534 research outputs found

    Imaginarios turísticos de las jóvenes universitarias. Un estudio de caso

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    Capítulo en formato pdfLos turistas jóvenes son un sector poco explorado en México por los estudiosos del fenómeno turístico (Ordaz-Mejía y Osorio, 2018; Castro, Peñaloza y Tamayo, 2018), y representan un tópico de gran interés por los valores, motivaciones, intereses y expec- tativas que aquellos expresan acerca de los viajes. Así el propósito de este escrito es analizar cuáles son los imaginarios que comparten como grupo social jóvenes universitarias millennials de la Ciudad de México con el fin de contribuir a la comprensión de sus comportamientos y actividades turísticas y cómo los viajes contribuyen a construir sus relaciones sociales.Universidad Panamericana, Red de Investigación Turística (RIT) y Red Iberoamericana de Investigación en Imaginarios y Representaciones Sociales (RIIR

    La hospitalidad en la prestación del servicio turístico.Una revisión sobre sus planteamientos teóricos en la revista International Journal of Hospitality Management, 2004-2013

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    Nowadays, so called hospitable exchanges have increased worldwide due largely to two global phenomena: migration and tourism. In the study of these behaviors we can recognize the philosophical and the commercial as explanatory approaches; the latter considers the theoretical approaches that serve as a base for the hospitality considered as the provision of tourism services. In order to perform an analysis of these approaches and go in depth in the explanation of the host-guest interaction in tourism hospitality, in this article the results of an extensive review of scientific articles in the International Journal of Hospitality Management are presented, conducted through a content analysis. The analysis allowed the characterization of two axes of theoretical explanation: the micro-relations studies, whose main topics deal with employee performance and employee-customer-service; and meso-relational studies whose topics deal with the management of human resources and organizational culture. Moreover, the research reveals that the commercial nature of this relationship has changed the human sense of hospitality.Hoy en día, los intercambios llamados hospitalarios se han multiplicado a nivel mundial en gran medida por dos fenómenos globales: los movimientos sociales y migratorios y el turismo. En el estudio de estos comportamientos se reconocen como enfoques explicativos al filosófico y al comercial, siendo el segundo el que da cabida a los planteamientos teóricos que explican la hospitalidad en la prestación del servicio turístico. Con el objetivo de realizar un análisis sobre dichos planteamientos y profundizar en la explicación sobre la interacción anfitrión-huésped en la hospitalidad turística, en el presente artículo se presentan los resultados de una exhaustiva revisión de los artículos científicos del International Journal of Hospitality Managemen, llevada a cabo a través de un análisis de contenido. El análisis permitió caracterizar dos ejes de explicación teórica: los estudios micro-relacionales y los estudios meso-relacionales. La investigación revela, además, que el carácter comercial de esta relación ha modificado el sentido humano de la hospitalidad.&nbsp

    Effects of Non-Circular Motions on Azimuthal Color Gradients

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    Assuming that density waves trigger star formation, and that young stars preserve the velocity components of the molecular gas where they are born, we analyze the effects that non-circular gas orbits have on color gradients across spiral arms. We try two approaches, one involving semi-analytical solutions for spiral shocks, and another with magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) numerical simulation data. We find that, if non-circular motions are ignored, the comparison between observed color gradients and stellar population synthesis models would in principle yield pattern speed values that are systematically too high for regions inside corotation, with the difference between the real and the measured pattern speeds increasing with decreasing radius. On the other hand, image processing and pixel averaging result in systematically lower measured spiral pattern speed values, regardless of the kinematics of stellar orbits. The net effect is that roughly the correct pattern speeds are recovered, although the trend of higher measured Ωp\Omega_p at lower radii (as expected when non-circular motions exist but are neglected) should still be observed. We examine the Martinez-Garcia et al. (2009) photometric data and confirm that this is indeed the case. The comparison of the size of the systematic pattern speed offset in the data with the predictions of the semi-analytical and MHD models corroborates that spirals are more likely to end at Outer Lindblad Resonance, as these authors had already found.Comment: 32 pages, 15 figures, accepted to Ap

    Involvement of Trichoderma Trichothecenes in the Biocontrol Activity and Induction of Plant Defense-Related Genes

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    [EN] Trichoderma species produce trichothecenes, most notably trichodermin and harzianum A (HA), by a biosynthetic pathway in which several of the involved proteins have significant differences in functionality compared to their Fusarium orthologues. In addition, the genes encoding these proteins show a genomic organization differing from that of the Fusarium tri clusters. Here we describe the isolation of Trichoderma arundinaceum IBT 40837 transformants which have a disrupted or silenced tri4 gene, a gene encoding a cytochrome P450 monooxygenase that oxygenates trichodiene to give rise to isotrichodiol, and the effect of tri4 gene disruption and silencing on the expression of other tri genes. Our results indicate that the tri4 gene disruption resulted in a reduced antifungal activity against Botrytis cinerea and Rhizoctonia solani and also in a reduced ability to induce the expression of tomato plant defense-related genes belonging to the salicylic acid (SA) and jasmonate (JA) pathways against B. cinerea, in comparison to the wild-type strain, indicating that HA plays an important function in the sensitization of Trichoderma-pretreated plants against this fungal pathogen. Additionally, the effect of the interaction of T. arundinaceum with B. cinerea or R. solani and with tomato seedlings on the expressions of the tri genes was studiedSIResearch project funding was obtained from Junta de Castilla y León (GR67) and the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (AGL2006-05660, AGL2009-13431-C01, and AGL2009-13431-C02). M. G. Malmierca was granted an FPU fellowship by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (AP2007-02835

    The proletarianization of teachers as an effect of neoliberal education policies

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    La proletarización técnica e intelectual del trabajo docente se ha visto reforzada con las políticas neoliberales, lo que supone un obstáculo para la equidad educativa. Este trabajo presenta los resultados de una investigación mixta, desarrollada en dos fases, una de elaboración de diez estudios de caso y otra de aplicación de un cuestionario de elaboración propia a una muestra de 631 sujetos. Entre los principales resultados, tras el análisis de los datos cualitativos, cabe destacar que los efectos de dichas políticas incrementan la tecnocracia y la burocracia del proceso educativo, sin contribuir a mejorar los resultados escolares ni las condiciones laborales del profesorado, y que el currículum y las evaluaciones estandarizadas obstaculizan una práctica educativa contextualizada, desatendiendo los requerimientos para la equidad educativa. El análisis de los datos cuantitativos no refleja diferencias entre las percepciones de las personas participantes según la comunidad autónoma, pero sí según la titularidad de centro.The proletarianization technical and intellectual of the teaching profession has been reinforced by neoliberal policies, which is an obstacle to educational equity. This paper presents the results of a mixed research, developed in two phases, one involving the preparation of 10 case studies and the other involving the application of a questionnaire of our own elaboration to a total sample of 631 subjects. Among the main results, after the analysis of qualitative data, it should be noted that the effects of these policies increase the technocracy and bureaucracy of the educational process, without contributing to an improvement in school results or teachers' working conditions, and that the curriculum and standardized evaluations hinder contextualized educational practice, disregarding the requirements for educational equity. The analysis of quantitative data does not reflect differences between the perceptions of the participants according to the autonomous community, but according to the ownership of the center

    From Cu(i) and Cu(i)–Cu(ii) mixed-valence clusters to 2D Cu(ii) and Cu(i) coordination polymers supported by a flexible bis-tetrazole organosulfur ligand

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    Three coordination compounds from the reaction of copper(II) bromide with the flexible bis-tetrazole organosulfur ligand, 1,2-bis(1-methyl-1H-tetrazole-5-ylthio)ethane (bmtte) have been isolated and characterised. The identification of polymeric 2Cu2Br4 (bmtte) (1), trinuclear [Cu3Br4(bmtte)2] (2) and tetra-nuclear [Cu2Br2(bmtte)]2 (3) compounds shows that the reaction conditions have a significant influence on the structure of the complexes formed. Moreover, two polymorphs of the 2D Cu(II )-coordination polymer 1 have been isolated and these crystallise in the monoclinic C2/m (1m) and the triclinic P1¯ (1t) space groups. The thermal stabilities and behaviour in aqueous media of compounds 1–3 were investigated along with the reactivity of compound 2 with CuBr2 and KI. The solid-state reaction between mixed-valence compound 2 with KI or the direct reaction of CuI and bmtte under microwave irradiation allowed the preparation of the polymeric 2 1Cu4 I4 (bmtte)2 (4). The redox behaviour of complexes 2 and 3 was analysed by cyclic voltammetry.Agencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. PID2019-110218RB-I00Agencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. PID2020-115004RB-I00Fundación CajaCanarias | Ref. 2021ECO11Xunta de GaliciaUniversidad de La Lagun

    Reduction of EEG power during expectancy periods in humans

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    The contingent negative variation (CNV), and the associated event-related desynchronization (ERD) on motor areas and sensory areas, and increase of alpha in the ipsilateral to the cued stimulus side, are different brain signals that reflect motor, sensory, and cognitive activations related to the expectancy of the next stimulus. However, the possibility of an overall change in EEG oscillatory activity during expectancy periods has not been directly addressed. The present report tests whether the background oscillatory activity is modulated by a warning signal. During the expectancy period, the power spectral density (PSD) between 0 and 42.9 Hz – including delta, theta, alpha, beta, and gamma – decreased with respect to the baseline. These results suggest that during expectancy periods there is a generalised decrease in the oscillatory activity, and that reduction of the EEG power would facilitate the phasic and oscillatory neural activities triggered by the next target stimulus.Junta de AndalucíaMinisterio de Ciencia y Tecnología (España

    Evaluation of primary care responsiveness by people with mental illness in Spain.

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    Background: The health system responsiveness is a concept developed by the World Health Organization that measures patients’ expectations for the non-medical care they receive. The aim of this study is to assess primary care responsiveness as seen by people with mental illness and to analyse the factors associated with poor responsiveness. Methods: Cross-sectional descriptive study on 426 people with mental illness who had attended primary care consultations at least once in the previous 12 months. The responsiveness of the health system was determined through the short questionnaire “Multi-country Survey Study on Health and Health Systems Responsiveness”. Differences in responsiveness by sociodemographic characteristics were compared through the Chi-squared test. Logistic regression identified the factors associated with poor responsiveness. Results: Overall responsiveness was measured as good by 77.4% of patients, being this probability higher in the domains: dignity, confidentiality, and communication. The most valued domains by people with mental illness were prompt attention (42.4%), dignity (30.1%), and communication (17%). Only prompt attention scored high importance and poor responsiveness. In patients with an income lower than 900 euros per month and low level of studies, the probability of poor confidentiality responsiveness was multiplied by 3 and 2.7 respectively. Conclusions: People with mental illness perceive good responsiveness from primary care in terms of dignity, confidentiality, and communication. Prompt attention, as the domain of greatest importance and worst valuation, should be prioritised through the implementation of organisational measures in health centres to reduce waiting times, especially in urban areas.post-print968 K

    Proposal media literacy for gender stereotypes in the media. Results and evaluation of the virtual chat room "Faces of Women"

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    RESUMEN: Educar en la sociedad actual requiere avanzar hacia nuevas formas de alfabetización que favorezcan una actitud crítica hacia los medios de comunicación, como responsabilidad compartida por diversos actores. En este trabajo se propone un recurso innovador para mejorar la educación mediática, dirigida a diferentes colectivos, abordando los estereotipos sexistas que aparecen en diferentes medios, mediante la ludoteca virtual “Rostros de Mujer”. A continuación se presentan los resultados obtenidos tras su implementación, así como la valoración de un grupo de expertos y expertas a los que se ha entrevistado. Las conclusiones nos permiten progresar hacia el logro de una ciudadanía mediática, que interactúa con los medios de comunicación, analizando críticamente los mensajes y las pantallas, gracias al desarrollo de la competencia mediática.ABSTRACT: Educating today's society requires moving towards to new forms of literacy that promote a critical attitude towards the media, as a responsibility shared by various actors. In this paperwork, we propose an innovative resource to improve media education, aimed at different groups, addressing gender stereotypes that appear in different media of communication through the virtual chat rooms called "Faces of Women". Below you can find the results obtained after its implementation, and the evaluation of a group of experts who have been interviewed. The results allow us to make progress towards achieving citizenship media, which interacts with the media, critically analyzing messages and screens, due to the development of media skills.Apoyado por Ministerio de Educación de España: Proyecto I+D “La enseñanza obligatoria ante la competencia en comunicación audiovisual en un entorno digital”(EDU2010-21395- C03-03

    Ediciones críticas de literatura argentina del siglo XIX

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    This research aims to recover authors and texts from the nineteenth and early twentieth century. Theoretical framework: microhistory, cultural studies, sociology of Literature, gender studies, “genres of the self”, travel writings, the genetic poetics. From the Archive “Eduarda Mansilla”, material from and about the author has been digitalized; from the edition of the critical Anthology of brief narrative of writers, approximations based on cognitive poetics, gender stereotypes, motifs and literary topics and the anthropological discourse have been made about rescued authors; from the critical edition of the story of captivity among the ranqueles of Santiago Avendaño 60 % of the manuscripts of the Zeballos Archive have been transcript, survey of information gaps; survey of distance points and differences presented by the manuscript in relation to existing edition, and drafting of the preliminary study have been made; and the critical edition of the narrative work of Josefina Pelliza de Sagasta, publication of Margarita, original novel (1875) including introductory study on the author, overview of literature during this period and analysis of the novel from the theory of melodrama.Esta investigación se propone recuperar autores y textos del siglo XIX y principios del siglo XX. Aparato crítico: microhistoria, estudios culturales, sociología de la literatura, estudios de género, “géneros del yo”, escrituras del viaje, crítica genética. Hasta el momento, del Archivo “Eduarda Mansilla”, se ha digitalizado material de y sobre la autora; de la edición de la Antología crítica de narrativa breve de escritoras se han realizado aproximaciones basadas en la poética cognitiva, en estereotipos de género, en motivos y tópicos literarios, en el discurso antropológico, sobre autoras rescatadas; de la edición crítica del relato de cautiverio entre los ranqueles de Santiago Avendaño se ha transcripto el 60 % de los manuscritos del Archivo Zeballos, se han relevado vacíos de información, de puntos de distancia y diferencias del manuscrito con las ediciones existentes y redacción del estudio preliminar; y de la edición crítica de la obra narrativa y lírica de J. Pelliza de Sagasta, la publicación de Margarita, novela original (1875), con estudio introductorio sobre la autora, panorama de la literatura durante ese período y análisis de la novela desde la teoría del melodrama