1,086 research outputs found

    ¿Contribuye la didáctica del álgebra lineal a que los estudiantes identifiquen los espacios vectoriales como una estructura sistémica?

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    Considerando como antecedente que en el proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje de los espacios vectoriales existen dificultades con la concepción didáctica de los profesores para que los estudiantes identifiquen y utilicen los conceptos que se abordan en este tema, se realiza un diagnóstico para valorar los criterios de profesores y estudiantes en relación a la enseñanza de este tema. Se utiliza una metodología cuantitativa y cualitativa, se realiza un estudio descriptivo. Se asume como marco teórico la relación entre conocimiento común, especializado y propedéutico del contenido. Se concluye que la didáctica que sustenta el trabajo de los docentes no contribuye a que los estudiantes identifiquen los espacios vectoriales como una estructura sistémica

    Manual de mecanismos de participación pública ambiental en el marco del DR-CAFTA

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    Esta publicación es parte de un esfuerzo de la Fundación Nacional para el Desarrollo (FUNDE), desde su Programa de Integración y Desarrollo –con apoyo del Programa de pequeñas donaciones para la participación pública–, por “decodificar” y hacer accesible a los ciudadanos y ciudadanas centroamericanos las herramientas que el Tratado de Libre Comercio entre República Dominicana, Centroamérica y Estados Unidos de América (CAFTA-DR, por sus siglas en inglés) les ofrece para acercar sus inquietudes, opiniones y demandas sobre el tema ambiental a las autoridades, tanto a nivel nacional como regional. El mismo busca ser una guía práctica sobre los procedimientos, formalidades, requisitos y potencialidades de estos mecanismos de participación pública. This publication is an effort of FUNDE´s Programme of Integration and Development to “decode” and make accessible to the citizenship of Central America the mechanisms provided by the Dominican Republic-Central America-United States Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA-DR) to approach their concerns, points of view and demands pertaining environmental matters to the authorities at the national and regional level. This work looks forward to be a practical guide about the procedures, formalities, requirements and potencialities that this mechanisms of public participation can offer

    Improved Performance of Biohybrid Muscle-Based Bio-Bots Doped with Piezoelectric Boron Nitride Nanotubes

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    Biohybrid robots, or bio-bots, integrate living and synthetic materials following a synergistic strategy to acquire some of the unique properties of biological organisms, like adaptability or bio-sensing, which are difficult to obtain exclusively using artificial materials. Skeletal muscle is one of the preferred candidates to power bio-bots, enabling a wide variety of movements from walking to swimming. Conductive nanocomposites, like gold nanoparticles or graphene, can provide benefits to muscle cells by improving the scaffolds’ mechanical and conductive properties. Here, boron nitride nanotubes (BNNTs), with piezoelectric properties, are integrated in muscle-based bio-bots and an improvement in their force output and motion speed is demonstrated. A full characterization of the BNNTs is provided, and their piezoelectric behavior with piezometer and dynamometer measurements is confirmed. It is hypothesized that the improved performance is a result of an electric field generated by the nanocomposites due to stresses produced by the cells during differentiation. This hypothesis is backed with finite element simulations supporting that this stress can generate a non-zero electric field within the matrix. With this work, it is shown that the integration of nanocomposite into muscle-based bio-bots can improve their performance, paving the way toward stronger and faster bio-hybrid robots

    Long time remodeling during retinal degeneration evaluated by optical coherence tomography, immunocytochemistry and fundus autofluorescence

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    Purpose: To characterize the relationship between fundus autofluorescence (FAF), Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) and immuno histo chemistry (IHC) over the course of chronic retinal degeneration in the P23H rat. Methods: Homozygous albino P23H rats, SpragueeDawley (SD) rats as controls and pigmented Long Evans (LE) rats were used. A Spectralis HRA OCT system was used for scanning laser ophthalmoscopy (SLO) imaging OCT and angiography. To determine FAF, fluorescence was excited using diode laser at 488 nm. A fast retina map OCT was performed using the optic nerve as a landmark. IHC was performed to correlate with the findings of OCT and FAF changes. Results: During the course of retinal degeneration, the FAF pattern evolved from some spotting at 2 months old to a mosaic of hyper fluorescent dots in rats 6 months and older. Retinal thicknesses progressively diminished over the course of the disease. At later stages of degeneration, OCT documented changes in the retinal layers, however, IHC better identified the cell loss and remodeling changes. Angiography revealed attenuation of the retinal vascular plexus with time. Conclusion: We provide for the first time a detailed long-term analysis of the course of retinal degeneration in P23H rats using a combination of SLO and OCT imaging, angiography, FAF and IHC. Although, the application of noninvasive methods enables longitudinal studies and will decrease thenumber of animals needed for a study, IHC is still an essential tool to identify retinal changes at the cellular level

    Correlation between SD-OCT, immunocytochemistry and functional findings in an animal model of retinal degeneration

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    Purpose: The P23H rhodopsin mutation is an autosomal dominant cause of retinitis pigmentosa (RP). The degeneration can be tracked using different anatomical and functional methods. In our case, we evaluated the anatomical changes using Spectral-Domain Optical Coherence Tomography (SD-OCT) and correlated the findings with retinal thickness values determined by immunocytochemistry.Methods: Pigmented rats heterozygous for the P23H mutation, with ages between P18 and P180 were studied. Function was assessed by means of optomotor testing and ERGs. Retinal thicknesses measurements, autofluorescence and fluorescein angiography were performed using Spectralis OCT. Retinas were studied by means of immunohistochemistry. Results: Between P30 and P180, visual acuity decreased from 0.500 to 0.182 cycles per degree (cyc/deg) and contrast sensitivity decreased from 54.56 to 2.98 for a spatial frequency of 0.089 cyc/deg. Only cone-driven b-wave responses reached developmental maturity. Flicker fusions were also comparable at P29 (42 Hz). Double flash-isolated rod-driven responses were already affected at P29. Photopic responses revealed deterioration after P29.A reduction in retinal thicknesses and morphological modifications were seen in OCT sections. Statistically significant differences were found in all evaluated thicknesses. Autofluorescence was seen in P23H rats as sparse dots. Immunocytochemistry showed a progressive decrease in the outer nuclear layer (ONL), and morphological changes. Although anatomical thickness measures were significantly lower than OCT values, there was a very strong correlation between the values measured by both techniques.Conclusions: In pigmented P23H rats, a progressive deterioration occurs in both retinal function and anatomy. Anatomical changes can be effectively evaluated using SD-OCT and immunocytochemistry, with a good correlation between their values, thus making SD-OCT an important tool for research in retinal degeneration.Dr. Pinilla and Dr. Cuenca were supported by grants from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness-FEDER (BFU2012-36845), Instituto de Salud Carlos III (FIS PI13/01124, PS0901854, PI042399 and RETICS RD12/0034/0010), Fundación Gangoiti, ONCE (Organización Nacional de Ciegos Españoles) and FUNDALUCE. Dr. Yves Sauvé is a recipient of the Barbara Tuck/MacPhee Family Vision Research Award in Macular Degeneration

    Internal dynamics within primary care teams in two Spanish regions during the COVID-19 pandemic: a qualitative study

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    Background: Pandemics and epidemics have represented public health emergencies with severe consequences at a global level. Primary care teams have played a crucial role in disease surveillance and monitoring during the COVID-19 pandemic through early detection, contact tracing, and isolation of positive cases. The objective of this study was to explore the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on primary care teams regarding their internal dynamics and their professional performance. Methods: Qualitative study carried out between July and December 2020 in two large central and southern Spanish regions (Castilla la Mancha and Madrid). Semi-structured interviews and focus groups were conducted with primary care workers. Data was analysed using thematic content analysis. Participants were accessed using purposive sampling. Results: A total of 53 primary care workers participated in the study, of which 38 were individually interviewed, and 15 participated in three focus groups.The analysis of their experiences revealed two main themes regarding the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on primary care teams: 1) The need to reorganise traditional roles: Primary care settings closed their doors to the public and their workers restructured their roles to ensure the delivery of essential services; 2) The need to implement a new primary care delivery model: Each primary care team had to self-organise, making sure their reference population was cared for and developing resource optimisation strategies. Conclusions: Primary care teams have quickly adapted their roles and internal dynamics to respond to the demands generated by COVID-19. In the new delivery model, some positive aspects could be highlighted – such as increased communication between professionals and the use of telemedicine for some cases. However, it is important to address the negative impact that the COVID-19 crisis has had on of the main functions of primary care. These measures are necessary to promote well-being in primary care teams, and to provide quality care that addresses the complex and individual needs of each person and reduces inequalities in healthcare deliveryThis work was supported by the FONDO SUPERA COVID-19, organised by Santander Bank, the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), and the Conference of Rectors of Spanish Universities (CRUE). It aims to fund programs, collaborative projects, and support activities to minimise the impact of the COVID-19 crisis in the health, education, and social sector

    Coping styles and emotional states in patients with chronic kidney insufficiency (CRI)

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    El afrontamiento es definido como aquellas estrategias que tiene el paciente para minimizar el impacto negativo causado por la enfermedad y a su vez las alteraciones emocionales que afectan su bienestar psicológico y su entorno familiar y social. Objetivo: Contrastar el desarrollo de estudios referentes a estilos de afrontamiento y los estados emocionales en personas con insuficiencia renal crónica. Método: Se emplearon bases de datos como REDALYC, SCIELO, SCIENCEDIREC, Repositorios Universitarios, abordando publicaciones entre los años 2011 a 2019, los criterios de búsqueda fueron “afrontamiento”, “estilos de afrontamiento”, “estados emocionales”, afrontamiento e Insuficiencia renal” “insuficiencia renal crónica”. Los instrumentos usados para la sistematización fue la Matriz Bibliográfica, mientras que, para la codificación y análisis de la información se hizo uso del Software de análisis cualitativo Atlas ti. Resultados: Los artículos analizados muestran mayor tendencia de estudio en el área clínica y de la salud. En cuanto a los referentes teóricos, Lazarus y Folkman presentan mayor tendencia frente al afrontamiento y Daniel Goleman frente a la inteligencia emocional; en relación con preferencias metodológicas, el enfoque cuantitativo sobresale de otros enfoques investigativos. De acuerdo a los instrumentos más utilizados prima la entrevista semiestructurada, inventario de estrategias de afrontamiento (CSI) y el Inventario de Inteligencia Emocional (EQ-i). Conclusión: Se puede inferir que, los estilos de afrontamiento y estados emocionales en la población con IRC no han conseguido un amplio margen de estudios y representan un amplio margen de estudio para la labor del Profesional en Psicología.Introduction: Coping is defined as those strategies that the patient has to minimize the negative impact caused by the disease and in turn the emotional alterations that affect their psychological well-being and their family and social environment. Objective: To contrast the development of studies concerning coping styles and emotional states in people with CKD, Method: Databases such as REDALYC, SCIELO, SCIENCEDIREC, University Repositories were used, addressing publications between the years 2011 to 2019, the search criteria were “coping”, “coping styles”, “emotional states”, coping and “renal insufficiency” “chronic renal failure”. The instruments used for systematization were the Bibliographic Matrix, while the qualitative analysis software Atlas Ti was used for coding and analysis of the information. Results: The articles analyzed show a greater tendency to study in the clinical and health area. Regarding theoretical references, Lazarus and Folkman show a greater tendency towards coping and Daniel Goleman towards emotional intelligence; in relation to methodological preferences, the quantitative approach stands out from other research approaches. According to the most used instruments, the semi-structured interview, the Coping Strategies Inventory (CSI) and the Emotional Intelligence Inventory (EQ-i) are the most used. In conclusion, it can be inferred that coping styles and emotional states in the population with CKD have not achieved a wide margin of studies and represent a wide margin of study for the work of the Psychology Professional

    Public policy on palliative care and its implications for services, opioids, and education in Colombia

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    Introducción: El desarrollo de los cuidados paliativos requiere la intervención de múltiples dimensiones de la salud pública, incluyendo la disponibilidad de servicios de salud, medicamentos esenciales y programas educativos. En Colombia se han realizado varios cambios en la política pública para promover la atención de personas con necesidades paliativas. Objetivo: Evaluar empíricamente las políticas públicas existentes en cuidados paliativos y sus implicaciones en la disponibilidad de servicios, opioides y programas educativos durante los años 2010 a 2019 en Colombia. Materiales y métodos: Se diseñó un estudio exploratorio secuencial mixto en tres fases: identificación de indicadores empíricos de las políticas nacionales, diagnóstico situacional de cuidados paliativos y evaluación cualitativa de los resultados de la implementación de las políticas en siete nodos regionales de Colombia. Resultados: Se revisaron siete normas, obteniéndose 12 indicadores empíricos para la evaluación, seis de los cuales no contaban con fuentes de información. El diagnóstico nacional muestra un aumento gradual de los servicios y del uso de opioides durante los años de desarrollo de la política. Cuarenta y cuatro profesionales de cuidados paliativos perciben un efecto positivo de la política pública sobre el uso de opioides y bajos resultados en los dominios de servicios y educación. Conclusiones: Existe una relación positiva entre las políticas públicas y el uso de opioides, una relación cuantitativa positiva con los servicios de cuidados paliativos y una relación cuantitativa-cualitativa negativa con los programas educativos. Esto indica un bajo estado operativo de las políticas diseñadas para aliviar el dolor y el sufrimiento asociados a las enfermedades crónicas avanzadas. © 2023 El/los autor/es.Introduction: Palliative care development requires the intervention of multiple dimensions of public health, including the availability of health services, essential medicines, and educational programs. In Colombia, several changes have been made in public policy to promote the care of people with palliative needs. Objective: To empirically evaluate existing public policies on palliative care and their implications for the availability of services, opioids, and educational programs during the years 2010 to 2019 in Colombia. Materials and methods: A mixed sequential exploratory study was designed in three phases: identification of empirical indicators of national policies, palliative care situational diagnosis, and qualitative assessment of the results of policy implementation in seven regional nodes in Colombia. Results: Seven standards were reviewed, yielding 12 empirical indicators for assessment, six of which had no sources of information. The national diagnosis shows a gradual increase in services and opioid use during the landmark years of policy development. Forty-four palliative care professionals perceive a positive effect of public policy on opioid use and low outcomes for service and education domains. Conclusions: There is a positive relationship between public policy and opioid use, a positive quantitative relationship with palliative care services, and a negative quantitative-qualitative relationship with educational programs. This indicates a low operational status of policies designed to alleviate the pain and suffering associated with advanced chronic diseases. © 2023 The Author(s)

    Adipose tissue as a therapeutic target for vascular damage in Alzheimer's disease

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    Adipose tissue has recently been recognized as an important endocrine organ that plays a crucial role in energy metabolism and in the immune response in many metabolic tissues. With this regard, emerging evidence indicates that an important crosstalk exists between the adipose tissue and the brain. However, the contribution of adipose tissue to the development of age-related diseases, including Alzheimer's disease, remains poorly defined. New studies suggest that the adipose tissue modulates brain function through a range of endogenous biologically active factors known as adipokines, which can cross the blood–brain barrier to reach the target areas in the brain or to regulate the function of the blood–brain barrier. In this review, we discuss the effects of several adipokines on the physiology of the blood–brain barrier, their contribution to the development of Alzheimer's disease and their therapeutic potential.Funding for open access charge; Universidad de Málaga / CBU

    Genetic association study of dyslexia and ADHD candidate genes in a Spanish cohort: Implications of comorbid samples

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    Published: October 31, 2018Dyslexia and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are two complex neuro-behaviorally disorders that co-occur more often than expected, so that reading disability has been linked to inattention symptoms. We examined 4 SNPs located on genes previously associated to dyslexia (KIAA0319, DCDC2, DYX1C1 and FOXP2) and 3 SNPs within genes related to ADHD (COMT, MAOA and DBH) in a cohort of Spanish children (N = 2078) that met the criteria of having one, both or none of these disorders (dyslexia and ADHD). We used a case-control approach comparing different groups of samples based on each individual diagnosis. In addition, we also performed a quantitative trait analysis with psychometric measures on the general population (N = 3357). The results indicated that the significance values for some markers change depending on the phenotypic groups compared and/or when considering pair-wise marker interactions. Furthermore, our quantitative trait study showed significant genetic associations with specific cognitive processes. These outcomes advocate the importance of establishing rigorous and homogeneous criteria for the diagnosis of cognitive disorders, as well as the relevance of considering cognitive endophenotypes.The work of MSM and MC was supported by CONSOLIDER-Ingenio- 2010_COEDUCA (CSD2008-00048). AMA, LB and AG-L’s work was supported by the Basque Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade (Etortek Program), Innovation Technology Department of Bizkaia and CIBERehd Network. MC was also supported by grants (PSI2015-67353-R), and Ayuda Centro de Excelencia Severo Ochoa SEV-2015-0490 from the MINECO, and by grant (ERC-2011-ADG-295362) from the European Research Council. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript