444 research outputs found

    The Impact of Portuguese Economic and Financial Assistance Program on the Employability of the Azorean Nurse after the Financial Crisis of 2009-2010

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    The economic crisis that followed the financial crisis that began in the United States of America in 2008 quickly spread to the whole world, leaving structural problems in several countries unveiled, particularly in those that, due to successive deficits and high external indebtedness, were in a more fragile situation. In the Portuguese case, external assistance was needed, made available in exchange for structural reforms and the abrupt, and severe reduction in public expenditure. The applied austerity had repercussions throughout society, but the public sector felt the weight of the used measures concretely, with health services being no exception. The shock waves caused by public expenditure containment policies were particularly felt in the Azores, an ultra peripheral region marked by geographical discontinuity. These are significant asymmetries at various levels from island to island and across several sectors. The public sector is the primary employer. This paper focuses on understanding if the Portuguese Economic and Financial Assistance Program, implemented between 2011 and 2014, affected the employability and dynamics of the labour market of new graduate nurses in the Autonomous Region of the Azores. This quantitative study used descriptive, inferential, and correlation statistics to establish relations with a statistical value between the sample's employability dimensions and the Portuguese Economic and Financial Assistance Program. From the analysis carried out, the study revealed that the restrictions imposed due to the external assistance program led to an increase in precariousness among new graduate nurses and, among other conclusions, a strong contraction in the capacity of hiring nurses by the public health services. As a limitation to the study, there is the need to emphasise that data on unemployment reflected the reality when the questionnaire was applied (May 2019), and the fact that the study did not explore the reasons underlying the unemployment rate found among the participants (although residual)

    Perfil antropométrico y alimentar de los alumnos de la Universidad de Integración Latinoamericana (UNILA)

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    Anais do V Encontro de Iniciação Científica e I Encontro Anual de Iniciação ao Desenvolvimento Tecnológico e Inovação – EICTI 2016 - 05 e 07 de outubro de 2016 – Sessão BiológicasLa obesidad es caracterizada por aumento de masa adiposa del organismo, estando comúnmente relacionada a disturbios nutricionales y metabólicos. También es considerada una condición clínica sería y prevalente, pudiendo tornarse el principal problema de salud del siglo XXI y es la primera causa de enfermedades crónicas del mundo (Ramos y Barros Filho, 2003). El siguiente trabajo fue realizado con el fin de reconocer los factores relacionados a las condiciones socio-culturales y ambientales con respecto a posibles alteraciones metabólicas y nutricionales en función de la inserción de los alumnos en un nuevo espacio geográfico, conocer mediante los parámetros alimentares y el estado nutricional de los alumnos de la UNILA, sus hábitos alimentares, relación con sus valores culturales y verificar los efectos pos-adaptación de estos individuos. Así también conocer el perfil alimentar de los estudiantes, comprender como los mismos conducen su alimentación y cuales son aquellos factores que podrían influenciar su nutrición

    Spectrum Sensing Performance in Cognitive Radio Networks with Multiple Primary Users

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    Radio Spectrum sensing has been a topic of strong research in the last years due to its importance to Cognitive Radio (CR) systems. However, in Cognitive Radio Networks (CRNs) with multiple Primary Users (PUs), the Secondary Users (SUs) can often detect PUs that are located outside the sensing range, due to the level of the aggregated interference caused by that PUs. This effect, known as Spatial False Alarm (SFA), degrades the performance of CRNs, because it decreases the SUs’ medium access probability. This work characterizes the SFA effect in a CRN, identifying possible actions to attenuate it. Adopting Energy-based sensing (EBS) in each SU, this work starts to characterize the interference caused by multiple PUs located outside a desired sensing region. The interference formulation is then used to write the probabilities of detection and false alarm, and closed form expressions are presented and validated through simulation. The first remark to be made is that the SFA can be neglected, depending on the path loss factor and the number of samples collected by the energy detector to decide the spectrum’s occupancy state. However, it is shown that by increasing the number of samples needed to increase the sensing accuracy, the SUs may degrade their throughput, namely if SUs are equipped with a single radio that is sequentially used for sensing and transmission. Assuming this scenario, this paper ends by providing a bound for the maximum throughput achieved in a CRN with multiple active PUs and for a given level of PUs’ detection inside the SUs’ sensing region. The results presented in the paper show the impact of path loss and EBS parameterization on SUs’ throughput and are particularly useful to guide the design and parametrization of multi-hop CRNs, including future ad hoc cognitive radio networks considering multiple PUs

    Intervenções com atividades físicas para crianças e adolescentes com deficiência visual

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    Orientador: Gustavo Luis GutierrezTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Educação FísicaResumo: Na presente tese de doutorado investigamos intervenções com atividades físicas para crianças e adolescentes com deficiência visual (DV). A tese contém três artigos científicos, além de capítulos de introdução e considerações finais. No primeiro artigo, a partir de uma revisão de literatura apresentamos a síntese de intervenções relacionadas à prática de atividades físicas para crianças e adolescentes com DV. Os dois artigos seguintes baseiam-se em pesquisa qualitativa (estudo de caso) e exploram o conteúdo de entrevistas semiestruturadas envolvendo sete professores de ensino superior que tem em comum o fato de ministrarem a disciplina Educação Física Adaptada e dirigirem um Camp Abilities, sport camp para jovens com DV. No segundo artigo descrevemos as características dos camps e de seus participantes. No terceiro artigo analisamos a influência dos sport camps na carreira destes profissionaisAbstract: In this Dissertation we investigated physical activity interventions for children and youth with visual impairment (VI). The work is structured in a three-paper format and also includes introduction and final consideration sections. The first paper presents a systematic review, designed to synthesize the available literature on physical activity-related interventions for children and youth with VI. The following articles are based on a qualitative research design (case studies), aiming to explore the content of questionnaires, documents, and interviews performed with seven adapted physical education faculty members who run Camp Abilities (CA), a sport camp for children and youth with VI. Therefore, in the second paper we described the characteristics of camps, and its participants, while in the third paper, we analyzed the outcomes of running the mentioned camp on faculty members¿ teaching, research, and service rolesDoutoradoAtividade Fisica AdaptadaDoutor em Educação Físic

    Successful Packet Reception Analysis in Multi-Packet Reception Wireless Systems

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    In this letter, we analyze the individual probability of receiving a packet when nn nodes transmit simultaneously to a single receiver and a multi-packet reception (MPR) scheme is adopted at the physical layer. The main contribution of this letter is the characterization of the average number of packets successfully received. The generic methodology proposed to compute the probability of successful reception of a packet is obtained taking into account the stochastic nature of the path loss due to the spatial distribution of the nodes, as well as shadowing and fast fading effects. The accuracy of the theoretical approach is finally assessed through simulations, showing that for a generic MPR system, there is an optimal number of transmitters that maximize the average number of received packets

    Performance analysis of interference-aware multi-packet reception networks

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    This work is supported by the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER), through the Competitiveness and Internationalization Operational Programme (COMPETE 2020) of the Portugal 2020 and Programa Operacional Regional LISBOA (LISBOA 2020), and by national funds through Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT), under the projects CoSHARE (LISBOA-01-0145-FEDER-0307095-PTDC/EEITEL/30709/2017), InfoCent-IoT (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-030433), and project UID/EEA/50008/2019.Decentralized wireless networks are gaining increasing popularity as they do not need a fixed infrastructure. Simultaneously, multiple research initiatives have led to different findings at the PHY layer of the wireless communication systems, which include Multi-Packet Reception (MPR) techniques that enable a receiver to decode multiple packets that are transmitted simultaneously. However, the distributed nature of decentralized wireless networks demands different network control policies that should take into account the MPR capabilities to increase the network performance. This work studies the performance of a wireless network composed of multiple transmitters that are willing to transmit to a single receiver. This receiver has MPR capability and adopts an Energy-based Sensing (EBS) technique to enable uplink users’ transmissions without interfering with the ongoing transmissions from other transmitters. The first remark to be made is that the MPR technique performance depends on the channel propagation conditions and on the amount of time the receiver needs to detect the spectrum’s occupancy state. However, it is shown that by increasing the number of samples needed to increase the sensing accuracy, the receiver may degrade its throughput, namely if the receiver is equipped with a single radio, that is sequentially used for sensing and transmitting (split-phase operation). The results presented in the paper show the impact of the channel propagation condition and EBS parameterization on wireless network throughput and the cases where the receiver MPR capture performance is greatly improved by the use of a spectrum sensing technique.publishersversionpublishe

    Leiomyosarcoma of the Inferior Vena Cava: a case report of complete and sustained response with Trabectedin

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    Inferior vena cava leiomyosarcoma is a very rare tumor, accounting for only 0.5% of all soft tissue sarcomas. As the other leyomiosarcomas of vascular origin, they have a poor prognosis, and radical resection with surgical margins free of tumor is the only potentially curative treatment. We present a case of a 46 year-old woman with metastatic inferior vena cava leiomyosarcoma who progressed after anthracyclines and ifosfamide and achieved a complete and sustained response with trabectedin. Beyond progression, the patient started third line treatment with pazopanib. A brief review of literature is also given. This case supports the efectiveness of a recent therapeutic agent, with an impressive progression-free survival in a recurrent metastatic inferior vena cava leiomyosarcoma

    Improving path duration in high mobility vehicular ad hoc networks

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    In this paper, we consider a high-speed highway mobility scenario, where the available knowledge about the network’s topology is used to improve the routing path duration. The improvement is mainly due to the use of a topology control algorithm, which increases the path duration by decreasing the probability of path breaks. For network regions having an enough density of vehicles, the packets are preferentially routed over the oldest links created by the vehicles moving in the same direction. For smaller values of vehicles’ density, the routing preferentially uses the most recent links created in both moving directions. This choice is shown to increase the routing path duration. The topology control scheme here proposed can be easily integrated in the existing routing protocols: we describe how to integrate it in the Optimized Link-State Routing Protocol (OLSR).1 We compare the performance of our approach with other routing protocols for different values of vehicles’ density. The comparison includes end-to-end path delay, path availability and path length (in number of hops). Finally, we evaluate the path duration achieved with our approach, concluding that it exhibits a significant improvement over the most relevant topology and position-based routing protocols

    The impact of leadership components on turnover intent : the case of nurses

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    This study aimed to identify nurses’ leadership behavior in management functions and determine if leadership has a direct impact on turnover intention or career abandonment. This descriptive and inferential study was conducted in two public hospitals. Head nurses and nurses in general and specialist health care were invited to participate, except those working in operating or clinical services. The final sample consisted of 266 individuals (22 head nurses and 244 staff nurses) that responded to a questionnaire, which was organized into three distinct sections: (1) sample characterization; (2) the Leadership Effectiveness and Adaptability Description (LEAD), which was used to determine the situational leadership components; and (3) four closed questions relating to different turnover intentions. Data was collected in May 2009. The most expressive leadership styles are the S2 (persuading) and S3 (sharing) in both groups. In terms of turnover, the results showed strong positive associations with profile S2-S3 and with effective adaptability. Leaders’ with S2- S3 profiles easily delegate tasks and enhance the functional and emotional development of their collaborators. Effective adaptabilities requires that chief nurses tailor their leadership style to the situation and environment they are working, allowing that their actions meet the expectations of their subordinates. These two dimensions contribute positively to nurses’ retention.N/

    Situational leadership and professional nurses’ satisfaction : the example of hospitals

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    The purpose of this study is to describe the leadership behaviors of head nurses and compare them with the perceptions of their direct employees (nurses). The study also aims to determine the various components of leadership that have an impact on job satisfaction. Using descriptive, inferential and correlational analysis, the study was conducted in two hospitals. All nurses with either management or care duties were invited to participate, with the exception of those who work in the operating blocks and outpatient units. The final sample was comprised of 266 individuals, including 22 head nurses and 244 staff nurses. The questionnaire was organized into three sections (1) Sample characterization; (2) Leadership Effectiveness and Adaptability Description (LEAD), with 12 questions to determine the components of situational leadership; and (3) Professional Satisfaction Indicator (PSI), consisting of 30 questions that identified the satisfaction level among respondents. Data were collected in May 2009. In both groups, the most expressive leadership styles, dominant and alternative, were the S2 (persuading) and S3 (sharing). Head nurses and staff both had relatively low levels of job satisfaction, although head nurses were generally more satisfied than staff nurses.N/
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