3,463 research outputs found

    Pitx2; un viaje desde la regulación embrionaria a la arritmogenésis cardiaca

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    Conferenciante invitado al ciclo de conferencias del Máster en Biología Celular y MolecularNuestra línea de investigación se ha centrado en diseccionar el papel funcional de factor de transcripción Pitx2 durante en desarrollo cardiovascular y también la miogenesis esquelética. Más recientemente hemos descubierto el papel esencial de este factor de transcripción en procesos regenerativos y como controlador en la expresión y función de distintos microRNAs. Estos resultados han permitido desarrollar y registrar un patente sobre el uso de microRNAs en cardiopatías arritmogénicas y en la actualidad hemos sometido una segunda patente. En la actualidad encamínanos nuestros esfuerzos por tanto en dilucidar el papel funcional de los microRNAs en el contexto muscular, tanto esquelético como cardiaco.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    3D-COFORM: Making 3D documentation an everyday choice for the cultural heritage sector

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    [EN] This paper provides an overview of the 3D-COFORM project which began in December 2008 and aims to advance the state-of-the-art in 3D-digitsation and make 3D-documentation an everyday practical choice for digital documentation campaigns in the cultural heritage sector.The research has received funding from the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement n° 231809.Pitzalis, D.; Kaminski, J.; Niccolucci, F. (2011). 3D-COFORM: Making 3D documentation an everyday choice for the cultural heritage sector. Virtual Archaeology Review. 2(4):145-146. https://doi.org/10.4995/var.2011.4571OJS1451462

    Creación de una empresa distribuidora de carne de avestruz en la ciudad de Bogotá D.C.

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    102 páginas : ilustraciones, gráficos, fotografías.The ostrich meat trading project "AVESTRUZ DISTRIBUIDORA DE CARNES GOURMET" was born with the purpose of offering Colombian consumers an alternative of healthy eating, for which a detailed study was made of the effective possibility of execution, ensuring the generation of the expected income. "AVESTRUZ DISTRIBUIDORA DE CARNES GOURMET" offers a new product, with nutritional benefits that promotes new trends in food consumption and takes up activities such as dining at family and most important, within everyone's reach. Ostrich meat is one of the healthiest meats, its appearance is similar to beef, but somewhat sweeter and with less fat and cholesterol; for every 100 grams of meat, the fat content barely reaches 1.6 grams, even less than in a chicken breast, and cholesterol ranges between 40 and 50 mg. This nutritious aspect, together with its protein content equivalent to that of other meats of habitual consumption, which makes that it is considered a very healthy product, which fits within the current nutritional recommendations. This is an ambitious project, with the security of the positive impact it will generate in Colombian homes.El proyecto comercializadora de carne de avestruz "AVESTRUZ DISTRIBUIDORA DE CARNES GOURMET" nace con el objeto de brindar a los consumidores colombianos una alternativa de alimentación saludable, para el cual se realizó un estudio detallado de la posibilidad efectiva de ejecución, asegurando la generación de los ingresos esperados. "AVESTRUZ DISTRIBUIDORA DE CARNES GOURMET" ofrece un producto nuevo, con beneficios nutricionales que promueve nuevas tendencias de consumo alimenticio y retoma actividades como cenar en casa y en familia y lo más importante, al alcance de todos. La carne de avestruz es una de las carnes más saludables, su aspecto es similar a la carne de vacuno, pero algo más dulce y con menos grasa y colesterol; por cada 100 gramos de carne, el contenido de grasa apenas llega a 1,6 gramos, incluso menos que en una pechuga de pollo, y el colesterol oscila entre 40 y 50 mg. Este aspecto nutritivo, junto a su contenido proteico equivalente al de otras carnes de consumo habitual, lo que hace que se le considere un producto muy sano, que encaja dentro de las recomendaciones nutricionales actuales. Este es un proyecto ambicioso, pero con la seguridad del impacto positivo que generara en los hogares colombianos.Especialista en GerenciaEspecializació

    Synthesis and Characterization of Elongated-Shaped Silver Nanoparticles as a Biocompatible Anisotropic SERS Probe for Intracellular Imaging: Theoretical Modeling and Experimental Verification

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    Progress in the field of biocompatible SERS nanoparticles has promising prospects for biomedical applications. In this work, we have developed a biocompatible Raman probe by combining anisotropic silver nanoparticles with the dye rhodamine 6G followed by subsequent coating with bovine serum albumin. This nanosystem presents strong SERS capabilities in the near infrared (NIR) with a very high (2.7 × 107) analytical enhancement factor. Theoretical calculations reveal the effects of the electromagnetic and chemical mechanisms in the observed SERS effect for this nanosystem. Finite element method (FEM) calculations showed a considerable near field enhancement in NIR. Using density functional quantum chemical calculations, the chemical enhancement mechanism of rhodamine 6G by interaction with the nanoparticles was probed, allowing us to calculate spectra that closely reproduce the experimental results. The nanosystem was tested in cell culture experiments, showing cell internalization and also proving to be completely biocompatible, as no cell death was observed. Using a NIR laser, SERS signals could be detected even from inside cells, proving the applicability of this nanosystem as a biocompatible SERS probe.España, Regional Ministry of Economy, Junta de Andalucía, P07-FQM-02595 (to CC), P10-FQM-06615 (to JMOM), P10-CTS-6928 (to DP) and PAIDI2020 Program (FQM319 to RFM and CTS677 to DP)Junta de Andalucía, PI-0070/2008 (to PZ) and PI-0068/2008 (to DP

    Determination of Valanis model parameters in a bolted lap joint: Experimental and numerical analyses of frictional dissipation

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    In this work, Valanis model parameters, and their variation with bolt preload, were determined for a bolted lap joint, which consisted in two steel plates held together by a metric 12 screw. For this purpose, a series of transitory non-linear analyses were performed on the basis of a three dimensional finite element model of the bolted lap joint subjected to varying bolt preloads and tangential displacements. Curve fitting of hysteresis cycles obtained from numerical simulations allowed determination of Valanis model parameters as well as assessment of bolt preload influence on these parameters. In addition, the present numerical simulations provided information about the evolution of the contact state from stick to slip regimes between the bolted plates, reflecting the non-linear behaviour of the joint. Quasi-static tests at several preloads and tangential displacements conditions were conducted to validate Valanis model parameters previously obtained from numerical simulations. The present findings provided detailed information about the evolution of the aforementioned Valanis parameters with bolt preload. Thus, we confirmed that equivalent stiffness values corresponding to the macro-slip regime as well as the upper limit of the sticking regime (Et and σ0, respectively) are highly influenced by bolt preload levels. These results may prove useful to appropriately design bolted joints to be used under specific stiffness and damping criteria, and therefore reducing the vibration response of the joint.This work has been funded with project MYCT/FEDER Ref. BIA2006-15266-C02-02, and by Diputación General de Aragón (Grant no. G.C.I.A. 2011.T67).Peer Reviewe

    La administración y la crisis en salud

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    La trascendencia y necesidad imperiosa de que los profesionales de la medicina, a quienes regularmente compete dirigir las diferentes unidades administrativas y de senuicios en nuestro Sistema Nacional de Salud, se capaciten para la adecuada formulación, desarrollo y control de los planes y programas sectoriales, es, a no dudarlo, una responsabilidad prioritaria de todo centro de formación de médicos. Para nadie es un secreto, el que, buena parte d ela agobiante crisis hospitalaria que afronta Colommia, obedece a un inadecuado manejo administrativo de los recursos, muchas veces cuantiosos, que se asignan o recaudan en dichos centros, al no responder su inversión a unas prioridades que deben detectarse mediante un diagnóstico juicioso, lo mismo que al no ser ordenados siguiendo normas de acción claras y predeterminadas, única forma de aspirar al logro de objetivos, cuyo planteamiento debe ser, igualmente, reflexivo, concreto, realista y con un máximo de especificidad

    An Exploratory Study of the Curricular Integration of Ethics in Executive Mba Programs

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    An Exploratory Study of the Curricular Integration of Ethics in Executive MBA Programs News headlines of corporate scandals have unleashed a contentious debate of whether or not graduate management education has contributed to corporate collapses and the resultant financial crisis. In particular, questions abound as to the willingness of Executive MBA program (EMBA) administrators and faculty to integrate ethics into the curriculum. A sizable amount of research has been conducted and published on the curricular integration of ethics in graduate management education. Unfortunately, very little is known about the curricular integration of ethics in EMBA programs. Over time, the number and popularity of EMBA programs have grown. Executive MBA programs--by the nature of their admission requirements attract a diverse range of working professionals. And as such, enrollment in EMBA programs is generally of corporate executives, managers, and other business leaders who have many years of professional or managerial experience. Career paths of EMBA program graduates will vary as the career paths of most graduates but those who choose to continue their careers in management and reach the executive rank have the potential to make decisions that may have a deep and penetrating effect which ripples across the globe, often times reaching seismic proportions. Given the potential impact of unethical decision-making of EMBA graduates on global economies, it is paramount that a closer look be taken at the curricular integration of ethics in EMBA programs. The research conducted in this study includes a documentary examination of seven U.S. Executive MBA programs, which are accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB). The purpose of the study is to investigate to what extent and in what ways Executive MBA programs are designed to address ethical decision-making for business executives who matriculate in these programs. To that end, this study seeks to identify ethics-related knowledge, skills, and dispositions associated with Executive MBA programs such that graduates acquire the tools needed to ensure--to the extent possible--appropriate ethical decision-making

    Las voces escindidas VIII

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    Preferred music effect on human brain using functional near-infrared spectroscopy

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    The following thesis develops a scientific experiment in the field of neuroscience, applicable to the innovative world of neuromarketing and even also applicable in the clinical psychological field. The aim of the research is to determine if the music preferred by a subject generates different brain activity in the prefrontal cortex of the brain compared to classical music or white noise. To do this, an experiment has been done with 11 subjects, who have listened to different audio tracks without any distraction. The methods used in this study have been, on the one hand, functional near-infrared spectroscopy to obtain the data of the subjects and, on the other hand, a statistical analysis of variances in the means. Previously, the data has been preprocessed using lowpass and highpass filters and moving averages. Both the preprocessing and the analysis have been carried out using the statistical software R. The statistical results of the study show different activity generated in the prefrontal cortex by the preferred music to classical music or to the resting status. However, at a qualitative level, a similar behaviour has been observed in subjects under the stimulus of preferred music or white noise. The most important conclusion that has been obtained is the clear reduction of brain activity when subjects have been under classical music stimulus. Future studies should be conducted in order to determine the effect of white noise on the brain, as well as that of an unpleasant sound compared to a pleasant one.Outgoin