178 research outputs found

    Hermenêutica da Razoabilidade e da Proporcionalidade na Common Law e na Civil Law

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    The present study analyses reasonableness and proportionality in Common and Civil Law, considering, for their distinction, specific differences in judicial decisions in England, the United States and Brazil. It presents the structure of those legal systems, a historical contextualization and the conceptual and empiric distinction of reasonableness and proportionalityKey words: comparative law, legal hermeneutics, reasonableness, proportionality, Common Law, Civil Law.O presente artigo analisa a Razoabilidade e a Proporcionalidade nas esferas da Common Law e da Civil Law, considerando, para o cotejo, averiguações jurisprudenciais pontuais da Inglaterra, dos Estados Unidos e do Brasil. São apresentadas noções estruturais dos referidos sistemas jurídicos, a contextualização histórica e as distinções conceituais e empíricas da razoabilidade e da proporcionalidade.Palavras-chave: Direito comparado, hermenêutica jurídica, Razoabilidade, Proporcionalidade, Common Law, Civil Law.


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    “Versos Quentes e Baiões de Viola: Cantorias e Cantadores do/no Nordeste Brasileiro no Século XX” (EDUFCG, 279 páginas) by historian and Post-doctorate in ethnomusicology Francisco José Gomes Damasceno, provides an overview and detailed consideration of the aspect of singing viola in northeastern Brazil during the twentieth century, dialogue with important names in popular culture as northeastern, Cascudo, Leonardo Mota, Elba Ramalho Braga, among others. The author seeks to give importance to production and cultural knowledge dedicating his gaze to that object often overlooked and undervalued by the "intellectual strata" of society.“Versos Quentes e Baiões de Viola: Cantorias e Cantadores do/no Nordeste Brasileiro no Século XX” (EDUFCG, 279 páginas) do historiador e Pós-doutor em etnomusicologia Francisco José Gomes Damasceno, traz uma reflexão panorâmica e aprofundada sobre o aspecto da cantoria de viola no nordeste brasileiro durante o século vinte, dialogando com importantes nomes da cultura popular nordestina como, Câmara Cascudo, Leonardo Mota, Elba Braga Ramalho, entre outros. O autor busca dar importância à produção e ao saber cultural dedicando seu olhar a esse objeto muitas vezes esquecido e desvalorizado pelas “camadas intelectuais” da sociedade

    Hypotension Aggravated by Dopamine in a Dog Under Isoflurane Anesthesia

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    Background: Hypotension (MAP < 60 mmHg) is the most common complication in anesthetic practice and has been identified in 38% of canine patients undergoing general anesthesia for variety of procedures. Normalization of arterial pressure can usually be achieved by decreases in inhalant anesthetic concentrations, fluid administration, and use of inotropes/vasopressors in healthy animals (ASA I) or animals with mild systemic disease (ASA anesthetic risk II). The present report shows an ASA II dog with severe hypotensive crisis [mean arterial pressure (MAP) < 50 mmHg] during general anesthesia, in which the procedure was aborted because hypotension was aggravated by dopamine.Case: A 7-year-old male Bull Terrier was anesthetized for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of a tumor in the face. After intramuscular acepromazine (0.01 mg/kg) and meperidine (3 mg/kg), anesthesia was induced with intravenous (IV) ketamine (1 mg/kg) and propofol (2.3 mg/kg) and maintained with isoflurane in oxygen. Ten min after induction of anesthesia MAP was 45 mmHg, while end-tidal isoflurane (ETISO) concentration was 0.5%. End-tidal isoflurane was decreased to 0.3% and an IV bolus of Lactated Ringer’s was initiated (15 mL/kg over 10 min), followed by two ephedrine boluses (0.1mg/kg, IV) administered 5 min apart. MAP remained low (< 50 mmHg) and dopamine constant rate infusion (CRI) was initiated (7.5 μg/kg/min). Ten minutes after dopamine CRI was commenced, MAP was further decreased to 25-22 mmHg. Dopamine CRI was increased to 10 μg/kg/min, but MAP remained < 25 mmHg. Infusion drugs and isoflurane anesthesia were stopped. After the animal was extubated MAP returned 60-70 mmHg.Discussion: Among the drugs used, isoflurane is known for decreasing blood pressure in a dose-related manner because of its vasodilating properties. Hypotension is rarely associated with low end-tidal isoflurane concentrations (0.3-0.5%) in animals that do not present previous evidence of circulatory dysfunction. Acepromazine may have contributed to the hypotensive actions of isoflurane in the case reported here because of its vasodilating effects. Acepromazine has prolonged plasma half-life (7 h) and might also have contributed to the lack efficacy of ephedrine to treat hypotension. Aggravation of hypotension (MAP decreased from 45-50 mmHg to approximately 25 mmHg) by dopamine was unexpected. Aggravation of hypotension during administration of vasopressor doses of dopamine could be related to the activation of the cardiopulmonarychemoreflex (CCR), previously known with the eponym Bezold-Jarisch reflex or due to a prevalence of dopamine´s vasodilatory effects (dopaminergic receptor stimulation) and failure of this drug in promiting increased CO and SVR at the dose ranges used (7.5 to 10 μg/kg/min).. The CCR involves activation of mechano and baroreceptors in the heart, by inotropes such as dopamine and dobutamine. This activation originates vagal afferent impulses to the nucleus tractus solitarii of the spinal cord, which in turn originates parasympathetic afferent impulses to the heart. The consequence is an increase in parasympathetic outflow and decreased sympathetic activity, ultimately producing bradycardia, hypotension, or both.Keywords: acepromazine, Bezold-Jarish reflex, cardiopulmonary chemoreflex, canine, inotropes

    Laryngeal Leishmaniasis

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    INTRODUCTION: Leishmaniasis is classified into three clinical presentations: visceral, coetaneous and mucocutaneous. The latter is usually secondary to hematogenous spread after months or years of skin infection and can manifest as infiltrative lesions, ulcerated or vegetating in nose, pharynx, larynx and mouth, associated or not with ganglionics infarction. Laryngeal involvement is part of the differential diagnosis of lesions in this topography as nonspecific chronic laryngitis, granulomatosis and even tumors of the upper aerodigestive tract presenting atypical evolution. Sometimes it is difficult for the correct diagnosis of Leishmaniasis, with description of cases in the literature were conducted improperly. OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study is to report a case of laryngeal Leishmaniasis addressing the difficulty of diagnosis, complications and treatment applied. CASE REPORT: A patient with pain throat, dysphagia, odynophagia, dysphonia and weight loss, with no improvement with symptomatic medication. At telelaringoscopy, infiltrative lesion showed nodular supraglottis. He underwent a tracheotomy for airway obstruction and biopsy with immunohistochemical study for a definitive diagnosis of laryngeal Leishmaniasis. The patient was referred to the infectious diseases that initiated treatment with N-methylglucamine antimoniate with satisfactory response to therapy. FINAL COMMENTS: Faced with a clinical suspicion of granulomatous diseases, it is essential to follow protocol laboratory evaluation associated with histological injury, to get a precise definition etiological without prolonging the time of diagnosis. Medical treatment for mucosal Leishmaniasis, recommended by the World Health Organization, was adequate in the case of laryngeal disorders, with complete resolution of symptoms.INTRODUÇÃO: A leishmaniose é classificada em três apresentações clínicas: visceral, cutânea e mucocutânea. Esta última geralmente é secundária à disseminação hematogênica após meses ou anos de infecção cutânea e pode manifestar-se com lesões infiltrativas, ulceradas ou vegetantes em nariz, faringe, laringe e boca, associadas ou não à enfartamento ganglionar. O acometimento laríngeo faz parte do diagnóstico diferencial de lesões nesta topografia como laringites crônicas inespecíficas, granulomatoses e mesmo tumores das vias aerodigestivas superiores que apresentam evolução atípica. Por vezes, encontra-se dificuldade no diagnóstico correto da leishmaniose, com descrição de casos na literatura que foram conduzidos de forma inadequada. OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste trabalho é relatar um caso de leishmaniose laríngea abordando sua dificuldade diagnóstica, complicações e terapêutica aplicada. RELATO DE CASO: Paciente com quadro de dor de garganta, disfagia, odinofagia, disfonia e perda ponderal, sem melhora com medicação sintomática. À telelaringoscopia, apresentava lesão infiltrativa nodular em supraglote. Foi submetido à traqueostomia por obstrução de via aérea e biópsia da lesão com estudo imunohistoquímico para definição diagnóstica de leishmaniose laríngea. O paciente foi encaminhado à infectologia que iniciou tratamento com antimoniato de N-metilglucamina, com resposta satisfatória à terapêutica. COMENTÁRIOS FINAIS: Diante de quadros clínicos com suspeição de doenças granulomatosas, é fundamental seguir protocolo de avaliação laboratorial associado à estudo histológico da lesão, para conseguir uma definição etiológica precisa sem prolongar o tempo de diagnóstico. O tratamento medicamentoso para leishmaniose mucosa, preconizado pela Organização Mundial de Saúde, mostrou-se adequado no caso de afecção laríngea, com melhora completa dos sintomas.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Departamento de Otorrinolaringologia e Cirurgia de Cabeça e PescoçoUNIFESP, Depto. de Otorrinolaringologia e Cirurgia de Cabeça e PescoçoSciEL

    Tratamento alternativo de feridas de papilas mamárias de vacas através do emprego de membrana biológica (Biofill)

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    This work evaluated the healing of experimentally provoked wounds in the tits of 16 nonlactant cows, by using a biological membrane that temporarily substitutes the skin, and by comparing it with the treatment with ointment. In each cow, the membrane was placed over the wound in the front tit of the right side, and the treatment with ointment was done in the hind tit of the right side, too. Clinical observations and histological analyses were performed on the 3rd, 7th, 14th and 28th days after the inflicting of the wound. From the observations it was possible to verify that tits treated with the biological membrane healed one week before those in the ointment-treated group. Furthermore the utilization of the biological membrane enables less frequent dressings.Neste trabalho, avaliou-se a evolução cicatricial de feridas provocadas experimentalmente em papilas mamárias de 16 vacas não lactentes, através do emprego de uma membrana biológica que substitui temporariamente a pele, comparando-a com tratamento à base de pomada epitelizante. Em cada animal, a membrana foi colocada na ferida da papila mamária anterior direita e o tratamento com pomada foi realizado na papila mamária posterior direita. Foram feitas observações clínicas e análise histológica no 39, 7S, 14s e 28s dias do pós-operatório. Das observações realizadas, verificou-se que as papilas tratadas com a membrana biológica cicatrizaram com uma semana de antecedência, quando comparadas às controle (pomada epitelizante). A utilização da membrana biológica permitiu ainda uma redução nafreqüência de curativos

    Dexmedetomidine-Tiletamine-Zolazepam Followed by Inhalant Anesthesia in Spectacled Bears (Tremarctos ornatus)

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    Background: The spectacled bear (Tremarctos ornatus) is the only bear species inhabiting South America and is classified as vulnerable according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List. Among the few publications on the use of general anesthesia and advanced monitoring of ursids in veterinary hospital settings, little is described regarding chemical restraint, general anesthesia and monitoring of spectacled bears. This case series describes the use of a dexmedetomidine-tiletamine-zolazepam chemical restraint combination and its effects on cardiorespiratory variables and arterial blood gases observed in two spectacled bears submitted to isoflurane anesthesia for imaging and/or surgical procedures.Cases: Two female, one adult and one senile, all-term captive spectacled bears were referred to the Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital at the Universidade Estadual Paulista - Unesp, Botucatu campus, both with a presumable history of recent trauma. After immobilization with an intramuscular (IM) administration of tiletamine-zolazepam (3.8 - 4.3 mg/kg) and dexmedetomidine (6.4 - 7.6 µg/kg), anesthesia induction was achieved by means of intravenous (IV) propofol (1 - 2 mg/kg). The patients then underwent isoflurane inhalant anesthesia and were submitted to intermittent positive-pressure ventilation through the remainder of the procedures. Initial settings of inspiratory flow rate were adjusted to obtain Ppeak of 10 cmH2O and tidal volumes (Vt) of 10 mL/kg, as well as respiratory rates (ƒR)and inspiration-to-expiration (I:E) ratio of 10 breaths/min and 1:2, respectively, and were then adjusted throughout anesthesia to maintain normocapnia (end-tidal carbon dioxide concentrations between35 and 45 mmHg). One of the individuals was chemically restrained (6.4 mg/kg of tiletamine-zolazepam and 7.7 µg/kg of dexmedetomidine) on a second anesthetic event for imaging procedures. Arterial blood gas analysis were performed with the subjects breathing room air and oxygen-enriched air. Both animals exhibited severe hypoxemia (partial pressure of oxygen [PaO2] &lt; 60 mmHg) while breathing room air (inspired oxygen fraction [FiO2] ≅ 0.21). An impaired blood oxygenation (PaO2/FiO2 &lt; 400) was still observed despite mechanical ventilation and the provision of 1.0 FiO2. Alveolar recruitment maneuvers (3 sequential mechanical sights with peak airway pressure at 20 - 30 cmH2O during 15 - 30 s each) were then performed, which resulted in improved PaO2/FiO2 ratios. All other blood gas, electrolytes and acid-base variables did not appear to be importantly altered by chemical restraint and general anesthesia.Discussion: Dexmedetomidine-tiletamine-zolazepam resulted in reliable chemical restraints and is a feasible option for immobilizing spectacled bears, though severe hypoxemia may proceed. Hypoxemia is the most commonly described complication in bear anesthesia, and was also evidenced in the current report. However, low PaO2/FiO2 ratios tend to be accompanied by hypercapnia and therefore counteracted by oxygen supplementation in bears, which was not observed in the present report. In fact, blood oxygenation only reached regular values after alveolar recruitment maneuvers, which is compatible to an atelectasis-related hypoxemia. Therefore, either inhalant anesthesia or field chemical restraint should be accompanied by advanced monitoring (cardiorespiratory variables and blood gas analysis) in until further studies address the management of hypoxemia in spectacled bear. since Advanced monitoring was of major importance for a safe outcome and an uneventful recovery in this species.Keywords: balanced anesthesia, dexmedetomidine, general anesthesia, spectacled bear, Tremarctos ornatus, wildlife

    A Filosofia no sertão: da formação de professores à Filosofia no Ensino Médio

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    En este artículo, escrito a tres manos, queremos hablar sobre la presencia de la Universidade do Estado de Rio Grande do Norte-UERN en Caicó - RN y, específicamente, hablar de la formación de maestros para la filosofía en la escuela secundaria. Dividiremos el texto en tres momentos: el primero, traza la historia de la presencia de UERN en Caicó. En el segundo, analizaremos los aspectos más relevantes de la enseñanza de filosofía en la escuela secundaria. Por último, vamos a presentar los efectos del Programa Institucional de Bolsas de Iniciação à Docência-PIBID, principal programa en Brasil para fortalecimiento al fortalecimiento de la formación docente.No presente artigo, escrito a três mãos, pretendemos falar sobre a presença da Universidade do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte-UERN em Caicó-RN e, de modo mais específico, sobre a formação de professores para o componente curricular “filosofia no Ensino Médio” no Curso de Filosofia do Campus Caicó. Dividiremos o texto em três momentos: no primeiro, buscaremos traçar a história da presença da UERN em Caicó. No segundo momento, analisaremos os aspectos mais relevantes do componente curricular “filosofia no Ensino Médio”. Por fim, apresentaremos os impactos do Programa Institucional de Bolsas de Iniciação à Docência-PIBID, principal programa que vem fortalecendo as licenciaturas no Brasil, na formação docente em Filosofia no Campus Caicó

    Echocardiographic assessment of myocardial infarction evolution in young and adult rats

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    BACKGROUND: The regeneration of cardiomyocytes after a myocardial infarction (MI) is more evident in young animals; however, it is not known whether it is associated with functional improvement. OBJECTIVE: To perform the functional analysis by echocardiography (echo) of young adult rats submitted to MI. METHODS: Seventy-two animals were included in the study: 35 young rats (group Y) that were 28 days old and 37 adult rats (group A) that were 153 days old. The rats were subdivided in two subgroups: infarcted (YI and AI) and control (YC and AC). The animals were assessed by echocardiogram on the 7thand 30th postoperative days for the analysis of the ejection fraction (EF) and the final systolic (FSV) and diastolic volume (FDV) of the left ventricle. Only animals with EF < 40% were included in the study. RESULTS: The comparison of the FDV and FSV between infarcted and control animals showed that there was a significant increase in infarcted adult animals at the two analyzed phases. Among young animals only the FSV was significantly higher on the 7th day. The intragroup evolution analysis showed an increase in FDV and FSV in the two young subgroups, which was proportional to growth and only increase in FDV in the infarcted adult group. There was an improvement in EF in young rats, whereas EF remained decreased in adult rats when compared to controls. CONCLUSION: The infarcted young rats presented improvement in the systolic function and ventricular volumes 30 days after the infarction, whereas the adult rats presented increased FDV with no improvement in systolic function.FUNDAMENTO: A regeneração dos cardiomiócitos após o infarto do miocárdio (IM) é mais evidente em animais jovens; entretanto, não se sabe se é acompanhada de melhora funcional. OBJETIVO: Realizar a análise funcional pela ecocardiografia (eco) de ratos jovens e adultos submetidos a IM. MÉTODOS: Setenta e dois animais foram incluídos no estudo: 35 ratos jovens (grupo J) com 28 dias, e 37 ratos adultos (grupo A) com 153 dias. Os ratos foram subdivididos em dois subgrupos: infartado (JI e AI) e controle (JC e AC). Os animais foram avaliados por meio de ecocardiograma no 7º e 30º dias de pós-operatório para análise da fração de ejeção (FE) e dos volumes sistólico (VSF) e diastólico (VDF) finais do ventrículo esquerdo. Foram incluídos no grupo de estudo somente animais com FE menor que 40%. RESULTADOS: Na comparação dos VDF e VSF entre infartados e controles, observou-se aumento significativo nos animais adultos infartados nas duas fases analisadas. Nos animais jovens, apenas o VSF, no 7º dia, foi significativamente maior. Na evolução intragrupo, observou-se aumento do VDF e do VSF nos dois subgrupos jovens, proporcional ao crescimento, e somente aumento do VDF no grupo adulto infartado. Houve melhora da FE nos ratos jovens, enquanto nos ratos adultos a FE permaneceu diminuída em relação aos controles. CONCLUSÃO: Os ratos jovens infartados apresentaram melhora da função sistólica e dos volumes ventriculares após 30 dias do infarto, enquanto nos ratos adultos houve aumento do VDF sem melhora da função sistólica.Pontifícia Universidade Católica do ParanáUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)UNIFESPSciEL

    Effects of Whole-Body Vibration in Hematobiochemical and Hemogasometric Parameters in Adult and Elderly Healthy Dogs

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    Background: Whole-Body Vibration (WBV) consists of mechanical vibration stimuli produced that propagate throughout the body by increasing the gravitational load. The WBV can increase muscle mass in dogs with muscular atrophy. As Whole-body vibration (WBV) can be used as exercise modality with no impact on the joints, the present study aimed to evaluate the effects of single session of WBV in hematobiochemical and hemogasometric parameters in adult and elderly healthy dogs. Materials, Methods & Results: Fourteen clinically healthy, neutered crossbreed male dogs, non-athlete were selected. The dogs were divided into two groups of seven dogs, according to the age group: Group I - adult dogs (GI): age between 12.0 and 84.0 months old; Group II - elderly dogs (GII): age above 84.0 months old. All dogs were submitted to a single session WBV by using a vibrating platform that delivered a vortex wave circulation as mechanical vibration. The WBV protocol used was 30 Hz frequency (3.10 mm peak displacement; 11.16 m/s2 peak acceleration; 0.29 m/s velocity), then 50 Hz (3.98 mm peak displacement; 39.75 m/s2 peak acceleration; 0.62 m/s velocity), and lastly 30 Hz (3.10 mm peak displacement; 11.16 m/s2 peak acceleration; 0.29 m/s velocity) for 5-min between de frequencies. The hematobiochemical and hemagasometric parameters were evaluated at 1-min before the WBV session (1PRE), 1-min after the WBV session (1POST), 120-min (120POST) and 24 hours after the WBV session (24hPOST). The dogs accepted well the vibration stimulus, however, elderly dogs weighting above 30 kg were more likely to sit down with increased frequency from 30 to 50 Hz. No variations of food and water intakes and gastrointestinal changes were observed after the WBV session. Hemoglobin values showed significant decrease (P = 0.0312) between 1PRE and 1POST in elderly dogs. A significant decrease (P = 0.0453) was observed in alanine aminotransferase values between 120POST and 14hPOST in adult dogs. Creatinine values had a statically decrease (P = 0.0173) between 1PRE and 24hPOST in adult dogs. However, these values remained within the reference range for dogs. Discussion: According to the literature, there are no studies related to the effects of WBV in haematobiochemical and hemogasometric parameters in adult and elderly dogs. No deleterious effects regarding to a single session of WBV were observed, however harmful effects were observed in human patients. The elderly dogs with body mass above 30 kg tried to sit during the increased frequency from 30 to 50 Hz, which was associated with the pressure exerted in their paws. No significant differences were observed in erythrogram and leukogram parameters except for hemoglobin values. Significant decline was observed in hemoglobin values in adult Beagle dogs; and were associated with hemolysis. The significant decrease in alanine aminotransferase and creatinine values did not have clinical significance. No significant alterations were identified in hemogasometric parameters but slight increase in pH values was observed in horses subjected to a 60 km run, and was associated to the loss of Cl ions in sweat. The single session of WBV by using a vibrating platform that delivered a vortex wave circulation, at 30 and 50 Hz frequencies for 5 min did not induced significant changes in hematobiochemical and hemogasometric parameters in adults and elderly healthy dogs

    Toxicity and Anti-promastigote Activity of Benzoxazinoid Analogs Against Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis and Leishmania (Leishmania) infantum

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    Purpose: Here, we aim to evaluate the antileishmanial activity of compounds with a benzoxazinoid (BX) skeleton, previously synthesized by our group, against Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis and Leishmania (Leishmania) infantum promastigotes. Methods: Anti-promastigote activity, as well as cytotoxicity, were determined using the 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) colorimetric assays. The selectivity index (SI) for each compound was calculated using a ratio of the cytotoxicity of compounds and the geometric mean (GM) of antileishmanial concentrations to each species tested. The comparisons between groups were carried out using a t test or analysis of variance (one-way ANOVA). A P value of less than 0.05 was considered significant. Results: All the compounds tested were active, with IC50 falling between 92 +/- 6.19 mu g/mL and 238 +/- 6.57 mu g/mL for L. braziliensis, and 89 +/- 6.43 mu g/mL and 188 +/- 3.58 mu g/mL against L. infantum. Bex2, Bex3, Pyr1, Pyr2, and Pyr4 were compounds that showed activity similar to the drug Glucantime (R), exhibited low cytotoxicity against splenic hamster cells (CC50 raging between >400 and 105.7 +/- 2.26 mu g/mL) and had favorable selectivity indices (SI 1.12 to 3.96). Conclusion: The analogs in question are promising prototypes for the pharmaceutical development of novel, safer and more effective leishmanicidal agents