42 research outputs found

    Complex THz and DC inverse spin Hall effect in YIG/Cu1−x_{1-x}Irx_{x} bilayers across a wide concentration range

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    We measure the inverse spin Hall effect of Cu1−x_{1-x}Irx_{x} thin films on yttrium iron garnet over a wide range of Ir concentrations (0.05â©œxâ©œ0.70.05 \leqslant x \leqslant 0.7). Spin currents are triggered through the spin Seebeck effect, either by a DC temperature gradient or by ultrafast optical heating of the metal layer. The spin Hall current is detected by, respectively, electrical contacts or measurement of the emitted THz radiation. With both approaches, we reveal the same Ir concentration dependence that follows a novel complex, non-monotonous behavior as compared to previous studies. For small Ir concentrations a signal minimum is observed, while a pronounced maximum appears near the equiatomic composition. We identify this behavior as originating from the interplay of different spin Hall mechanisms as well as a concentration-dependent variation of the integrated spin current density in Cu1−x_{1-x}Irx_{x}. The coinciding results obtained for DC and ultrafast stimuli show that the studied material allows for efficient spin-to-charge conversion even on ultrafast timescales, thus enabling a transfer of established spintronic measurement schemes into the terahertz regime.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure

    Inverse modeling of thin layer flow cells for detection of solubility, transport and reaction coefficients from experimental data

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    Thin layer flow cells are used in electrochemical research as experimental devices which allow to perform investigations of electrocatalytic surface reactions under controlled conditions using reasonably small electrolyte volumes. The paper introduces a general approach to simulate the complete cell using accurate numerical simulation of the coupled flow, transport and reaction processes in a flow cell. The approach is based on a mass conservative coupling of a divergence-free finite element method for fluid flow and a stable finite volume method for mass transport. It allows to perform stable and efficient forward simulations that comply with the physical bounds namely mass conservation and maximum principles for the involved species. In this context, several recent approaches to obtain divergence-free velocities from finite element simulations are discussed. In order to perform parameter identification, the forward simulation method is coupled to standard optimization tools. After an assessment of the inverse modeling approach using known realistic data, first results of the identification of solubility and transport data for O2 dissolved in organic electrolytes are presented. A plausibility study for a more complex situation with surface reactions concludes the paper and shows possible extensions of the scope of the presented numerical tools

    Temperature dependent study of the spin dynamics of coupled Y3_3Fe5_5O12_{12}/Gd3_3Fe5_5O12_{12}/Pt trilayers

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    In this study, we investigate the dynamic response of a Y3_3Fe5_5O12_{12} (YIG)/ Gd3_3Fe5_5O12_{12} (GdIG)/ Pt trilayer system by measurements of the ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) and the pumped spin current detected by the inverse spin Hall effect. This trilayer system offers the unique opportunity to investigate the spin dynamics of the ferrimagnetic GdIG, close to its compensation temperature. We show that our trilayer acts as a highly tunable spin current source. Our experimental results are supported by micro-magnetic simulations. As the detected spin current in the top Pt layer is distinctly dominated by the GdIG layer, this gives the unique opportunity to investigate the excitation and dynamic properties of GdIG while comparing it to the broadband FMR absorption spectrum of the heterostructure

    Silent diabetes mellitus, periodontitis, and a new case of thalamic abscess

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    Brain abscess is an unusual complication of uncontrolled diabetes. A solitary thalamic abscess is an uncommon type of brain abscess. We report a case of thalamic abscess, whereupon diabetes mellitus and periodontitis were diagnosed. The diagnosis and management of thalamic abscess, and the interplay of type 2 diabetes and periodontitis are discussed. A 56-year-old, Caucasian, man with no medical or travel history, presented with 5-day symptoms of meningeal irritation. Body mass index 30.6 kg/m2. CT demonstrated a solitary midline lesion with neoplasia as a differential diagnosis. It was biopsied and cultures grew Streptococcus milleri. He was treated by stereotactic puncture, external drainage and targeted intrathecal and systemic antibiotic therapy. HIV negative but glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c) 10.7% (93 mmol/mol). Dental examination revealed a small molar abscess. Radiological resolution of the thalamic abscess occurred within 2 months. Diabetes improved with 7 weeks of insulin, and maintained on metformin, HbA1c 6.9% (51 mmol/mol). There was no residual neurological disability

    Identification of a novel polyfluorinated compound as a lead to inhibit human enzymes aldose reductase and AKR1B10 : structure determination of both ternary complexes and implications for drug design

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    Aldo-keto reductases (AKRs) are mostly monomeric enzymes which fold into a highly conserved ([alpha]/[beta])8 barrel, while their substrate specificity and inhibitor selectivity are determined by interaction with residues located in three highly variable external loops. The closely related human enzymes aldose reductase (AR or AKR1B1) and AKR1B10 are of biomedical interest because of their involvement in secondary diabetic complications (AR) and in cancer, e.g. hepatocellular carcinoma and smoking-related lung cancer (AKR1B10). After characterization of the IC50 values of both AKRs with a series of polyhalogenated compounds, 2,2',3,3',5,5',6,6'-octafluoro-4,4'-biphenyldiol (JF0064) was identified as a lead inhibitor of both enzymes with a new scaffold (a 1,1'-biphenyl-4,4'-diol). An ultrahigh-resolution X-ray structure of the AR-­NADP+-JF0064 complex has been determined at 0.85 Å resolution, allowing it to be observed that JF0064 interacts with the catalytic residue Tyr48 through a negatively charged hydroxyl group (i.e. the acidic phenol). The non-competitive inhibition pattern observed for JF0064 with both enzymes suggests that this acidic hydroxyl group is also present in the case of AKR1B10. Moreover, the combination of surface lysine methylation and the introduction of K125R and V301L mutations enabled the determination of the X-ray crystallo­graphic structure of the corresponding AKR1B10-NADP+-JF0064 complex. Comparison of the two structures has unveiled some important hints for subsequent structure-based drug-design efforts

    Future mmVLBI Research with ALMA: A European vision

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    Very long baseline interferometry at millimetre/submillimetre wavelengths (mmVLBI) offers the highest achievable spatial resolution at any wavelength in astronomy. The anticipated inclusion of ALMA as a phased array into a global VLBI network will bring unprecedented sensitivity and a transformational leap in capabilities for mmVLBI. Building on years of pioneering efforts in the US and Europe the ongoing ALMA Phasing Project (APP), a US-led international collaboration with MPIfR-led European contributions, is expected to deliver a beamformer and VLBI capability to ALMA by the end of 2014 (APP: Fish et al. 2013, arXiv:1309.3519). This report focuses on the future use of mmVLBI by the international users community from a European viewpoint. Firstly, it highlights the intense science interest in Europe in future mmVLBI observations as compiled from the responses to a general call to the European community for future research projects. A wide range of research is presented that includes, amongst others: - Imaging the event horizon of the black hole at the centre of the Galaxy - Testing the theory of General Relativity an/or searching for alternative theories - Studying the origin of AGN jets and jet formation - Cosmological evolution of galaxies and BHs, AGN feedback - Masers in the Milky Way (in stars and star-forming regions) - Extragalactic emission lines and astro-chemistry - Redshifted absorption lines in distant galaxies and study of the ISM and circumnuclear gas - Pulsars, neutron stars, X-ray binaries - Testing cosmology - Testing fundamental physical constantsComment: Replaced figures 2 and 3: corrected position SRT. Corrected minor typo in 5.

    Lactate Improves Prediction of Short-Term Mortality in Critically Ill Patients With Cirrhosis: A Multinational Study

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    Lactate levels and lactate clearance are known predictors of outcome in critically ill patients in the intensive care unit (ICU). The prognostic value of lactate is not well established in liver cirrhosis and acute-on-chronic liver failure (ACLF). The aim of this study was to assess the prognostic value of lactate levels and clearance in critically ill patients with cirrhosis. Patients with cirrhosis admitted to the ICU were studied at the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf (n = 566, derivation cohort) and the Medical University of Vienna and the University Hospitals Leuven (n = 250, validation cohort). Arterial lactate was measured on admission and during the first 24 hours. Patients were followed for 1 year and outcome was assessed. Admission lactate was directly related to the number of organs failing and to 28-day mortality (area under receiver operating characteristic [AUROC] 0.72; P 0.70 for all). Lactate clearance had significant predictive ability for 28-day mortality in patients with elevated serum lactate ≄5 mmol/L. Admission lactate and 12-hour lactate clearance (in patients with admission lactate ≄5 mmol/L), respectively, were identified as significant predictors of 1-year mortality, independent of Chronic Liver Failure Consortium acute-on-chronic liver failure score (CLIF-C ACLFs). A lactate-adjusted CLIF-C ACLFs was developed (CLIF-C ACLFsLact ), which performed significantly better than the original CLIF-C ACLFs in prediction of 28-day mortality in the derivation and validation cohort. Conclusion: Lactate levels appropriately reflect severity of disease and organ failure and were independently associated with short-term mortality in critically ill patients with liver cirrhosis. Lactate is a simple but accurate prognostic marker, and its incorporation improved performance of CLIF-C ACLFs significantly.status: publishe

    Elevated expression of complement C4 in the mouse prefrontal cortex causes schizophrenia-associated phenotypes

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    International audienceAccumulating evidence supports immune involvement in the pathogenesis of schizophrenia, a severe psychiatric disorder. In particular, high expression variants of C4, a gene of the innate immune complement system, were shown to confer susceptibility to schizophrenia. However, how elevated C4 expression may impact brain circuits remains largely unknown. We used in utero electroporation to overexpress C4 in the mouse prefrontal cortex. We found reduced glutamatergic input to pyramidal cells of juvenile and adult, but not of newborn C4-overexpressing (C4-OE) mice, together with decreased spine density, which mirrors spine loss observed in the schizophrenic cortex. Using time-lapse two-photon imaging in vivo, we observed that these deficits were associated with decreased dendritic spine gain and elimination in juvenile C4-OE mice, which may reflect poor formation and/or stabilization of immature spines. In juvenile and adult C4-OE mice, we found evidence for NMDA receptor hypofunction, another schizophrenia-associated phenotype, and synaptic accumulation of calcium-permeable AMPA receptors. Alterations in cortical GABAergic networks have been repeatedly associated with schizophrenia. We found that functional GABAergic transmission was reduced in C4-OE mice, in line with diminished GABA release probability from parvalbumin interneurons, lower GAD67 expression, and decreased intrinsic excitability in parvalbumin interneurons. These cellular abnormalities were associated with working memory impairment. Our results substantiate the causal relationship between an immunogenetic risk factor and several distinct cortical endophenotypes of schizophrenia and shed light on the underlying cellular mechanisms