la metodología utilizada para cartografiar los suelos potencialmente helados en el valle de Tucarroya, en el Parque Nacional de Ordesa. Para cartografiar las formas asociadas a la presencia de hielo se combinó trabajo de campo, datos térmicos procedentes de sensores automáticos de temperatura del suelo y mediciones de la base del manto de nieve (BTS), así como variables predictivas obtenidas de un Modelo Digital de Elevaciones (MDE). La cartografía diferencia cuatro ambientes, suelo no congelado con actividad de la helada, suelos helados estacionales, permafrost posible y permafrost probable. El mapa revela una extensión del permafrost muy limitada, con escasez de formas asociadas. Solo se ha detectado por encima de los 2700 m de altitud en ambientes topográficos favorables, pendientessuaves y protegidos de la radiación solar. Los suelos helados estacionales son los ambientes más comunes y se desarrollan por encima de los 2500 m s.n.m., mientras los suelos no congelados,pero con heladas solo están presentes entre los 2570 y los 2750 m de altitud en laderas que reciben elevada radiación solarMinisterio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad - Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (projects CGL2015-68144-R / CGL2017-82216-R)Geoparque de Sobrarbe (project R- ADM15/57

    Monitoring harness use in construction with BLE beacons.

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    This paper introduces a novel approach to measure and evaluate the proper use of harnesses at construction sites: we deploy Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) beacons for delimiting areas where the use of a harness is mandatory and to detect whether the harness is attached to the corresponding lifeline when the worker enter these areas. Our method is based on local estimation, through statistical filtering of RSSI measurements (Extended Kalman Filter), of the proximity between the beacons that delimit the different areas and the one in the lifeline, followed by a finite state machine risk status detector. Experiments have been performed in a real construction work-place with a wearable device; their results show that our solution is ideal for dynamic construction environments. Its main advantages are robustness of the detection system, easy relocation of the beacons as the construction zone evolves, and no need for calibration, communication infrastructure, external processing support, or configuration/map updates. Additionally, optional remote IoT for online monitoring is possible.The authors would like to acknowledge the contribution from “Fundación Laboral De La Construcción” for allowing them to test the system on a real construction site

    Medium-frequency electrical resistance sintering of oxidized C.P. iron powder

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    Commercially pure (C.P.) iron powders with a deliberate high degree of oxidation were consolidated by medium-frequency electrical resistance sintering (MF-ERS). This is a consolidation technique where pressure, and heat coming from a low-voltage and high-intensity electrical current, are simultaneously applied to a powder mass. In this work, the achieved densification rate is interpreted according to a qualitative microscopic model, based on the compacts global porosity and electrical resistance evolution. The effect of current intensity and sintering time on compacts was studied on the basis of micrographs revealing the porosity distribution inside the sintered compact. The microstructural characteristics of compacts consolidated by the traditional cold-press and furnace-sinter powder metallurgy route are compared with results of MF-ERS consolidation. The goodness of MF-ERS versus the problems of conventional sintering when working with oxidized powders is analyzed. The electrical consolidation can obtain higher densifications than the traditional route under non-reducing atmospheres.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad DPI2015-69550-C2-1-PMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad DPI2015-69550-C2-2-