211 research outputs found

    La construcció del Montserrat modern = The construction of the modern Montserrat

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    This PhD Dissertation studies the process of construction of the modern Montserrat after the Napoleonic destruction of the old shrine-monastery and its disendowment in 1836, and shows how this process was not the reconstruction or restoration of the old destroyed monastery but the construction, or the "invention", of a new one. This process was initiated in 1844 when the shrine was reopened and was developed until the first half of the 20th century in parallel to the definition of the contemporary Catalonia and Spain. Therefore, and understanding the modern Montserrat is the result of the complex interaction between all the agents who are implied in its construction process, the dissertation addresses in eighteenth chapters the main themes and the individuals and groups who intervened in it. These eighteen chapters are in turn structured into five groups according to the major alterations in the equilibrium of influences between the agents involved in the process at each moment. The first group of chapters specify the ¿architectural, political and social- problems of the first works, as well as the decisive intervention of Victor Balaguer and his attempt to define a Montserrat symbol "for all" within the wide national and federal symbolic universe he created; an interpretation based on the romantic approach to the mountain defined in good part during Humboldt's visit in 1800. Balaguer's intervention was centered in the valuation of gothic architecture and in the first attempts to define an architectural project; but it was frustrated with the end of the reign of Amadeo I, and the federal dream. It was then when was defined the first culture of the catalanism, and when the "group of Vic" take a step and alter, with their "patriotic-religious campaigns", Balaguer's symbolic construction to their own advantage, what carried out the definition and valuation of Romanesque architecture, as well as the definitive popularization of the mountain. The second group of chapters, then, studies the intense symbolic construction of the mountain that takes place during the end of the 19th century as the consequence of the tensions generated by the campaigns of the "group of Vic". The construction of the rack-and-pinion railway, the rosary monuments, the panorama in the Exposition of 1888, the architecture of Gaudi and others, or the popular reproductions of the mountain, are some of the cases analyzed. The architectural consequences that this symbolic construction had over the construction process are analyzed in the third group of chapters that culminates with the general project defined by Puig i Cadafalch. That incorporates the unique mountain as an element of project and it goes well beyond the dilemma on styles. But despite the construction of this project was initiated, it was never completed due to the Spanish Civil War. The fourth group of chapters is only one chapter that makes a brief digression on Montserrat and the Western modern cultural construction of the mountain together with its relation with the 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries' architecture. The fifth and last group of chapters returns to the chronological order and studies the process of construction during the first years of Franco's dictatorship, as well as the projects that were done then. And that failed due to the changes that took place after the "Enthronement festivities" of 1947; and that provoked the definitive wreck of the architectural construction of the modern Montserrat. Finally, the epilogue raises some of the most important questions the dissertation makes evident, emphasizing the importance that tourism and modern mass mediums had during all over the process, and how Montserrat, in a wider context, is a paradigmatic example of modern heritage-making processes. The annex contains the cataloguing ¿by the author- of all the documents forming the "Architectural Archive of Montserrat" and that, together with other materials, are analyzed in the dissertation

    Institucions britàniques per forjar ciutadans catalans. Víctor Balaguer, Joan Oliva i la creació de la Biblioteca Museu de Vilanova i la Geltrú

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    En 1884 Victor Balaguer va inaugurar una institució única en el context polític icultural català i espanyol: la seva Biblioteca Museu a Vilanova i la Geltrú, seguidade la Biblioteca Museu d’Ultramar a Madrid. La primera, es tractava de la primerainstitució pública d’aquesta mena creada a Catalunya, i va ser fruit d’una  consistent exploració encarregada per Balaguer a l’editor i bibliotecari Joan Oliva, després de viatjar per França, Suïssa, Alemanya i el Regne Unit, amb la finalitat d’aprendre de les seves biblioteques i d’explorar críticament les millors opcions per a la futura fundació vilanovina.La combinació de biblioteca i museu en una mateixa institució i un únic edifici relaciona el projecte de Balaguer amb institucions britàniques contemporànies molt similars en la seva dimensió, model de gestió, continguts i propòsits culturals i polítics: les característiques i populars The Literary and Philosophical Societies – i altres institucions britàniques semblants, incloent-hi també el Museu i Biblioteca britànics.Aquesta recerca analitza la creació de la Biblioteca Museu a Vilanova i la Geltrúexplorant les seves connexions amb les institucions britàniques que en van inspirar el model i la fundació. Alhora que també explora el tipus de ciutadà que aquests equipaments pretenien forjar i els intercanvis d’objectius ideològics entre les diferents institucions en un context europeu més ampli

    Skills and Professional Practices for the consolidation of the Support Group Model to Foster Families.

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    The research presented here is justified by the lack of tradition in Spain with regards to socio-educational intervention programmes based on training and group support, as well as the proven benefits of these methods in foster care. It addresses the need to go deeper into the acquisition and consolidation of the core professional competences for running socio-educational groups with foster families. After a process of participatory action-research with 39 professionals from the Child Protection System from different regions of Spain, we see animprovement in the development of the competences necessary to establish a supportive relationship with families, management and group dynamics, as well as the crystallization of attitudinal changes in professional practices. Data have been collected on the basis of methodological complementarity and a pre-test-post-test design that has identified and explained the changes in the evolution of competences and professional practices

    La ética ¿competencia transversal olvidada en las titulaciones de Ciencias de la Salud de la Universidad de Barcelona?

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    Podeu consultar la Vuitena trobada de professorat de Ciències de la Salut completa a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/66524El compromiso ético es una competencia transversal propuesta por la Universidad de Barcelona. El profesorado diseña escenarios docentes facilitadores de su adquisición que son analizados en 72 asignaturas de 5 titulaciones del área de Salud (26 en Farmacia, 12 en Medicina y Odontología y 11 en Enfermería y Psicología), mediante cuestionarios. Se determina la importancia concedida a la ética profesional, se conoce la modalidad de docencia en que es desarrollada (presencial, semipresencial o no presencial), así como las actividades y/o metodologías docentes en las que es trabajada la competencia y se determina si es evaluada o no. La competencia es trabajada en 45 asignaturas (11 en Odontología, 10 en Medicina, 9 en Farmacia, 8 en Psicología y 7 en Enfermería), siendo prioritario el formato semipresencial en Odontología, Farmacia, Psicología y Enfermería y el presencial en Medicina. Las asignaturas analizadas incluyen hasta 26 actividades docentes en las que se trabaja la ética. Las clases magistrales son el marco en el que esta competencia es trabajada con mayor frecuencia. Las prácticas de laboratorio en sus distintas modalidades y la resolución de casos y problemas, son escenarios que el profesorado considera también adecuados. La competencia es evaluada en 27 asignaturas (9 en Odontología, 6 en Medicina, 5 en Farmacia y 7 en Psicología y Enfermería). Los resultados indican que el profesorado considera importante trabajar la ética en el contexto del grado. Este esfuerzo debería ser normalizado y tener proyección en estudios de máster y doctorado de forma transversal y coherente, en continuidad con los resultados obtenidos en los grados. Trabajo realizado en el marco del proyecto 2009MQD0018

    Kinematic characteristics of the long jump approach run in paralympic-level male limb-deficients

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    The purpose of this study was to define the variables typifying the long jump approach run phase in paralympic-level male amputees. The sample comprised of the eleven (4 transtibial, 5 transfemoral and 2 single below-the-knee amputees). The parameters analysed were: official distance, toe-to-board distance, effective distance, stride contact time, stride flight time, total stride time, stride length, stride frequency, stride velocity, horizontal velocity, vertical velocity, resultant velocity, height of body center of mass, take-off stride angle, relative differences in stride length and relative differences in stride frequency. The findings of the study revealed that 77.8% of the para-athletes perform the take-off with the leg supported by the prosthesis. Horizontal velocity during the last three strides before take-off has been shown to have a high correlation with the official jump distance: 3rd last (r=0.65, p<0.05), 2nd last (r=0.69, p<0.05) and last (r=0.67, p<0.05) strides. Stride length and stride frequency patterns for the 3rd, 2nd and last strides were as follows: medium-long-short and high-low-high. Horizontal velocity at the last stride is higher compared to the preceding two. The findings of the study support the notion that a wide range of similarities exist in the running patterns and factors correlating with jumping distance between Paralympic amputee athletes and able-bodied high-level athletes

    Structural and functional analysis of APOA5 mutations identified in patients with severe hypertriglyceridemia

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    During the diagnosis of three unrelated patients with severe hypertriglyceridemia, three APOA5 mutations [p.(Ser232_Leu235)del, p.Leu253Pro, and p.Asp332ValfsX4] were found without evidence of concomitant LPL, APOC2, or GPIHBP1 mutations. The molecular mechanisms by which APOA5 mutations result in severe hypertriglyceridemia remain poorly understood, and the functional impairment/s induced by these specific mutations was not obvious. Therefore, we performed a thorough structural and functional analysis that included follow-up of patients and their closest relatives, measurement of apoA-V serum concentrations, and sequencing of the APOA5 gene in 200 nonhyperlipidemic controls. Further, we cloned, overexpressed, and purified both wild-type and mutant apoA-V variants and characterized their capacity to activate LPL. The interactions of recombinant wild-type and mutated apoA-V variants with liposomes of different composition, heparin, LRP1, sortilin, and SorLA/LR11 were also analyzed. Finally, to explore the possible structural consequences of these mutations, we developed a three-dimensional model of full-length, lipid-free human apoA-V. A complex, wide array of impairments was found in each of the three mutants, suggesting that the specific residues affected are critical structural determinants for apoA-V function in lipoprotein metabolism and, therefore, that these APOA5 mutations are a direct cause of hypertriglyceridemia.</p

    Disruption of gut integrity and permeability contributes to enteritis in a fish‑parasite model: a story told from serum metabolomics

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    Background In the animal production sector, enteritis is responsible for serious economic losses, and intestinal parasitism is a major stress factor leading to malnutrition and lowered performance and animal production efficiency. The effect of enteric parasites on the gut function of teleost fish, which represent the most ancient bony vertebrates, is far from being understood. The intestinal myxozoan parasite Enteromyxum leei dwells between gut epithelial cells and causes severe enteritis in gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata), anorexia, cachexia, growth impairment, reduced marketability and increased mortality. Methods This study aimed to outline the gut failure in this fish-parasite model using a multifaceted approach and to find and validate non-lethal serum markers of gut barrier dysfunction. Intestinal integrity was studied in parasitized and non-parasitized fish by immunohistochemistry with specific markers for cellular adhesion (E-cadherin) and tight junctions (Tjp1 and Cldn3) and by functional studies of permeability (oral administration of FITC-dextran) and electrophysiology (Ussing chambers). Serum samples from parasitized and non-parasitized fish were analyzed using non-targeted metabolomics and some significantly altered metabolites were selected to be validated using commercial kits. Results The immunodetection of Tjp1 and Cldn3 was significantly lower in the intestine of parasitized fish, while no strong differences were found in E-cadherin. Parasitized fish showed a significant increase in paracellular uptake measured by FITC-dextran detection in serum. Electrophysiology showed a decrease in transepithelial resistance in infected animals, which showed a diarrheic profile. Serum metabolomics revealed 3702 ions, from which the differential expression of 20 identified compounds significantly separated control from infected groups in multivariate analyses. Of these compounds, serum inosine (decreased) and creatine (increased) were identified as relevant and validated with commercial kits. Conclusions The results demonstrate the disruption of tight junctions and the loss of gut barrier function, a metabolomic profile of absorption dysfunction and anorexia, which further outline the pathophysiological effects of E. leei

    A hotspot for posttranslational modifications on the androgen receptor dimer interface drives pathology and anti-androgen resistance

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    Mutations of the androgen receptor (AR) associated with prostate cancer and androgen insensitivity syndrome may profoundly influence its structure, protein interaction network, and binding to chromatin, resulting in altered transcription signatures and drug responses. Current structural information fails to explain the effect of pathological mutations on AR structure-function relationship. Here, we have thoroughly studied the effects of selected mutations that span the complete dimer interface of AR ligand-binding domain (AR-LBD) using x-ray crystallography in combination with in vitro, in silico, and cell-based assays. We show that these variants alter AR-dependent transcription and responses to anti-androgens by inducing a previously undescribed allosteric switch in the AR-LBD that increases exposure of a major methylation target, Arg761. We also corroborate the relevance of residues Arg761 and Tyr764 for AR dimerization and function. Together, our results reveal allosteric coupling of AR dimerization and posttranslational modifications as a disease mechanism with implications for precision medicine