2,539 research outputs found

    Use of Antidepressants in Children and Adolescents

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    Depression is a serious disorder that can cause significant problems in mood, thinking, and behavior at home, in school, and with peers. It is estimated that major depressive disorder (MDD) affects about 5% of adolescents. Research has shown that, as in adults, depression in children and adolescents is treatable. Certain antidepressant medications, called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), can be beneficial to children and adolescents with MDD. Certain types of psychological therapies also have been shown to be effective. However, our knowledge of antidepressant treatments in youth, though growing substantially, is limited compared to what we know about treating depression in adults. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a public warning in October 2004 about an increased risk of suicidal thoughts or behavior (suicidality) in children and adolescents treated with SSRI antidepressant medications. However, SSRI medications are considered to have an improvement over older antidepressant medications and they have been shown to be safe and effective for adults. In this chapter we provide an updated and well-documented review of the current scientific evidence on this topic

    Malnutrition as cause and consequence of sensory distorsiones

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    La malnutrición es una enfermedad provocada por un exceso o defecto en el consumo o aprovechamiento de los nutrientes. Habitualmente, se utiliza este término para referirse a la desnutrición, es decir, a un trastorno derivado del déficit de algún macro y o micronutrientes. Las alteraciones quimiosensoriales pueden reducir de forma importante la alimentación en el individuo, por lo que es importante verificar que el aporte de nutrientes y, de forma concreta, de algunos micronutrientes, sea suficiente, ya que alguno de ellos, como el zinc, desempeñan un papel primordial en las alteraciones del gusto y del olfato. Además, el paciente malnutrido o con una alimentación que excluya gran número de alimentos, tiene mayor riesgo de presentar déficits de dichos micronutrientes. Diversas enfermedades, tanto agudas como crónicas, se asocian a alteraciones de la percepción sensorial, y pueden llegar a afectar a más del 50% de las personas mayores de 65 años. Los efectos provocados por los fármacos y algunos tratamientos como la quimioterapia y la radioterapia, juegan también un papel muy importante en la distorsión sensorial y en la incidencia de malnutriciónMalnutrition is a pathological condition caused by an excess or deficiency in the consumption or the use of the nutrients. Usually this term refers to a lack of adequate nourishment, a disorder resulting from a deficiency of some macro and/or micronutrients. Chemo-sensory alterations can significantly reduce food choice and intake, so it is very important to verify that the supply of nutrients and specifically of some micronutrients are sufficient. Some of them, such as “zinc”, play a very important role in alterations in the sense of taste and smell. In addition malnutrition patients or a poorly-balanced diet or faulty utilization of foods have increased the risk of deficiencies in these micronutrients. Several types of diseases, both acute and chronic ones, are associated with sensory perception and can affect more than 50% of people over 65 years old. The effects caused by drugs and some treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation therapy play an important role in sensory distortion and the incidence of malnutritio

    Actualización de la Cartografía Geológica y Evaluación del Efecto de Sitio en la Estación Biológica Francisco Guzmán Pasos y sus Alrededores, Juigalpa-Chontales

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    El área de estudio se ubica al SW del municipio de Juigalpa, departamento de Chontales; tiene una extensión de 16 km2, incluyendo la Estación Biológica Francisco Guzmán Pasos – FAREM, Chontales. El procedimiento que se llevó a cabo para esta investigación consistió en un levantamiento geológico y mediciones de microtremores. Cabe mencionar que las mediciones de microtremores, fueron realizadas únicamente en el sitio donde se realizará una construcción de casa hacienda de una planta. El trabajo geológico de campo permitió identificar tres unidades litológicas las cuales son: unidad de depósito aluvial, unidad de Riolita Ignimbritica, y unidad de Basalto, de origen volcánico; estructuralmente estas unidades se encuentran afectadas por dos fases de deformación que definen el panorama estructural del área; tales fases corresponden a dos patrones de fallamiento NW-SE y NE-SW estos se encuentran dominado por dos estructuras regionales que conciernen a la cordillera de Amerrisque y a la cordillera de Isabelia (Hunting, 1971 en Hodgson, 2002). Con el análisis e interpretación de las mediciones de microtremores aplicando la técnica de Nakamura se logró conocer el modo de vibrar del suelo en términos de frecuencia y por ende el período de vibración fundamental de lo que se puede estimar que existe efecto de sitio, también se propuso un modelo de velocidad de ondas de corte mediante el modelamiento de la función de transferencia teórica. Así mismo con la metodología utilizada para el análisis sísmico (método probabilístico para evaluación de amenaza sísmica) se obtuvo la aceleración máxima del terreno correspondiente a 0.23 g para un período de retorno de 475 año

    Heritage, geographical scale and didactic potentiality: Students and teachers’ perspectives

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    Heritage and space establish reciprocal relations that have been studied for decades. On the one hand, heritage has been described as an inherently spatial phenomenon. On the other hand, places are defined according to the attributes that make up their identity, among which heritage is a fundamental instrument. On the basis of the idea that education plays an important role in the socialization process, transmitted by the inherited culture, to integrate each subject within the specific community, and the notion of scale as the closest to heritage, we defined as general objectives to determine the relationships between geographic scales, heritage perspective and the didactic potential granted to heritage, within the framework of the construction of collective identities, and to contrast the perspectives of students and teachers regarding the geographical scale, heritage and their didactic potential, deducing implications for educational practices. In order to answer to these objectives, we carried out a non-experimental quantitative research, with a relational-predictive objective. Specifically, we used a survey method, being the context the whole of the local scale (Fuente Álamo, Murcia, Spain) and acting as participants all students and teachers of Secondary Education (n = 459) linked to social sciences. They answered the Test on Didactic Potentiality of Heritage according to Scale (TDPHS), and its information was analysed through different procedures (Spearman’s correlations, descriptive statistics, Mann-Whitney U…), using the statistical programs SPSS. The results show, on the one hand, that the scalar perspective scores are generally low, heritage perspective is consistent with the consideration of the scales, and the perceived didactic potential in relation to heritage is related to the importance given to each of the scales; and, on the other hand, the contrast in the perspectives of students and teachers regarding the geographical scale, heritage and their didactic potential is minimal

    Valor predictivo de variables bioquímicas y diámetro del colédoco medido por ecografía en pacientes con coledocolitiasis.

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    El síndrome biliar obstructivo, consta con patologías que tienen manifestaciones comunes como el dolor abdominal, ictericia y colestasis(1). La colelitiasis es la presencia de litios en la vesícula biliar, siendo una entidad frecuentemente encontrada en la parte occidental del planeta y en las poblaciones nativas del continente americano, estudios epidemiológicos por autopsias una prevalencia tan alta de hasta el 50% para la población de los indios PIMA por ejemplo. Estudios han concluido que el origen de procedencia juega un papel dominante entre los varios factores de riesgo etiológicos(1). Objetivo. Determinar el valor predictivo del diámetro del colédoco y de las pruebas bioquímicas para el diagnóstico de Coledocolitiasis y la concordancia entre ambos abordajes. RESULTADOS. De los 120 casos de pacientes analizados, 89 pacientes presentaron coledocolitiasis y 31 pacientes correspondieron a otros diagnosticos de via biliar. Se analizaron mediante test de Mann Whitney, se correlacionaron atreves del test de Spearman y su concordanciaatravez de kappa de cohen. CONCLUSIONES. La probabilidad de tener coledocolitiasis no es proporcional al número de predictores positivos, comprobándose que ningún indicador único (bilirrubina total, directa e indirecta, fosfatasa alcalina, AST, ALT y diámetro de colédoco medido por USG) es capaz de predecir, con total exactitud, la presencia de coledocolitiasis. El diámetro del colédoco tiene una pobre correlación entre diámetro del colédoco y diagnóstico de coledocolitiasis, esto puede deberse a que los exámenes imagenológicos fueron realizados por diferentes profesionales lo que evidencia un sesgo de operador dependiente. Existe una relación moderada entre fosfatasa alcalina y el diagnóstico de coledocolitiasis.Tesis presentada para optar al título de Doctorado en Medicin

    Technical characterization of sintered glass-ceramics derived from glass fibers recovered by pyrolysis

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    Sintered wollastonite-plagioclase glass-ceramics were prepared through crystallization of a parent glass generated by vitrification of pyrolysis residual glass fibers that had been pyrolytically recovered from waste composite materials. A vitrifiable mixture consisting of 95 wt.% glass fiber and 5 wt.% Na2O was melted at 1450ºC to obtain a glass frit. The glass-ceramic materials were produced by a sinter-crystallization process from the powdered glass frit. The effect of firing temperature on the properties of sintered glass-ceramics was investigated. The sintering behaviour of glass-ceramic tiles was evaluated by means of water absorption, apparent porosity and bulk density. In addition, the mineralogical and microstructural characterization of these tiles was carried out using X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The results from experiments such as water absorption, bending strength, chemical resistance and stain resistance have shown that the developed glass-ceramic materials possess technological properties very suitable for architectural applications.Dr. M.I. Martín thanks the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), co-financed by the European Social Fund Operational Programme 2007-2013 Adaptability and Employment Multiregional, for the contract JAE-Doc_08-00032Peer reviewe

    Da autobiografia de jovens em situação de risco social ao performance

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    This reflection article arose from the research-creation process “Theater and performance as a tool to investigate possibilities of expression with young people at risk”, formulated by the Corporación Teatral Ecuatoriana Tragaluz and carried out in September 2018, in Guayaquil (Ecuador), with 12 young people from the Replica 28 de Mayo school, located in the Monte Sinaí sector. The staging, as a result of this process, became an echo of the voices of those young people, who through their performative actions and autobiographies managed to express a feeling about themselves, about their environment, in interpellation with their mothers and parents. The Reflejos play was presented at the Museo Antropológico y de Arte Contemporáneo (maac). With this, an action of presence of those who inhabit invasion neighborhoods was achieved, so that it was not only an aesthetic intervention, but also a political one, which made possible the tension between the periphery and the center. The article, through a review of the two stages of the process (here it will be called the creation laboratory), offers a look at how the body and the image became a resistance action. Thus, the staging - as such - becomes an anecdote about the ethical and aesthetic meaning of each proposal that shaped the work.El artículo hace referencia a la reflexión que surgió del proceso de investigación-creación “El teatro y el performance como herramienta para indagar posibilidades de expresión con jóvenes en situación de riesgo”, formulado por la Corporación Teatral Ecuatoriana Tragaluz1 y llevado a cabo en septiembre de 2018, en Guayaquil (Ecuador), con 12 jóvenes del colegio Réplica 28 de Mayo, ubicado en el sector de Monte Sinaí. La puesta en escena, como resultado de dicho proceso, se convirtió en un eco de las voces de aquellos jóvenes, quienes a través de sus acciones performáticas y autobiografías lograron expresar un sentir sobre sí mismos, acerca de su entorno, en interpelación con sus madres y padres. La obra Reflejos fue presentada en el Museo Antropológico y de Arte Contemporáneo (maac), y con esta se logró una acción de presencia de quienes habitan barrios de invasión, de tal manera que no solo fue una intervención estética, sino también política, que hizo posible la tensión entre la periferia y el centro. El artículo, a través de un recorrido por las dos etapas del proceso (aquí se denominará laboratorio de creación), ofrece una mirada sobre cómo el cuerpo y la imagen se convirtieron en una acción de resistencia. Así, la puesta en escena –en cuanto tal– pasa a ser una anécdota frente al significado ético y estético que tuvo cada propuesta que configuró la obra.Este artigo de reflexão que emergiu do processo de criação de pesquisa “Teatro e performance como ferramenta para investigar possibilidades de expressão com jovens em risco”, formulado pela Corporación Teatral Ecuatoriana Tragaluz e realizado em setembro de 2018, em Guayaquil (Equador), com 12 jovens da escola Replica 28 de Mayo, localizada no setor de Monte Sinaí. A encenação, como resultado desse processo, tornou-se um eco das vozes daqueles jovens, que através de suas ações performáticas e autobiografias conseguiram expressar um sentimento sobre si mesmos, sobre seu ambiente, em interpelação com suas mães e pais. O trabalho de Reflejos foi apresentado no Museo Antropológico y de Arte Contemporáneo (maac), e com isso uma ação de presença daqueles que habitam bairros invasores foi alcançada, de modo que não foi apenas uma intervenção estética, mas também política, que fez possível a tensão entre a periferia e o centro. O artigo, através de um ocorrido pelas duas etapas do processo (aqui será chamado de laboratório de criação), oferece uma visão de como o corpo e a imagem se tornaram uma ação de resistência. Assim, a encenação - como tal - torna-se uma anedota sobre o significado ético e estético de cada proposta que moldou o trabalho

    Production of Sponge Iron Powder by Reduction of a By-product of the Steelmaking Industry

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    Ref. Revista/libro: Proceedings of the International Powder Metallurgy Congress & Exhibition (PM2010). Volumen I. Editors: European Powder Metallurgy Association (EPMA). Florencia (Italia), October 2010.Rolling mill scale is a solid steelmaking by-product that contains metallic iron (Fe), wustite (FeO), hematite (α-Fe2O3) and magnetite (Fe3O4). It also contains traces of non-ferrous metals, alkaline compounds and oils from the rolling process. A study is made of the reduction of mill scale to sponge iron, in covered crucibles, using coke at different temperatures (1050º-1150ºC) and times (3-12 h). The final treatment of the samples was carried out in a hydrogen atmosphere furnace at 900ºC for 0.5 h. The reduced samples are studied by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Oxygen analysis is carried out by combustion in a LECO oven. The reduction of mill scale allows the new use and development of this material to obtain sponge iron that can be re-used to the electric furnace as metallic load in steel manufacturing or as a raw material in the production of iron-base powder metallurgy parts.European Powder Metallurgy Association (EPMA).Peer reviewe