1,398 research outputs found

    Análisis de las críticas sobre asistencialismo estatal en la lucha contra la pobreza durante la presidencia de Álvaro Uribe Vélez (2002 - 2010), a través del Programa Familias en Acción

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    Durante el gobierno de Álvaro Uribe Vélez hubo un gran crecimiento económico en Colombia; sin embargo, al final de su mandato había más de 20 millones de personas en condición de pobreza, es decir casi la mitad de su población. Como los problemas que trata de resolver la política pública no tienen soluciones absolutas, cada gobierno debe apostarle a diferentes soluciones. Dado los buenos resultados en las primeras evaluaciones del programa de transferencias condicionadas Familias en Acción, el gobierno de Uribe aumentó su cobertura y número de beneficiados. Sin embargo, dicho fortalecimiento fue criticado por diferentes personalidades públicas del país por considerarlo asistencialista, clientelista, proclive al uso electoral, entre otros. La presente disertación, analiza dichas críticas y las posibles razones que llevaron al gobierno de Uribe a fortalecer y ampliar el programa. Al analizar una política pública, lo importante no es alabar o desvirtuar sus alcances, sino resaltar los aportes positivos y sus debilidades para continuar con lo que está dando resultados y tomar las medidas pertinentes respecto a los nuevos problemas que se presentan. Dadas las dimensiones de la pobreza en Colombia, este tema debe ser una prioridad de todos los ciudadanos; su solución no puede quedar en manos del gobierno o del mercado, sino que debe haber un debate serio al respecto

    Resilience processes among young people in alternative care in Bogotá – Colombia

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    There are plenty of studies that focus on risks, problems, and challenges that young people in alternative care have to face. This study focused on strengths and resources that these youth have had that made a difference. The main objective of the research was to analyse how individual and contextual resources enabled resilience processes among young people in alternative care in Bogotá, Colombia. The specific objectives were a) Analyse how young people in alternative care have used contextual opportunities to cope with their past; b) explore how have young people living in alternative care have used individual resources to continue with their lives despite adversity. The socio-ecological theory was used to understand the different systems where young people are embedded and how those influence their reality. Also, the strength-base perspective was used to focus on the possibilities, opportunities, and skills they had, and those their context offered them. It was a qualitative research, in which semi-structured interview guide was applied to interview 7 young people between 18 - 25 years old living in alternative care. Then a thematic analysis was done to identify the core dimensions and subdimensions they mentioned as having helped them have resilience processes. Based on the findings, the most important dimensions in their context that helped them to cope with their past were the opportunities offered by the organization where they lived, like having access to basic rights, different types of support and training. Also, the relationships dimension is considered fundamental for this population, as they mentioned the bonds they have with caregivers, interdisciplinary team, godparents and siblings who supported their developmental process in a comprehensive way. The third dimension was education: they were committed to their studies, this gave them a sense of mastery and enhanced future life opportunities. On the other hand, some individual resources that helped them to continue with their lives were their personality, as traits like hope, self-confidence, grateful attitude and optimism help them to “move-on” from their past; and having expectations about their future gave them the strength to work hard in their present. In conclusion, the research showed that resilience processes among young people in alternative care are the result of the interaction of individual and contextual resources that enabled them to adapt to their new environment, have a healthy development and plan a life project. With a comprehensive support in different dimensions and levels, they were able to overcome their past and are fulfilling their dreams

    Variabilidad genética del Complejo Mayor de Histocompatibilidad equino y su importancia en la respuesta inmunitaria.

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    El Complejo Mayor de Histocompatibilidad (MHC) es un conjunto de genes que codifican proteínas capaces de presentar antígenos a las células del sistema inmune. A través del serotipado se determinaron 19 serotipos del MHC equino, mientras que con el análisis de marcadores microsatélites se han encontrado un elevado número de haplotipos en las distintas razas estudiadas. La variabilidad del MHC difiere entre unas razas y otras, presentando algunas mayor cantidad de haplotipos distintos que otras, y está influenciada en gran medida por la estrategia reproductiva.El sistema inmune es el encargado de proteger al organismo frente a agentes extraños a través de distintas respuestas y células inmunes. Las moléculas MHC presentan los antígenos a los linfocitos y se dividen en clase I y clase II. La clase de moléculas MHC que presenta los antígenos determina el tipo de respuesta y las células que se activan según el agente al que se exponen.Aunque existen diferentes terapias regenerativas utilizadas para tratar lesiones musculoesqueléticas en caballos, las células madre mesenquimales (MSCs) son una de las más utilizadas tanto de forma autóloga como alogénica. El tratamiento alogénico puede presentar más beneficios terapéuticos, sin embargo, a pesar de que las MSCs cuenta con cierta capacidad inmunomoduladora, este tipo de administración puede desencadenar una respuesta humoral y celular en el paciente si su MHC no es compatible con el del donante, produciendo un fracaso del tratamiento. Por eso, para evitar el rechazo es interesante determinar los haplotipos tanto de donantes como de receptores.También se han realizado diversos estudios sobre la relación entre la resistencia o susceptibilidad a enfermedades y el MHC equino en los que se ha podido determinar la asociación de ciertos haplotipos y alelos con mayor resistencia o susceptibilidad a enfermedades concretas, pero sigue siendo necesaria más investigación sobre este tema.<br /

    La UC3M apuesta por la igualdad real

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    La igualdad entre mujeres y hombres debería ser una de las expresiones fundamentales de una democracia, pero aunque se trata de un aspecto reconocido en la mayor parte de los ordenamientos jurídicos de nuestro entorno, la realidad nos muestra que la igualdad de derechos en la práctica dista mucho de ser efectiva. Hoy en día las mujeres españolas y europeas tienen que esforzarse más que los hombres en el trabajo para conseguir ocupar puestos de responsabilidad, equiparación de salarios o conciliar su vida profesional y personal.Contiene: Entrevista a Rosario Ruiz Franco (pp. 14-15). -- Entrevista a Laura Freixas (pp. 16-17). -- Entrevista a Santiago Lomas Martínez (p. 18). -- Entrevista a Víctor Luis Mora Gaspar (p. 19). -- Entrevista a Andrea Bañuz Íñiguez (p. 20). -- Entrevista a Paula Vázquez Colomo (p. 21)

    Cálculo, diseño y planificación de la fabricación de una traspaleta

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    El alcance de este trabajo es el cálculo y diseño de los componentes mecánicos de una traspaleta manual aplicando criterios de resistencia y rigidez. Una vez dimensionados dichos componentes se proponen tres posibles casos de optimización del diseño principal y se definen los procesos de fabricación, realizándose una planificación secuencial y esquemática de los mismos.<br /

    A convenient synthesis of new 6-substituted purinylcarbanucleosides on cyclopenta[b]thiophene

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    The 12th International Electronic Conference on Synthetic Organic Chemistry session Bioorganic Chemistry and Natural ProductsThe first members of a new family of heterocarbobicyclic nucleoside analogues have been synthesized from the cis/trans mixture of (4-amino-5,6-dihydro-4H-cyclopenta[b]thiophen-6-yl)methanols cis/trans-7. The separation of cis and trans intermediates during preparation of the 6-chloropurine derivatives allowed separate preparation of the purine heterocarbanucleosides cis-10 and trans-11, from which cis-(12-14) and trans-(16-18) were obtained by replacement of the 6-chloro substituent with amino, hydroxy and cyclopropylamino groups. Additionally, the 6-phenyl-purinyl analogues cis-15 and trans-19 were prepared from cis-10 and trans-11 using Suzuki-Miyaura methodologyThe authors thank the Xunta de Galicia for financial support under project PGIDIT02BTF20305P

    Cognitive status and nutritional markers in a sample of institutionalized elderly people

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    Background: Since many of the risk factors for cognitive decline can be modified by diet, the study of nutrition and its relationships with cognitive status in aging has increased considerably in recent years. However, there are hardly any studies that have assessed cognitive status using a comprehensive set of neuropsychological tests along with measures of functional capacity and mood and that have related it to nutritional status measured from several nutritional parameters that have shown its relationships with cognitive function. Objective: To test the differences in depressive symptomatology and in several measures of nutritional status between three groups classified according to their cognitive status (CS hereafter). Method: One hundred thirteen participants from nursing homes in Galicia, Spain, underwent a comprehensive neuropsychological examination, including a general screening test (MMSE) and tests for different cognitive domains along with measures of activities of daily living (ADL) and assessment of depressive symptomatology (GDSSF). According to established clinical criteria, participants were divided into three CS groups, Cognitively Intact (CI), Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI), and All-Cause Dementia (ACD). Nutritional status was also examined using blood-derived measures, body mass index (BMI) and a nutritional screening test (MNA-SF). Differences between CS groups in all nutritional variables were studied by one-way ANOVAs with post-hoc Bonferroni correction or Kruskal-Wallis with Games-Howell post-hoc correction when appropriate. Multinomial logistic regression was also applied to test the association between nutritional variables and CS. Results: Differences between CS groups were statistically significant for depressive symptomatology, vitamin A and D, albumin, selenium (Se), uric acid (UA), and BMI. The results of multinomial logistic regression found positive associations between groups with better CS and higher concentrations of vitamins A and D, transthyretin (TTR), albumin, Se, and UA, while negative associations were found for BMI. Conclusion: Higher serum levels of vitamin A, vitamin D, TTR, albumin, Se, and UA could act as protective factors against cognitive decline, whereas higher BMI could act as a risk factorNUTRIAGE (0359_NUTRIAGE_1_E) was a research project 75% co-financed by the Interreg V-A Spain-Portugal Program (POCTEP) 2014–2020 through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) of the European UnionS

    Nivel de implementación de las NIIF en las funerarias de Villavicencio - Colombia

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    This article identifies and analyzes the level of implementation of international financial reporting standards IFRS in funeral SMEs of the city of Villavicencio. To achieve this purpose, a Systematic Literature Analysis was developed through a qualitative-quantitative approach study, supported by descriptive research, taken as a population to 6 funeral centers, SMEs, applying the information collection instrument to the area manager. accounting of the company. The findings allow to demonstrate the low degree of compliance with the regulations on the adoption of IFRS by funeral homes Villavicencio, although there is a good general perception of the international standard; Results with which recommendations were formulated that make possible the implementation of the NIFF in the population under study.El presente artículo identifica y analiza el nivel de implementación de las normas internacionales de información financiera NIIF en PYMES funerarias de la ciudad de Villavicencio. Para alcanzar este propósito se desarrolló un Análisis Sistemático de Literatura por medio de un estudio de enfoque cuali-cuantitativo, apoyado en la investigación de tipo descriptiva, tomado como población a 6 funerarias, pymes, aplicando el instrumento de recolección de información al encargado del área contable de la empresa. Los hallazgos permiten evidenciar el bajo grado de cumplimiento de la normatividad en materia de adopción de las NIIF por parte de las funerarias de Villavicencio, pese a que existe una buena percepción generalizada de la norma internacional; Resultados con los cuales se formularon recomendaciones que viabilicen la implementación de las NIFF en la población objeto de estudio

    Autonomía y Participación: Los Retos de la Educación Virtual

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    The autonomy of students in virtual classes has been a challenge since virtual education took place because of the current pandemic situation, bringing new challenges to educational workers. This article is derived from the secondary school practice experience of a group of students from a public university in Bogotá; the researchers of this study present the preliminary results of the ongoing practicum experience subject. It will present the importance of autonomy in the virtual educational context and how it affects the development of classes. This is qualitative research, a case study; the data were collected through field notes and class observations from seven secondary school groups. Findings suggest that participation is a chief variable in virtual class development and the challenges that teachers face are gaining a permanent place in the current educational reality.La autonomía de los estudiantes en las clases virtuales ha sido un reto desde que se implementó la educación virtual debido a la pandemia, lo que ha planteado nuevos desafíos a los educadores. Este artículo surge de la experiencia de práctica de secundaria de un grupo de estudiantes de una universidad pública de Bogotá; los investigadores de este estudio presentan los resultados preliminares de su práctica en curso. Se presentará la importancia de la autonomía en el contexto de la virtualidad y cómo afecta el desarrollo de las clases. Este estudio es una investigación cualitativa, un estudio de caso; los datos se recogieron mediante diarios de campo y observaciones de clases de siete grupos en secundaria. Los resultados sugieren que la participación es una variable principal en el desarrollo de las clases y que los desafíos que enfrentan los profesores están ganando un lugar permanente en la realidad educativa

    Microfluidic‐assisted blade coating of compositional libraries for combinatorial applications: the case of organic photovoltaics

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    Microfluidic technologies are highly adept at generating controllable compositional gradients in fluids, a feature that has accelerated the understanding of the importance of chemical gradients in biological processes. That said, the development of versatile methods to generate controllable compositional gradients in the solid‐state has been far more elusive. The ability to produce such gradients would provide access to extensive compositional libraries, thus enabling the high‐throughput exploration of the parametric landscape of functional solids and devices in a resource‐, time‐, and cost‐efficient manner. Herein, the synergic integration of microfluidic technologies is reported with blade coating to enable the controlled formation of compositional lateral gradients in solution. Subsequently, the transformation of liquid‐based compositional gradients into solid‐state thin films using this method is demonstrated. To demonstrate efficacy of the approach, microfluidic‐assisted blade coating is used to optimize blending ratios in organic solar cells. Importantly, this novel technology can be easily extended to other solution processable systems that require the formation of solid‐state compositional lateral gradients