109 research outputs found

    Perancangan Kriptografi Block Cipher Berbasis pada Teknik Formasi Permainan Bola

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    Kriptografi sangat berperan dalam keamanan suatu data atau informasi. Di sisi lain, kriptografi banyak yang telah dipecahkan oleh kriptanalis, sehingga informasi penting tersebut menjadi tidak aman. Membuat algoritma cipher blok adalah untuk menggantikan algoritma yang lama juga untuk memperbaiki kemanan pesan. Dari penelitain ini, untuk merancang sebuah kriptografi block cipher menggunakan teknik formasi permainan bola sebagai pola pengacakan pada plainteks. proses enkripsi dan dekripsi dirancang sebanyak dua belas putaran untuk mendapatkan cipherteks dan plainteks setelah di-XOR dengan kunci yang sudah diregenerasi. Avalanche efek mengacu pada properti yang diinginkan dari algoritma kriptografi, biasanya blok cipher dan fungsi hash kriptografi. ketika sebuah input berubah sedikit, perubahan output yang signifikan. Dalam kasus cipher blok berkualitas tinggi, seperti perubahan kecil di kunci atau plaintext harus menyebabkan perubahan drastis dalam ciphertext.Cryptography plays an important role in the security of the data or information. On the other hand, many cryptographic been solved by cryptanalyst, so that vital information may become unsafe. Creating a block cipher algorithm is to replace the old algorithm also to improve messaging security. In this research, to design a cryptographic cipher block using the technique of football games as pattern formation randomization in plaintext. in the encryption and decryption process is designed twelve rounds to get the ciphertext and plaintext after XOR-ed with a key that has been regenerated. the avalanche effect refers to a desirable property of cryptographic algorithms, typically block ciphers and cryptographic hash functions. When an input is changed slightly, the output changes significantly. In the case of high-quality block ciphers, such a small change in either the key or the plaintext should cause a drastic change in the ciphertext

    Peran Otopsi dalam Mengungkap Tindak Pidana Pembunuhan oleh Kepolisian (Studi Polsek Tanjung Morawa)

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    Kepolisian Sektor Tanjung Morawa sebagai salah satu pelaksana tugas keamanan negara berperan untuk menanggulangi terjadinya suatu tindak pidana, termasuk penanggulangan tindak pidana pembunuhan. Permasalahan yang dialami penyidik kepolisian dalam mengungkapkan kasus pembunuhan adalah sulitnya untuk mendapatkan ijin keluarga korban dalam melakukan autopsi terhadap korban. Hal tersebut disebabkan karena hal-hal yang terkait dengan persoalan keyakinan dari agama si korban yang melarang untuk dilakukannya autopsi pada korban pembunuhan. Proses autopsi pihak penyidik mengalami kendala secara internal karena keterbatasan dana untuk proses autopsi dari pemerintah. Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini yakni, pertama, Bagaimana peran otopsi dalam mengungkap tindak pidana pembunuhan?, kedua, Bagaimana peran Kepolisian menggunakan otopsi dalam mengungkap tindak pidana pembunuhan di Kepolisian Sektor Tanjung Morawa?, ketiga, Bagaimana kendala dan upaya melakukan otopsi tindak pidana pembunuhan di Kepolisian Sektor Tanjung Morawa?. Penelitian ini mempergunakan metode yuridis normatif, dengan data sekunder yakni bahan hukum primer, sekunder dan tersier. Teknik pengumpulan data yang dilakukan dengan cara studi kepustakaan dan lapangan. Analisa data yang digunakan adalah analisa data kualitatif. Hasil penelitian tesis ini yang pertama adalah Peran otopsi atau bedah mayat dalam membantu mengungkapkan kejelasan mengenai suatu peristiwa yang dimana memakan korban dankematian nya tidak jelas atau dengan kata lain tidak ada saksi serta barang buktiyang terdapat di tempat kejadian perkara, otopsi atau bedah mayatsangat besar fungsinya untuk membantu pihak penyidik dalam memecahkansuatu kasus yang sedang di hadapi nya hingga menjadi selesai sebagaimana mestinya. Kedua, Peran Kepolisian menggunakan otopsi dalam mengungkap tindak pidana pembunuhan di Kepolisian Sektor Tanjung Morawa adalah dengan melakuan penyelidikan, penyidikan terhadap kasus pembunuhan yang terjadi. Otopsi dijadikan sebaga alat untuk menemukan peristiwa dan penyelidikan kasus pembunuhan. Disamping itu, POLSEK Tanjung moewa Adapun langkah-langkah yang dilakukan Pihak POLSEK Tanjung Morawa dalam menemukan dan mengungkap Tindak Pidana Pembunuhan diwilayah hukum POLSEK Tanjung Morawa adalah untuk menciptakan situasi aman di masyarakat. Ketiga, bahwa kendala dan upaya melakukan otopsi tindak pidana pembunuhan di Kepolisian Sektor Tanjung Morawa diantaranya Tenaga ahli belum tersedia, Prasarana untuk melakukan otopsi atau bedah mayat masih belum tersedia prasarana yang memadai sehingga dalam pelaksanaannya hanya dilakukan pemeriksaan luar saja. Tanjung Morawa Sector Police as one of the implementers of state security duty has a role to overcome the occurrence of a crime, including the prevention of murder. The problem experienced by police investigators in disclosing the murder case is the difficulty in obtaining the victim's family's permission in performing an autopsy on the victim. This is due to matters related to the religious beliefs of the victim who forbade the autopsy of the murder victim. The investigator's autopsy process is constrained internally due to limited funding for the government's autopsy process.The problems in this research are, firstly, how is the role of autopsy in exposing the crime of murder ?, second, How is the role of Police using autopsy in exposing murder crime in Tanjung Morawa Sector Police ?, third, How is the obstacle and effort to conduct autopsy of murder in Police Sector of Tanjung Moraa ?. This research uses normative juridical method, with secondary data of primary, secondary and tertiary law material. Data collection techniques conducted by library and field study. Data analysis used is qualitative data analysis. The results of this first thesis research is the role of autopsy or post-mortem in helping to reveal the clarity of an event in which the victim and its deaths are not clear or in other words there are no witnesses and evidence contained at the scene of the case, autopsy or post-mortem great function to assist the investigator in solving a case that is in his face to be completed as it must. Second, the Role of the Police using an autopsy in exposing the murder crime in the Tanjung Morawa Sector Police is by conducting an investigation, investigation into the murder case that occurred. An autopsy is used as a tool to find murder cases and investigations. Besides, POLSEK Tanjung moewa The steps taken by POLSEK Tanjung Morawa Party in finding and uncovering Murder Crime in the territory of Tanjung Morawa POLSEK law is to create a safe situation in the community. Third, that the obstacles and efforts to autopsy crime of murder in Tanjung Morawa Sector Police including experts are not yet available, Infrastructure to perform autopsy or post-mortem is still not available adequate infrastructure so that in its implementation only done outside examination onl

    Bærekraftsrapportering i den digitale verden : En casestudie om hvordan digitalisering kan bidra til b¾rekraftsrapportering hos smOE og mellomstore bedrifter

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    I 2023 vil EUs taksonomiforordning og offentliggjøringsforordning bli en del av norsk lov. Loven vil sette nye krav til bærekraftsrapportering for store norske virksomheter. I praksis vil de nye reguleringene få konsekvenser for langt flere, og i lys av dette pekes det på at ny lovgivning også vil berøre små og mellomstore bedrifter. Videre ser man at virksomheter i dag stadig retter seg mot å ta i bruk nyere teknologi i arbeidet mot et mer ansvarlig næringsliv.Med dette som utgangspunkt, formulerte vi følgende problemstilling: Hvordan kan digitalisering bidra til bærekraftsrapportering hos små og mellomstore bedrifter? Hensikten med studien har vært å øke forståelsen for hvordan små og mellomstore bedrifter kan imøtekomme kommende krav til rapportering på bærekraft, hvor digitalisering adresseres som et verktøy for bærekraftsrapportering. Studien fokuserer på miljøaspektet ved bærekraft, og innhenting av data tilknyttet miljømessige faktorer: miljødata. Gjennom en kvalitativ casestudie har vi studert de tre norske aktørene Carrot, Varig og Terravera sine digitale løsninger, som har til hensikt å kartlegge, innhente og omregne miljødata. Studiens funn er basert på åpne intervju ogjevnlig kontakt med til sammen syv representanter fra aktørene, samt semistrukturerte dybdeintervju med syv representanter fra et utvalg av deres kunder. I tillegg har vi fått tilgang til verdifullt dokumentmateriell fra aktørene for ytterligere innsikt. I lys av Bygstad (2020) sine digitale anvendelser for bærekraft, finner vi at tingenes internett, plattformløsninger og kunstig intelligens spiller en viktig rolle i å samle data til bruk i bærekraftsrapportering. Studien avdekker at verdien av programvare forsterkes av tilkobling til annen programvare, andre plattformer og industrielt utstyr, men også at det synes å foreligge et behov for en bedre samordning av miljødata. Det viser seg at markedskrav, samt antakelsen om fremtidige lover og reguleringer er sterke drivere for bærekraftsrapportering hos små og mellomstore bedrifter. Videre synes innsamling og sammenstilling av miljødata å gi et faktagrunnlag, slik at små og mellomstore bedrifter kan fatte mer miljøvennlige beslutninger. I tillegg finner vi at digitalisering forenkler prosesser og frigjør ressurser. Slik indikerer studien at digitalisering i seg selv bidrar til å muliggjøre bærekraftsrapportering for små og mellomstore bedrifter. Vi finner imidlertid standardisert innhenting og rapportering av miljødata, kultur for datadeling, og ny kompetanse som avgjørende. Avslutningsvis avdekker vi samarbeid i et digitalt økosystem som en forutsetning for å lykkes med digitalisering av bærekraftsrapportering hos små og mellomstore bedrifter.nhhma

    The strategies implemented by OSK company and its effect on investment during the bear market / Alisa Alice Fredly

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    This case studies on company performance during economic crisis on OSK investment Bank. The scope only focuses on the strategies implemented and its effect on investment during recession. The objective of the study is to identify the result and the effects of investing in market down since bear market is a part of the market cycle. Financial ratio analysis and graph can be used as the indicator to measure the financial performance in term of profitability, debt and stock market ratios performances by understanding the relationship between economic conditions with financial performance. The data period take by the time of recession and end of economic crisis, from 2008 to 2009 (one year). The results from financial ratios analysis shows a positive growth shown on their operating revenue that indicated their core businesses were not affected amid economic downturn. This is because investment becomes most activities business for Malaysian now days

    Store steg for Lillerussland - Ukraina i norske medier, 1917-1922

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    Oppgaven undersøker utviklingen av den norske oppfatningen av Ukraina fra 1917 til 1922 i det norske mediebildet. Denne perioden var en viktig og formativ periode i Ukraina historie. Samtidig var Norges mediebilde preget av en svært betent diskurs, med et bredt mangfold av ulike politiske meninger og ytringer, ofte tett knyttet til det betimelige spørsmålet om revolusjon. Inn i dette politiske klimaet har jeg undersøkt hvordan Ukraina ble fremstilt i norske medier fra 1917 til 1922. Jeg har operasjonalisert studien ved å dele analysen i fire tematiske empirikapittel. I disse kapitlene blir en rekke spesifikke avisartikler analysert, med hovedvekt på hva de skriver rundt Ukraina som stat, samt hvilke egenskaper og kvaliteter landet blir tilegnet av artikkelforfatterne. Oppgaven bygger på avisartikler fra den borgerlige, sosialistiske og liberale pressen. På den måten har jeg kunnet analysere likheter og ulikheter fra tre politiske ståsteder. I tillegg til avisartiklene benyttes ukrainsk faglitteratur fra den vestlige og post-sovjetiske historiografien for å diskutere perspektiv som ble fremmet av de norske avisene i perioden. Undersøkelsen avdekker at det norske publikum gjennom perioden fikk en ny og ulik forståelse av landet gjennom den omfattende dekningen fra de tre politiske innfallsvinklene. Ved dette grepet har det trådt fram tre distinkte fremstillinger av landet. Studien gir et mer helhetlig bilde av hvordan de historiske hendelsene som preget Øst-Europa i begynnelsen av forrige århundre ble formidlet i Norge.This thesis examines the development of the Norwegian perception of Ukraine from 1917 to 1922 in the Norwegian news media. This period was an important, formative period in Ukraine's history. At the same time, the Norwegian media was characterized by a very heated discourse, with a wide variety of different political opinions and statements, often closely linked to the timely question of revolution. The research question is: How was Ukraine portrayed in the Norwegian media from 1917 to 1922? To answer the research question, the thesis is subdivided into four thematic periods, each of which has constituted its own empirical chapter. Based on newspaper articles, I have analyzed how Ukraine as a state was perceived and portrayed. The empirical data of the thesis, the newspaper articles, are further delineated based on the newspapers' political affiliation, where the articles are placed within the conservative, socialist and liberal representation. In addition to the newspaper articles, Ukrainian scholarly research from the Western and post-Soviet historiography is used to nuance and discuss the perspective that was promoted by the Norwegian newspapers in the given period of the thesis. The study demonstrates that the Norwegian public gained a new understanding of the country throughout the period through the extensive coverage from three political sides. The research is a relevant contribution to fields of historical research such as media history, national history, and transnational history, as well as an enlightening contribution to the larger conversation that is now being held around Ukraine. It will be able to provide a more comprehensive picture of Norway's mentality regarding the historical events that characterized Eastern Europe at the beginning of the last century

    Systemic Metabolomic Profiling of Acute Myeloid Leukemia Patients before and During Disease-Stabilizing Treatment Based on All-Trans Retinoic Acid, Valproic Acid, and Low-Dose Chemotherapy

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    Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is an aggressive malignancy, and many elderly/unfit patients cannot receive intensive and potentially curative therapy. These patients receive low-toxicity disease-stabilizing treatment. The combination of all-trans retinoic acid (ATRA) and the histone deacetylase inhibitor valproic acid can stabilize the disease for a subset of such patients. We performed untargeted serum metabolomic profiling for 44 AML patients receiving treatment based on ATRA and valproic acid combined with low-dose cytotoxic drugs (cytarabine, hydroxyurea, 6-mercaptopurin) which identified 886 metabolites. When comparing pretreatment samples from responders and non-responders, metabolites mainly belonging to amino acid and lipid (i.e., fatty acid) pathways were altered. Furthermore, patients with rapidly progressive disease showed an extensively altered lipid metabolism. Both ATRA and valproic acid monotherapy also altered the amino acid and lipid metabolite profiles; however, these changes were only highly significant for valproic acid treatment. Twenty-three metabolites were significantly altered by seven-day valproic acid treatment (p < 0.05, q < 0.05), where the majority of altered metabolites belonged to lipid (especially fatty acid metabolism) and amino acid pathways, including several carnitines. These metabolomic effects, and especially the effects on lipid metabolism, may be important for the antileukemic and epigenetic effects of this treatment.publishedVersio

    Analisis Kelayakan Air Berbasis Android

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    This research was conducted to identify the test of the water quality which good for consumption. It can be proved from temperature, turbidity level, and TDS (Total Dissolved Solids). By tempting the sensor, the turbidity and TDS meter controlled with the Arduino uno and the MCU node is forwarded to send data to the bylink application. The bylink application will help in monitoring water conditions by displaying the water condition which fit for consuming. The method used in this research was started with making a prototype then producing data to determine the feasibility of water through the TDS sensor, temperature sensor, and NTU (water clarity). This indicators were developed on an Android system whom the user could determine feasibility water easier

    Detailed statistical analysis plan for the SafeBoosC III trial : a multinational randomised clinical trial assessing treatment guided by cerebral oxygenation monitoring versus treatment as usual in extremely preterm infants

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    Background: Infants born extremely preterm are at high risk of dying or suffering from severe brain injuries. Treatment guided by monitoring of cerebral oxygenation may reduce the risk of death and neurologic complications. The SafeBoosC III trial evaluates the effects of treatment guided by cerebral oxygenation monitoring versus treatment as usual. This article describes the detailed statistical analysis plan for the main publication, with the aim to prevent outcome reporting bias and data-driven analyses. Methods/design: The SafeBoosC III trial is an investigator-initiated, randomised, multinational, pragmatic phase III trial with a parallel group structure, designed to investigate the benefits and harms of treatment based on cerebral near-infrared spectroscopy monitoring compared with treatment as usual. Randomisation will be 1:1 stratified for neonatal intensive care unit and gestational age (lower gestational age (&lt; 26 weeks) compared to higher gestational age ( 65 26 weeks)). The primary outcome is a composite of death or severe brain injury at 36 weeks postmenstrual age. Primary analysis will be made on the intention-to-treat population for all outcomes, using mixed-model logistic regression adjusting for stratification variables. In the primary analysis, the twin intra-class correlation coefficient will not be considered. However, we will perform sensitivity analyses to address this. Our simulation study suggests that the inclusion of multiple births is unlikely to significantly affect our assessment of intervention effects, and therefore we have chosen the analysis where the twin intra-class correlation coefficient will not be considered as the primary analysis. Discussion: In line with the Declaration of Helsinki and the International Conference on Harmonization Good Clinical Practice guidelines, we have developed and published this statistical analysis plan for the SafeBoosC III trial, prior to any data analysis. Trial registration: ClinicalTrials.org, NCT03770741. Registered on 10 December 2018

    Cerebral near-infrared spectroscopy monitoring versus treatment as usual for extremely preterm infants : a protocol for the SafeBoosC randomised clinical phase III trial

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    Background: Cerebral oxygenation monitoring may reduce the risk of death and neurologic complications in extremely preterm infants, but no such effects have yet been demonstrated in preterm infants in sufficiently powered randomised clinical trials. The objective of the SafeBoosC III trial is to investigate the benefits and harms of treatment based on near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) monitoring compared with treatment as usual for extremely preterm infants. Methods/design: SafeBoosC III is an investigator-initiated, multinational, randomised, pragmatic phase III clinical trial. Inclusion criteria will be infants born below 28 weeks postmenstrual age and parental informed consent (unless the site is using 'opt-out' or deferred consent). Exclusion criteria will be no parental informed consent (or if 'opt-out' is used, lack of a record that clinical staff have explained the trial and the 'opt-out' consent process to parents and/or a record of the parents' decision to opt-out in the infant's clinical file); decision not to provide full life support; and no possibility to initiate cerebral NIRS oximetry within 6 h after birth. Participants will be randomised 1:1 into either the experimental or control group. Participants in the experimental group will be monitored during the first 72 h of life with a cerebral NIRS oximeter. Cerebral hypoxia will be treated according to an evidence-based treatment guideline. Participants in the control group will not undergo cerebral oxygenation monitoring and will receive treatment as usual. Each participant will be followed up at 36 weeks postmenstrual age. The primary outcome will be a composite of either death or severe brain injury detected on any of the serial cranial ultrasound scans that are routinely performed in these infants up to 36 weeks postmenstrual age. Severe brain injury will be assessed by a person blinded to group allocation. To detect a 22% relative risk difference between the experimental and control group, we intend to randomise a cohort of 1600 infants. Discussion: Treatment guided by cerebral NIRS oximetry has the potential to decrease the risk of death or survival with severe brain injury in preterm infants. There is an urgent need to assess the clinical effects of NIRS monitoring among preterm neonates. Trial registration: ClinicalTrial.gov, NCT03770741. Registered 10 December 2018

    The effects of cerebral oximetry in mechanically ventilated newborns: a protocol for the SafeBoosC-IIIv randomised clinical trial

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    Background The SafeBoosC project aims to test the clinical value of non-invasive cerebral oximetry by near-infrared spectroscopy in newborn infants. The purpose is to establish whether cerebral oximetry can be used to save newborn infants’ lives and brains or not. Newborns contribute heavily to total childhood mortality and neonatal brain damage is the cause of a large part of handicaps such as cerebral palsy. The objective of the SafeBoosC-IIIv trial is to evaluate the benefits and harms of cerebral oximetry added to usual care versus usual care in mechanically ventilated newborns. Methods/design SafeBoosC-IIIv is an investigator-initiated, multinational, randomised, pragmatic phase-III clinical trial. The inclusion criteria will be newborns with a gestational age more than 28 + 0 weeks, postnatal age less than 28 days, predicted to require mechanical ventilation for at least 24 h, and prior informed consent from the parents or deferred consent or absence of opt-out. The exclusion criteria will be no available cerebral oximeter, suspicion of or confirmed brain injury or disorder, or congenital heart disease likely to require surgery. A total of 3000 participants will be randomised in 60 neonatal intensive care units from 16 countries, in a 1:1 allocation ratio to cerebral oximetry versus usual care. Participants in the cerebral oximetry group will undergo cerebral oximetry monitoring during mechanical ventilation in the neonatal intensive care unit for as long as deemed useful by the treating physician or until 28 days of life. The participants in the cerebral oximetry group will be treated according to the SafeBoosC treatment guideline. Participants in the usual care group will not receive cerebral oximetry and will receive usual care. We use two co-primary outcomes: (1) a composite of death from any cause or moderate to severe neurodevelopmental disability at 2 years of corrected age and (2) the non-verbal cognitive score of the Parent Report of Children’s Abilities-Revised (PARCA-R) at 2 years of corrected age. Discussion There is need for a randomised clinical trial to evaluate cerebral oximetry added to usual care versus usual care in mechanically ventilated newborns. Trial registration The protocol is registered at www.clinicaltrials.gov (NCT05907317; registered 18 June 2023)