174 research outputs found

    Nitrogen mineralization and gaseous nitrogen losses from waterlogged and drained organic soils in a black alder (<i>Alnus glutinosa</i> (L.) Gaertn.) forest

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    Black alder (<i>Alnus glutinosa</i> (L.) Gaertn.) forests on peat soils have been reported to be hotspots for high nitrous oxide (N<sub>2</sub>O) losses. High emissions may be attributed to alternating water tables of peatlands and to the incorporation of high amounts of easily decomposable nitrogen (N) into the ecosystem by symbiotic dinitrogen (N<sub>2</sub>)-fixation of alder trees. Our study addressed the question to what extent drainage enhances the emissions of N<sub>2</sub>O from black alder forests and how N turnover processes and physical factors influence the production of N<sub>2</sub>O and total denitrification. The study was conducted in a drained black alder forest with variable groundwater tables at a southern German fen peatland. Fluxes of N<sub>2</sub>O were measured using the closed chamber method at two drained sites (D-1 and D-2) and one undrained site (U). Inorganic N contents and net N mineralization rates (NNM) were determined. Additionally a laboratory incubation experiment was carried out to investigate greenhouse gas and N<sub>2</sub> fluxes at different temperature and soil moisture conditions. Significantly different inorganic N contents and NNM rates were observed, which however did not result in significantly different N<sub>2</sub>O fluxes in the field but did in the laboratory experiment. N<sub>2</sub>O fluxes measured were low for all sites, with total annual emissions of 0.51 ± 0.07 (U), 0.97 ± 0.13 (D-1) and 0.93 ± 0.08 kg N<sub>2</sub>O–N ha<sup>−1</sup> yr<sup>&minus;1</sup> (D-2). Only 37% of the spatiotemporal variation in field N<sub>2</sub>O fluxes could be explained by peat temperature and groundwater level, demonstrating the complex interlinking of the controlling factors for N<sub>2</sub>O emissions. However, temperature was one of the key variables of N<sub>2</sub>O fluxes in the incubation experiment conducted. Increasing soil moisture content was found to enhance total denitrification losses during the incubation experiment, whereas N<sub>2</sub>O fluxes remained constant. At the undrained site, permanently high groundwater level was found to prevent net nitrification, resulting in a limitation of available nitrate (NO<sub>3</sub><sup>&minus;</sup>) and negligible gaseous N losses. N<sub>2</sub>O flux rates that were up to four times higher were measured in the incubation experiment. They reveal the potential of high N<sub>2</sub>O losses under changing soil physical conditions at the drained alder sites. The high net nitrification rates observed and high NO<sub>3</sub><sup>&minus;</sup> contents bear the risk of considerable NO<sub>3</sub><sup>&minus;</sup> leaching at the drained sites

    Elements for the Expected Mechanisms on Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation, REDD under UNFCCC

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    Carbon emissions from deforestation and degradation account for 20% of the global anthropogenic emissions (IPCC WG I, 2007). Since the eleventh session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in December 2005, strategies and incentives for Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD) have emerged as one of the most attended negotiation items. It is not easy to build an international agreement on the role of REDD in a future climate change regime, but now we are close to an achievable historical decision on the future of forests: the Bali mandate on REDD. In this paper we suggest some elements for an effective long-term implementation of a REDD mechanism under the UNFCCC and for closing gaps in the forestry accounting system. These elements are related both to ecological and political processes, reflecting some of the most critical and debated negotiation points. The proposed elements are: a) carbon (C) losses from forests; b) incentives for all stages of reducing emissions, stabilizing and maintaining forest C stocks; c) national approach; d) data availability at national scale; e) conservativeness approach for carbon accounting.JRC.H.2-Climate chang

    EU Peatlands: Current Carbon Stocks and Trace Gas Fluxes

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    Peatlands in Europe has formed a significant sink for atmospheric CO2 since the last glacial maximum. Currently they are estimated to hold ca. 42 Gt carbon in the form of peat and are therefore a considerable component in the European carbon budget. Due to the generally wet soil conditions in peatlands they are also significant emitters of the strong greenhouse gas (GHG) methane (CH4) and in some cases also of nitrous oxide (N2O). The EU funded CarboEurope-GHG Concerted Action attempts to develop a reliable and complete greenhouse gas budget for Europe and this report aims to provide a review and synthesis of the available information about GHG exchanges in European peatlands and their underlying processes. A best estimate for all the European countries shows that some are currently sinks for atmospheric CO2 while others are sources. In contrast, for CH4 and N2O, only the sources are relevant. Whilst some countries are CO2 sinks, all countries are net GHG emitters from peatlands. The results presented, however, carry large uncertainties, which cannot be adequately quantified yet. One outstanding uncertainty is the distribution of land use types, particular in Russia, the largest European peat nation. The synthesis of GHG exchange, nevertheless, indicates some interesting features. Russia hosts an estimated 41% of European peatlands and contributes most to all GHG exchanges (CO2: 25%, CH4: 52%, N2O: 26%, Total: 37%). Germany is the second-largest emitter (12% of European total) although it contains only 3.2% of European peatlands. The reason is the use of most of the peatland area for intensive cropland and grassland. The largest CO2 emitters are countries with large agricultural peatland areas (Russia, Germany, Belarus, Poland), the largest N2O emitters are those with large agricultural fen areas (Russia, Germany, Finland). In contrast, the largest CH4 emitters are concentrated in regions with large areas of intact mires, namely Russia and Scandinavia. High average emission densities above 3.5 t C-equiv. ha-1 are found in the Southeast Mediterranean, Germany and the Netherlands where agricultural use of peatlands is intense. Low average emission densities below 0.3 t C-equiv. ha-1 occur where mires and peatland forests dominate, e.g. Finland and the UK. This report concludes by pointing at key gaps in our knowledge about peatland carbon stocks and GHG exchanges which include insufficient basic information on areal distribution of peatlands, measurements of peat depth and also a lack of flux datasets providing full annual budgets of GHG exchanges

    Elements for the expected mechanisms on 'reduced emissions from deforestation and degradation, REDD' under UNFCCC

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    Carbon emissions from deforestation and degradation account for about 20% of global anthropogenic emissions. Strategies and incentives for reduced emissions from deforestation and degradation (REDD) have emerged as one of the most active areas in the international climate change negotiations under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). While the current negotiations focus on a REDD mechanism in developing countries, it should be recognized that risks of carbon losses from forests occur in all climate zones and also in industrialized countries. A future climate change agreement would be more effective if it included all carbon losses and gains from land use in all countries and climate zones. The REDD mechanism will be an important step towards reducing emissions from land use change in developing countries, but needs to be followed by steps in other land use systems and regions. A national approach to REDD and significant coverage globally are needed to deal with the risk that deforestation and degradation activities are displaced rather than avoided. Favourable institutional and governance conditions need to be established that guarantee in the long-term a stable incentive and control system for maintaining forest carbon stocks. Ambitious emission reductions from deforestation and forest degradation need sustained financial incentives, which go beyond positive incentives for reduced emissions but also give incentives for sustainable forest management. Current data limitations need-and can be-overcome in the coming years to allow accurate accounting of reduced emissions from deforestation and degradation. A proper application of the conservativeness approach in the REDD context could allow a simplified reporting of emissions from deforestation in a first phase, consistent with the already agreed UNFCCC reporting principles. [References: 19

    The relevance of particulate organic carbon (POC) for carbon composition in the pore water of drained and rewetted fens of the "Donauried" (South-Germany)

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    International audienceNumerous studies have dealt with carbon (C) concentrations in Histosols, but there are no studies quantifying the relative importance of all individual C components in pore waters. For this study, measurements were made of all the carbon components (i.e., particulate organic carbon, POC; dissolved organic carbon, DOC; dissolved inorganic carbon, DIC; dissolved methane, CH4) in the soil pore water of a calcareous fen under three different water management regimes (re-wetted, deeply and moderately drained). Pore water was collected weekly or biweekly (April 2004 to April 2006) at depths between 10 and 150 cm. The main results obtained were: (1) DIC (94?280 mg C l?1) was the main C-component. (2) POC and DOC concentrations in the pore water (14?125 mg C l?1 vs. 41?95 mg C l?1) were pari passu. (3) Dissolved CH4 was the smallest C component (0.005?0.9 mg C l?1). Interestingly, about 30% of the POM particles were colonized by microbes indicating that they are active in the internal C transfer in the soil profile ("C-Shuttles"). Consequently, it was concluded that POC is at least as important as DOC for internal soil C turnover. There is no reason to assume significant biochemical differences between POC and DOC as they only differ in size. Therefore, both POC and DOC fractions are essential components of C budgets of peatlands. Furthermore dissolved CO2 in all forms of DIC apparently is an important part of peatland C-balances

    High soil solution carbon and nitrogen concentrations in a drained Atlantic bog are reduced to natural levels by 10 years of rewetting

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    Anthropogenic drainage of peatlands releases additional greenhouse gases to the atmosphere, and dissolved carbon (C) and nutrients to downstream ecosystems. Rewetting drained peatlands offers a possibility to reduce nitrogen (N) and C losses. In this study, we investigate the impact of drainage and rewetting on the cycling of dissolved C and N as well as on dissolved gases, over a period of 1 year and a period of 4 months. We chose four sites within one Atlantic bog complex: a near-natural site, two drained grasslands with different mean groundwater levels and a former peat cutting area rewetted 10 years ago. Our results clearly indicate that long-term drainage has increased the concentrations of dissolved organic carbon (DOC), ammonium, nitrate and dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) compared to the near-natural site. DON and ammonium contributed the most to the total dissolved nitrogen. Nitrate concentrations below the mean groundwater table were negligible. The concentrations of DOC and N species increased with drainage depth. In the deeply-drained grassland, with a mean annual water table of 45 cm below surface, DOC concentrations were twice as high as in the partially rewetted grassland with a mean annual water table of 28 cm below surface. The deeply drained grassland had some of the highest-ever observed DOC concentrations of 195.8 ± 77.3 mg L−1 with maximum values of >400 mg L−1. In general, dissolved organic matter (DOM) at the drained sites was enriched in aromatic moieties and showed a higher degradation status (lower DOC to DON ratio) compared to the near-natural site. At the drained sites, the C to N ratios of the uppermost peat layer were the same as of DOM in the peat profile. This suggests that the uppermost degraded peat layer is the main source of DOM. Nearly constant DOM quality through the profile furthermore indicated that DOM moving downwards through the drained sites remained largely biogeochemically unchanged. Unlike DOM concentration, DOM quality and dissolved N species distribution were similar in the two grasslands and thus unaffected by the drainage depth. Methane production during the winter months at the drained sites was limited to the subsoil, which was quasi-permanently water saturated. The recovery of the water table in the winter months led to the production of nitrous oxide around mean water table depth at the drained sites. The rewetted and the near-natural site had comparable DOM quantity and quality (DOC to DON ratio and aromaticity). 10 years after rewetting quasi-pristine biogeochemical conditions have been re-established under continuously water logged conditions in the former peat cut area. Only the elevated dissolved methane and ammonium concentrations reflected the former disturbance by drainage and peat extraction. Rewetting via polder technique seems to be an appropriate way to revitalize peatlands on longer timescales and to improve the water quality of downstream water bodies

    The carbon budget of terrestrial ecosystems at country-scale – a European case study

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    We summed estimates of the carbon balance of forests, grasslands, arable lands and peatlands to obtain country-specific estimates of the terrestrial carbon balance during the 1990s. Forests and grasslands were a net sink for carbon, whereas croplands were carbon sources in all European countries. Hence, countries dominated by arable lands tended to be losing carbon from their terrestrial ecosystems, whereas forest-dominated countries tended to be sequestering carbon. In some countries, draining and extraction of peatlands caused substantial reductions in the net carbon balance. Net terrestrial carbon balances were typically an order of magnitude smaller than the fossil fuel-related carbon emissions. Exceptions to this overall picture were countries where population density and industrialization are small. It is, however, of utmost importance to acknowledge that the typically small net carbon balance represents the small difference between two large but opposing fluxes: uptake by forests and grasslands and losses from arable lands and peatlands. This suggests that relatively small changes in either or both of these large component fluxes could induce large effects on the net total, indicating that mitigation schemes should not be discarded a priori. In the absence of carbon-oriented land management, the current net carbon uptake is bound to decline soon. Protecting it will require actions at three levels; a) maintaining the current sink activity of forests, b) altered agricultural management practices to reduce the emissions from arable soils or turn into carbon sinks and c) protecting current large reservoirs (wetlands and old forests), since carbon is lost more rapidly than sequestered

    Analyzing the causes and spatial pattern of the European 2003 carbon flux anomaly using seven models

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    Globally, the year 2003 is associated with one of the largest atmospheric CO&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt; rises on record. In the same year, Europe experienced an anomalously strong flux of CO&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt; from the land to the atmosphere associated with an exceptionally dry and hot summer in Western and Central Europe. In this study we analyze the magnitude of this carbon flux anomaly and key driving ecosystem processes using simulations of seven terrestrial ecosystem models of different complexity and types (process-oriented and diagnostic). We address the following questions: (1) how large were deviations in the net European carbon flux in 2003 relative to a short-term baseline (1998&amp;ndash;2002) and to longer-term variations in annual fluxes (1980 to 2005), (2) which European regions exhibited the largest changes in carbon fluxes during the growing season 2003, and (3) which ecosystem processes controlled the carbon balance anomaly . &lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt; In most models the prominence of 2003 anomaly in carbon fluxes declined with lengthening of the reference period from one year to 16 years. The 2003 anomaly for annual net carbon fluxes ranged between 0.35 and &amp;ndash;0.63 Pg C for a reference period of one year and between 0.17 and &amp;ndash;0.37 Pg C for a reference period of 16 years for the whole Europe. &lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt; In Western and Central Europe, the anomaly in simulated net ecosystem productivity (NEP) over the growing season in 2003 was outside the 1&amp;sigma; variance bound of the carbon flux anomalies for 1980&amp;ndash;2005 in all models. The estimated anomaly in net carbon flux ranged between &amp;ndash;42 and &amp;ndash;158 Tg C for Western Europe and between 24 and &amp;ndash;129 Tg C for Central Europe depending on the model used. All models responded to a dipole pattern of the climate anomaly in 2003. In Western and Central Europe NEP was reduced due to heat and drought. In contrast, lower than normal temperatures and higher air humidity decreased NEP over Northeastern Europe. While models agree on the sign of changes in simulated NEP and gross primary productivity in 2003 over Western and Central Europe, models diverge in the estimates of anomalies in ecosystem respiration. Except for two process models which simulate respiration increase, most models simulated a decrease in ecosystem respiration in 2003. The diagnostic models showed a weaker decrease in ecosystem respiration than the process-oriented models. Based on the multi-model simulations we estimated the total carbon flux anomaly over the 2003 growing season in Europe to range between &amp;ndash;0.02 and &amp;ndash;0.27 Pg C relative to the net carbon flux in 1998&amp;ndash;2002
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