81 research outputs found

    El pensamiento epistemológico de los docentes de Ciencias Naturales de la Educación Secundaria Básica en la ciudad de Bahía Blanca, provincia de Buenos Aires

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    The aim of this paper is to analyze the ideas about science epistemology that a group of Natural Science teachers of High School has. The main results show that the interviewed teachers have epistemological concepts closed to an inductivist empirical position about science and the scientifi c job. However, the teachers develop their own and particular science epistemology, characterized by a group of ideas that refer to different positions in philosophy and science epistemologyEl objetivo de este trabajo fue explorar las ideas sobre epistemología de la ciencia de un grupo de docentes del área de ciencias naturales de la escuela secundaria básica. Los principales resultados muestran que los docentes entrevistados poseen concepciones epistemológicas cercanas a una postura empírico inductivista sobre la ciencia y el quehacer científico. Sin embargo también se ha visto que los docentes estructuran una epistemología de la ciencia singular y propia, caracterizada por un conjunto de ideas que refieren a diferentes posturas en fi losofía y epistemología de la ciencia

    Assembling Critique

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    In order to avoid the exhaustion of critique, this project aims to assemble a positive, creative and immanent conception of critique that connects to the world in order to transform it, through an examination of the work of Deleuze and Guattari. The journey into critique begins with the Kantian project of immanent critique as a call to establish the limits of reason. However, according to Deleuze, Kant's reliance on the transcendental subject meant that Kant was both unable to account for the constitution of real experience and to take immanence to the limit. The next step of the expedition is Nietzsche, as the philosopher who, according to Deleuze, was able to complete the project of an immanent critique with the will to power as a principle of internal genesis of the real, as opposed to the Kantian external conditioning. Additionally, Nietzsche provides a positive and creative conception of critique that moves beyond reaction, into the affirmation of an active mode of existence. Moving on to an examination of Deleuze's own excursion through the history of philosophy, in order to further develop his conception of immanence, through the positioning of the univocity of Being. The next stop is Deleuze and Guattari's development of an immanent account of philosophy and thought, where they forge a connection between thought and a given territory. Finalizing the journey by examining Kafka's literary machine as the most positive and powerful expression of a critique that aims to create movement and multiply its connections with the world

    Feminist Immanent Critique: An Encounter Between Butler, Oksala, and Deleuze

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    The guiding problem of the thesis is how to reconcile immanence with feminism through the development of the idea of feminist immanent critique. Beginning with Judith Butler's account of the constitution of gender through institutions, and the possibilities of its immanent subversion through a-subjective parodic politics, it is shown that this approach to the problem needs to be augmented by Johanna Oksala's investigation of the way in which the gap between experience and language serves to challenge conceptual schema that organise our experience of the world. However, it is argued that both Butler and Oksala end up reinstating a dogmatic image of the critical subject, although in different manners, thereby forestalling the search for a fully realised response to the problem of feminist immanent critique. Given the return of a dogmatic image of the critical subject, I turn to the most rigorous account of immanence in contemporary philosophy through a reconstruction of key aspects of the work of Gilles Deleuze, one that places ethics at the centre of his thought. It will be shown that the development of immanence with Deleuze provides an account of the subject that does not rely upon dogmatism or abstract from situated forms of social criticism but rather invites such engagement in ways that generate a fruitful encounter with feminism. As the argument is drawn together, it is concluded that feminist immanent critique is a positive conception of critique that requires careful consideration of the ways in which the subject is continually constituted, undone and reconstituted, without reinstating a dogmatic image of the critical subject. Feminist immanent critique embraces an asubjective and, therefore, demoralised version of becoming without losing ethical responsiveness to the present, to ourselves, and to others. That said, it is a positive conception of critique that does not reintroduce transcendence by surreptitiously relying upon a presentist view of time and, as such, it frees becoming from a sense of pre-given direction or telos

    Spotted Fever Group Rickettsiae in Questing Ticks, Central Spain

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    These results demonstrate that SFG rickettsiae with public health relevance are found in ticks in central Spain as in other regions in Spain. In central Spain, the widespread distribution of tick vectors and possible wildlife hosts, the presence of persons in tick-infested recreational and hunting areas, and the transstadial and transovarial transmission of the pathogen in ticks may favor transmission to humans.Fil: Fernandez de Mera, Isabel G.. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas. Instituto de Investigación en Recursos Cinegéticos; España;Fil: Ruiz-Fons, Francisco. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas. Instituto de Investigación en Recursos Cinegéticos; España;Fil: de la Fuente, Gabriela. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas. Instituto de Investigación en Recursos Cinegéticos; España;Fil: Mangold, Atilio Jose. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro Regional Santa Fe. Estación Experimental Agropecuaria, Rafaela; Argentina; Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina;Fil: Gortázar, Christian. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas. Instituto de Investigación en Recursos Cinegéticos; España;Fil: de la Fuente, José. Oklahoma State University; Estados Unidos de América

    Spotted fever group rickettsiaein questing ticks, central Spain

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    Letter to the Editor.F. R.-F. and I.G.F.M. are supported by a Juan de la Cierva contract from the Spanish Ministry for Economy and Competitiveness. Research supported by POII09-0141-8176 and European Union FP7 ANTIGONE (Anticipating the Global Onset of Novel Epidemics) project number 278976.Peer Reviewe

    Use of Percutaneous Ethanol Injection Therapy for Recurrent Secondary Hyperparathyroidism after Subtotal Parathyroidectomy

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    We evaluated the efficacy of percutaneous ethanol injection therapy (PEIT) as a therapeutic option for recurrence of secondary hyperparathyroidism after subtotal parathyroidectomy in ESRD patients. Six patients underwent PEIT. A mean of 1.3 ± 0.8 ethanol injections was performed. Nodular volume was 1.5 ± 1.7 cm3, and 2.8 ± 2.8 cm3 of ethanol was injected per patient. After ethanol injection PTH decreased significantly (1897 ± 754 to 549 ± 863 pg/mL (P < .01)). There was also a reduction in serum calcium, phosphorus and calcium-phosphorus product. A positive and significant correlation was found between nodular volume with ethanol injected and time from parathyroidectomy. Only one patient required hospitalization due to severe hypocalcaemia. In other two cases, local discomfort and temporary mild dysphonia were registered. PEIT is an effective treatment to control recurrences of secondary hyperparathyroidism postsubtotal parathyroidectomy

    Comparative analysis of Rhipicephalus tick salivary gland and cement elementome

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    Funding Information: This work was supported by the Consejería de Educación, Cultura y Deportes, JCCM , Spain, project CCM17-PIC-036 ( SBPLY/17/180501/000185 ), and partially funded by Fundação para a Ciênciae Tecnologia (FCT) under the project PTDC/CVT-CVT/29073/2017 ( UID/Multi/04413/2013 ). Margarita Villar was supported by the University of Castilla La 309 Mancha, UCLM, Spain, and the Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional , FEDER, EU. Funding Information: This work was supported by the Consejer?a de Educaci?n, Cultura y Deportes, JCCM, Spain, project CCM17-PIC-036 (SBPLY/17/180501/000185), and partially funded by Funda??o para a Ci?nciae Tecnologia (FCT) under the project PTDC/CVT-CVT/29073/2017 (UID/Multi/04413/2013). Margarita Villar was supported by the University of Castilla La 309 Mancha, UCLM, Spain, and the Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional, FEDER, EU. Publisher Copyright: © 2021 The Author(s)Rhipicephalus spp. (Acari: Ixodidae) ticks are obligate hematophagous arthropods, which constitute a model for the study of vector-host interactions. The chemical composition or elementome of salivary glands (SG) and cement provides information relevant for the study of protein-based complex multifunctional tissues with a key role in tick biology. In this study, we characterized the elementome of cement cones in Rhipicephalus sanguineus collected from naturally infested dogs and in SG and cement of R. bursa collected from experimentally infested rabbits at different feeding stages. The elementome was characterized using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) combined with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS). The results showed the identification of up to 14 chemical elements in the cement, and suggested tick/host-driven differences in the cement elementome between tick species and between SG and cement within the same species. By still unknown mechanisms, ticks may regulate cement elementome during feeding to affect various biological processes. Although these analyses are preliminary, the results suggested that N is a key component of the cement elementome with a likely origin in SG/salivary proteins (i.e., Glycine (C2H5NO2)-rich superfamily member proteins; GRPs) and other tick/host-derived components (i.e. NAPDH). Future research should be focused on tick elementome and its functional implications to better understand cement structure and function.publishersversionpublishe

    Ras-transfected human mammary tumour cells are resistant to photodynamic therapy by mechanisms related to cell adhesion

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    Aims: Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is a treatment modality for several cancers involving the administration of a tumour-localising photosensitiser (PS) and its subsequent activation by light, resulting in tumour damage. Ras oncogenes have been strongly associated with chemo- and radio-resistance. Based on the described roles of adhesion and cell morphology on drug resistance, we studied if the differences in shape, cell-extracellular matrix and cell-cell adhesion induced by Ras transfection, play a role in the resistance to PDT. Materials and methods: We employed the human normal breast HB4a cells transfected with H-RAS and a panel of five PSs. Key findings: We found that resistance to PDT of the HB4a-Ras cells employing all the PSs, increased between 1.3 and 2.5-fold as compared to the parental cells. There was no correlation between resistance and intracellular PS levels or PS intracellular localisation. Even when Ras-transfected cells present lower adherence to the ECM proteins, this does not make them more sensitive to PDT or chemotherapy. On the contrary, a marked gain of resistance to PDT was observed in floating cells as compared to adhesive cells, accounting for the higher ability conferred by Ras to survive in conditions of decreased cell-extracellular matrix interactions. HB4a-Ras cells displayed disorganisation of actin fibres, mislocalised E-cadherin and vinculin and lower expression of E-cadherin and β1-integrin as compared to HB4a cells. Significance: Knowledge of the mechanisms of resistance to photodamage in Ras-overexpressing cells may lead to the optimization of the combination of PDT with other treatmentsAC thanks to ANPCyT (Argentina) PICT 2014-0727 and CONICET (Argentina) PIP 2014 number 11220130100237CO. Lorena Rodriguez acknowledges CONICET fellowships, Bunge & Born Foundation Argentina and Jorge Oster, Argentina, for financial support. FS and AC acknowledge Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y Cooperación and Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (A/ 015883/08), Spain, for financial support. MAR is supported through a Junior Faculty Scholar Award from the American Society of Hematolog

    High-dose steroid treatment increases free water transport in peritoneal dialysis patients

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    The water channel aquaporin-1 (AQP1) is the molecular counterpart of the ultrasmall pore that mediates free water transport during peritoneal dialysis (PD). Proof-of-principle studies performed in rats have shown that treatment with corticosteroids upregulates the expression of AQP1 in the peritoneal capillaries, causing a significant increase in free water transport. Whether such a beneficial effect could be observed in end-stage renal disease patients treated by PD remains unknown. Peritoneal transport parameters were evaluated in three patients on PD, shortly before and after living-donor renal transplantation and treatment with high-dose methylprednisolone (1.0-1.2 g/m2). As compared with pre-transplantation values, the post-transplantation test revealed an ∼2-fold increase in the sodium sieving and ultrasmall pore ultrafiltration volume, suggesting an effect on AQP1 water channels. In contrast, there was no change in the parameters of small solute transport. The direct involvement of AQP1 in these changes is suggested by the expression of glucocorticoid receptors in the human peritoneum and the presence of conserved glucocorticoid response elements in the promoter of the human AQP1 gen

    El patrimonio natural y cultural como factor de cohesión y arraigo en áreas de expansión urbana del sur de la RMBA

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    El presente trabajo forma parte de las líneas de Investigación del Proyecto “Procesos de Expansión Urbana Metropolitana en el Siglo XXI. Políticas Territoriales, Modos de Producción de Suelo, y Transformaciones Socio espaciales en el Área Sur de la RMBA”. El propósito es indagar en los procesos de expansión urbana del Área Sur de la RMBA, las transformaciones territoriales y las consecuencias socio espaciales y ambientales, a partir de reconocer los modos de producción de suelo, comprender y explicar las lógicas de los actores involucrados, así como los vínculos con las políticas sectoriales de tierra, vivienda e infraestructuras y de ordenamiento territorial. En este marco el patrimonio natural y cultural, se aborda como una oportunidad para establecer mecanismos de conciliación con los modos y calidad de vida, tales como el desarraigo y la pérdida de recursos naturales a la vez que rescata actitudes frente al patrimonio, evitando la obsolescencia, utilizando la valoración de los recursos patrimoniales al servicio de los problemas locales: locación habitacional, generación de centralidades y consolidación comunitaria como estrategia de desarrollo local. A partir del estudio de valores naturales y culturales combinados sobre la mancha de expansión urbana relevada en el periodo 2004 – 2017, el patrimonio tangible e intangible se interpreta en términos de oportunidades y amenazas consolidando una visión de dependencia del desarrollo local, configurando una nueva visión centro-periferia como instrumento de intervención para la integración. En esta búsqueda, el instrumento normativo existente no es suficiente y por esta razón, deberán considerarse otras lecturas del patrimonio desde la participación ciudadana y la difusión de sus valores y atractivos como rasgos de una construcción comunitaria. A partir de esta aproximación al tema de estudio surgen nuevos interrogantes que nos impulsan a mirar con mayor detenimiento cada caso en particular y proyectar desde la lectura del pasado, las posibilidades futuras de un patrimonio que es testigo de lo que este territorio quiso ser y es la mira hacia mejores oportunidades.Centro de Investigaciones Urbanas y Territoriale