1,448 research outputs found

    Psychodermatologic pathology in adolescents : findings from the Colombian National Mental Health Survey

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    Q3Background:Associations between mental health anddermatology have generated a new branch of study calledpsychodermatology, which includes relevant conditions tothe adolescent population. However, there is limitedresearch focusing on this field and this specific population.Objective:To estimate the prevalence of dermatologicalpathologies in the Colombian adolescent population andtheir possible associations with mental health conditions.Methods:We performed a secondary analysis of theColombian National Mental Health Survey results. Arepresentative sample of the adolescent Colombian popu-lation answered questions regarding dermatological con-ditions and mental health disorders. We estimated theprevalence and evaluated associations using the chisquared independence test.Results:Of 1753 adolescents, 8.3% (CI95%=[6.8–10.1])had dermatitis or skin allergies and 4.5% (CI95%=[3.3–6.1])acne. For dermatitis, we found associations with age, ed-ucation, and family dysfunction (p-Values=0.024; <0.001;0.046 respectively). Acne was associated with age, sex,educational level, the number of social groups involved in,alcohol consumption, psychoactive substances use andprevious violent experiences (respective p-Values=0.007;0.004; 0.005; 0.036; 0.002; 0.003; 0.044). Regardingmental health, dermatological conditions were associatedwith depression, affective disorders, suicide attempt andsuicide ideation.Conclusion:Our results are the first to describe the prev-alence of these disorders in Colombia. This is an explor-atory study; nonetheless, it is of great value since it is thefirst to describe these associations in adolescents in amiddle-income country, which should be considered dur-ing clinical examinations. Further longitudinal studiesevaluating possible causal relationship between psychi-atric and dermatological conditions are fundamental toestablish causal links

    Intelligent Tutoring Systems and Planning Tecniques: A Systematic Review

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    Planning is a problem-solving method that produces an action sequence (i.e. plan) to achieve a goal. Instructional Planning is a central issue to develop adaptive educational software and Intelligent Tutoring Systems. The objective of this paper is to conduct a systematic review of planning techniques used in ITS in the last twenty years. In this review, 969 papers in 6 digital reference libraries extensively used by computer science researchers were identified. After a selection process using the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 20 relevant papers were chosen. The results present the existence of a relevant research gap. Among the retrieved papers, no document which uses Goal Reasoning-based planning techniques was found, and more specifically, no system that use the process of autonomy based on goals.Planning is a problem-solving method that produces an action sequence (i.e. plan) to achieve a goal. Instructional Planning is a central issue to develop adaptive educational software and Intelligent Tutoring Systems. The objective of this paper is to conduct a systematic review of planning techniques used in ITS in the last twenty years. In this review, 969 papers in 6 digital reference libraries extensively used by computer science researchers were identified. After a selection process using the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 20 relevant papers were chosen. The results present the existence of a relevant research gap. Among the retrieved papers, no document which uses Goal Reasoning-based planning techniques was found, and more specifically, no system that use the process of autonomy based on goals

    Prevalencia de sobrepeso en los pacientes pediátricos con colelitiasis, atendidos en el Hospital San Rafael de Tunja durante los años 2010-2019: Prevalence of obesity and colelitiasis in pediatric patients of San Rafael hospital de Tunja during the years 2010-2019

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    Objective: To determine the prevalence of overweight in pediatric patients with cholelithiasis treated at the San Rafael de Tunja hospital during the years 2010 - 2019. Materials and methods: This is an observational, descriptive, cross-sectional, and retrospective study, in which the characteristics of cholelithiasis were evaluated in patients under 18 years of age. Sociodemographic, clinical, imaging, and therapeutic variables were evaluated. Results: 84 clinical records of patients diagnosed with cholelithiasis were reviewed in a period between 2010 to 2019. A percentage of 69.1% were female and 30.9% were male. The average age of the patients was 15.07 years, the prevalence of overweight was 35.7%, and 21.4% was obesity. The most frequent manifestations were nausea (85.71%), vomiting (84.52%), and Murphy's sign positive (83.33%).&nbsp; In 76% of the patients, the gallstones were unique since these had an average size of 7.45 mm (with a minimum of 1 mm and a maximum of 25 mm). 26.1% of the patients received conservative treatment while 73.8% of them were treated by surgery. From these, 50% of the cases were treated by open surgery and the rest by laparoscopic procedure, of which 2.43% required intraoperative conversion. Finally, the most common complications presented were liver abscess in 2.38% and pancreatitis in 4.76% of the patients. Conclusions: More than the half of children with cholelithiasis were obese (21.4%) and overweight (35.7%), which indicates a public health problem that leads to an increased health risk in this population since they are susceptible to a large set of pathologies associated with this comorbidity. &nbsp;Objetivo: Determinar prevalencia de sobrepeso en los pacientes pediátricos con colelitiasis atendidos en el hospital San Rafael de Tunja durante los años 2010 - 2019. Materiales y métodos: Estudio observacional, descriptivo, de corte transversal y retrospectivo, donde se evaluó las características de colelitiasis en los pacientes menores de 18 años de edad. Se evaluaron variables sociodemográficas, clínicas, imagenológicos y terapéuticas. Resultados: Se revisaron 84 expedientes clínicos de pacientes con diagnóstico de colelitiasis en un periodo comprendido entre el año 2010 al 2019. El 69,1% de la población de género femenino y el 30,9% al género masculino. La edad promedio de los pacientes fue de 15.07 años, la prevalencia de sobrepeso fue&nbsp; 35,7% y de obesidad&nbsp; 21,4%. Las manifestaciones más frecuentes fueron nauseas 85,71%, vómito 84,52%&nbsp; y signo de Murphy positivo en un 83,33%. en el &nbsp;76% de los ||||pacientes los cálculos fueron únicos, con un tamaño promedio de 7,45 mm (con un mínimo de 1 mm y máximo 25 mm). El 26,1% recibió tratamiento conservador, mientras que el 73,8% fue tratado mediante cirugía, de estos, en el 50% de los casos la intervención fue abierta y en el restante por vía laparoscópica de los cuales el 2,43% requirió conversión intraoperatoria. Respecto a las complicaciones las más presentadas fueron, el absceso hepático&nbsp; 2,38% y pancreatitis en un 4,76%. Conclusiones: Más de la mitad de los niños con colelitiasis tenían obesidad (21,4%) y sobrepeso (35,7%), lo cual indica un problema de salud pública ya que puede incidir en otras patologías a futuro, además de ser fuerte predictor de la patología a estudio en este artículo. &nbsp

    Prevalencia de sobrepeso en los pacientes pediátricos con colelitiasis, atendidos en el Hospital San Rafael de Tunja durante los años 2010-2019: Prevalence of obesity and colelitiasis in pediatric patients of San Rafael hospital de Tunja during the years 2010-2019

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    Objective: To determine the prevalence of overweight in pediatric patients with cholelithiasis treated at the San Rafael de Tunja hospital during the years 2010 - 2019. Materials and methods: This is an observational, descriptive, cross-sectional, and retrospective study, in which the characteristics of cholelithiasis were evaluated in patients under 18 years of age. Sociodemographic, clinical, imaging, and therapeutic variables were evaluated. Results: 84 clinical records of patients diagnosed with cholelithiasis were reviewed in a period between 2010 to 2019. A percentage of 69.1% were female and 30.9% were male. The average age of the patients was 15.07 years, the prevalence of overweight was 35.7%, and 21.4% was obesity. The most frequent manifestations were nausea (85.71%), vomiting (84.52%), and Murphy's sign positive (83.33%).&nbsp; In 76% of the patients, the gallstones were unique since these had an average size of 7.45 mm (with a minimum of 1 mm and a maximum of 25 mm). 26.1% of the patients received conservative treatment while 73.8% of them were treated by surgery. From these, 50% of the cases were treated by open surgery and the rest by laparoscopic procedure, of which 2.43% required intraoperative conversion. Finally, the most common complications presented were liver abscess in 2.38% and pancreatitis in 4.76% of the patients. Conclusions: More than the half of children with cholelithiasis were obese (21.4%) and overweight (35.7%), which indicates a public health problem that leads to an increased health risk in this population since they are susceptible to a large set of pathologies associated with this comorbidity. &nbsp;Objetivo: Determinar prevalencia de sobrepeso en los pacientes pediátricos con colelitiasis atendidos en el hospital San Rafael de Tunja durante los años 2010 - 2019. Materiales y métodos: Estudio observacional, descriptivo, de corte transversal y retrospectivo, donde se evaluó las características de colelitiasis en los pacientes menores de 18 años de edad. Se evaluaron variables sociodemográficas, clínicas, imagenológicos y terapéuticas. Resultados: Se revisaron 84 expedientes clínicos de pacientes con diagnóstico de colelitiasis en un periodo comprendido entre el año 2010 al 2019. El 69,1% de la población de género femenino y el 30,9% al género masculino. La edad promedio de los pacientes fue de 15.07 años, la prevalencia de sobrepeso fue&nbsp; 35,7% y de obesidad&nbsp; 21,4%. Las manifestaciones más frecuentes fueron nauseas 85,71%, vómito 84,52%&nbsp; y signo de Murphy positivo en un 83,33%. en el &nbsp;76% de los ||||pacientes los cálculos fueron únicos, con un tamaño promedio de 7,45 mm (con un mínimo de 1 mm y máximo 25 mm). El 26,1% recibió tratamiento conservador, mientras que el 73,8% fue tratado mediante cirugía, de estos, en el 50% de los casos la intervención fue abierta y en el restante por vía laparoscópica de los cuales el 2,43% requirió conversión intraoperatoria. Respecto a las complicaciones las más presentadas fueron, el absceso hepático&nbsp; 2,38% y pancreatitis en un 4,76%. Conclusiones: Más de la mitad de los niños con colelitiasis tenían obesidad (21,4%) y sobrepeso (35,7%), lo cual indica un problema de salud pública ya que puede incidir en otras patologías a futuro, además de ser fuerte predictor de la patología a estudio en este artículo. &nbsp

    Retention and release of nutrients and dissolved organic carbon in a nutrient-rich stream: A mass balance approach

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    The relevance of fluvial systems to process nutrients and carbon is widely accepted, but their role as sinks and sources of nutrients and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) is still under discussion especially in non-forested and highly productive streams. In this study, we used a mass balance approach at a reach scale in a Pampean stream to elucidate the major sources of water, nutrients and DOC as well as to determine net in-stream retention efficiencies of nutrients and DOC under different hydrological conditions. We measured conductivity, conservative ions (chloride and calcium), soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP), nitrate (NO3), nitrite (NO2), ammonium (NH4) and DOC at the end-point of a reach of Las Flores stream (site A), at two upstream tributaries (B1 and B2), and at each potential hydrological contributors to stream flow (groundwater, overland and subsurface flows, and rainfall). In addition, we monitored one storm event where we collected samples during the rising and the recession limb of the hydrograph. Stream flow originated from groundwater (≈50%), upstream tributaries (B1 and B2) at baseflow, whereas overland flow contributed >20% during high flows. During baseflow, groundwater provided NO3 to stream water, while B2, which received a point input of a dairy industry, was the main source of SRP and NH4. Conversely, SRP and NH4 were provided by B1, overland flow and subsurface flow during high flows. Overland flow also contributed DOC during high flow periods. Mass balance estimates revealed that the reach acts as a source of DOC, SRP and NO3 (21.4, 37.4 and 53.5% mean net in-stream release, respectively) and a sink of NH4 (−36.8% mean net in-stream retention). Relevant in-stream processes may be nutrient uptake (as in the case of SRP and NH4) and biotic production (DOC), as well as decomposition (SRP) and nitrification (NH4) in this Pampean stream. Our results stress the relevance of nutrient and DOC generation processes within the channel in non-forested and highly productive streams.Fil: Feijoó, Claudia Silvina. Universidad Nacional de Luján. Instituto de Ecología y Desarrollo Sustentable. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Instituto de Ecología y Desarrollo Sustentable; ArgentinaFil: Messetta, María Laura. Universidad Nacional de Luján. Instituto de Ecología y Desarrollo Sustentable. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Instituto de Ecología y Desarrollo Sustentable; ArgentinaFil: Hegoburu, Cecilia. Universidad Nacional de Luján. Instituto de Ecología y Desarrollo Sustentable. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Instituto de Ecología y Desarrollo Sustentable; ArgentinaFil: Gómez Vázquez, Alicia. Universidad Nacional de Luján. Instituto de Ecología y Desarrollo Sustentable. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Instituto de Ecología y Desarrollo Sustentable; ArgentinaFil: Guerra López, José Rodolfo. Universidad Nacional de Luján. Instituto de Ecología y Desarrollo Sustentable. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Instituto de Ecología y Desarrollo Sustentable; ArgentinaFil: Mas Pla, Josep. Universidad de Girona. Institut Catala de Recerca de L' Aigua; España. Universidad de Girona; EspañaFil: Rigacci, Laura Natalia. Universidad Nacional de Luján. Instituto de Ecología y Desarrollo Sustentable. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Instituto de Ecología y Desarrollo Sustentable; ArgentinaFil: García, Victoria Julieta. Universidad Nacional de Luján. Instituto de Ecología y Desarrollo Sustentable. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Instituto de Ecología y Desarrollo Sustentable; ArgentinaFil: Butturini, Andrea. Universidad de Barcelona; Españ

    La imagen y la narrativa como herramientas para el abordaje psicosocial en escenarios de violencia. Departamentos de Casanare y Boyacá

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    La violencia de Colombia ha prolongado hasta el día de hoy golpes de sangre siendo una realidad en la suma de variadas violencias en estas: políticas, social, económicas y religiosas. Esta temática se aborda en este trabajo por medio de los siguientes apartados. el primer apartado análisis de Relatos de Historias fue Luz donde fue desalojada con su hija de donde vivían, además asesinaron a su esposo lo cual tuvo que salir exiliada a otro país huyendo de la violencia y en busca de nuevas oportunidades. En la segunda instancia se presenta el análisis caso el salado en que se identifica impactos como daños físicos a la integridad y la salud de la comunidad, traumas emocionales, desplazamiento forzado y ruptura del tejido social, para esto se diseñaron diferentes estrategias para intervenir en la población con el fin de obtener calidad de vida en la comunidad. Luego se comparte el informe analítico y reflexivo frente a las experiencias realizadas en la foto voz, de cómo una imagen puede trasmitir dolor y después esperanza de los hechos ocurridos por la violencia en Colombia. Por último, se identifican las diferentes conclusiones frente al trabajo realizado de manera individual y colaborativa sobre el abordaje de contextos desde los enfoques narrativos. Palabras clave: Violencia, Desplazamiento, Relatos, Conflicto Armado, Justicia.The violence in Colombia has continued to this day with bloodshed, being a reality in the sum of various forms of violence: political, social, economic and religious. This topic is addressed in this work through the following sections. The first analysis section of Relatos de Historias was Luz where she was evicted with her daughter from where they lived, in addition her husband was murdered which forced her to go into exile to another country fleeing violence and in search of new opportunities. In the second instance, the analysis of the El Salado case is presented, identifying impacts such as physical damage to the integrity and health of the community, emotional trauma, forced displacement and breakdown of the social fabric. For this, different strategies were designed to intervene in the population in order to obtain quality of life in the community. Then the analytical and reflective report is shared regarding the experiences made in the photo voice, of how an image can transmit pain and then hope of the events that occurred due to violence in Colombia. Finally, the different conclusions are identified regarding the work carried out individually and collaboratively on addressing contexts from narrative approaches. Keywords: Violence, Displacement, Stories, Armed Conflict, Justice

    Role of the satiety factor oleoylethanolamide in alcoholism

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    Oleoylethanolamide (OEA) is a satiety factor that controls motivational responses to dietary fat. Here we show that alcohol administration causes the release of OEA in rodents, which in turn reduces alcohol consumption by engaging peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-alpha (PPAR-α). This effect appears to rely on peripheral signaling mechanisms as alcohol self-administration is unaltered by intracerebral PPAR-α agonist administration, and the lesion of sensory afferent fibers (by capsaicin) abrogates the effect of systemically administered OEA on alcohol intake. Additionally, OEA is shown to block cue-induced reinstatement of alcohol-seeking behavior (an animal model of relapse) and reduce the severity of somatic withdrawal symptoms in alcohol-dependent animals. Collectively, these findings demonstrate a homeostatic role for OEA signaling in the behavioral effects of alcohol exposure and highlight OEA as a novel therapeutic target for alcohol use disorders and alcoholism

    Targeting metabolic plasticity in glioma stem cells in vitro and in vivo through specific inhibition of c-Src by TAT-Cx43266-283

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    Background: Glioblastoma is the most aggressive primary brain tumour and has a very poor prognosis. Inhibition of c-Src activity in glioblastoma stem cells (GSCs, responsible for glioblastoma lethality) and primary glioblastoma cells by the peptide TAT-Cx43266-283 reduces tumorigenicity, and boosts survival in preclinical models. Because c-Src can modulate cell metabolism and several reports revealed poor clinical efficacy of various antitumoral drugs due to metabolic rewiring in cancer cells, here we explored the inhibition of advantageous GSC metabolic plasticity by the c-Src inhibitor TAT-Cx43266-283. Methods: Metabolic impairment induced by the c-Src inhibitor TAT-Cx43266-283 in vitro was assessed by fluorometry, western blotting, immunofluorescence, qPCR, enzyme activity assays, electron microscopy, Seahorse analysis, time-lapse imaging, siRNA, and MTT assays. Protein expression in tumours from a xenograft orthotopic glioblastoma mouse model was evaluated by immunofluorescence. Findings: TAT-Cx43266-283 decreased glucose uptake in human GSCs and reduced oxidative phosphorylation without a compensatory increase in glycolysis, with no effect on brain cell metabolism, including rat neurons, human and rat astrocytes, and human neural stem cells. TAT-Cx43266-283 impaired metabolic plasticity, reducing GSC growth and survival under different nutrient environments. Finally, GSCs intracranially implanted with TAT-Cx43266-283 showed decreased levels of important metabolic targets for cancer therapy, such as hexokinase-2 and GLUT-3. Interpretation: The reduced ability of TAT-Cx43266-283-treated GSCs to survive in metabolically challenging settings, such as those with restricted nutrient availability or the ever-changing in vivo environment, allows us to conclude that the advantageous metabolic plasticity of GSCs can be therapeutically exploited through the specific and cell-selective inhibition of c-Src by TAT-Cx43266-283.Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (FEDER BFU2015-70040-R and FEDER RTI2018-099873-B-I00), Fundación Ramón Areces. Fellowships from the Junta de Castilla y León, European Social Fund, Ministerio de Ciencia and Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer (AECC)

    Ciberbullying: Evaluación y Prevención en el Colegio El Carmelo de Bogotá

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    Trabajo de investigaciónEl propósito de esta investigación fue caracterizar e intervenir sobre ciberbullying en estudiantes de los grados sexto, séptimo y octavo del Colegio El Carmelo de la ciudad de Bogotá. Se implementó el Instrumento para Caracterizar el Ciberbullying y se diseñaron una serie de programas dirigidos a la comunidad educativa. Se encontró que los estudiantes tienen un amplio acceso a redes sociales, pocas restricciones y escaso acompañamiento por parte de los padres y docentes en el uso de las mismas.RESUMEN 1. ANTECEDENTES TEÓRICOS Y EMPÍRICOS 2. JUSTIFICACIÓN Y PLANTEAMIENTO DEL PROBLEMA DE INVESTIGACIÓN 3. OBJETIVOS 4. VARIABLE 5. MÉTODO 6. RESULTADOS 7. DISCUSIÓN REFERENCIAS APÉNDICESPregradoPsicólog